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Petition to Bioware to make the game about Imps vs Reps


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Totally disagree with the OP


The game got boring. Kill imperials! Kill reps! Do it again until your fingers are bleeding on the keyboard! Then more! And more!


It's kind of nice change to things up once in a while. I'm glad KOTET and KOTFE came out. Same-o same-o was boring.


The reason it got boring was because the storytelling got boring. If we had better storytellers who had a clear beginning middle and end for every class then people wouldn't feel this sense of unfinished business with their class story. The original developers idea of unlimited class story with such a bad one because ultimately just as we have seen budget and creativity run out.

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Agreed. I'm well past the reps vs emps now.


Why? Empire vs Republic has been the core of Star Wars and the core of this game from the start. You have no idea how much fun I have reliving time after time the conflict between the two in the original game before any expanions. I really hate it so insanely much that I am not allowed to abandon the Alliance and return to my original faction. Screw the fact I can be Emperor I never wanted that. If I wanted to be Emperor or Empress I'd play Crusader Kings or a Total War game. Sure, let me be a Darth I loved that, but I hate being the leader of a faction especially if I know it's empty as thousands of other players are in exactly the same spot.


Empire vs Republic is the core of the game and we should very swiftly go back to that.

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Agreed. I'm well past the reps vs emps now.


Same here.


I really do not understand this low level fixation some players have on a "perpetual Imperial VS Republic" faction war. For most of the now very long timeline documented for the SW universe.... these two factions were actually NOT at war. Different motivations and bias exist for the two factions for sure... but that =/= mandatory war.


Besides.. the SW Universe, even in the formative era of the first trilogy of movies, is much more diverse and active then just Imps VS Pubs. Anyone that either cannot or will not see this.... I seriously doubt their grasp of the SW Universe as we have come to know it through movies, games, books, official Luca Arts lore controls, etc. etc.


Yes.. this is an MMO.. and by definition most MMOs do in fact have a faction based split and conflict to enable a platform for PvP. However absolutely nothing but shallow thinking supports that this MUST be some classic Imp VS Pub war of attrition.

Edited by Andryah
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Really wish Bioware would start to enforce their own rules


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/Not signed I like alliance stories way more than the makeb or imp vs rep stories

/not signed

Imo....Some of the best stories in the old EU (legends) had little to nothing to do with pub vs imp. From the Ssi-Ruuk to the Vong.... There's so much more to the SW universe to explore besides pub vs imp for the next 5000+ years.


agreed i like EU stories that are not all about rep vs imp and explore star wars way more

Edited by commanderwar
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I like the alliance and the ability to chose to have my ls imps side with the republic finally, especially my agent.


Class stories vanished the moment they started making expansions, it was always going to happen. Its why by the end of every class story the characters ended up in the same place fighting the same war for one side or the other. It was never going to be financially viable to keep 8 seperate stories running. The alliance was the best way to consolidate them so that we at least got some interactions with our LIs again instead of them standing around like mutes.


It was the right story direction, if not a little rushed (1 month chapters should have been 2, more time taken to be more indepth). They pushed out a heck of a lot of story in a short time. I hope they take a little more time and care to polish the stories from here on out, and be more inclusive of all LIs if not other companions as well. My concern is them no longer having the budget for this but I sincerly hope they do and that care is taken with the up coming story twists.


Dude if you have a sith fighting for the Republic you don't call it a sith.


Those rolls can fit with imperial agent and bounty hunter, but you do not call a light side sith fighting for the republic a sith, you call that a jedi.


Explore the star wars universe, just do not keep the nonsense that is the eternal empire.

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No thanks. It's so old and tired and boring. As I said in another thread. - we get it, they will never grow up and stop fighting. 3000 years later, they will still be fighting.


It's far more interesting when the player gets to explore beyond those constraints, IMHO.

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/not signed


This idea is dumb. Instead we have to go the other way, ALL WARZONES should be cross faction. Really, I do not care which way the story portion goes, but unfortunately the fact is 5.x gearing ruined balance so pubs pretty much do not pvp anymore, and the rare times they do they get stomped due to imbalance.


We should have a petition to make all warzones cross-faction, otherwise all we have is imp versus imp PvP which goes against what the original poster wants anyhow. Its broken, please fix it.

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There is no need to explain in a really long thread why the game should go back to its roots and be about imperials killing reps. Sometimes being simple is very effective, and i think the majority of the players enjoyed playing the vanilla personals stories. We are not going to argue which of them are better.


