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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Autumn Roadmap 2017


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Ok so, is there any way to tell how long another player has played on that specific name? or when they last logged in? Because I did go from server to server in the list of the ones I'll be merged with to find out if my names were taken. I found 3 of them, but all offline and all not level capped.


If they've played longer than my character, even at their low level, they get the name?


Only way I know of telling how long a person has played is if they are in your guild and that only gives you the last time they have logged on. It is possible but normally high level characters are played more so than low levels but a more specific answer is something Keith or Eric can do better than I. I am just guessing as I am not sure how they will determine the length of time.


Not sure how they are going to do that actually, considering some people have quite a few alts, so not sure if they are looking at it per character or per legacy time of playing. I know I have 14 toons all level 70 but 4 are my mains that I play. The others I don't play as much so a better clarification is needed.

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I'm curious if some trolls came up and collect guild-names of big guilds on the most populated servers.... maybe it's time to asure our guild name on the to-be-merged-servers.


However, these changes are very welcomed. When we left Vanjervalis Chain with launch of 5.0, we left a full-equipped guild-ship behind. It's time to get it back!


Oh, and I think, Guild-Renames will raise up in prices. @Devs: I would suggest to put them into the Cartel Market for a reduced price. You could make a good deal!

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I'm curious if some trolls came up and collect guild-names of big guilds on the most populated servers.... maybe it's time to asure our guild name on the to-be-merged-servers.


However, these changes are very welcomed. When we left Vanjervalis Chain with launch of 5.0, we left a full-equipped guild-ship behind. It's time to get it back!


Oh, and I think, Guild-Renames will raise up in prices. @Devs: I would suggest to put them into the Cartel Market for a reduced price. You could make a good deal!


"There is no impact to Guild Banks, Strongholds, Flagships or other similar items because of the United Forces update. If your Guild name overlaps with another Guild name; each will have the name of the original server appended to the original Guild name.


Ex: Your Guild “The Jedi Order” from the server The Bastion collides with, “The Jedi Order” from The Harbinger; the Guild names will now appear as:


The Jedi Order – The Bastion

The Jedi Order – The Harbinger "

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"There is no impact to Guild Banks, Strongholds, Flagships or other similar items because of the United Forces update. If your Guild name overlaps with another Guild name; each will have the name of the original server appended to the original Guild name.


Ex: Your Guild “The Jedi Order” from the server The Bastion collides with, “The Jedi Order” from The Harbinger; the Guild names will now appear as:


The Jedi Order – The Bastion

The Jedi Order – The Harbinger "


Yes, but when you have the particular guild-name on all old servers, you can delete or rename all except of one after the merge, so you get "The Jedi Order" without any server-tag.

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Both uprisings and Ops are running in a pack with other players and killing bosses, and then doing it again and again. What does it matter what they're called? It's the same thing: pack killing of bosses, I'm not sure what more there can be with that. And the hardest mode for Star Fortresses was not meant to be completed solo.


Poor rewards? Talk to us about CXP, "poor rewards" didn't just affect PvPers. And you guys actually now have the ability to gear more easily than story players due to the unassembled components.


Also, I'll point out that the game was originally story based. The class stories and the two expansions are all about solo story content. So really if you are a raider - that is the game you came into. Something that was primarily story. In a perfect world we'd all get what we want, but at the least the original game format should not be sacrificed so raiders can run around and kill bosses.


Yet it was solo'd with ease by any casual player. This game was first and foremost an MMO with multiple content including Ops. As for gearing as it should be, challenge should reward more. Nothing sacrificed except delusions that this game was Single player. This game always was an MMO only 4.x tried to destroy that at great cost to the game. The real Swtor is back. :)

Edited by FerkWork
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No 6.0 with new huge story expansion? -.- So disappointing. And Temple return? .. Again nothing about Consular companions? -.- Maybe they all dead? Serwers united? I story player well i dont care much. Flashpoint and new boss is good but this is to little. You should give 2 flashpoints and call this update 6.0. Glad i didnt start Umbara yet. Still have hype.


