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Your most and least favorite class story? 🌈📚


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Least favorite: no opinion. I completed and liked every class story. Each was good, so I don't really dislike any of them. I thought every class story was good.


Favorite: Jedi Knight, by far. This was my first class story, then I completed the next 7. And Jedi Knight always remained my favorite out of the 8 classes. All 8 class stories were good but I found Jedi Knight to be the best!


Reasoning: It's the most traditional. Every single Star Wars movie was about Jedi. Multiple Jedi characters were in every movie. From Anakin, to Luke to Rey. Of the nine movies that are officially part of the Star Wars Sega, each stared a Jedi as the main character. And in KOTOR and KOTOR2 , Revan and Metra were both Jedi. Even looking into the spin offs Solo and Rouge One both had Sith. Maul and Vader. So in every single Star Wars film there is the force. So that's why I like the force classes better than the soldier-ish types of classes. Especially Jedi Knight, like the movies.


Secondly the Jedi Knight story faces the hardest villain. Around act 3 he faces the emperor, who later becomes the villain from Ziost, to Zakuul to Odesson. And even Onslaught's newest story arch foreshadows him. So he's a worthy foe. In every other story the villain isn't nearly as powerful as the Emperor. We have lesser characters like Baras, Zash, The 1st Son, Jades, the Voidwolf and General R. Baras is out of shape. Zash is old. The 1st Son didn't even know it. Etc. Realistically these flaws would cause these villain's downfall way to quick. Where as the Emperor had the rank and power that the other villains didn't. He could destroy worlds just by ritual. So in conclusion I liked how the Jedi Knight had a worthy villain more than the others did.


These are why I found Jedi Knight to be the best in my opinion and my reasons for it. All 8 stories are good but I like JK the best.

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Favorite Story: Dark Side Inquisitor

Least Favorite: Light Side Consular

Reason I like it the Inquisitor, you start off as nothing and slowly work your way to the very top of the food chain, all while surviving on cunning, guile, and your extensive abilities, but you still lack the power you need to rise through the ranks even further. So you're required to increase your power through a dangerous method. All the while you feed your ambition through acts of cruelty, reveling in the power you've obtained.

Reason I dislike the consular, quite frankly it's boring. I struggled to remain interested in it. And with the second half it only got worse. But that was the case with all the Republic class stories for me, as far as the second half of the story goes, with the exception of the Knight. As far as the trooper and smuggler, it felt like they derailed from what the class was supposed to focus on.

Edited by IramUnleashed
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Your most and least favorite class story?

Least: Bounty Hunter. 176 toons, 6 of them bounty hunters.

The idea of spending your entire career being handed pieces of paper to kill people is as boring as I can think it to be.


Most: Consular. Feels most star-warsy to me. I wish Knight + Consular were bundled in the same class, then we'd have the masculinity of the knight with the raw damage ability of the consular.

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Favorite: Light Side Consular. Dark Side with this class just makes no sense to me. At least with Chapter One and the start of Chapter Two.


Least Favorite: Hunter. Doesn't matter the Dark or Light Side.


The least favorite is a hard one really. They all have their little gem moments. However, Hunter, Trooper, Knight and Smuggler kinda meh to me. Top 3 for me are Consular, Inquisitor and Warrior (in that order).

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Apparently this is the same thread I already posted in back when it first appeared.


Least Favorite: Dark Inquisitor


I play my Sith as Darksiders, and I find this just doesn't fit the Inquisitor story. You're forced to take a Jedi Apprentice that always thinks you're a Lightside Sith for some reason, but is also perfectly happy to help you kill her former comrades, despite still somehow thinking she's still a Jedi. It has, by far, my least favorite supporting cast. Khem Val is the best one, and he'd be kind of middle of the road for me in any other companion groups. The story hits several of the same notes as the Sith Warrior story, yet somehow does them all worse. The main villain is barely a character you get to know and the beef between them and the Inquisitor doesn't even really feel personal. The entirety of Chapter 1 of the Warrior story sets up the importance of Jaesa Willsaam and pits you against a powerful Jedi adversary. The Inquisitor story has neither. The Warrior storyline even seems to explore the intricacies of Sith politics better than the Inquisitor, which was supposedly about intrigue and betrayal. I can't say I didn't enjoy certain parts of it, but I'd put it as the one where I found myself the least interested and invested in the plot.


