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SWTOR Autumn Roadmap 2017


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I've been subbed for just about 65% of the game's existence, and have made significant Cartel Coin purchases.


No one who has paid LESS in total than me should have priority over me, regardless of our respective subscription statuses now. Someone who has just subbed for one month, for the first time most certainly should not get priority over me.


Priority should be based on TOTAL financial contribution to the game.


I have been through two server mergers already, lost names and a legacy name.


If I lose any more of them there will be not £0.01 of my money going into this game ever again.


All The Best


Cartel coin purchases? Ahh so you want to take it a step further and apply the pay2win variant over the paying customer variant. I'm quite sure that will go over well.


But at least I understand your view now. I have to admit, for a moment you had me going there...I thought you were putting yourself up as the grand defender of preferred and f2p players. I will adjust that incorrect conclusion of course.


All the best to you as well.

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I'm pretty excited by this roadmap, lots of good looking stuff coming. I'm especially excited to see a new GSF and PVP map. I like the proposed CXP changes too, they seem pretty good.


The only thing I'm sad not to see is some mention of an expansion, but I guess that's not happening. I also wish there was more QoL stuff for guilds. Overall, I'm interested to see how this pans out.

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I don't need to do anything you say, much less keep quiet. And again, I don't care about sympathy from you, so I'm not sure why you feel the need to tell me what is deserved or not.
Replying=caring. Stop replying and I will believe you. I don't understand your confusion. We clearly established our right to express our opinion. Also you opened that line of thinking so you can hardly blame me for it.


I have no problem with people enjoying their raiding and packs. I do have a problem when they put out a roadmap where literally 95% of the text is about enhancing group experiences and the rest of us apparently can just go ***** off.
Well now you feel how raiders have felt for over two years. I find it particularly odd that you say this in light of that fact that BW have clearly stated after they released 5.0 that this year the focus is on group content.
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" Please note we will not introduce a new set of Tier gear for Galactic Command this year! Instead, we will be offering a special set of Augments to enhance your existing gear. These will drop in the Copero Flashpoint or can be purchased from a Copero vendor. In addition, we’ll offer an even better version of augments you can craft from materials gained through both PvP and PvE activities."


wow, wow guys! Stop forcing us to play what you want us to play in order to get new augments. Iam not a pve player, stop THIS NOW. I hate pve, this must be able for pvp also

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I've been subbed for just about 65% of the game's existence, and have made significant Cartel Coin purchases.


No one who has paid LESS in total than me should have priority over me, regardless of our respective subscription statuses now. Someone who has just subbed for one month, for the first time most certainly should not get priority over me.


Priority should be based on TOTAL financial contribution to the game.


I have been through two server mergers already, lost names and a legacy name.


If I lose any more of them there will be not £0.01 of my money going into this game ever again.


All The Best


Sour grapes confirmed.

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Cartel coin purchases? Ahh so you want to take it a step further and apply the pay2win variant over the paying customer variant. I'm quite sure that will go over well.


But at least I understand your view now. I have to admit, for a moment you had me going there...I thought you were putting yourself up as the grand defender of preferred and f2p players. I will adjust that incorrect conclusion of course.


All the best to you as well.


Well if the argument is that Subs should get priority because they financially support the game then surely it is only logical to include ALL such financial contributions.


There may well be some Preferred players who have never subbed but who have contributed significant financial support via Cartel Coin purchases - should their support for the game be spurned in favour of some johnny-come-lately who has subbed for just 2 months.


All The Best

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Raiders get one new boss.


PvPers get a new map.


GSFers get a new map.


Solo players and those enjoying small group content get a new Flashpoint to continue the storyline.


Sounds pretty equitable to me in terms of division -- PARTICULARLY since the new system is way, way, way more alt friendly. Honestly, not seeing the problem.


Raiders and PVPers in other games would laugh their butts off at this post. People who play World of Warcraft - which is by the way the other subscription-based MMO - get upset if they don't get more than two or three entire raids in a year (did you see what happened when they last took a year from patch to next expansion? Half their player base QUIT. That's why Blizzard doesn't talk numbers anymore.)


I'm a solo player who likes small group content, and let me tell you that one flashpoint isn't ANYTHING. Did you do Umbara? It's a forgettable 30-to-60 minute fight with mostly large groups of trash mobs and a couple cutscenes you can see on YouTube. I could barely stand to repeat it on any of my alts, and I'm someone who's done all the solo instanced flashpoints and story modes many, many times. There was no full zone to explore, side quests, mission updates, things to see and do and find. THAT is content, not a 30 minute cutscene on rails with a couple things to shoot at.


If anybody thinks this is acceptable for a game that gates most of what can be reasonably done behind a subscription, then I simply don't know what to tell you. Other than that you may want to go play some other games, because you obviously don't understand when the glass is mostly empty. (Besides the major full-world five-zone paid expansion they just released, Guild Wars 2 puts out story updates with entire new playable zones every couple months FOR FREE. Let that sink in. While you've been waiting for your fourth Op boss and dealing with one flashpoint, over in GW2 there are what is basically the equivalent in this game of five large and six medium-sized new planets for less than the cost of a year's sub here. And you wonder why it seems dead here...)

