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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Skadge has an appreciation thread somewhere too! lmao


Rule 34?


Well, I guess some can appreciate the terrible nightmares (or hysterical giggles) they can inflict on others by dressing up Skadge in certain ways. Be warned, do not drink if you do open it: https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/nymanas-skadges-skadge-the-ebon-hawk/


Eshvara, we need your fanart to cure our damaged minds now.


Would you like to be a back-up sacrifice? People are really turned off by the screaming and the bloody daggers. I keep telling them it's for decorative purposes, but they don't seem to believe me ...


Being the chief voodoo prophet guy is hard!


Have you tried leading by example? Hop on the altar and others will follow ;).


Eeeyup! Things have calmed down now, watch it ignite again next week.🙃

I wonder who and how many will come in here to say how bad the romance was.🤔


Bring it on! I hope they have been correct about “arc” and tons of resources invested.


Trust me... you don't want to know. XD Paul and I go off on tangents on Twitter like you would not believe. Most of those conversations are probably best left between me and him. LOL!


I usually do not trust strangers on Internet... but in this case, my gut tells me - yes, trust her! Some things are not meant for a mortal mind ;).

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An arc sure would be great.:D And there should be FTB! I'm ready to rock his world.:rak_03:


I'm awful, force choke me!:rak_03:



Though I'm hoping for a whole awesome amazing romance scene, I'm not really expecting it to be any more than others have had. :)

But a girl can dream yeah? :D

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An arc sure would be great.:D And there should be FTB! I'm ready to rock his world.:rak_03:


I'm awful, force choke me!:rak_03:



Though I'm hoping for a whole awesome amazing romance scene, I'm not really expecting it to be any more than others have had. :)

But a girl can dream yeah? :D


Yeah people forget often though that there has been zero flirts even with Arcann prior to 'romance start' I just hope they don't make it feel out of the blue/sudden, since not all pc's or players are ones that decided half his interactions were flirtatious lol or pick up on every single word meaning a flirt. just me though, this should be starting the arc, not the only ever scene.. which I'm afraid of. Lana , Theron and Koth all got an arc.. Koth to a point, he kind of lost content when he became killable.


He should get what every single other romance has received - class ones got entire storyline and strings of conversations and flirts, as did Theron and Lana, Koth got the least so far (until Arcann I guess). It should not be a one scene only then nothing, but I guess I'm asking too much for any romance character to get more then one scene the entire game now aren't I.

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An arc sure would be great.:D And there should be FTB! I'm ready to rock his world.:rak_03:


Is it one of that situations then you better have a tank gear and defensive cooldowns on keybind?


I'm awful, force choke me!:rak_03:


As far as appreciations threads go, this one is pretty tame :p. Well, then a certain Exarch and her friend is not around. If it was WH40k, I would be screaming "HERESY" and chasing that Slaanesh cultist with a chainsword :p.


Though I'm hoping for a whole awesome amazing romance scene, I'm not really expecting it to be any more than others have had. :)

But a girl can dream yeah? :D


6 and a half days left. Then you will know!


And yes, girl can dream :).

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Yeah people forget often though that there has been zero flirts even with Arcann prior to 'romance start' I just hope they don't make it feel out of the blue/sudden, since not all pc's or players are ones that decided half his interactions were flirtatious lol or pick up on every single word meaning a flirt. just me though, this should be starting the arc, not the only ever scene.. which I'm afraid of. Lana , Theron and Koth all got an arc.. Koth to a point, he kind of lost content when he became killable.


He should get what every single other romance has received - class ones got entire storyline and strings of conversations and flirts, as did Theron and Lana, Koth got the least so far (until Arcann I guess). It should not be a one scene only then nothing, but I guess I'm asking too much for any romance character to get more then one scene the entire game now aren't I.


If it will be out of the blue, it will be like Voss ritual really messed Arcann up (him being playersexual do not help). And this is a can of worms I do not want to open.


For how long Arcann have been in Alliance? Maybe if it was half of the year or something, it will be less awkward? I do suspect stuff happens even if we do not get to see it :p. Headcanon - fire!


Poor Koth :( He had such potential. And negative feedback ruined any chance to see Koth having his faith in Valkorion tested.


Well... If we are extremely lucky, we may get some lines here and there.

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If it will be out of the blue, it will be like Voss ritual really messed Arcann up (him being playersexual do not help). And this is a can of worms I do not want to open.


For how long Arcann have been in Alliance? Maybe if it was half of the year or something, it will be less awkward? I do suspect stuff happens even if we do not get to see it :p. Headcanon - fire!


Poor Koth :( He had such potential. And negative feedback ruined any chance to see Koth having his faith in Valkorion tested.