Most Favorite: Imperial Agent (I guess she was technically Lightside, but definitely not an average Lightsider)


I really loved this one, in part, because it's so different and innovative. It doesn't seem to have an iconic Star Wars trope that it is based on (the closest I can think of is the X-Wing novels by Michael Stackpole?), so it seemed to be able to go in less predictable directions. The circumstances allowed me to play some very uniquely nuanced characters. It's also easily the most reactive story in the game, becoming the Hand of Jadus is still probably the decision in the game with the most different content associated with it (or close to it, at least). Easily the most fun I had with the class stories, it was the only one out of the eight that I didn't feel any lull in Chapter 2 whatsoever. It also has the most endings, but that's the one major criticism I had, some of the endings are things you can accidentally cause without warning.

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Warning: This is gonna be a little long.


Favorite: Warrior. It sets out to tell the tale of a powerful Sith, a weapon that prides themself on immeasurable loyalty to the Empire and its causes, even if their discretion allows for 'unpatriotic' actions every here and there. You were told you were something powerful to behold from early on and you're faced with stepping past your first master we're shown by end of Korriban, with a plausible situation and great options to set the tone for who you're going to be. You also meet a great companion who offsets the serious tone of your story with humor clearly reminescent of a classic BioWare companion albeit older and more tragic, but sympathy is completely up to you.


You're then passed on to a Darth who embodies the other side of the Empire, separated from the dregs, the slaves, the constantly warring knucklesheads embroiled in their constant grasps, battlefield power struggles and the like. No, this one enjoys the more subtle touches that nudge forth a thousand cascading changes. Darth Baras, the lord of the cakes himself. Yeah, we rag on him for his weight but you have to look at it like this, he humors you all along the way with few signs of irritation, chokes a man across holo from planets away without struggle, traps a certain someone, and is ultimately why Corellia and every damn thing after happens. He's damn good and whoever wrote him deserves a toast.


You engage in targeted hits of high profile targets across the stars, meet interesting contacts who would be of great help later on for yourself (if BW ever remembers class story side characters for times outside of killing them off!!!), get a cool introspective moment on Tatooine, take down your boss' boss, get to play manipulator with your apprentice, be the first to speak to the Emperor directly in years and dethrone and kill a false claimant as the personal executioner of the Emperor. All of this with beautiful voice acting for males and females. My only gripe is female not getting a proper second romance option.


The class also plays like an absolute monster and feels great. I think when it comes to best story, experience with playing should have some mention. The Warrior feels the role and that's across both subclasses and advanced classes.


Least favorite: Trooper. (I love them all but it's just the weakest!) At one point, I would have said Consular and I sometimes teeter back and forth just because of the dry voice acting. Your character is supposed to be a young prodigy but sounds no younger than 45 (male) and has poor delivery but female pulls it off better but this is about Trooper.


Its no secret that the first chapter was hands down the best of the initial 3 and that Havoc should have stayed the main villains across the whole thing with mixing in some Imp personel but it is what it is. The romances are actually pretty sweet and the companions are largely likeable but the second chapter and third fall into some pretty boring lulls. Jaxo was a great addition but she has that thing happen and then that extra motivation is gone. Yuun, while interesting, kind of has no presence after recruitment. Tano is a douche (though I do like that part of him) but he doesn't ever get fleshed out. Even Gault managed to get that much while taking you along his schemes. MX is loveable, Jorgan YMMV (I liked him mostly) and Dorne was a believable character so not too bad in comparison to all other classes.


The voice acting is okay, but being a huge Mass Effect fan, I grew tired of Hale's voice half way through Coruscant (but that's just me) while male voice was.. alright. Doesn't seem to fit as many different appearance as well as other classes do (better than Consular here) but its minor.


Playstyle for Vanguard/Commando feels awful. Commandos don't FEEL powerful (I know them and Mercs have been running amuck for a while now) by virtue of their animations being supremely lame and Vanguards being snipped down to melee only really killed a lot of fun. Cutscenes ignoring your actual weapon in favor of a blaster is extra lame.


You leave the story feeling like you barely left an impact on many people's lives despite the prison escape thing with Jaxo (you never SEE the people you're supposedly saving), the cyborgs on Coruscant (you get a mail iirc, which is.. eh) and the Tatooine thing was on the right track. Corellia's ending feels limp due to how small scale the actual battle was and the end of chapter 3 makes you feel small, even if looking at it narratively, it made sense. You're supposed to be special ops, I get it, but when people hear 'Trooper', they're expecting Halo: ODST (because we're not exactly super human enough for regular Halo), hell even Call of Duty. Writing a compelling story in which a majority of 'civilians' play as special forces, making moral decisions in a system that actively encourages or discourages you from considering nuance, in a binary dynamic is going to be a mess and that's what this sort of was. I think THAT's the weakness of the story, it can't allow for a lot of nuance as a shot caller on the field. The Mass Effect feel didn't translate well to this game's setting. You tell Garza to cram it and she moves past whatever orders you disobeyed. You're not allowed to agree with Tavus or sympathize, there's a plot that has to progress. This is admittedly an issue with other classes where discretion should arguably be better but suffer from understandable restraints but its part of why Trooper is so boring and specific decisions were controversial (like the orphans one on Ord Mantel).


