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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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On 2/20/2021 at 2:00 AM, Goreshaga said:

When you can kill a Dark Council member mostly unarmed and wearing only your underwear, you're just on another level.

I recently needed to go back through the thread to find this mention and it took me a long time. 😂 I couldn't remember where it was. It is on page 106 and goes into further detail about where that scene is from. Yeah... Theron is just that awesome. 🤩

There is also a Theron Shan Respect Thread on Comic Vine that lists all of his past accomplishments. I love how they are all detailed in one place. Perfect for reference material purposes... 🎶

Then, because it has been a while, I thought I would point those of you that have not read it yet to One Night in the Dealer's Den on the SWTOR Developers Blog. It's a short story starring Theron Shan and Jonas Balkar. 😉

All of the above can be found further back in this thread. But now, here they are again for easy reference. 🥳

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On 4/22/2023 at 5:54 PM, JakRoanin said:

I still say Theron with my Fem Mando BH is just the only PC I can Romance him with! Its just too good! 😍😘

Yay! Another BH fan! 🥰There aren't many of us. 😂 I just love the lines and how well they mesh with Theron's. I've been enjoying the Manda'lor content too. So many Mandalorians! And Torian (who is still alive because he's my vod'ika and there is no way I'm letting him die!) is in some of it. It's wonderful seeing more of him. 

2 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I never played the BH storyline as an Imperial story.

I need to play through everything again on a BH clone and side with the Republic. I stayed Imperial the whole way through. Which always left a bad taste in my mouth. My BH is 5 light and the Imperials are so... evil! But I did it! And, as a reward, in Onslaught, Theron has a great witty line that only Imperials get. I think 🤔


After Lana cuts down Darth Shaar and company, Theron walks into the room where all the bodies are cooling on the floor and says, "I got tired of sitting around in the shuttle. Am I clear to come in here, or wha--oh. One of those missions, huh?" 🤣 Doesn't even phase him.

1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

do you mean you had your alliance ally with republic?  does that give you republic side storyline even though it is technically imperial character?  sorry if dumb question, I don't have a BH and have never played an imperial side character past SoR so very curious

As JakRoanin said, it is not a dumb question! 😄I just want to add that as far as I am aware (I have not played through enough times and explored all options to be completely certain), the story is mostly Imperial except that choosing Republic/Imperial has three significant impacts on the story. Since there are three points, so far, in which the player can make the choice. I have marked the following as a spoiler. Seriously, do not open the spoiler if you want to avoid it. It is very spoiler-ly! I'm with Jak in that you should try an Imperial character yourself to experience your options. The Imperials need you to help with the war. Sign up today. 😈


The biggest change is the first choice. If the player sides with the Imperials, then Theron's father, Jace Malcom is killed. Imperial characters get a flirt option that Republic characters don't during that scene. I have never taken it. Kissing Theron while standing next to his father's dead body is beyond horrific to me.

The second option is a minor one and I do not remember the outcome. The third option is the one many people think is the sticking choice. Where the player is fully committed to supporting one side or the other.


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37 minutes ago, yenzin said:

/snipped for space lol

man, you're really making me want to play an imperial who hooks up with Theron now, but ngl, I know myself and I would end up choosing to side with the republic anyway because I suck at being evil, so I probably still wouldn't see the properly imperial story 😅.... or would I?  do you get the same version of the story if you are imperial class who sides with republic as you do if you are republic character who sides with republic? 


I did know the spoiler about Malcolm dying though, I read a wiki that listed alternate story paths for Theron and it mentioned that... I did not know there was a kiss option in that scene though, I would also probably not take it because hoo boy.... could it not be a hug for comfort option instead?  yikes


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3 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

You don't have to be evil on any imp story.

Very true! 😇

9 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

man, you're really making me want to play an imperial who hooks up with Theron now, but ngl, I know myself and I would end up choosing to side with the republic anyway because I suck at being evil, so I probably still wouldn't see the properly imperial story 😅.... or would I?  do you get the same version of the story if you are imperial class who sides with republic as you do if you are republic character who sides with republic? 

