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What about friends that want to play together?


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With the method you're using to allow people in in slow increments to allow for the servers to be monitored as they get hammered (what I thought you already did with those testing weekends?), what happens now when I get my access and the servers my friends have gone to are now full?


Seems silly to me that the initial servers will all be full and anyone that wants to play with friends will be kinda screwed...


Am I missing something here? Can we get some kind of acknowledgement of this issue? Will the server max players be raised with each influx of new players?


I'm afraid what will be said is "tell your friends to switch" or "guess you should have pre-ordered sooner"....both of which are pretty unacceptable.


If the server I want to go to, because I have friends there, is going to be full now, then what? Find new friends? Gee, that's great.......sorry, I'm trying not to get uppity..but this is a very strange way to do this.

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With the method you're using to allow people in in slow increments to allow for the servers to be monitored as they get hammered (what I thought you already did with those testing weekends?), what happens now when I get my access and the servers my friends have gone to are now full?


Seems silly to me that the initial servers will all be full and anyone that wants to play with friends will be kinda screwed...


Am I missing something here? Can we get some kind of acknowledgement of this issue? Will the server max players be raised with each influx of new players?


I'm afraid what will be said is "tell your friends to switch" or "guess you should have pre-ordered sooner"....both of which are pretty unacceptable.


If the server I want to go to, because I have friends there, is going to be full now, then what? Find new friends? Gee, that's great.......sorry, I'm trying not to get uppity..but this is a very strange way to do this.


You or either your friends could just wait on playing untill the entire party is established.

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I can appreciate the logic of "they should wait for you if they're your friends", but it's not just a matter of leveling with the people I want to play with, but the fact that I won't even be on the same server as them.


I doubt many of us will end up leveling together in many cases...but we would certainly like to play on the same server and let's be honest...who wants to wait to get into this game?


I just want to know if they have thought about this at all. OR if this is something that didn't even cross their minds when thinking up this staggered entry.


I totally don't have a problem with not getting in on the first few days, but I do want to ability to jump on the servers my friends have chosen.


For instance, some of my friends are in a guild that has been deployed to a particular server. I am not in this guild and will not be joining it, however, I do want to play with many of them and therefore would have been choosing this server......I am now thinking this will be a problem if the server is full from the first day.


So in this case, it's not a matter of waiting for everyone to get access at the same time....their guild is already slated to be on that server.....a now full one.

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I can appreciate the logic of "they should wait for you if they're your friends", but it's not just a matter of leveling with the people I want to play with, but the fact that I won't even be on the same server as them.


I doubt many of us will end up leveling together in many cases...but we would certainly like to play on the same server and let's be honest...who wants to wait to get into this game?


I just want to know if they have thought about this at all. OR if this is something that didn't even cross their minds when thinking up this staggered entry.


I totally don't have a problem with not getting in on the first few days, but I do want to ability to jump on the servers my friends have chosen.


For instance, some of my friends are in a guild that has been deployed to a particular server. I am not in this guild and will not be joining it, however, I do want to play with many of them and therefore would have been choosing this server......I am now thinking this will be a problem if the server is full from the first day.


So in this case, it's not a matter of waiting for everyone to get access at the same time....their guild is already slated to be on that server.....a now full one.


You don't know for sure that you will not be able to join that server, why be sad in advance =) it might very well be the case that the rest of the new players that come into the game rather go to a new server that has opened than to a older server. Which would be great for you.

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They are not going to be locking servers. Not sure where you got this info, but you will be able to roll on which ever server you would like. Keep in mind that you could have major que's to get on the servers and your friends may have several more levels than you.
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If they wanted to level with you, they'd wait for you. Evidently they want to play the game more than they want to be with you.


Quoted for reality.


Chances are you'll still be able to play on their server, there will just be longer queues. And they'll be higher level than you, unless they make new characters.

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OK so the server is never "full" you may experience a Que but it will not be full so you can join your friends you may just have to be patient and wait 10-15 minutes then you will be able to create your character. Honestly i was bummed because i didn't get in the first 5 waves (pre ordered the 30th of July so i will get in tomorrow) and i have friends who got in today, but i realized that this was a vary good idea in launching the game, it allows for players to progress past the starting zone without to much of an influx, and re-leaves stress on the servers. This was a good launch we just need to have patience we will all be able to play and level with our friends. i can say i plan on waking up at 6 am (PST) when my invite should come drinking a pot of coffee and playing till i hit 50 now that my finals are done.
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Won't be full forever. If they liked you enough, they would switch servers.


lol...the whole guild? There are also people in that guild that don't like me and I don't like either.


