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What would you like to see if they ever have another paid expansion ?


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- Continuation of (fully voiced) class stories - with an added bit of story/dialogue for those who just "skip" (read: never did) KOTFE/KOTET.

"Oh hey, [smuggler] Captain, where've you been the last five/six/seven years?"

"Hiding from Zakuul. Hard to run a business in these times, y'know? / Joined with the Alliance, behind the scenes. Don't tell anybody I'm such a patriot, I've got a reputation to protect. / Oh...places. Doing...uh, stuff. With, er...things. Yeah."

"Yeah, I hear you, but I've got a job for you now......"


- RETURN. OF. COMPANIONS. WITH ADDED COMPANION STORY. ...whoops, caps lock, heh. XD But, seriously. We need our companions back. Not just to become mute dummies following us around and killing things for us like obedient attack dogs, but as fleshed-out as they were during vanilla - commenting on the landscape/places of interest as you pass by, occasional lines during the story, their own side-quests and conversations, etc.


- EITHER new planets OR return to planets already seen to flesh them out further. Planets like Darvannis (it's so beautiful in KOTFE!), Vandin, Odessen, Umbara (PLEASE ESPECIALLY UMBARA), Rakata Prime, Manaan, Yavin IV (yes, I know that's technically a "full" world, but it could always be larger, yeah? :D), etc. A way to round out worlds in this incredibly diverse, beautiful galaxy through new stories would be wonderful. Or, heck, go back to old planets - Korriban, Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, Tython, Ord Mantell, Nal Hutta, etc. How are they doing in the intervening several years since we've been there?


- Several new warzones, and at least a few (two, three) new flashpoints and OPS. That's a start, at least. Then *keep* producing those new warzones, flashpoints, and OPS. Have them take precedence - at least temporarily - over the story, if need be! Us story players got our two whole years' worth of story. It's high time for multiplayer content to come back.

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20-30, yes, in a heartbeat, but not over 30. 50 is the top price I'd be willing to pay for a new game, not an expansion. That's why I don't play WoW expansions anymore until I get them at a greatly reduced price.


I want first of all proper, open, explorable planets where I can go the wrong way and run into giant monsters that try to eat me alive. And class missions, or at the very least different stories for Imp/Rep.

I want side missions that guide you to explore the new planets. Side missions add a whole lot to character development, starting by "is this character going to do this?"

I want storyline(s) that make sense and focus on the player character as the main protagonist, not time and effort spent showing what the antagonists are ranting and raving about this time.

I want stories that I can play together with my husband. That might make him come back to the game. I want the remaining original companions back, too, and I want to be able to sort them in the UI lists.

I want daily areas to farm for cool mounts and cool gear, and decos.


I want soloable FPs that add to the story, and I want the rest of the old FPs to be given a solo mode. I want solo modes for the Uprisings, possibly even a tourist mode for Ops just so I could see what they look like.

I want more farmable decos for more Strongholds; Rishi and Alderaan are the locations highest on my list.

I want a new Crafting skill - Deco crafter, a "Tier 2" skill that uses mats from all gathering skills.


I don't personally want new Ops or PvP+GSF maps, but I do want those included in a new expansion so everyone has something new they like to do.


I want more tabs in especially the Legacy Bank. I want an updated GTN where I can repost items easily, where I can automatically undercut by a certain %. I want to be able to send my companions to farm a certain gathering mission over and over without having to look it up and scroll through the lists to find it again - something like "repeat 5/10/15 times" would be great.

I want the old Ravage-visuals back. I'd even buy it off CM.


Well, that's all I can think of atm. :p


Thanks for typing out my response for me ;) Add in companion conversations and I'm good. I'd be happy to pay too!

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I would love to see more companion interactions and romance with both the 1-50 companions and the newer ones as well. It would be brilliant to have stories to do with just them and to also have the ability to have chats with them as we did before during 1-50. Given that the affection levels or whatever they're called these days is up to 50 we should be getting a lot more private conversations with them.


I'd also like to see Scourge made romanceable.


Besides all the companion adventure and romance activities, I'd like the stronghold limit increased and new strongholds made, like a 'cloud city' one; some nice beach front property or even a larger version of say Dromund Kaas.


I'd also like to have more story...story...story...story. There is never enough story. :) And if we could have more class story that would be great. Even new classes with new class story and new attractive faces and hair options for creation.

Edited by Lunafox
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- Continuation of (fully voiced) class stories - with an added bit of story/dialogue for those who just "skip" (read: never did) KOTFE/KOTET.

"Oh hey, [smuggler] Captain, where've you been the last five/six/seven years?"

