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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If you were your character for a day....


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If I were in the Star Wars universe I'd probably do the same thing I do in the game, kill lots of stuff without any consequences.


If it were real life I'd probably get arrested for mindlessly slaughtering thousands of people just so I could, hopefully, acquire enough tokens so I could get a better pair of pants.

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Main Warrior - spend all day with Quinn in his secret ship's quarters* only AFTER force choking all those I deem deserve it!


Main Sith Inq who romanced Theron - after introducing several former rl bosses to the wrath of my lightning, spend the rest of the day with Theron in a secret hideout on Rishi*


Main Trooper who romanced Aric - actually have a wedding, then spend all day with Aric*


I thought I'd use my powers to make loads of money but I pick romance and revenge any day :D


*nothing done with these three would be work safe :D

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I'd have a romantic picnic with my loved one. :p


I was going to say that! On Dromund Kaas. Until I realized that as beautiful as it is, the whole place is mud and infested with mosquitoes.


Rest of the time would be spent playing around with the force. Surely if we can use it to pick things up and move them around, we could figure out a way to pick ourselves up and move ourselves around. Flight! Or least hover. :)

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Lets see:


Inquisitor -

RL: Hunt down my bosses and murder with force lightning!

SW: Try to get a hug off Khem Val. Go to Korriban and kill any weak Sith who believe they are all powerful! (seen some really bad RP lately)


Smuggler -

RL: Use my skills and tech to amass a fortune so when the day is over i'm rich.

SW: Use my stealth generator to sneak up and stealth hug Lana and torment her all day with butt squeezes and the like and then make her jump and mention how cute she is when sees scared and... you can see where this is going. :cool:


Warrior -

RL: Force choke my bosses.

SW: Spend the day with Vette and see if i can convince her accept female warrior loving as they are so cute together! As that is unikely go adventuring and have a fun day with my favorite Twi'lek. Provide Quinn with various books and hire him out as a reader for those who love his voice. ;)

Edited by EightiesMonkey
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IA: go to voss and spend some quality time with my Voss hubby. Dig being blue!

BH: Go kill all huts, then take

the day off and enjoy some quality time in my Manaan Stronghold with Torian.

SI: Adjust to suddenly being male and a Red Sith. shoot lightning out of my fingertips. Go to my yavin 4 stronghold and convince Kira to join the dark side....declare myself the new emperor of the Sith.

SM: have a big party. Fly around in my spaceship.


LiteSide JK

go to alderaan and warn everyone to get off-planet in another 2500-3000 years or so.

DarkSide JK

Find Scourge and together with the Eternal Fleet (which I still control at the point of time in my story)

bring down Shatele Shan and establish the Sith empire on Coruscant. Except for Slavery. Eliminate slavery :)

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flip on my stealth generator and head to my stronghold and stay there til it was over i guess..

especially if all you lunatics running around force choking people where also there :p


You could also go to someone else's stronghold....In stealth.... Either for spying on them, or just randomly moving stuff around behind their backs so they think its haunted....

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SWTOR Bucket List (most of which my sorceress fills nicely):


1) I can shoot lightning from my fingertips....*ahem*...I CAN SHOOT LIGHTNING FROM MY FINGERTIPS!

2) Sit on the Eternal Throne.

3) Make Lana get stuff off of top shelves just so I can see her .... stretch.

4) Ashara...dancing girl. And make her go against her teachings. :D

5) Forcewalk Valkorian. *teehee*

6) Listen to Nadia Grell talk for hours...then snuggle up in bed.


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I would go to the garden balcony at my Dromund Kaas stronghold, sit on the comfy couch under the market canopy that is nestled among the trees and plants, and watch the city lights and sky through the rain while drinking hot coffee. I'd bring my Nexu Creature Companion so that he could curl up on the luxurious rug and take a little nap. He's such a good boy and he works so hard. He deserves a break too.
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