Anyway better this than nothing .. maybe i will find the way to play this longer than normal player should. Anyway keep good work.


~Tsukito, Alliance Commander.

Edited by Trlance
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With the RP servers now being merged into PVE servers, does this mean we will now get a RP instance added, like we have PVP and PVE instances of a server?


And how would that work? Would you need the approval of a certified roleplayer (i.e. someone who came from a RP server) in order to enter that RP instance? Isn't RP mainly done in /say or a custom chat channel anyway?


People are already switching to the PVP instances because the risk of being ganked weighs less than the annoyance of having to compete for quest objectives, so get ready for a lot of solo players in your RP instances.

Edited by Mubrak
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I'm Deeply Impressed Guys. You've listened to all of the great requests. I personally love seeing you implement a GSF map of Iokath will it will be a Death Star experience? Also loved the crate improvements, flash point about the arguably most interesting race in SWTOR and Star Wars Legends. The long awaited server merges will benefit the game tremendously and those of us who pushed for them can now rest easy. Thank you!
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Oceanic player here. So server merger fine..... but why not a West cost and East coast why North US.

Standard ping for Aussie players currently

• 190-240ms on a West coast server.

• 270-320ms on an East coast server.

• and using a ping tester to a North US area 240-310ms


In a game that already feels laggier than most, adding another 80 ping average to oceanic players will end up causing most Aussie/NZ players to stop playing. So can we have an idea on the Server ping we will have for this.

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Yet it was solo'd with ease by any casual player. This game was first and foremost an MMO with multiple content including Ops. As for gearing as it should be, challenge should reward more. Nothing sacrificed except delusions that this game was Single player. This game always was an MMO only 4.x tried to destroy that at great cost to the game. The real Swtor is back. :)


No, it was NOT primarily group content when it opened. It was eight class stories, all of which were completed solo.


It was followed by an expac which again was solo story.


And another set of flashpoints which were quickly adjusted to be solo-able and yet more solo story.


Followed by yet two more expacs of...wait for it...solo story.


The flashpoints, PvP and Ops were cake, were not necessarily to advance and were not the center of attention. ys, they were there, but NOT at the expense of solo story content. The game was known for its voice acting and quality story, not raids. This was not a game that was ever primarily about raiding or PvP and it is foolish to pretend that it was. And as we have said her ad nauseaum, MMO is not synonymous with "must group." it simply means many players co-exist in the same place.


They've made their decision. If they want to cater to the raiders now, they will, but it is a mistake. The game cannot survive on raiders alone, and when they've alienated and lost all their solo players, they will have realized that too late.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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No, it was NOT primarily group content when it opened. It was eight class stories, all of which were completed solo.


It was followed by an expac which again was solo story.


And another set of flashpoints which were quickly adjusted to be solo-able and yet more solo story.


Followed by yet two more expacs of...wait for it...solo story.


The flashpoints, PvP and Ops were cake, were not necessarily to advance and were not the center of attention. ys, they were there, but NOT at the expense of solo story content. The game was known for its voice acting and quality story, not raids. This was not a game that was ever primarily about raiding or PvP and it is foolish to pretend that it was. And as we have said her ad nauseaum, MMO is not synonymous with "must group." it simply means many players co-exist in the same place.


They've made their decision. If they want to cater to the raiders now, they will, but it is a mistake. The game cannot survive on raiders alone, and when they've alienated and lost all their solo players, they will have realized that too late.


If they don't cater to both groups, a lot of people will leave, don't you want more people to have a reason to stay? The game isn't going to really survive on story or mainly story. I don't care much for group content but it's important and want this game to continue. The solo players had kotfe and kotet for two years, I think we can wait a little!

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And how would that work? Would you need the approval of a certified roleplayer (i.e. someone who came from a RP server) in order to enter that RP instance? Isn't RP mainly done in /say or a custom chat channel anyway?