Edited by damonskye
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" Please note we will not introduce a new set of Tier gear for Galactic Command this year! Instead, we will be offering a special set of Augments to enhance your existing gear. These will drop in the Copero Flashpoint or can be purchased from a Copero vendor. In addition, we’ll offer an even better version of augments you can craft from materials gained through both PvP and PvE activities."


wow, wow guys! Stop forcing us to play what you want us to play in order to get new augments. Iam not a pve player, stop THIS NOW. I hate pve, this must be able for pvp also

I really have to wonder if these special augments are stat related. The craftable ones will be so that's business as usual but I'm starting to think that they'll be the introduction of something that visually augments gear like tunings do for weapons.

And if you think that's unfair I'm sure you won't mind BW making the cosmetic rewards that come from PvP season rewards available in PvE as well...hmm?

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Replying=caring. Stop replying and I will believe you. I don't understand your confusion. We clearly established our right to express our opinion. Also you opened that line of thinking so you can hardly blame me for it.


Well now you feel how raiders have felt for over two years. I find it particularly odd that you say this in light of that fact that BW have clearly stated after they released 5.0 that this year the focus is on group content.


It's not my fault that you don't have the discernment to realize that stating an opinion in a thread to BW, where they are soliciting feedback, is not a request for emotional validation from other players. The only confusion here seems to be on your end, in that regard. I'm just putting you on ignore after this, so you can waste as much time responding as you wish.


As noted, you had ops, flashpoints, uprisings and all manner of group experiences during the past two years. You were not excluded during that time. AND you had the same opportunities for grouping during the class stories, RotHC and SoR, which were all rich in solo content.


BW's made it clear which players they're going to cater to at present time; I've made it clear that unless there's a change for the better by the time my sub runs out, I'm not renewing. Easy peasy.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Basically, there is a new perk that you can purchase. That perk increases the CXP you earn in your Legacy by 25-100%. What the % is, is determined by how many CR 300 characters you have. My understanding is that you need 4 characters at 300 for the 100%, but I will verify.




What about that legacy-wide perk of 25% we already have and some players purchased? Is it now wasted money?

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Raiders and PVPers in other games would laugh their butts off at this post. People who play World of Warcraft - which is by the way the other subscription-based MMO - get upset if they don't get more than two or three entire raids in a year (did you see what happened when they last took a year from patch to next expansion? Half their player base QUIT. That's why Blizzard doesn't talk numbers anymore.)


I'm a solo player who likes small group content, and let me tell you that one flashpoint isn't ANYTHING. Did you do Umbara? It's a forgettable 30-to-60 minute fight with mostly large groups of trash mobs and a couple cutscenes you can see on YouTube. I could barely stand to repeat it on any of my alts, and I'm someone who's done all the solo instanced flashpoints and story modes many, many times. There was no full zone to explore, side quests, mission updates, things to see and do and find. THAT is content, not a 30 minute cutscene on rails with a couple things to shoot at.


If anybody thinks this is acceptable for a game that gates most of what can be reasonably done behind a subscription, then I simply don't know what to tell you. Other than that you may want to go play some other games, because you obviously don't understand when the glass is mostly empty. (Besides the major full-world five-zone paid expansion they just released, Guild Wars 2 puts out story updates with entire new playable zones every couple months FOR FREE. Let that sink in.)


i know of a game that has that WoW-like experience you're looking for. it's called WoW.

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What about that legacy-wide perk of 25% we already have and some players purchased? Is it now wasted money?


Legacy Perk – For each character that reaches Command Rank 300, we will automatically add an additional 25% bonus CXP to your entire Legacy up to a maximum of 100%. You do need to purchase the initial 25% perk, but the additional 75% will be free. And, YES, this Perk is retroactive, so you will immediately benefit once we deliver United Forces Foundation

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i know of a game that has that WoW-like experience you're looking for. it's called WoW.


Well aren't you clever.


We're here because we WANT this game to succeed. We're here because we WANT a great Star Wars experience. And I play WoW, occasionally. And Guild Wars 2. And other games. And like so many other people, I see a great deal of potential in this game that's being squandered. I'm not the problem here. Apathy is. Comments like yours is.

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I read that the stronghold limit will be bumped to 8 or more in order to accommodate extra strongholds upon the merges...will that stay bumped, so that those who want the train stronghold can get it as well? That wasn't possible before...
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Well if the argument is that Subs should get priority because they financially support the game then surely it is only logical to include ALL such financial contributions.

Logical in your mind, but it's a leap for me. Even though I have probably spent thousands on cartel coins over the years, I do see them as a separate thing from being a loyal customer. I stopped spending that money well over a year now since I stopped buying cartel packs but as far as I can see it as fair that people who pay for the service of using this game get the priority, I do not feel that cartel coin purchases are fair because then it comes down to the richest person wins. I think that's going to the other extreme. Extremes are generally not the right choices.