Well... If we are extremely lucky, we may get some lines here and there.


Writer says He's bisexual not playersexual :p

Not sure how long he's been in the alliance but it's at least been months - half a year (I'de guess)

Yes poor Koth, I never understood the level of hate he generated :rak_02:

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Writer says He's bisexual not playersexual :p

Not sure how long he's been in the alliance but it's at least been months - half a year (I'de guess)

Yes poor Koth, I never understood the level of hate he generated :rak_02:


Lana, Koth, Theron and Arcann are playersexual. There will never be a straight Companion again or a gay one or lesbian. It costs too much money.

People can call it bisexual if they wish, but in reality, they're available for all because it's cheap. Watch Arcann never address you as a woman or a man. Like the vanilla ones do.


I don't recall Theron and Lana calling you he or she, but I could be mistaken.

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Writer says He's bisexual not playersexual :p

Not sure how long he's been in the alliance but it's at least been months - half a year (I'de guess)

Yes poor Koth, I never understood the level of hate he generated :rak_02:


"He stole my ship all because I blew up a bunch of civilians!!!" - basically covers most of the hate. Others just don't like him or that he respected Valkorion because Valky was the ruler of Zakuul for 300 years, so like 10+ generations, of course they all loved him.


I prefer all bisexual npc's in a game. sexuality does not need to be brought up every single conversation, or at all in my opinion. the character likes your character, doesn't need to be more then that in a video game. My opinion of course.

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Lana, Koth, Theron and Arcann are playersexual. There will never be a straight Companion again or a gay one or lesbian. It costs too much money.

People can call it bisexual if they wish, but in reality, they're available for all because it's cheap. Watch Arcann never address you as a woman or a man. Like the vanilla ones do.


I don't recall Theron and Lana calling you he or she, but I could be mistaken.


Not in 'private conversations' no, but he, she, him, her, emperor and empress have all been used etc in general conversations. That is not a fault of bisexual, that is the fault of laziness with dialogue. It would not take more to have a romance dialogue go "you look beautiful (or handsome)" instead of "you're going to look great" (which is part of Theron's line on the Gravestone before final battle) then it is for the he/she's in general conversations/cutscenes do for example

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"He stole my ship all because I blew up a bunch of civilians!!!" - basically covers most of the hate. Others just don't like him or that he respected Valkorion because Valky was the ruler of Zakuul for 300 years, so like 10+ generations, of course they all loved him.


I prefer all bisexual npc's in a game. sexuality does not need to be brought up every single conversation, or at all in my opinion. the character likes your character, doesn't need to be more then that in a video game. My opinion of course.


I always found it charming when Quinn said, you were a unique woman and not a type. Or something along those lines. Sexuality is very important and so is gender identity. It would be awesome if gay people could be represented in swtor by actually having gay companions. That's not possible as everyone in the future will be playersexual.


They don't have a type or a preference. I find it sad you're just a "thing"

I'll never be a supporter of playersexuality, I want a real diverse sexuality.

Gay, bi, straight and lesbian. Like it should be.

But I do accept that's never going to happen in swtor so there's no real point going on about it.

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Lana, Koth, Theron and Arcann are playersexual. There will never be a straight Companion again or a gay one or lesbian. It costs too much money.

People can call it bisexual if they wish, but in reality, they're available for all because it's cheap. Watch Arcann never address you as a woman or a man. Like the vanilla ones do.


I don't recall Theron and Lana calling you he or she, but I could be mistaken.


I don't know, the distinction between Bi and playersexual seems pretty important to the writer. The dialogue may end up being ambiguous to save money (And I certainly won't hold that against them) but the intent during creation does have baring :)

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I always found it charming when Quinn said, you were a unique woman and not a type. Or something along those lines. Sexuality is very important and so is gender identity. It would be awesome if gay people could be represented in swtor by actually having gay companions. That's not possible as everyone in the future will be playersexual.


They don't have a type or a preference. I find it sad you're just a "thing"


*shrug* I'll agree to disagree with it being important in a video game. As I said it's laziness of writers not bothering to add more personalised lines to romance dialogue like they do in generic conversations. It would make them much better, only need a couple more varied lines and bam, the romance is even more personal, more meaningful then I already find them.

Not one romance in the game makes me feel like my character in it is just a thing, so I'll definitely disagree there. They don't need specific words said for the meaning of the lines to come across powerful for me I guess. I find Theron's and Lana's romance scenes the most powerful/deep in the game no matter the gender character I'm playing, but that's personal interpretations. That does not mean Quinn's or Iresso's are worse at all, just different.

Qinn's line could have been "you are a unique person, not a type at all" and to me it wouldn't lose anything in its meaning.

