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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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But keep in mind that in no way is it morally corrupt or hypocritical for a Jedi character to save him and do their utmost to heal him. Jedi are guardians of life. They're not executioners or judges.





Sure. As long as playerchar does their saving and healing on personal level, visiting Arcann's cell or death row. I think that would have been really cool LS path as well. Couple of long conversations and NPC mails, handshake, "I've forgiven you" and making sure he dies at peace. Or is happily locked away everafter,or w/e Republic court does to villains of this magnitude.


Standing between Arcann and Republic/Imperial/etc justice is corrupt, selfish and purely evil of playerchar. Basically, by offering him a place in Alliance, playerchar keeps Arcann in limbo of sorts, beyond the reach of Empire/Republic/justice system. Maybe it isn't place of jedi to be the judge, but it certainly isn't place of jedi to be active in preventing justice from happening either. Which absolutely is precisely what playerchar is doing, due to lips being so kissable.


LS Jedi shielding Arcann from law is basically a very accurate image of Jedi from Sith propaghanda; arbirtary selfish and self serving decisions, even acting as judge over who lives, who dies all covered in poorly applied makeup of morals. Imagine what a massive god complex is required from playerchar, to genuinely believe it is for him/her to forgive Arcann and gift him some redemption! Dude wiped out immeasurable amounts of people. It isn't something for playerchar to forgive. It goes way beyond playerchar.


Following "its no problem you cutiepie:)" - path with Arcann is great actually, if one plays a fallen DS Jedi, corrupt agent, or typical Sith etc. None of the LS options available here amount to " doing the right thing" though.

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Standing between Arcann and Republic/Imperial/etc justice is corrupt, selfish and purely evil of playerchar. Basically, by offering him a place in Alliance, playerchar keeps Arcann in limbo of sorts, beyond the reach of Empire/Republic/justice system. Maybe it isn't place of jedi to be the judge, but it certainly isn't place of jedi to be active in preventing justice from happening either. Which absolutely is precisely what playerchar is doing, due to lips being so kissable.


The Jedi serve the Living Force above any government. That's made pretty clear in several class stories where you can choose to save and redeem one war criminal after the other - and it's always the Light Side choice. It's also made clear by the Prequel Trilogy where the major reason why the Jedi Order is plummeting is because they've begun to/been manipulated to serve a government rather than the Force. So, I absolutely think that a Jedi might stand between a convict and a justice system, if they perceive that convict to be capable of redemption. Jedi should never, ever choose death unless there is absolutely no other way. By your logic, it's also corrupt and evil of the Jedi to set out to redeem Vitiate in the JK class story.

You're also assuming that the only motivation for a Jedi character who romances Arcann to keep him alive is because they're in love with him. But that's far from the only possible reason. A Jedi character could choose to keep him alive because it's in line with their philosophy and moral compass, then fall in love with him along the way (which, imo, is far closer to how it actually plays out in the game, considering that the romance doesn't start until well after he has joined the Alliance).


Although I disagree with you, I think this is a really interesting discussion because it basically boils down to how you view not only Arcann and his crimes, but the Jedi Order :) I also wouldn't mind having the Light Side path that you suggested as an option, btw. I would just personally view it as more of a "neutral" path.

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Although I disagree with you, I think this is a really interesting discussion because it basically boils down to how you view not only Arcann and his crimes, but the Jedi Order :) I also wouldn't mind having the Light Side path that you suggested as an option, btw. I would just personally view it as more of a "neutral" path.



Yeah, its always tons of fun to have these conversations..Is genuinely interesting to hear and share POVs about this stuff.:)



The Jedi serve the Living Force above any government. That's made pretty clear in several class stories where you can choose to save and redeem one war criminal after the other - and it's always the Light Side choice.