Then there's the fact that our main villain post Chapter 1 is so far removed from the player. Hard to feel antagonized by some big name baddie that had no show of absolute force. You never felt like the loser or the underdog, even when chasing the previous members of your outfit. Very Firelord Ozai-ish (shout out to my ATLA fans!). I could easily drag Knight and Inquisitor but Trooper took me about a year to finish my first and I had nothing but time back when I started.


Also, sorry Charles, I know this was your baby but you've been doing fine lately, still have beef with you over Nathema and Kotfe but all good homie!

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Most Favorite: LS SW

Least Favorite: DS Con


The basis of both these choices is believability. The SW is supposed to be darkside but can play LS or neutral believably; when they make LS decisions I can buy the character doing it, it's not just a sop to player agency. Very few classes are very good at this, aside from SW perhaps DS Trooper and LS Inq. The rest are meant to be played by their traditional alignment imo (DS for imps, LS for reps].


Now compare this to DS consulars. The choices simply don't make a lot of sense. Like DS JKs you're never really punished or even noticed for being DS. The single stupidest DS decision [imo] is Act 1 Finale for consulars, killing the force ghost and indirectly killing dozens, maybe hundreds of jedi masters. No one on the Council seems to think this is a problem or maybe you could've handled it better. It just gets worse from there. Not to mention, you have this healing ability but inexplicably choose to kill the crazy masters instead.


What would've made DS consulars significantly more believable is if someone like Jaric Kaedan had taken them aside right after Tython and given them a special directive to kill the crazy masters if they posed a threat to the good reputation of the Jedi within the republic [or its allies]. Then there would actually be a pragmatic REASON to kill them besides your character being a psycho.

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Least favorite: Imperial Agent (I'm in the minority here, I know:D)


Not necessarily, although it's not my least favorite, I can understand why some think that, there are parts of it that are a slog fest. And a few moments where you just stop and think, what the fudge.

Same as alot think the couns is the worst, again at times it tiresome, but depending on how you play it, some of it can be good. My first two got deleted, because I hated them, and the story, didn't think I'd ever play it again, but I eventually went back, pick different options, etc, had a bit of fun, and finished it. Since then I rolled a couple others.

Edited by DarkTergon
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Not necessarily, although it's not my least favorite, I can understand why some think that, there are parts of it that are a slog fest. And a few moments where you just stop and think, what the fudge.

Same as alot think the couns is the worst, again at times it tiresome, but depending on how you play it, some of it can be good. My first two got deleted, because I hated them, and the story, didn't think I'd ever play it again, but I eventually went back, pick different options, etc, had a bit of fun, and finished it. Since then I rolled a couple others.


IAs probably have the worst Act 1. Right up until the finale it's a dull slog.

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Most Favorite: LS SW

Least Favorite: DS Con


The basis of both these choices is believability. The SW is supposed to be darkside but can play LS or neutral believably; when they make LS decisions I can buy the character doing it, it's not just a sop to player agency. Very few classes are very good at this, aside from SW perhaps DS Trooper and LS Inq. The rest are meant to be played by their traditional alignment imo (DS for imps, LS for reps].


Now compare this to DS consulars. The choices simply don't make a lot of sense. Like DS JKs you're never really punished or even noticed for being DS. The single stupidest DS decision [imo] is Act 1 Finale for consulars, killing the force ghost and indirectly killing dozens, maybe hundreds of jedi masters. No one on the Council seems to think this is a problem or maybe you could've handled it better. It just gets worse from there. Not to mention, you have this healing ability but inexplicably choose to kill the crazy masters instead.


What would've made DS consulars significantly more believable is if someone like Jaric Kaedan had taken them aside right after Tython and given them a special directive to kill the crazy masters if they posed a threat to the good reputation of the Jedi within the republic [or its allies]. Then there would actually be a pragmatic REASON to kill them besides your character being a psycho.