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I did know the spoiler about Malcolm dying though, I read a wiki that listed alternate story paths for Theron and it mentioned that... I did not know there was a kiss option in that scene though, I would also probably not take it because hoo boy.... could it not be a hug for comfort option instead?  yikes


Right!? Comfort hugs should be a thing!

Imperials don't have to be evil any more than Rebupic ones do. 😉 On my BH (the one that has completed all current content which is why I keep using the character as an example), I choose to do good when possible and therefore minimize as much damage as I could. On Makeb during the Hutt Cartel, I rescued scientists and evacuated civilians. On Thyton, I saved Jedi Padawans, on Yavin 4 I did not torture Ivan, on Zakul I stopped the power overload, etc. In Onslaught, Theron did not get mad at me. 😉 All of these have an evil option that Republic characters can also take. I too really suck at being evil. Have never managed it in any game. So it's great that there are options I can take. As to your question, no, the Imperial side does not change that much if siding with the Republic. The Imperial story will still progress regardless. Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

For you, I suggest going IA or BH to start, with more weight towards BH as there is less story with the inner workings of how the Imperials work. On either though, you'll be able to gaze lovingly into each other's eyes.😍 (Which Republic characters may also be able to do. I'm just not there yet on my JC. 😆 The sweetest one I have right now is this one.)

Edited by yenzin
Hugs. Longingly -> Lovingly.
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2 hours ago, eabevella said:

PS: Show-Off's Casual vest paired with a black leather pants and boots is one of my favorite "night club" look for Theron >3

Ohhh! Do you have a picture? 😍

I was going through all of mine and I realized I dress Theron in red a lot. Seriously, there was a lot of red and white there for a while...😅  I eventually switched it up to put him in yellow and black. Currently, he is in green and yellow. I also like to colour-coordinate our outfits. 🎶

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added a word
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Oh, I definitely know you can be good on imperial, my sith warrior is light 5 and my agent is fully light as well 😂  but,


choosing to kill off Theron's dad in front of him I would feel too evil, couldn't do it, I would have to choose republic.... that's what I meant haha


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2 hours ago, yenzin said:

Ohhh! Do you have a picture? 😍

I was going through all of mine and I realized I dress Theron in red a lot. Seriously, there was a lot of red and white there for a while...😅  I eventually switched it up to put him in yellow and black. Currently, he is in green and yellow. I also like to colour-coordinate our outfits. 🎶

I also color-coordinate all my outfits with Theron's!  well, on JC anyway, on JK I have white and Theron wears black 😂  (both my consulars also have outfits to match Zenith though haha  I just like her to be matchy)

I love all of those Theron looks, the yellow and black one especially looks great!  he look badass

I am more boring, once I found one look I loved for him I used that look on both characters just in different colors 😆

Here's my Theron on JK x2 and JC matchies x2 (love when it puts the wrong guns for him in cutscenes btw, I realized it did it a lot when I was looking for screenshots)

(p.s. it was shockingly difficult to find a scene to screenshot that had a full body shot of Theron in to show off the whole outfit lol)

(p.p.s. sorry I was too lazy to crop my pictures)

Edited by cannibithobbal
found a way better screenshot lol
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4 hours ago, eabevella said:

PS: Show-Off's Casual vest paired with a black leather pants and boots is one of my favorite "night club" look for Theron >3

seconded that I want to see this.  I am all about Theron in black leather 😍

(p.s. sorry for multiple posts, I tried to put these replies together and messed it up, so they are separate)

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2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

seconded that I want to see this.  I am all about Theron in black leather 😍

(p.s. sorry for multiple posts, I tried to put these replies together and messed it up, so they are separate)

3 hours ago, yenzin said:

Ohhh! Do you have a picture? 😍

I was going through all of mine and I realized I dress Theron in red a lot. Seriously, there was a lot of red and white there for a while...😅  I eventually switched it up to put him in yellow and black. Currently, he is in green and yellow. I also like to colour-coordinate our outfits. 🎶

Here's the outfit:


(Dark Marauder's pants are nice looking leather with gradient light-to-dark dye pattern, too bad you can't really see it in the picture captured)

I actually saw someone else using the Casual's Show-off top on him and stole the idea (after telling them how good their Theron look). Credit to that person if they happens to see this :)

White and Red look great on Theron I'm going to try more color combination.