If this thread receives some notoriety maybe bioware will adress the issue and, in some way or another, try to forget all this shananigans of the eternal alliance and go back to its roots


What i think a good part of the community wants back:


- personal stories, not one overall story that all classes play and makes it nonsense at some point.


- conflicts between reps and imps without a third party that overpowers the previous players in the galaxy


I agree and I'm getting sick of development teams (not just this one) sacrificing hard core lore for in game mechanics. The whole basis of Star Wars is Pubs vs Imps

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Better yet Petition to Remove BWs Rights to Star Wars content.


Everything since Revan is a joke, story wise and game development wise.


Maybe another shop could do better.


Actually the Revan story was the only one I did not care for. Totally ruined the character for me, along with the Reven novel & what story he had here. Reven is now probably my most hated character in the whole of SW. Have to say though that Darth Caedus is a very close second.


As for KotFE and such, I have fully enjoyed them. Yes I would have much preferred 8 class stories. instead of just one story for all 8 classes, but the story itself I liked.

Edited by SavantDreadtech
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Actually the Revan story was the only one I did not care for. Totally ruined the character for me, along with the Reven novel & what story he had here.

Same here, they turned an epic character into a force turd.


They also ruined the emperor and a couple of other major character making them either aholes, dumbases or just freaks.

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Personal stories: yes.


Back to reps vs imps: no, thanks. I am way above that by now. I am the ruler of the galaxy. The galaxy is mine. I own the republic AND the empire.


Next can come a really bad threat from another galaxy and then it's our galaxy against theirs.


I agree. I'd like the chance to control it for a while, even if I am Dark V, I'm capable of being a good empress and leader. It would be nice to have the chance.


It would suck if they punish us just because some of us are dark siders. Even darkside can be capable. I'm not a tyrant. :o

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Dude if you have a sith fighting for the Republic you don't call it a sith.


Those rolls can fit with imperial agent and bounty hunter, but you do not call a light side sith fighting for the republic a sith, you call that a jedi.


Explore the star wars universe, just do not keep the nonsense that is the eternal empire.


Show me where I said Sith?


Oh wait, I didn't. I said imp.


Imperial is neither sith nor jedi. Imperials in SW history are also not all bad so yes you can be LS and Imperial but in the swtor story the empire started to go in bad directions because of the Sith in power. The alliance offered a chance to get those ls imperials out to fight for something good.

Edited by Suzsi
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One reason I think the eternal war isn't liked by me is the build up to war and the ending of it are usually the most interesting parts of a war. Everything in between is just stuff. You win a battle but so what, you will lose the war. You lose a battle, so what you will win the war. We know who wins and if they aren't going to do the war ending then its boring.


This isn't Hollywood. They aren't going to produce an Oscar winning war story of the choices made by those caught up in it. So, do the exciting parts or take advantage of being Legends and go crazy with what we have. The Empire is fading. Its lost its emperor. And apparently its empress. Its just a mess that would be interesting in of it self but not everyone will get to take part in such a story. And honestly, I don't want to help rebuild the Republic (again) so I don't see how this could ever be interesting to just go back to the same things we've done only on a smaller scale now because of their workforce cutbacks.

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I'm actually levelling another Smuggler now, and I resent the implication from many quest givers that I actually support the Republic. Factionless/third-party play should be encouraged :rak_03:


I want my jedi to fall to the darkside and my sorc to redeem himself. my agent to join the sis and my trooper to become an imperial trooper.

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I want all the Zakuul business to end. Otherwise the Star Wars genre is fairly open with many facets for everybody. The Zakuul story never felt like "Star Wars" and in the end it seems its hurt and divided the game much more then any benefits. Getting back to our characters, their stories, lives, *Companions and adventures; after all it does say "Star Wars" on the games Logo.
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I want all the Zakuul business to end. Otherwise the Star Wars genre is fairly open with many facets for everybody. The Zakuul story never felt like "Star Wars" and in the end it seems its hurt and divided the game much more then any benefits. Getting back to our characters, their stories, lives, *Companions and adventures; after all it does say "Star Wars" on the games Logo.


Me too. I never understood certain aspects of the "Zakuul business" - for example why can't the outlander be just sith or jedi, a non-force sensitive outlander makes no sense. Or why does Marr go to Zakuul with only one ship, why not with all the Council guys and their flagships too?

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