And yet, Jedi are not anarchists. At every turn, they either stand on side of Republic or within it. They operate as part of its military or as its negotiators and diplomats. Other of the two Jedi Class stories involves heavily around bringing more planets and soldiers to Republic. They might serve living force above all else, but clearly they also recognize there are laws and justice systems and criminal courts in their corners of galaxy. Maybe it is somewhat analogous to relationships with church and state in modern western real life nations. There's always some friction and overlap, but it is natural for both to stay away from turf of another when possible. If fate of the entire galaxy had been decided in some epic ethreal beyond physical real behind-the-eyes force duel between Arcann and all of the Jedi order, one can imagine secular side of Republic would have washed its hands fast enough when it comes to aftermath: " Ok lol this is space wizard tier, do whatever with him we don't get what happened anyways" However, Arcann's crimes and destructive nature didn't much manifest through force and such. He did galaxy wide genocidal stuff via very mundane and seculiar means.Orbital bombardment of occupied planets and so on. Secular justice system prolly has very clear written laws about that stuff.

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Ok I think you're missing a key point in your argument... The governments of the Empire and Republic signed treaties with the Eternal Empire. They have no right to demand Arcann for trial. They never stood against him. The Empire only tires (or joins) The Alliance after Vaylin takes the throne! Only the Alliance has the right to pass judgement on Arcann.
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And yet, Jedi are not anarchists. At every turn, they either stand on side of Republic or within it. They operate as part of its military or as its negotiators and diplomats. Other of the two Jedi Class stories involves heavily around bringing more planets and soldiers to Republic. They might serve living force above all else, but clearly they also recognize there are laws and justice systems and criminal courts in their corners of galaxy. Maybe it is somewhat analogous to relationships with church and state in modern western real life nations. There's always some friction and overlap, but it is natural for both to stay away from turf of another when possible. If fate of the entire galaxy had been decided in some epic ethreal beyond physical real behind-the-eyes force duel between Arcann and all of the Jedi order, one can imagine secular side of Republic would have washed its hands fast enough when it comes to aftermath: " Ok lol this is space wizard tier, do whatever with him we don't get what happened anyways" However, Arcann's crimes and destructive nature didn't much manifest through force and such. He did galaxy wide genocidal stuff via very mundane and seculiar means.Orbital bombardment of occupied planets and so on. Secular justice system prolly has very clear written laws about that stuff.


Oh, I agree they're definitely not anarchists. Unlike anarchists, they clearly do believe in and support the Republic government (as you said), but I would still maintain that they hold some things, especially the preservation of life and potential for redemption, more sacred than those secular laws. I view them sort of like political monks, similar to some types of Buddhism. Having said it, I think it's very difficult to find any real-world comparison that holds water because the unquestionable existence of the Force just makes such a difference to how everything would be viewed, legally and morally. If Arcann wasn't someone susceptible to the influence of the Dark Side of the Force, the whole matter would be different. I feel like such a big deal is made of his changing eye-colour in the cinematics to show us that he is controlled by something that exceeds the mundane and secular. Besides, Vitiate's crimes also did not manifest solely through the Force (he master-minded decades of war) and the Jedi (or some of them, at least) still felt that he ought to be redeemed, not turned over to the Republic.


Also, it's a minor point, but I feel it's wrong to accuse Arcann of genocide. He never set out to wipe out any specific people or civilisation. He selects those five worlds at random (or rather, lets Vaylin select them). So, you might say he is guilty of mundicide (is that the word?), but when it comes to passing moral judgment I think there is a difference there (not that it's better, necessarily, but it is one of the reasons I dislike the 'Space Hitler' slur that you used to see on the forums for him - as a tyrant, he is nothing like Hitler).


Ok I think you're missing a key point in your argument... The governments of the Empire and Republic signed treaties with the Eternal Empire. They have no right to demand Arcann for trial. They never stood against him. The Empire only tires (or joins) The Alliance after Vaylin takes the throne! Only the Alliance has the right to pass judgement on Arcann.