I really don't understand the need for everyone to respond to this with their opinions on what we should do, when I'm looking for a response from the people responsible for the situation to explain whether I'm reading into it correctly or if I'm wrong and there isn't going to be a problem (run on sentence much?).


I would like to know:

1) Are they really full?

2) Will the max player number be increased if so?

3) Will I be able to join said server (at worst with a queue)?

4) Is there even server transfers available?



If you can't answer those questions, why bother replying.



EDIT: At cherlin. IF that's the case, a queue, then so be it, totally cool with a queue that's not too too long, but I recall a game I played before where it wouldn't even show the "full" ones as selections. So I felt the need to ask.

Edited by _tegrof
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What I plan to do if I get in ahead of people is just play and enjoy all the cutscenes and level away. Then when everyone I want to play with is in, after all this stuff settles down, we pick a server and spam the crap out of the space bar to get back to where we were. Sure I might not have the advantage of being ahead of people on the server, however I will be with the people I wanted to play with.
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With the method you're using to allow people in in slow increments to allow for the servers to be monitored as they get hammered (what I thought you already did with those testing weekends?), what happens now when I get my access and the servers my friends have gone to are now full?


Seems silly to me that the initial servers will all be full and anyone that wants to play with friends will be kinda screwed...


Am I missing something here? Can we get some kind of acknowledgement of this issue? Will the server max players be raised with each influx of new players?


I'm afraid what will be said is "tell your friends to switch" or "guess you should have pre-ordered sooner"....both of which are pretty unacceptable.


If the server I want to go to, because I have friends there, is going to be full now, then what? Find new friends? Gee, that's great.......sorry, I'm trying not to get uppity..but this is a very strange way to do this.


I got in today. My friends will get in some other time. They will all come to the server that I am on and we will play together. Servers are never 'full' in the fact that nobody can create new characters on them.


What is the issue here?

Edited by Mandrax
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I cannot believe that everyone seems to be missing what the OP is getting at here. What he is saying is a completely valid point.


No, it actually isn't.


1- 'Full' doesn't mean you can't play on it.


2- The devs have already said that the cap on the servers can be raised if needed

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No, it actually isn't.


1- 'Full' doesn't mean you can't play on it.


2- The devs have already said that the cap on the servers can be raised if needed



Those two points contradict each other.


Sorry if I haven't found where it says either:

a) They are never full

b) That there are server transfers even available.



The problem is they are slated to a server already based on their guild. I am not. If they don't allow people to join servers with certain population levels, then I am unable to join where they are playing and they aren't going to move an entire guild.


Again.....anyone with any official statement?

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Ok so let me get this right. it is Biowares fault that you cant play with your friend in early access. Don't you think you should of ordered your copies at the same time if you wanted to make sure you played together expecially when you knew right from the start that it was going to be that way?
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Bingo nothing....their guild is already put on a server...thanks for playing


That changes exactly nothing. You need to accommodate everyone in your group. If that means waiting, then wait. Everyone will get in.


In the mean time, you'll have burden yourself by working on alts early or play other characters.

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Ok so let me get this right. it is Biowares fault that you cant play with your friend in early access.


I don't care about getting in at the same time...this isn't about getting access at the same time to level with my friends, it's about getting on the same server my friends are already slated to be going to.


Apparently, none of you get what I'm asking.


See what I said there? Asking....


Guess this forum will be like any other game forum...full of kids that just want to get their trolling and useless comments in without helping anyone or just not responding when they have no input that helps in anyway at all.


What was I thinking coming to the forums.....


I give up, you all win....I'll bake some cookies and you can each have one for being so special.

Edited by _tegrof
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I don't care about getting in at the same time...this isn't about getting access at the same time to level with my friends, it's about getting on the same server my friends are already slated to be going to.


Apparently, none of you get what I'm asking.


See what I said there? Asking....


Guess this forum will be like any other game forum...full of kids that just want to get their trolling and useless comments in without helping anyone or just not responding when they have no input that helps in anyway at all.


What was I thinking coming to the forums.....


I give up, you all win....I'll bake some cookies and you can each have one for being so special.


It might very well be possible for you to create a char on that server when you get access to the game. But you will not know that for sure until the day when you actually do get access =) perhaps you will have to wait a little before you get on the server.


No one on this forum can say for sure when you will be able to get in, and on one will be able to say with a 100% certainty that you will be able to get in on your friends server. I understand that you really want to be able to play with your friends, who doesn't want to do that. But no one knows the answers to your questions at the moment.


I hope you will be able to play with them later on =) *keeps fingers crossed*

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