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On 4/23/2023 at 12:21 PM, eabevella said:

PS: Telling Scourge "friendship is power" is sooooo funny because on one hand, it could be the JK's way of politely declining Scourge's confession but on the other hand, it could be the JK is just that oblivious XD

Lol, between this one and the previous dialogue where you can basically friendzone Kira when she tells the JK how hard it was for her when they disappeared and ask to never do it again, i couldn't help but feel like my JK was completely oblivious of her crewmates being in love with her.

Sorry guys, but she only has eyes for Theron. 😅


On a side note, i recently discovered a series called The Untamed (i highly recommend, my sister and i enjoyed it a lot, and really liked how they handled the romance between the two main characters despite the chinese censorship on gay romances, they never openly say that they love each other or do anything, but you can see and feel the love with every looks they give each other and their overall behavior, which imo gives a lot of depth to the whole relationship), and found some nice parallels between the Wei Wuxian x Lan Wangji, and my JK x Theron romances.

Like my JK, WWX is an overall nice person who's willing to make big self sacrifices to protect others, has a big mouth and is kinda sassy and snarky, is completely oblivious to other people's feelings towards him, "falls to the darkside" at some point and disappears for years. Like Theron, LWJ is serious has some difficulties opening up to others due to some complicated familly issues, doesn't really express his feelings much, and spends years looking for WWX after loosing him, and when they finally reunite, he's ready to go against the whole word to keep his lover safe.

These two romances have become my favorite fictional romances of all time, i really love these pairings a lot. 🥰

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Just wanna thank everyone who made me decide I needed to romance Theron on imperial, I realized I was not nearly as far into SoR on sith warrior as a thought (I was at Torch's Flame FP, I thought I was almost done with Yavin already but that was actually my smuggler - I hadn't played on either in a while lol) and switched to flirting with Theron when rescuing him from capture, and no regrets, there is some seriously great dialogue with him (like, he has line about spontaneously combusting from kissing an imperial lmao), loving this now.

One thing I find interesting is that Satele and Theron seem to have a worse relationship in imperial version?  like, she refers to him as her agent and he is upset about it.  Hugs for imperial Theron.

(I do feel a little bad for ditching Lana flirtation on this character, but honestly I wasn't loving SW with her as much as I hoped I would anyway, and I think I will romance her on inquisitor instead now since I have 0 plans to let my inquisitor near Theron's heart so I won't be tempted that way haha)

Edited by cannibithobbal
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18 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

if you have had to burden yourself with the sight of this thread as much as you claim, then clearly you must have seen the title.  kindly, take your hate elsewhere, thank you.

gg the problem has been fixed so now we don't have to scapegoat the weird people with their...enjoyment of well-written characters. 

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9 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Oh, I definitely know you can be good on imperial, my sith warrior is light 5 and my agent is fully light as well 😂  but,

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choosing to kill off Theron's dad in front of him I would feel too evil, couldn't do it, I would have to choose republic.... that's what I meant haha


Ah! Apologies, I misunderstood 🤗


Yeh, next time playing though I am going to go Republic during that choice. First time through, I did not know what would happen. I felt gutted! Poor Theron must have been devestaed! 😭 Then later he tells me he doesn't want to lose another parent and all I can do is wail and say, "I'm so sorry, Boo! I didn't know that would happen! And the reset button science is impossible!" 😱 (Can't find a sound clip for that Megamind scene.) 