Moreover, The Eternal Empire is a completely new and foreign civilisation. Even if the Core World governments hadn't signed treaties with Arcann - or even if he still deserves punishment for the 5 planets he destroys according to their legal system - can you really argue that it's justice to punish someone according to laws they never signed or even knew of? It might be just in the sense of an eye for an eye, but then we're just talking revenge and I can't see any Light-Sided Jedi agreeing with that.

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Ok I think you're missing a key point in your argument... The governments of the Empire and Republic signed treaties with the Eternal Empire. They have no right to demand Arcann for trial. They never stood against him. The Empire only tires (or joins) The Alliance after Vaylin takes the throne! Only the Alliance has the right to pass judgement on Arcann.


Heh..What sort of a treaty was that? The "We hereby allow you to perform randomized indiscriminate mass murder via orbital bombartment and consider it alright ever after?" - treaty? Empire and Republic both did stand against him. They lost and surrendered. Arcann's crimes against Republic and Sith were ones oppressor gets to perform to those oppressed. Justified by might make right stuff made possible by the eternal fleet.


Few years later, Eteral Empire got entirely dissolved and its military might eviscerated. Why on earth would any self respecting government respect any kind of a treaty they were forced to make in moment of their surrender? Eteral Empire doesn't even exist anymore. Treaties(that nobody would respect anyway) are void due to other party of those treaties having enitirely disappeared from the face of the galaxy as a government. They've turned into..what?Free Peoples of Zakuul or whatnot. Obviously they don't hold any kind of power over Republic or Empire. Their military might is no more. Beyond that, they hate Arcann well enough as well I believe, and would prolly have trials of their own against him if they could. And, as a result, are prolly yet another planet among dozens who hatefully watch playerchar sheltering Arcann, the murderer of their beloved Emperor.

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Imagine how morally corrupt player character has to be to even give him this option. This fella is a mass murderer on galactic scale, bombing entire planets to ashes cause of some daddy issues. Yet, he reconnected with his mom and is liked by PlayerChar, so apparently it is all alright now. Suffering and death of millions of innocent don't matter at all, since player char, on personal level, happens to like him and his mom! I suppose this suits DS Sith playthroughs and perhaps Sith Society as a whole quite well. It is bit crazy how the option to hand him over for some well deserved execution isn't a thing. If world followed some internal logic of its own, LS Republic character forgiving Arcann would prolly cause major civil unrest, even more death, bombed planets distancing themselves from Republic...


It'd also render Playerchar such as some Jedi negotiator too morally corrupt to get anything done. "Oh, YOU of all people gonna come here lecture about justice and what is right? gg.."


I would have liked this more had BW written surviial of Arcann into a secret. Saving Arcann and shielding him from justice should have been a huge dififcult decision for the player. Lying to the world Arcann is dead, while hiding him in some Onderon cave, PC struggling with their massive hypocrisy, selfishness and moral corruption while falling to them kissable lips. It'd be a nice story about falling to DS for playerchar. Perhaps having to kill few Alliance members who discovered the truth.. Stuff like this would be a logical price and cost for "eh, I wanna keep him!"


LOL I've only played through to the first few chapters "Knights of..." and already I can see how my very capricious Sith princess Darth Occlus would spare him. "He's pretty, and, unlike Theron, knows how to choose clothes that fit him. I'll let him live."

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Heh..What sort of a treaty was that? The "We hereby allow you to perform randomized indiscriminate mass murder via orbital bombartment and consider it alright ever after?" - treaty? Empire and Republic both did stand against him. They lost and surrendered. Arcann's crimes against Republic and Sith were ones oppressor gets to perform to those oppressed. Justified by might make right stuff made possible by the eternal fleet.


It doesn't negate the fact that they signed away their rights when they surrendered and didn't formally help the Alliance! They did that not our PC's. We're not immoral for making the choice to not kill him. How do you feel about Revan? Did you kill every Master in the JK and JC class story? Nothing and I mean nothing Arcann or Vaylin did compares with what Revan did at Malachor V nd then the Republic, or what Vitiate did to Ziost.