"Hiding from Zakuul. Hard to run a business in these times, y'know? / Joined with the Alliance, behind the scenes. Don't tell anybody I'm such a patriot, I've got a reputation to protect. / Oh...places. Doing...uh, stuff. With, er...things. Yeah."

"Yeah, I hear you, but I've got a job for you now......"


- RETURN. OF. COMPANIONS. WITH ADDED COMPANION STORY. ...whoops, caps lock, heh. XD But, seriously. We need our companions back. Not just to become mute dummies following us around and killing things for us like obedient attack dogs, but as fleshed-out as they were during vanilla - commenting on the landscape/places of interest as you pass by, occasional lines during the story, their own side-quests and conversations, etc.


- EITHER new planets OR return to planets already seen to flesh them out further. Planets like Darvannis (it's so beautiful in KOTFE!), Vandin, Odessen, Umbara (PLEASE ESPECIALLY UMBARA), Rakata Prime, Manaan, Yavin IV (yes, I know that's technically a "full" world, but it could always be larger, yeah? :D), etc. A way to round out worlds in this incredibly diverse, beautiful galaxy through new stories would be wonderful. Or, heck, go back to old planets - Korriban, Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, Tython, Ord Mantell, Nal Hutta, etc. How are they doing in the intervening several years since we've been there?


- Several new warzones, and at least a few (two, three) new flashpoints and OPS. That's a start, at least. Then *keep* producing those new warzones, flashpoints, and OPS. Have them take precedence - at least temporarily - over the story, if need be! Us story players got our two whole years' worth of story. It's high time for multiplayer content to come back.


^This is exactly what I want.

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I probably would, yes I would pay for expansions.


I'm even fine if they do expansions for old planets (I.E. New areas)


Personally I want to see them expand on;




-Exan Kun?

-Remaining Revanites?



-More to do with this new 'side' of the force?

-Vaylin's Spirit haunting Odessen?

-Renegade EE faction launching a counter attack on the Alliance?



-Return the old companions

-Additional interactions with the new companions (Arcann, Koth, Senya etc)

-Vaylin companion please :p


Darth Marr

-Bring him back!!!!

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I should have listed things like heroics and so on in my original post but I think it's a given all planets should have that type of content as a standard rule, So $50 is a lot of money yes but they content listed in the post is also a huge chunk and should be long lasting since we have multi modes for each type of content. Also world bosses on all new planets was a must to encourage mass grouping.


All my friends have quit SWTOR due to the lack of decent MMO style content. Also If they did release a new expansion like I posted they also would need to do content cycles every 3 months and these should include


1. continued story line

2. flashpoint that is tied to the story line and yes all 3 modes

3. Instanced raid boss in all 3 modes


No pvp updates are required for this type of content cycle since seasons are on going and new maps came in the expansion but they could make a certain planet open world pvp no matter what instance it's ganking time.


then every 12 months they do another big paid expansion and keep the 3 month content cycle going and this has to be strong content every 3 months.


Would anyone want a Musco companion lol it would have to be small and short and yes a reskin would be fine of treek lol.

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This would be my "wishlist". This list would probably place it up with RothC in terms of content:


Planets: Kashyyyk, Csilla and an "endgame area" on starter planets

Dailies:3 (Kashyyyk and starter planets)

Operations:1 (Kashyyyk)

FPs:5 (including a Colicoid MM)


WB: Kashyyyk

PvP maps:2 (Umbara huttball and another "Alliance" map)

GSF maps: 1


They are sitting on some properties that they need to use now if they are going to use them (any Kotor planets or planets shown in media).

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Story, story and more story,


1. Open world planet.

2. Story that existing companions and LIs are heavily involved in.

3. Return of triangle over head convs with companions.

4. A few new romance animations, really that kiss anim we've had since day 1 needs mixing up with a few new ones. Also hands on cheeks, tracing jaws etc during conversations. Cute romance stuff.

5. A few class differences in the story, doesn't have to be major. Maybe a quest or two.

6. A couple of flashpoints are fine if they have a story and inc a story mode.

Edited by Suzsi
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I probably would, yes I would pay for expansions.


I'm even fine if they do expansions for old planets (I.E. New areas)


Personally I want to see them expand on;




-Exan Kun?

-Remaining Revanites?



-More to do with this new 'side' of the force?

-Vaylin's Spirit haunting Odessen?

-Renegade EE faction launching a counter attack on the Alliance?



-Return the old companions

-Additional interactions with the new companions (Arcann, Koth, Senya etc)

-Vaylin companion please :p


Darth Marr

-Bring him back!!!!


Yes Paul.:rak_03:


Story, story and more story,


1. Open world planet.

2. Story that existing companions and LIs are heavily involved in.

3. Return of triangle over head convs with companions.

4. A few new romance animations, really that kiss anim we've had since day 1 needs mixing up with a few new ones. Also hands on cheeks, tracing jaws etc during conversations. Cute romance stuff.