9 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Here's my Theron on JK x2 and JC matchies x2 (love when it puts the wrong guns for him in cutscenes btw, I realized it did it a lot when I was looking for screenshots)

Wow! That violet and black looks amazing! 💓 Love the black-and-white contrast. Makes me think I need to dust off the ol' colour wheel and do some complementary colour combinations. 😏

6 hours ago, eabevella said:

Here's the outfit:


O.O He really rocks that outfit... 😍

5 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

On a side note, i recently discovered a series called The Untamed...

I have heard of it. It's based off a male love Chinese novel. In the TV adaption, just like with many Korean romances, there are a lot of heavy looks and platonic intimate scenes. I've heard nothing but good things about the show and it is on my To-Watch list. The show has won well earned awards for the wardrobe. The characters all look so pretty. 

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1 hour ago, Ardrossan said:

gg the problem has been fixed so now we don't have to scapegoat the weird people with their...enjoyment of well-written characters. 

 🤣I am seriously laughing right now. I love your wording. Hehehe! I'm glad it worked itself out. 🤗

3 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I love Chinese and Korean Dramas! 

 Me too! And Japanese dramas. The only two I can think of right now are Cherry Magic and You Make Me Dance. I love that most Asian dramas have romances that are full of longing, loving looks and brief touches. The love is so apparent and the characters hardly ever kiss. The dramas somehow end up feeling more romantic than most Western romances. 💞

2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Just wanna thank everyone who made me decide I needed to romance Theron on imperial...

One thing I find interesting is that Satele and Theron seem to have a worse relationship in imperial version?  like, she refers to him as her agent and he is upset about it.  Hugs for imperial Theron.

I think the relationship is tense on both sides. I feel that Theron voices it more on the Imperial side though. 

I hope you continue to enjoy the romance. How exciting! Keep us updated. 😉

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8 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Wow! That violet and black looks amazing! 💓 Love the black-and-white contrast. Makes me think I need to dust off the ol' colour wheel and do some complementary colour combinations. 😏

ty ty 😇  I realize after you said that that the lighting does make it look a bit purple haha  but it is pink actually, I love the pink on him  😇  specifically it's the black and pink dye

....................and no, no one needs to know how many hundreds of millys I have spent on black and pink dyes to make Theron and  consular a bunch of matching outfits............. 🫠🫠  (I basically check the GTN all the time and buy whenever one is under 50mil haha)

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I always prefer the pre-kotxx expansions on the Imp side.

Makeb imp side has better story. I love the idea of having your own suicide squad (and Lord Sytharat ❤️).

The small dialogue differences through the whole forged alliance make the tension between Theron/player character more interesting. Ziost feels like a heart breaking break up no matter what (+10 emotional damage if you kill *that spy*).

I have no idea The Untamed is famous even in the non-chinese speaking area. It's super popular here (I'm not from China but we do speak/use mandarin/chinese as official language) everyone's watching it lol

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2 minutes ago, eabevella said:

The small dialogue differences through the whole forged alliance make the tension between Theron/player character more interesting. Ziost feels like a heart breaking break up no matter what (+10 emotional damage if you kill *that spy*).

I have not got to Ziost yet (just finished Yavin), but I have to say, after those subtle differences in dialogue in forged alliances I was kinda shocked just HOW different all the dialogue was in SoR proper, like, to the point that the story and characters both feel significantly different.  Really makes it feel like an alternate universe version of events.  Like, Theron and Lana and Marr and Satele are all still... them.  But we see very different sides of them on imp side.  Also the cutscenes from the Revan fight onward on Yavin are SO different. 

I personally prefer republic side still (I have done it 4 times plus another almost finished, and I am jedi main all the way) but seeing the other side is fun.  Same goes for the Theron romance, the romances on republic side are much more sweet, emotional, and romantic which I ultimately prefer, but the lusty tension on the sith warrior is a fun alt to play through so far. (Though I will say I have been burned a few times by unclear sithy dialogue choices and accidentally said something mean to Theron and it felt awful 😪)   I don't know if I will go through the entire story on that character (I never planned to do KotFE/KotET on imperial), but I'll probably at least go through the end of Ziost.