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It doesn't negate the fact that they signed away their rights when they surrendered and didn't formally help the Alliance!



Who is the "they" here? Republic/Empire high command were the ones to sue for peace. Millions(??)of innocent on all those planets Arcann bombed had no say or part in this. Yet, they were the ones to die cause of the daddy issues. Common people. They weren't in a position where they'd have authority or means to formally help alliance.

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I think that the topic of this conversation going on now is one of the reasons why in the Star Wars movies they make sure that the evil bad Force users that are "redeemed" die right after. The aftermath of the initial redemption would be messier and more difficult than they want to or can easily deal with, so killing them off is just neater all around. Arcann can potentially live, but since he's a relatively minor character by that point in the story (by necessity, as he may not be in it!), Bioware doesn't seem to have the resources to give him a full, well fleshed out redemption arc. Still, I'm very glad they let us keep him, as I think he's an interesting character and I'm looking forward to romancing him on my Agent.


On a completely unrelated note: if you want a customization for Arcann from the DvL vendors, you may want to earn the tokens for it before 7.0 unless you are willing to wait awhile and enjoy doing DvL bosses. JackieKo posted:


Will the DvL items be available for credits instead of tokens?

No - DvL items will remain available for tokens. We will add back in the ability to acquire tokens in a future update via the DvL bosses.


Like a lot of other info, this kinda got lost in the gearing discussion, so I thought I'd mention it here in case it would be helpful to anyone. :)

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Who is the "they" here? Republic/Empire high command were the ones to sue for peace. Millions(??)of innocent on all those planets Arcann bombed had no say or part in this.. They weren't in a position where they'd have authority or means to formally help alliance.


Obviously the Sith Empire had enough resources that they sent a fleet to Voss. The minute The Alliance took over the Eternal Fleet both powers had enough resources to invade Iokath! The worlds Arcann attacked he didn't destroy the entire populations unlike his 'father' were never identified as "independent" worlds. They agreed to be put under Republic/Empire rule. The Republic and Empire's governments did nothing when Arcann bombed those worlds and those governments knew The Alliance existed. They chose to do nothing, and those worlds didn't break away.


It makes no sense to turn Arcann over to either of the Galactic governments who did nothing to stop him.

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Imagine how morally corrupt player character has to be to even give him this option. This fella is a mass murderer on galactic scale, bombing entire planets to ashes cause of some daddy issues.


So by your logic, Luke Skywalker was morally corrupt/bankrupt to try to redeem Vader? Was Luke wrong when he saw the "good" in Vader and sought to bring it to the surface?


There's NOTHING better than a redemption story, in my opinion.


The fact that Arcann saved Senya from Vaylin's attack showed that there was still a glimmer of hope in him. Despite a characters HORRENDOUS decisions and actions, I think it is worth the effort to try to redeem them, especially in the context of a Star Wars story. My player character tried at least three times (with the help of Arcann and Senya) to reach Vaylin, however, it was obviously not a fruitful effort in the end.


Please consider this viewpoint when analyzing the choices that players made in the game. Those of us that spared Arcann are not morally bankrupt... we have hope that these characters can change.

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So by your logic, Luke Skywalker was morally corrupt/bankrupt to try to redeem Vader? Was Luke wrong when he saw the "good" in Vader and sought to bring it to the surface?



It was a very personal redemption between father and son. Luke forgave, embraced and loved his dying father. On very personal level, we can forgive and love even true monsters. It doesn't erase crims and sins these monsters have commited against all others though. That stuff simply isn't for us to forgive. Ultimately, that's the reason we have stuff like justice system. Since Vader was dying, justice for all the countless crimes and atrocities he commited wasn't a thing. In death, we are beyond justice systems and having to pay for our crimes. Had Vader lived, then regardless of how Luke feels towards his father, Galaxy prolly would not be done with Vader just because he saved Luke. Very tiny portion of all horrible things Anakin/Vader did was against Luke. Redemption stories for villains of such massive scale usually involve death, immediate exile, escape etc for a reason.