5. A few class differences in the story, doesn't have to be major. Maybe a quest or two.

6. A couple of flashpoints are fine if they have a story and inc a story mode.


More advanced romance sure would be nice! I'd go for something like ME1-3.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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Yes Paul.:rak_03:




More advanced romance sure would be nice! I'd go for something like ME1-3.:rak_03:


You wont get ME1 to 3 level in here due to content rating, Im fine with the romances being PG-13 but they could still be spiced up a little and still fall into that category. Sex isnt required for spicy romance scenes ! Andron had some amazing scenes in the Sith Inquis storyline, the only one that ever did and has. Have to wonder why.


No idea though what the romances are like for male players as I play all female chars - it could well be we just got overlooked again. Either way, mix up those scenes with some new stuff please !!

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If they actually moved to a paid expansion model and did it right, the game would be so much better because they would have the funds and resources to do it.

Most of the successful MMOs still make you pay for expansions as well as monthly subriptions, plus cash markets and they have way more players. Some even have F2P incorporated into their games in some form or other. So why is Bioware failing badly? Because they only rely on $15 subscriptions, they give too much away free and they rely too much on the CM to make money. Which means their priorities are wrong and they put more attention on the CM instead of game content and quality.

There is no reason they can't change this model.

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You wont get ME1 to 3 level in here due to content rating, Im fine with the romances being PG-13 but they could still be spiced up a little and still fall into that category. Sex isnt required for spicy romance scenes ! Andron had some amazing scenes in the Sith Inquis storyline, the only one that ever did and has. Have to wonder why.


No idea though what the romances are like for male players as I play all female chars - it could well be we just got overlooked again. Either way, mix up those scenes with some new stuff please !!


I know sex isn't required for better romance scenes, I didn't ask for sex.

Not all the scenes in ME:1-3 were "sex" I know those can't be implemented.

Like the kiss you had with Garrus ME:2 iirc, in the Citadel when you shoot cans for example. A lot better than swtor, no sex. Or even the "almost kiss" with Kaidan in ME1.

Or dragon age, Solas and from Inquisitor first time kiss! I loved that scene.:rak_03:

They took some animations from ME1, I see Arcann doing it a lot, when he turns around to look at you when he's talking, Kaidan had the exact same animation. So they seem to take inspiration from their other games.

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This appears to be one of those "negotiation" threads.... where players say... "I'll gladly do this, if the studio does that"


They have already pretty well set the precedent with players of expacs being free now, requiring only a subscription for full access. Yes, yes.. they could change that at any time, but what would be the motivator for it? It's not like players are going to wait 2-3 years for the studio to do a large expac and then charge for it.


Like all things MMO.. once you lower the bar for the players, they will revolt if you try to raise it again. Yes.. the respondents to this thread are willing and open about trying to set conditions of content for a paid expac. But notice the thread is not that energetic in the forum, so I doubt there is really much player motivation to having the studio go back to paid expacs.


And the other thing to bear in mind..... $49+ expacs do NOT drop yearly in MMOs. In most cases, they are 2-3 years apart so be careful what you wish for.


Personally, I see little real difference between a yearly free expac vs a paid one every 2-3 years. The net output would likely be about the same (for the same scale of MMO). If I enjoy the game, I'll take the expac regardless if it is free or paid.

Edited by Andryah
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This appears to be one of those "negotiation" threads.... where players say... "I'll gladly do this, if the studio does that"


They have already pretty well set the precedent with players of expacs being free now, requiring only a subscription for full access. Yes, yes.. they could change that at any time, but what would be the motivator for it? It's not like players are going to wait 2-3 years for the studio to do a large expac and then charge for it.


Like all things MMO.. once you lower the bar for the players, they will revolt if you try to raise it again. Yes.. the respondents to this thread are willing and open about trying to set conditions of content for a paid expac. But notice the thread is not that energetic in the forum, so I doubt there is really much player motivation to having the studio go back to paid expacs.


And the other thing to bear in mind..... $49+ expacs do NOT drop yearly in MMOs. In most cases, they are 2-3 years apart so be careful what you wish for.


Personally, I see little real difference between a yearly free expac vs a paid one every 2-3 years. The net output would likely be about the same (for the same scale of MMO). If I enjoy the game, I'll take the expac regardless if it is free or paid.


I wonder how many would prefer to pay for an expansion if they got enough quality content for all parts of the game and they fixed the bugs.

It's a shame there is no way for us to poll this to find out. But that wouldn't stop Bioware doing a poll to see if it would work. Except we know they never will or it's so remote that I'd likely win the lotto first.

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