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5 hours ago, yenzin said:

I have heard of it. It's based off a male love Chinese novel. In the TV adaption, just like with many Korean romances, there are a lot of heavy looks and platonic intimate scenes. I've heard nothing but good things about the show and it is on my To-Watch list. The show has won well earned awards for the wardrobe. The characters all look so pretty. 

Yes. I've been able to read up to volume 4, but the last one is not out yet in english and the french translation is only available up to vol. 2, and while i can understand and speak chinese enough to have a basic everyday conversation, my chinese isn't good enough to read a whole novel (didn't really have many opportunities to practice in the past decade or so, so i had forgotten quite a lot, was happy that some of it was coming back while watching the show though). Quite liked the novel too, plot is a bit more consistent in the novel (they probably had some budget restrictions so some scenes are really better in the books), but i actually like how the relationship is portayed a bit more in the drama. And yes, that's some very pretty/handsome cast there, i think i'm in love with Xiao Zhan's smile (the actor who plays WWX), that man has the brightest, most adorable smile i've ever seen, goes really well with the character's whole personality. The person who did the casting trully did a great job because they all fit their characters very well, and the chemistry between the actors playing WWX and LWJ is one of the best i've ever seen.

4 hours ago, eabevella said:

I have no idea The Untamed is famous even in the non-chinese speaking area. It's super popular here (I'm not from China but we do speak/use mandarin/chinese as official language) everyone's watching it lol

I actually had never heard of it before my FB and YT both recommended it to me, and my sister's FB and YT did the same, so we decided to give it a shot and have absolutely no regrets. I've never rewatched a whole series right after finishing it the first time like that, and it's probably my favorite show now.

4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I personally prefer republic side still (I have done it 4 times plus another almost finished, and I am jedi main all the way) but seeing the other side is fun.  Same goes for the Theron romance, the romances on republic side are much more sweet, emotional, and romantic which I ultimately prefer, but the lusty tension on the sith warrior is a fun alt to play through so far. (Though I will say I have been burned a few times by unclear sithy dialogue choices and accidentally said something mean to Theron and it felt awful 😪)   I don't know if I will go through the entire story on that character (I never planned to do KotFE/KotET on imperial), but I'll probably at least go through the end of Ziost.

I'm the same.

While it's fun on imp side, i like the whole romance a lot more on pub side. What i really liked between him and my JK was that while they have different personalities and will disagree on how to do thing sometimes, they have similar values, which isn't necessarily the case with an imp toon and for me gives a deeper, stronger relationship.

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6 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I'm the same.

While it's fun on imp side, i like the whole romance a lot more on pub side. What i really liked between him and my JK was that while they have different personalities and will disagree on how to do thing sometimes, they have similar values, which isn't necessarily the case with an imp toon and for me gives a deeper, stronger relationship.

That is it exactly for me, spy and Jedi do things differently, and the number of times you have to be like "Theron no" during forged alliances/SoR when he wants you to commit minor war crimes or betray your allies is actually a little funny (like I think Ziost is the first time he suggests the light side action and Lana the dark one in a moral choice lol, and thankfully they never have him offer the bad choice again after that), but ultimately Theron will side with republic characters and their values more from the off, so there isn't that inherent layer of distrust to get past or have lingering forever in the background. 

To me that makes a much more satisfying and meaningful relationship, especially since Theron deliberately closes himself off and doesn't share that big heart of his easily or with just anyone.  With the sith warrior it definitely feels like "this is an excitingly dangerous time" which is fun, but with republic characters Theron feels so relaxed and comfortable, which I love. 

BH peeps chime in about how start of relationship is, I am curious since they are "imperial" but also, like, not really, so does Theron trust them way more than sith or agent or does the dialogue not really account for different levels of "imperial"?

(I finally started a BH yesterday btw, everyone was talking it up so I gave in 😂  it will be a looong time before she gets anywhere close to stories with Theron tho hahaha)

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