Please consider this viewpoint when analyzing the choices that players made in the game. Those of us that spared Arcann are not morally bankrupt... we have hope that these characters can change.



Most all story-driven video games orbit the player character and the experience of player character. Entire world, in very literal fashion, is build around the player character. If game is good at pretending otherwise, we consider it immersive. This base setting often creates fun/absurd situations like " forgiving" Arcann. This guy killed..what, millions? Player character would have to be a literal god in order to be able to forgive him on behalf of the entire galaxy. Yet, it feels natural and right and "LS" for to us, since Player character is the only one whose experience truly matters. Player character is the only one played by a real human there, so in a way, player character IS a/the god. So it feels right and natural to do arbirtary egoistical stuff like forgive Arcann his sins on behaf of the entire galaxy. Nobody but player character has an actual ego, so tough not to be egoistical!


If we assume&pretend player character is just a character among others, then I think notion of Alliane Commander forgiving Arcann, on behalf of countless worlds he bombed, is pure arbirtary monstrous DS madness. It'd create a massive galaxy wide PR scandal and cries of injustice. At least on Republic side. Sith Empire is bit of a meritocracy and stuff like being cool with couple of genocidal madmen is business as usual.



FWIW my main character, Sith Juggernaut, saved Arcann, it was a total no brainer. Tho ultimately my decisions were mostly meta stuff. Human male force user is a rare thing among npc companions. Additionally. Senya just might be the only prominent mother -character in any RPG ever. When it comes to people who actually get stuff done I mean. So I didn't wanna lose her either. When it comes to immersive RPish head cannon stuff, saving Arcann did feel kinda icky and non sensical.

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If we assume&pretend player character is just a character among others, then I think notion of Alliane Commander forgiving Arcann, on behalf of countless worlds he bombed, is pure arbirtary monstrous DS madness. It'd create a massive galaxy wide PR scandal and cries of injustice. At least on Republic side. Sith Empire is bit of a meritocracy and stuff like being cool with couple of genocidal madmen is business as usual.


So you can judge and punish him on behalf of the entire galaxy, but not forgive him? One is no more of a god complex than the other.


Besides, no one ever said anything about forgiving him on behalf of everyone else. My characters forgave him on their own behalf. The moral justification for all my Jedi characters is still that if a life can be saved, if a person can come back to the Light and is willing to atone, then denying them that chance would be evil. It may be more complicated for other classes, but it really is as simple as that for Light-Side Jedi characters.


Having said that, I do wish there was a bit of a PR scandal about it in the game. It would have been interesting and given our characters a chance to more clearly state their reasons for saving him.

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So you can judge and punish him on behalf of the entire galaxy, but not forgive him? One is no more of a god complex than the other.

I recon entire galaxy would be kinda grateful if alliance commander held a one person trial and executed him on the spot. On principal you are right tho, it isn't for playerchar alone to judge him anymore than it is for pc alone to pardon him. Some Nurmberg trial type of a thing would be nice!

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Some Nuremberg trial type of a thing would be nice!


Emphases mine. Glad you mentioned this because I thought of it last night. While many Nazi leader were judged at Nuremberg do you realize that NASA and the Allied Powers space and nuclear programs wouldn't exist without high-ranking card carrying Nazis who worked in Hitler's (the real one) weapons programs? Nuremberg was hardly a sterling example of justice.


You assert that Player Character is morally bankrupt for choosing not to kill, and that the truly morally corrupt Galactic Empire and Galactic Republic have the right to judge Arcann. But I just don't see it. If either power thought Arcann could give them something worthwhile they'd jump!


PS. None of us Arcann lovers think he's a misunderstood saint. We agree his actions were horrific and nothing can ever change that. This isn't about white-washing.