Have to say, I felt my Trooper pulled off Dark Side well. It should be more of a thing one builds up to. I also feel LS Inquisitor makes lots of sense. However, it's a matter of perspective. Do you go the way of "I was enslaved and want to kill the world" or "I was enslaved and I don't want to become those who enslaved me"


I do agree that Consular (fave class) just doesn't pull off DS well at all. I don't find this to be a fault myself, but I can see why people would like the class to be able to make sense going either direction.


I don't recall Knight making lots of sense either, but I do believe they made more sense than the Consular. Consular story just doesn't fit it at all imo. Maybe, if like you said, a NPC took them aside to try and corrupt them.

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Have to say, I felt my Trooper pulled off Dark Side well. It should be more of a thing one builds up to. I also feel LS Inquisitor makes lots of sense. However, it's a matter of perspective. Do you go the way of "I was enslaved and want to kill the world" or "I was enslaved and I don't want to become those who enslaved me"


That's what I'm saying. DS trooper makes sense, often makes more sense than a LS trooper. Same with LS Inq. DS Smug too now that I think of it. Most other classes, however, don't make a lot of sense played against type. Neutral BH? OK. LS BH? Eh.


Maybe, if like you said, a NPC took them aside to try and corrupt them.


It's a DS choice but the reasoning makes a lot of sense, and throughout both Jedi stories you see Republic leaders have a very hostile relationship with LS Jedi.


Alternatively, they could have just made the effects of the healing affect gameplay. On Voss if you sacrifice your health for Gaden-Ko, you get a 60 min debuff. If you got a debuff on your char, one that didn't go away and increased in intensity for every master you healed, including Parkanus at Act 1 Finale, which stays with you the rest of the game, versus killing them, or even just killing Parkanas, that would sure make the DS choice a lot more viable. Even if the debuff only showed up in class story instances [so group players wouldn't freak] that'd be huge.

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BEST: Jedi knight, yeah I loved how epic the story was and how KOTOR 3 it felt at times. Great companions too. Plus you get to be

on Dromund Kaas...that was so cool the first time


Imperial Agent and Sith Warrior defintely have good moments too. Somehow IA gets a lot of nice area's where other classes can't go (like on Alderaan and Quesh for instance). And SW has a similar epic feel to it as the JK.


WORST: sith inquisitor...don't like the bad guy and you constantly have to be saved because you did something dumb or tripped over your own feet. Overall the companions aren't great either.

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My favourite would be a female LS Jedi Knight.

What can i say, i like feeling like i'm THE hero of that story. I like T7, Kira and Scourge as companions. I also like that KOTFE/ET really feels like a continuation of her story, and i love her romance with Theron Shan.


Next would be a female neutral SW. I like how that story plays out, the crew is pretty good too, and she's like a good counterpart to my JK. Too bad i can't include her in my JK's KOTFE/ET story, at least in the game, she'll be there in my fic though when i'll be there.


Then i really like female neutral, but slightly LS leaning BH, she become actually more LS after becoming a Mandalorian as most Mando alligned choices were actually LS.



Next up in the middle are IA and SI. The stories are quite nice, the characters too, the crews, hm not my favourites. Vector is a nice romance, but he's pretty much the only member of the IA's crew i actually like, but i like his interactions with Lokin. As for the SI's crew, both apprentices are bad, the romance for a male DS SI is awfull and even if the romance is slightly better for a female SI he's not my favourite either.



Then comes Trooper. not my favourite story but excapt for Vik i quite like the crew and both romances are actually pretty good, Aric being one of my favourite romances and having the best reunion during KOTFE.



I can't say i hate any story, as i thinks they all have some good and bad to them, but my least favourite would be somewhat of a tie between Consular and Smuggler, depending on my curent mood. But overall i'd probably place JC as my least favourite

I like the personnality of the smuggler and the crew is not too bad, but the story itself not so much. Chapter 1 is pretty fun, but after that, not really my cup of tea.


As for the JC, DS doesn't make any sense, and LS would probably be a very nice person to be around but to me the story is a bit slow and feels somewhat disjointed between Prologue+Chap1 and Chap2+3, like you could have 2 different characters doing the class story like having a Sage that would be Yuon's Padawan in the first part, while having a Shadow who would be Syo's Padawan in the second part. This is probably what bothers me the most about this particular class story, as i don't really feel this way about any other class

Not a big fan of the JC's crew either, and the romances are not among my favourites. Nadia's is pretty bad, either you feel like a weird dude taking advantage of a poor girl who just lost her father while you're in a position of authority over her or you try simply being nice to her and end up in a weird romance you didn't really looked for. Iresso may have been better if he came earlier as he's the last companion to join you crew.

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