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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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That paints some really scary images for a ritual.


"Everyone done with their chili? Good now let's gather around, turn your backs to Zildrog and let go, fuel him!!"


This is how life was erased from Nathema ... baby Valkorian made some Sith Chili ... and before you knew it ... BOOM everyones gone.

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That paints some really scary images for a ritual.


"Everyone done with their chili? Good now let's gather around, turn your backs to Zildrog and let go, fuel him!!"


Oh lawd. I died laughing. Thank god I didn't have anything to drink reading this.

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As for the contact info not updating, we've got that one noted and plan to fix it in an upcoming patch. Thanks for letting us know!


Bless. It's not a huge issue for my dudes not to be able to summon Theron but for my ladies who romanced him it is, so I'm happy to hear a fix is in the works ♥


Also I really want to put his hair back lmao but I can be patient :D

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Bless. It's not a huge issue for my dudes not to be able to summon Theron but for my ladies who romanced him it is, so I'm happy to hear a fix is in the works ♥


Also I really want to put his hair back lmao but I can be patient :D


You can pull him from the terminal. Now that he's back in the story it shouldn't mess with any canon. I actually pulled my Theron back right after I finished Umbara, and I have been running with him all this time.

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That was a shock! I didn’t even expect this thread to get so far as it has when I started it and to have Charlie reply in it is cool. Oh and screw behaving! Theron is getting some kinky shocks for his betrayal if you catch my drift. 😉 Hehe!

Indeed. You have outdone us in the Quinn thread :p

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*laughs at all the edgelords mad now*


So quick to come in here and start rubbing killing him in someone's face. :D


On my free level 60 token character that I don't really care about I told Theron to bugger off and leave the alliance. Didn't kill him though! And even with that, it was hard. I plan on the rest of my characters to keep him as friend or lover. I just need to figure out a way to justify my sith warrior's response since she "divorced" Quinn - something else I didn't like but I chose republic and the Quinn choices didn't offer a traditional break up :(.

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For those asking earlier, Theron definitely isn't out of the story! We may not focus on him and Lana as heavily as we have in the past (this storyline in particular really focused on the three of you, for example) but no plans for them to go anywhere anytime soon, unless it's the result of a choice that's offered.


As for the contact info not updating, we've got that one noted and plan to fix it in an upcoming patch. Thanks for letting us know!


This is such wonderful news. Even in a diminished role, it's comforting to know that Theron will be in the ongoing story. I can deal with a cameo from time to time, I couldn't deal with him being gone forever. Had already visited the unsub page to see what I had to do and even wrote a synopsis for my reasons for quitting. Looks like I'll be around for what comes next.


Thank you for saving Theron and for saving the game for me.

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On my free level 60 token character that I don't really care about I told Theron to bugger off and leave the alliance. Didn't kill him though! And even with that, it was hard. I plan on the rest of my characters to keep him as friend or lover. I just need to figure out a way to justify my sith warrior's response since she "divorced" Quinn - something else I didn't like but I chose republic and the Quinn choices didn't offer a traditional break up :(.


Oh I definitely get telling him to bugger off if you don't like the character. Honestly I'd rather have a bugger off option than a kill one, it allows the character to get the heck out of my PCs face, expresses contempt without it being psychotic, and allows the devs to use that NPC as necessary for story lines. The only times lack of a kill option bug me is when it's really clearly something that should be there (looking at you Quinn, Skadge and Gault).


And yeah stuff like that is my *exact* issue with the kill options. They often take out what would be a more reasonable "I don't like you." options to accommodate them and it's maddening. :(

Edited by Raynezazki
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Oh I definitely get telling him to bugger off if you don't like the character. Honestly I'd rather have a bugger off option than a kill one, it allows the character to get the heck out of my PCs face, expresses contempt without it being psychotic, and allows the devs to use that NPC as necessary for story lines. The only times lack of a kill option bug me is when it's really clearly something that should be there (looking at you Quinn, Skadge and Gault).