If we had been offered a "Senya doesn't get murdered, Arcann stays in Alliance prison" option I'm sure a lot of us would have used it.

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Emphases mine. Glad you mentioned this because I thought of it last night. While many Nazi leader were judged at Nuremberg do you realize that NASA and the Allied Powers space and nuclear programs wouldn't exist without high-ranking card carrying Nazis who worked in Hitler's (the real one) weapons programs? Nuremberg was hardly a sterling example of justice.




I suppose high-ranking card carrying nazis working in Hitler's weapons programs compares to some high ranking Zakuul scientists who used to work on Star Fortress tech or something. I can imagine playerchar's Alliance, imps and reps fighting for such people as we speak! iirc Alliance even has some of those written in, or does my memory betray me? When it comes to actual nazi leadership (analogous to Vitiate, Arcann and Vaylin ig) all of the ones who were captured stood trial and were given harsh judgements in Nuremberg. Operation Paperclip smuggled scientists, not leaders or politicians. Nuremberg was a trial for the leadership and high command. For folks who turned policy and politics into actions and orders. it was not a trial for those who took orders.

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I suppose there's no reason to continue. While I agree that there should have been an option other than the Death Penalty, I really can't agree that sparing Arcann's life and not turning him over to two morally bankrupt governments means my characters are morally bankrupt. Blood for blood is not justice but vengeance.


PS do you really think Vaylin and Arcann didn't suffer enough under Valkorian? Really what can be worse than that, some might argue death is a mercy.

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I just love seeing people's creations :) I can't remember if I've shared it here before, but I made a little Arcann Funko pop and 3D printed his mask ages ago :p


Oh man, I'd love to see some of your creations! Would you mind sharing? <3


Also, can we take a moment to love the fact that we are on the 600th page of this epic thread? I can't wait to get more Arcann story content in the future. Super duper stoked!

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Oh man, I'd love to see some of your creations! Would you mind sharing? <3


I'd love to! :) I left the mask at work (where I'm in the process of painting it), but here's the Funko Pop:




I made my Zabrak JK who romances him as well:




Also, can we take a moment to love the fact that we are on the 600th page of this epic thread? I can't wait to get more Arcann story content in the future. Super duper stoked!


I want a release date so badly now :p If we only get a short cutscene (which I suppose is the realistic expectation), what would everyone most like to see in it? I'm a terrible sap, I know, but I would like to get an I love you spoken out loud and the chance to say it back :o

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I'd love to! :) I left the mask at work (where I'm in the process of painting it), but here's the Funko Pop:




I made my Zabrak JK who romances him as well:



To quote Arcann, "This is AMAZING!". I love these so much. How did you learn to make these and how long did they take?


I want a release date so badly now :p If we only get a short cutscene (which I suppose is the realistic expectation), what would everyone most like to see in it? I'm a terrible sap, I know, but I would like to get an I love you spoken out loud and the chance to say it back :o


I'm really, really looking forward to interacting with Arcann early on in 7.0 since I

literally sent him to investigate the source of Darth Nul's relic on Elom on EVERY toon. I'm kinda nervous to see how it all plays out and hope nothing bad comes of the experience.



I'd really love to have more scenes and interaction with Senya, as well. I enjoyed the recent story tidbits regarding Arcann's concerns of "falling into his old ways" and hope they continue to explore the subject. Man, I'm so excited for the expansion.


I hope you all show up to the dev's story livestream on Nov 18th so we can hype up Arcann and his inclusion in continued story updates going forward!! <3

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To quote Arcann, "This is AMAZING!". I love these so much. How did you learn to make these and how long did they take?