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Writer says He's bisexual not playersexual :p


Not sure how long he's been in the alliance but it's at least been months - half a year (I'de guess)

Yes poor Koth, I never understood the level of hate he generated :rak_02:


Good to know :).


Ah, so it is not too fast. Niiiiiice. Headcanon FTW!

Being around Koth was like being forced to read “THE BEST RULER EVER adoration and worshiping thread! Go, Zakuul!” without ability to critique beloved Valkorion -_-. I guess some would be angry at his shenanigans with Gravestone. Oh, and some dislike him for maybe being involved with Lana some time ago.

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I don't know, the distinction between Bi and playersexual seems pretty important to the writer. The dialogue may end up being ambiguous to save money (And I certainly won't hold that against them) but the intent during creation does have baring :)


I agree it does have bearing, but there have been 4 "bisexual" companions. You can target all audiences that way. It really is a cheap cop out.

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*shrug* I'll agree to disagree with it being important in a video game. As I said it's laziness of writers not bothering to add more personalised lines to romance dialogue like they do in generic conversations. It would make them much better, only need a couple more varied lines and bam, the romance is even more personal, more meaningful then I already find them.

Not one romance in the game makes me feel like my character in it is just a thing, so I'll definitely disagree there. They don't need specific words said for the meaning of the lines to come across powerful for me I guess. I find Theron's and Lana's romance scenes the most powerful/deep in the game no matter the gender character I'm playing, but that's personal interpretations. That does not mean Quinn's or Iresso's are worse at all, just different.

Qinn's line could have been "you are a unique person, not a type at all" and to me it wouldn't lose anything in its meaning.


I don't blame you or anyone for having a different opinion on the matter. Don't get me wrong, and we can agree to disagree! I doubt either of us will change each others mind. :)

But in today's age where sexuality is really important to certain people, I can only say that it does matter in video games. Even if games like overwatch where there isn't any type of story they went and gave characters a sexual preference. All types of sexualities deserve to be represented. It exists in real life and it should in game as well. And for me that goes in MMO'S too.


LoL doesn't have any story attached to it either in the game play and then one of my friends linked me this.

It's freaking amazing, in a game with hardly any if any story!

I showed it to my gay friend and he was really happy to see something like this. Especially in a game where it only matters so much.

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I agree it does have bearing, but there have been 4 "bisexual" companions. You can target all audiences that way. It really is a cheap cop out.


Up until the expansions you could only be in a het relationship, after expansions you had to wait an undetermined amount of time for base game companions to return. If the few new interests added had purely identified one way or the other both groups would have had reason to be frustrated, it would have caused more bitterness between them too :(


But this is all meta anyway (resource management etc.) the characters preferences are either written ambiguously (Up to interpretation of your playthrough, we aren't explicitly told) or are written as bisexual seen through meta.


Not the case with Arcann though because the writer has said he's bisexual/ interested in both male and female Outlanders. May still be meta (not sure if it's mentioned in game yet obviously) information but the writer is a trust worthy source, no? :).

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Oh. I had not intention of starting that one debate! It is a very complicated issue and at best ends in "agree to disagree". Sorry?


By playersexual, I mean it do seem out of character for some companions to have no care of what kind of a person PC is. Sometimes the warning signs are too big and no amount of attraction can explain a LS character getting involved with a pure DS one. This is what I liked in Quinn – he reacts to a SW in a way someone with a working brain may react to a Sith Lord hitting on you.


For me, it would be jarring for Arcann seeing no difference between PC who blown up the Spire and the one who done everything to minimize civilian causalities. But thats just me. My PC likes her man using their head not only to headbutt enemies :p.

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If they took it seriously we wouldn't be having an Arcann romance option at all. Honestly. But yeah, they specifically refused to talk about or mention one part of 5.8 so the question I asked about if the livestream would be all of 5.8 or just a part was answered, by them if not directly.. They left out part of 5.8 unless it's now been removed from it and they didn't say anything (unlikely) in which case they're deliberately only talking about what they want to, not everything coming to the game.


i believe they do...but when they announced the arcann romance i trully do not recal any drama :confused: ....there were a few "w.e" and annoyed ppl...but not rly the backlash we witnessed earlier this year ...


And that may affect the romance..mby they will cancel it after this update and this will only be a one time thing all because of some negative feedback.....like with KOTET....they cut alot of content and made it shorter and why ? ....cause ppl who had a temper tantrum.....:(

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Yes the writer is a trustworthy source! :) I may as well be wrong and Scourge might be a male only LI instead of bi/player sexual


In a Galaxy far-far away, FemJK crawled into her bed, curled up into the ball and weeped.

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