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Revoke EA/BioFails Rights to Star Wars


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Whoever gets it next they want solid customer service, 7 days to NOT respond to a ticket is ridiculous. I'm willing to bet they tell me some line or other and not solve the problem.


My patience has snapped now and that "cancel subscription" button grows ever more tempting. I've had problems with half the class stories and KotET now, it's absolutely pathetic.

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That is very true, people wouldn't have stuck around for 5-6 years, I know I wouldn't. Actually I would never have even started to play the game if it wasn't Star Wars,


Kind of the opposite here. I enjoyed all the Star Wars stuff, have read the books etc. but not a rabid fan by an means (LoTRO sort instead). I tried the game because it was BioWare and I have always enjoyed their games. So, I would've been here one way or the other. I stuck around for the only reason to stick around...because I'm having fun.

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Kind of the opposite here. I enjoyed all the Star Wars stuff, have read the books etc. but not a rabid fan by an means (LoTRO sort instead). I tried the game because it was BioWare and I have always enjoyed their games. So, I would've been here one way or the other. I stuck around for the only reason to stick around...because I'm having fun.


I only skimmed this thread because it is the usual suspects making the same complaints (again). That's their prerogative, of course, and it is neither my place nor my interest to police the forums, but with that said...


I'm with the above poster -- not really into Star Wars, only seen the movies (and let's face it -- two of them were AWFUL), never read the books (didn't even know they existed before a couple of months ago) and never watched the Clone Wars cartoons.


I hang around and play because I have fun. None of the bugs are so debilitating that it prevents me from playing or doing a work around. Is it annoying at times -- sure. But I'm kind of a rip the band-aid off kind of guy. I wrote one small post agreeing with someone who wrote a lengthy justifiable tirade as to why I was leaving WoW. I occasionally checked in to see / read if the problems I had were addressed. They were a year or so later, so I rejoined. Maybe some of you will do that too with this game.


But for the life of me: It's not that I don't understand or sympathize with the frustrations, but it's unfathomable to me that people would continue to pay for a leisure activity they clearly don't enjoy. My free time is just too valuable.



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Stopped right there, too much ego.


That's okay. You weren't the intended audience. The intended audience was potential newcomers to the game who should know there are some people who actually enjoy playing the game.



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That's okay. You weren't the intended audience. The intended audience was potential newcomers to the game who should know there are some people who actually enjoy playing the game.




You missed a spot when polishing your armor, Sir.

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You missed a spot when polishing your armor, Sir.


Sweetie, I'm a queen, I don't wear armor. And if I did, I certainly wouldn't polish it myself. :rak_03:


And I did sign on to the complaints about the Umbara Crisis Spider Tank boss, the legacy crystal debacle, and Section X Light Side bug. And I let them really have it with respect to lore during 5.0 and how it made no sense for non-force users.


In the end, though, there is a categorical difference b/t complaining about legit issues and starting out threads with the premise that BW Austin employees should be yanked from the project altogether. What does the OP want Eric and Keith to do -- forward this recommendation to EA?



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Actually they dont have exclusive rights. There are other games that have been released recently and more to come. These aren't EA game studios,


Facts do not support your assertion.


Go back and read what I wrote. Disney retains the first rights on any mobile games or browser only games (games Disney defines as "casual" .. and since Disney has NO studio capability.. if they do elect to take one to the market themselves... they subcontract with a studio of their choosing.


EA has a 10 year exclusive on SW IP games (other then what Disney retained), and that does not expire until 2023 and can be renewed by mutual consent of the parties.


Of course.. do not take my word for it.... https://www.polygon.com/2013/5/6/4306022/ea-disney-star-wars-games-exclusive-rights <----- one out of hundreds of internet sites that covered this big deal between companies back in May of 2013.

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Facts do not support your assertion.


Go back and read what I wrote. Disney retains the first rights on any mobile games or browser only games (games Disney defines as "casual" .. and since Disney has NO studio capability.. if they do elect to take one to the market themselves... they subcontract with a studio of their choosing.