And yeah stuff like that is my *exact* issue with the kill options. They often take out what would be a more reasonable "I don't like you." options to accommodate them and it's maddening. :(


I'm there with you. I have only one DS 5 character, and she might tell Theron to bugger off, but I have no desire to kill him. She is sort of my DS test character, just to see what happens. But, I never saw the point in bricking a character in someone else's story just to satisfy an itch or in giving the choice to do so.

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Just played the FP on my super dark Sorceror Emperor and I gotta say I absolutely loved the story and how they handled it. I wasn't too pleased when it seemed like I was forced into forgiving Theron at first but then allowing me to leave him to die made me very happy. It's great because I have fulfilled my characters lust for revenge BUT in a non conclusive way, Theron has plenty of chance to survive after all.


I'm just pleased for once there was an actual choice that seems to have meant something. What with the cut to Satele when I left him and all :D Don't get me wrong, not here to crap on the love thread as I will definitely be keeping him alive on a fair majority of my characters and I do enjoy him as a character, I'm just so happy the choice was actually present. And now to hear Charles chiming in to confirm that he'll still be around for those who did keep him and not bricked into the comp window is just icing on the cake and gives me hope for companions who have been rendered useless by kill options in the past such as Vette and Torian etc.


Edit: Just a note to the devs, isn't there any way you can base certain cutscene auto responses from our characters on our alignment or something? As in when Theron gets shot my character sounds all worried when he really couldn't care less about Theron at that point :p Maybe make people with light alignment sound worried and dark alignment not so much. But then, I guess there'd be exceptions like DS players who have romanced Theron etc

Edited by uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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For those asking earlier, Theron definitely isn't out of the story! We may not focus on him and Lana as heavily as we have in the past (this storyline in particular really focused on the three of you, for example) but no plans for them to go anywhere anytime soon, unless it's the result of a choice that's offered.


As for the contact info not updating, we've got that one noted and plan to fix it in an upcoming patch. Thanks for letting us know!

Thank you. I was worried the option to have him gone would affect us that chose to keep him, glad that's not the case.

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For those asking earlier, Theron definitely isn't out of the story! We may not focus on him and Lana as heavily as we have in the past (this storyline in particular really focused on the three of you, for example) but no plans for them to go anywhere anytime soon, unless it's the result of a choice that's offered.


As for the contact info not updating, we've got that one noted and plan to fix it in an upcoming patch. Thanks for letting us know!



Thanks Charles :) As a sidenote I had a hilarious bug. My jedi consular romanced Theron, but I got a jealous letter from Dark side Jeasa about me betraying her and keep Arcann away from her :p I don't remember my consular being a male sith warrior at any point :p Or romancing Arcann. Apparently my Jedi sin't very good at being one , when I'm not around :p

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I couldn't help myself...I just had to watch the scene where Theron's left behind out of curiosity despite everyone telling me not to and yes....it's absolutely heartbreaking, gosh I think I felt my heart break in two watching it. I really don't think I could even do that on my darkest DS character, it's just so cold. I had to go back and watch the marriage scene again to cheer me up.


For those asking earlier, Theron definitely isn't out of the story! We may not focus on him and Lana as heavily as we have in the past (this storyline in particular really focused on the three of you, for example) but no plans for them to go anywhere anytime soon, unless it's the result of a choice that's offered.


This makes me so happy. :)

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I couldn't help myself...I just had to watch the scene where Theron's left behind out of curiosity despite everyone telling me not to and yes....it's absolutely heartbreaking, gosh I think I felt my heart break in two watching it. I really don't think I could even do that on my darkest DS character, it's just so cold. I had to go back and watch the marriage scene again to cheer me up.




This makes me so happy. :)


Well, if he needs to survive to get back to the shuttle, while Lana is dragging him, chances are that he doesn't die, but simply pass out. And by showing us Satele, she could get there in time to save him. So, i wouldn't assume he is dead just yet. There is a reason the option was to eave him to die and not outright kill him.

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