Thank you!! :) They were actually the first Funko Pops I ever made, so it was pretty much just trial and error. I'm so glad I have them - those two are definitely my OTP. I've written pages and pages of fanfic about them ;)


Recipe for Funko Arcann:

Lightly boil and decapitate a Funko Pop Clone Wars Obi Wan and The Will from the Saga comics (the things you do for love... :o), then Frankenstein them back together using Obi Wan's body and The Will's head. I spray-painted the clothing white with a plastic primer, then painted over it and the saber with white and gold acrylics. I also gave him a coating of plasti-kote to keep the paint from being sticky. Then you hand the doll and a mini drill to your RL husband who's tired of hearing about how wonderful Arcann is and set him to work on making the scars, lol :p

It was about one day's work plus time for letting the paint dry.



I'm really, really looking forward to interacting with Arcann early on in 7.0 since I

literally sent him to investigate the source of Darth Nul's relic on Elom on EVERY toon. I'm kinda nervous to see how it all plays out and hope nothing bad comes of the experience.



I'd really love to have more scenes and interaction with Senya, as well. I enjoyed the recent story tidbits regarding Arcann's concerns of "falling into his old ways" and hope they continue to explore the subject. Man, I'm so excited for the expansion.


I did that too! Since we know that

there will be a flashpoint on Elom in 7.0, I'm really hoping to get some cool Arcann content there. It could be an opportunity to talk about how he dealt with the dark side energy there, with visiting a world so close to Zakuul, and with making amends to the Jedi Order by aiding them more directly. I'm kind of worried about sending him there too, but I like to imagine my JK missing him and I expect a very sweet reunion scene, based on the letter he sends :)


I hope you all show up to the dev's story livestream on Nov 18th so we can hype up Arcann and his inclusion in continued story updates going forward!! <3


I'll definitely be there spamming the chat! ;)

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Thank you!! :) They were actually the first Funko Pops I ever made, so it was pretty much just trial and error. I'm so glad I have them - those two are definitely my OTP. I've written pages and pages of fanfic about them ;)


Recipe for Funko Arcann:

Lightly boil and decapitate a Funko Pop Clone Wars Obi Wan and The Will from the Saga comics (the things you do for love... :o), then Frankenstein them back together using Obi Wan's body and The Will's head. I spray-painted the clothing white with a plastic primer, then painted over it and the saber with white and gold acrylics. I also gave him a coating of plasti-kote to keep the paint from being sticky. Then you hand the doll and a mini drill to your RL husband who's tired of hearing about how wonderful Arcann is and set him to work on making the scars, lol :p

It was about one day's work plus time for letting the paint dry.


Wow, that's incredible that you did all that to get that epic final result. I love the facial scarring job that your husband did. What a pro :)


I am going to be kicking off a pretty large-scale project of my own here in a few weeks with my best friend. It will be a celebration of Arcann on an epic scale. I'll share more details a bit down the road :)


I had a few items commissioned recently so I can't wait to share those here as they get closer to completion as well.


I did that too! Since we know that

there will be a flashpoint on Elom in 7.0, I'm really hoping to get some cool Arcann content there. It could be an opportunity to talk about how he dealt with the dark side energy there, with visiting a world so close to Zakuul, and with making amends to the Jedi Order by aiding them more directly. I'm kind of worried about sending him there too, but I like to imagine my JK missing him and I expect a very sweet reunion scene, based on the letter he sends :)

Oh man, those letters. The person that wrote those deserves a raise. <3 As for the story itself, I really liked that the devs wrote some recent bits of story that didn't require the inclusion of a specified companion for certain interactions. There were a few parts on Onderon and Mek-sha that didn't require x companion so I was able to have Arcann there with me - if you play through the story on Onderon on impside with Arcann, there's a cutscene where

the king (Petryph or something like that) says something absurd and walks past Arcann in the hallway. Arcann literally looks at him as he walks by, seemingly judging the king with pity and it is HILARIOUS!

I'd really love more story content like that that doesn't require that Lana be with us etc...


I'll definitely be there spamming the chat! ;)

I look forward to seeing you there! I found you on Twitter btw :)


One last thing -

Did you see Arcann's mask on the PTS? They knocked it out of the park. One of the best CM items I've seen. Valky's armor set looks awesome as well!


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