EA has a 10 year exclusive on SW IP games (other then what Disney retained), and that does not expire until 2023 and can be renewed by mutual consent of the parties.


Of course.. do not take my word for it.... https://www.polygon.com/2013/5/6/4306022/ea-disney-star-wars-games-exclusive-rights <----- one out of hundreds of internet sites that covered this big deal between companies back in May of 2013.


Media link. In the actual contract there is going to be plenty of language to limit both parities rights to harm the brand.

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In the actual contract there is going to be plenty of language to limit both parities rights to harm the brand.


Pointless comment. :rolleyes:


Of course there are terms and conditions in the contract, and that would include a wide range of performance factors. There will also be plenty of language about remedy and process for administering a wide ranging contract that is so much bigger then just SWTOR. But since none of us know the specifics.. your "wishful thinking" is unlikely to apply in any relevant manner.


In case you have not yet figured it out... Disney and EA do not give two grains of sand about your feelings about a particular game in the EA family of games produced. I get it.. you are upset and you want your pound of flesh.. but it's not going to happen. You are simply not important enough to sway the license relationship between the two corporations. But hey.. maybe you should double down and take Disney to court to demand they cancel the license. :p

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Just frustration probably...he obviously likes the game but hates what Bioware has been doing to it lately...he's not alone and I think his frustration is very justifiable.


Agreed. It is frustrating to like something, and see its potential.. But those who are in charge of it just aren't willing or able to get it there.


It's Star Wars, for Pete's sake. With a reasonably wealthy company behind it, the title should have no issue grabbing and holding people's attention. There is a big market for MMOS- you just have to be willing to humbly take notes from the successes of ones that came before and stay in touch with your players. Bioware clearly wasn't prepared for what making an MMO actually means.

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Actually they dont have exclusive rights. There are other games that have been released recently and more to come. These aren't EA game studios,








So yes in the legal sense EA has exclusive rights to Star Wars. Other developers can develop a star wars game but the rights still remain with EA.


"DICE and Visceral will produce new games, joining the BioWare team which continues to develop for the Star Wars franchise.

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Media link. In the actual contract there is going to be plenty of language to limit both parities rights to harm the brand.


In a contract both sides enter into an agreement. What you may consider harming the brand, Disney may not. It would have to be proven legally they are doing so and then Disney would have to buy the rest of the contract from EA, which is not cheap. You cannot legally just cancel a contract because some individuals on a game claim EA is harming the brand and one game does not constitute proof that they are doing so.


Proving said claim is harder to prove and therefore Disney would most likely not take your claims as proof, no matter what you may want them to do.


Getting out of a contract is not easy no matter what you want to think. Contract negotiations are taken very serious and the writing of a contract between two parties is very serious and legally binding on both sides.

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In a contract both sides enter into an agreement. What you may consider harming the brand, Disney may not. It would have to be proven legally they are doing so and then Disney would have to buy the rest of the contract from EA, which is not cheap. You cannot legally just cancel a contract because some individuals on a game claim EA is harming the brand and one game does not constitute proof that they are doing so.


Proving said claim is harder to prove and therefore Disney would most likely not take your claims as proof, no matter what you may want them to do.


Getting out of a contract is not easy no matter what you want to think. Contract negotiations are taken very serious and the writing of a contract between two parties is very serious and legally binding on both sides.


You just cost the respective law firms millions of dollars by figuring that out without litigation :D


They may have to lay some lawyers off!

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I'm not for revoking the rights but they have failed in a big way with the game due to lack of vision and ideas but also they need to clean up the games culture within it because it's more toxic than my toilet on a good day :/


How do you clean the culture? They can't afford the 3rd OP boss, they sure can't afford to police the behavior of their customers.

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I mean I can imagine its not the fault of Bioware, but since they are clearly not able to handle the franchise they should move it to someone that can.


I mean Battlefront is great, but what they are doing to swtor in definitely not good.


I guess they need some writers who, I don't know, have actually heard of Star Wars?

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