People are already switching to the PVP instances because the risk of being ganked weighs less than the annoyance of having to compete for quest objectives, so get ready for a lot of solo players in your RP instances.



A lot of solo players already play on RP servers as it is for the nicer (and often smaller) communities, we dont bother the rpers n they dont bother us. Its a nice symbiosis that has worked on many game servers in many games for a long time now.

Edited by Suzsi
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Oceanic player here. So server merger fine..... but why not a West cost and East coast why North US.

Standard ping for Aussie players currently

• 190-240ms on a West coast server.

• 270-320ms on an East coast server.

• and using a ping tester to a North US area 240-310ms


In a game that already feels laggier than most, adding another 80 ping average to oceanic players will end up causing most Aussie/NZ players to stop playing. So can we have an idea on the Server ping we will have for this.


How can you waste your time and effort with a post like this, but you cannot even read the posting and the blog link?


There will be two US servers. All the West Coast is merging to one and all the East Coast is merging to another.


Two servers not one. Two servers one for each side of the country,

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And how would that work? Would you need the approval of a certified roleplayer (i.e. someone who came from a RP server) in order to enter that RP instance? Isn't RP mainly done in /say or a custom chat channel anyway?


People are already switching to the PVP instances because the risk of being ganked weighs less than the annoyance of having to compete for quest objectives, so get ready for a lot of solo players in your RP instances.


They are just looking to complain, same with the name changing complaints.

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If they don't cater to both groups, a lot of people will leave, don't you want more people to have a reason to stay? The game isn't going to really survive on story or mainly story. I don't care much for group content but it's important and want this game to continue. The solo players had kotfe and kotet for two years, I think we can wait a little!


Yes, they need both groups. That's the point. They aren't giving solo players any reason to stay, and when they put out a road map that is 95% about group play, plus changes (server merges) that may make life worse for solo players...I feel very, very upset about it.


I don't care if we had KOTFE and KOTET - that's in the past. There's no reason to keep subscribing *now* if we're to going to be thrown 5% of the updates as scraps every few months. I was paying for a game where they respected all different playstyles. Not just groups. I was paying for content I could actually play - not to keep the lights on so they can develop all sorts of new stuff for raiders. Yes, I'm angry and upset, because I really frankly hate what they're doing.

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Only way I know of telling how long a person has played is if they are in your guild and that only gives you the last time they have logged on. It is possible but normally high level characters are played more so than low levels but a more specific answer is something Keith or Eric can do better than I. I am just guessing as I am not sure how they will determine the length of time.


The /played command returns the time you spent playing that character. Level isn't really a measure, I have 70's with less than 20 hours /played and my two "mains" have well over 75 and 110 days.


Of course, the only way *you* can tell how long another player has played his char is asking them.

Edited by Mubrak
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No, it was NOT primarily group content when it opened. It was eight class stories, all of which were completed solo.


It was followed by an expac which again was solo story.


And another set of flashpoints which were quickly adjusted to be solo-able and yet more solo story.


Followed by yet two more expacs of...wait for it...solo story.


The flashpoints, PvP and Ops were cake, were not necessarily to advance and were not the center of attention. ys, they were there, but NOT at the expense of solo story content. The game was known for its voice acting and quality story, not raids. This was not a game that was ever primarily about raiding or PvP and it is foolish to pretend that it was. And as we have said her ad nauseaum, MMO is not synonymous with "must group." it simply means many players co-exist in the same place.


They've made their decision. If they want to cater to the raiders now, they will, but it is a mistake. The game cannot survive on raiders alone, and when they've alienated and lost all their solo players, they will have realized that too late.



I once dreamed I was a goat in space. Didn't make me a goat irl and neither denying that we got 1-3x Variety of content from Solo to Group. Only 4.x took that away. Piece of cake go do MM Brontes and report back. Or a ranked match against good players. If you want the true raider experience then you wouldn't be getting any content for 2 years. Have fun with that. :)

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Server merger plans are terrible. Mergers aren't going to do anything at all to help the majority of players, as queue pops are based on having the right mix of people queueing more then just raw population, and most players are already on well populated servers. Server mergers won't fix too many DPS vs Tanks and Healers, Server mergers won't make PvPers queueing evenly divisible by 4 per faction, leaving the odd players sitting waiting in queue, Server mergers won't fix the terrible flight controls and balance issues for GSF that make it too difficult to get into.