There may well be some Preferred players who have never subbed but who have contributed significant financial support via Cartel Coin purchases - should their support for the game be spurned in favour of some johnny-come-lately who has subbed for just 2 months.


All The Best

As per the above reason, I do not see cartel coin purchases as a fair measuring point. It's not a matter of spurning them. However, I would find it fair to let the cartel coin purchases count up to a certain maximum...this maximum being the cost of a sub over the months that they actively played. This would put them on equal footing with subscribers without letting it become the "richest player wins".

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HI Musco/Keith/Charles: so I have two 50 legacies, one on JC, the other on Shadowlands; my Shadowlands legacy being the most played by far. What will happen to my legacy name? will it stay the same? or will it be overwritten by my JC because it's "older"?
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And thats all pvp gets? This what i think after reading this roadmap... pve gets UC drops for mm ops, new bosses time-to-time, flash point. And pvp gets only buff to bolster (which was promised long ago), legacy UC (also was promised long ago), and a misterious new map.... which probably will be a failure as it was with odessen. Thats all? Lol, pvp players can unsub now, no hope for cool changes.
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Raiders and PVPers in other games would laugh their butts off at this post. People who play World of Warcraft - which is by the way the other subscription-based MMO - get upset if they don't get more than two or three entire raids in a year (did you see what happened when they last took a year from patch to next expansion? Half their player base QUIT. That's why Blizzard doesn't talk numbers anymore.)


I'm a solo player who likes small group content, and let me tell you that one flashpoint isn't ANYTHING. Did you do Umbara? It's a forgettable 30-to-60 minute fight with mostly large groups of trash mobs and a couple cutscenes you can see on YouTube. I could barely stand to repeat it on any of my alts, and I'm someone who's done all the solo instanced flashpoints and story modes many, many times. There was no full zone to explore, side quests, mission updates, things to see and do and find. THAT is content, not a 30 minute cutscene on rails with a couple things to shoot at.


If anybody thinks this is acceptable for a game that gates most of what can be reasonably done behind a subscription, then I simply don't know what to tell you. Other than that you may want to go play some other games, because you obviously don't understand when the glass is mostly empty. (Besides the major full-world five-zone paid expansion they just released, Guild Wars 2 puts out story updates with entire new playable zones every couple months FOR FREE. Let that sink in.)


As Ru Paul would say, "The library is now open! Why? Because reading is FUNdamental."


Please point out in my post where I said with respect to content that it was a lot or even an acceptable level of content to justify your subscribing. I, as a matter of fact, agree that the content offering is thin. Of course, had you read my post carefully you will notice I said the distribution was...




Look it up.


And it really isn't that complicated. I have 12 max level on WoW currently, but quit a couple months before Argus because the World Daily grind got really boring. So, I'm taking a break. When I find the content here too thin, I will again do what I did a couple years go -- take a break.


That is all,



Edited by Jdast
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It's not my fault that you don't have the discernment to realize that stating an opinion in a thread to BW, where they are soliciting feedback, is not a request for emotional validation from other players. The only confusion here seems to be on your end, in that regard. I'm just putting you on ignore after this, so you can waste as much time responding as you wish.


As noted, you had ops, flashpoints, uprisings and all manner of group experiences during the past two years. You were not excluded during that time. AND you had the same opportunities for grouping during the class stories, RotHC and SoR, which were all rich in solo content.


BW's made it clear which players they're going to cater to at present time; I've made it clear that unless there's a change for the better by the time my sub runs out, I'm not renewing. Easy peasy.


We got an Op in between 2014 and 2017? I must have missed something cause I totally did feel totally excluded with no new content for me during that time. XD

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Please point out in my post where I said with respect to content that it was a lot or even an acceptable level of content to justify your subscribing. I, as a matter of fact, agree that the content offering is thin. Of course, had you read my post carefully you will notice I said the distribution was...




Look it up.


You'll notice in my post where I said "anybody" as in "this is laughable" toward the community at large, accepting this like raw meat for the starving lion.


Eye on the ball here. We've had the golf ball kicked down the green AGAIN by the developers of this game, because we get almost no content again but OOH LOOK SHINY! SERVER MERGES! NEW REWARDS FOR THE SAME LOUSY OLD CONTENT!


Meanwhile I'm still waiting for Mr. Musco to tell me that he actually enjoys doing the same heroics and flashpoints we've had in the game since the dawn of time, or if he doesn't, what it is that he finds compelling about doing anything for the 'upgrades' nobody really needs or new colors on the same character outfits.

Edited by damonskye
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And thats all pvp gets? This what i think after reading this roadmap... pve gets UC drops for mm ops, new bosses time-to-time, flash point. And pvp gets only buff to bolster (which was promised long ago), legacy UC (also was promised long ago), and a misterious new map.... which probably will be a failure as it was with odessen. Thats all? Lol, pvp players can unsub now, no hope for cool changes.

I am glad that BW are looking at a broader player base, but GSF is also PvP.


And before you start crying how it's not the same, I will equally tell you that an FP and MM ops are also not the same.


Besides...you should be happy with UC in PvE...keeps the PvE afk'ers out of your warzones.

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