The Hot Prospect is the most terrible server name ever.


Not fixing the character names issues and screwing players over for a third time is not acceptable in any way especially since BioWare is the only one who will benefit from server mergers by paying for less servers. To make matter worse, they are still keeping 5 servers, leaving the possibility open to screwing with player names again in the future. In over 2 decades of online gaming I have never encountered a company that has messed with player names as much as BioWare has.


The systems for deciding who gets to keep a name are also terrible. It shouldn't be based on time played at all, it should be based on how long the player has been subbed, how many cartel coins they've purchased, and if their character has ever had their name forced changed in the past due to server mergers.


Queue has never been determined by the right mix since 4.0. They got rid of the trinity for most of the GF queue content. PVP does not matter what mix queue. GSF does not matter what mix queues. Uprisings do not matter mix is in the queue. Planet heroic group does not matter what mix.


I mean really does this need to be explained to you?

Edited by Rabin_Lorac
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I once dreamed I was a goat in space. Didn't make me a goat irl and neither denying that we got 1-3x Variety of content from Solo to Group. Only 4.x took that away. Piece of cake go do MM Brontes and report back. Or a ranked match against good players. If you want the true raider experience then you wouldn't be getting any content for 2 years. Have fun with that. :)


There's a difference between having group content as a side thing and having it be the main focus. You're missing the point - which seems to be a common raider thing, to come in, mock solo players and discount their concerns. "Cake" in this case simply refers to something extra - I'm not commenting on difficulty, and not interested in a "who's a good player" p****g contest. I have no interest in achieving anything in raids or PvP, I think they are useless activities.


When you paid for the original SWTOR, in terms of time and content, the bulk was solo. The same has been true with all the expacs. There's no question about that. Yes they had variety with flashpoints and PvP, but you could play solo without feeling excluded or shortchanged.


With this update, 95% of it is for raiders/groups. There's no variety in telling us that our choices are nothing but group activities, plus maybe 10 minutes of story in a flashpoint. As a solo player, you can't continue to feel that you're actually paying for meaningful content with that.

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There's a difference between having group content as a side thing and having it be the main focus. You're missing the point - which seems to be a common raider thing, to come in, mock solo players and discount their concerns. "Cake" in this case simply refers to something extra - I'm not commenting on difficulty, and not interested in a "who's a good player" p****g contest. I have no interest in achieving anything in raids or PvP, I think they are useless activities.


When you paid for the original SWTOR, in terms of time and content, the bulk was solo. The same has been true with all the expacs. There's no question about that. Yes they had variety with flashpoints and PvP, but you could play solo without feeling excluded or shortchanged.


With this update, 95% of it is for raiders/groups. There's no variety in telling us that our choices are nothing but group activities, plus maybe 10 minutes of story in a flashpoint. As a solo player, you can't continue to feel that you're actually paying for meaningful content with that.


And I'm the Pope and Santa Claus. People will play and come back game will be fine including Solo players. If you feel that upset about the game and resort to belittling others then maybe it's time to take a break and chillax. :)

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And I'm the Pope and Santa Claus. People will play and come back game will be fine including Solo players. If you feel that upset about the game and resort to belittling others then maybe it's time to take a break and chillax. :)


You're the one insulting me and totally dismissing what is being said. Belittling me doesn't make my argument less valid.


I'm basically being told that my prepaid subscription is going to be wasted because there will be next to nil new playable content for me in the next six months, while other play styles are being catered to. I'm being told that all the money and time I've invested in this game are going to be wasted going forward, because BW no longer cares about providing anything other than group content. No, I will not chillax. I'm upset, and it's valid.

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