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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unassembled Component Changes in 5.4


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The only logical move for unranked players who finish their weekly will be to play ranked for the rest of the week. That will cause 70s reg queues to shrink starting by the weekend. On many servers they're the only consistent source of PVP. What will happen to PVP when people lose patience over consistently longer times to queue?


The only positive I see in all this is group ranked. I think a lot of PVE players will queue group ranked now, and I don't see a downside to that.

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I remember back when this debacle called Galactic Command started. We were told we could level up and get boxes and gear by playing the content we wanted.


Then they nerfed Gold and Champion CXP because people were leveling their way.

Then they nerfed the short uprising because people were leveling their way.

Then they nerfed Chapter 1 (and I think 2) CXP because people were leveling their way.

Now you have to not only play PvP, but go into ranked PvP to get enough components to upgrade.


Guess our way of leveling has to be the Dev's way. Play the content you want, so long as the Devs have given their blessing. Otherwise don't expect much. Those of us that despise PvP in this game have three choices:


1) Don't PvP and hamstring our gear upgrade.

2) PvP and AFK ruining other player's games and fun.

3) PvP and be fodder for others and ruin our fun.


I will admit they have given us more CXP now for common kills and we can buy Tier 1 if we want, but the RNG nature still is hash. I have one toon that is GC 30 and has one match piece (belt) out of 30 boxes.


I do not like PvP in SWTOR. I understand that the toxicity from the PvP players can be turned off via ignore or turing chat off. I just find the entire exercise not fun and I would rather play my way and get the opportunity to upgrade as others do. If I want to get my PvP on, I will go into a 100% PvP game (WoT, WoWs, Cross Out).

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I1) Don't PvP and hamstring our gear upgrade.

2) PvP and AFK ruining other player's games and fun.

3) PvP and be fodder for others and ruin our fun.


4) Play Ops and get unassembled Gearpieces from there like in all previous game versions.


Otherwise, ask yourself, if you really need a safe chance on high-end set gear, when you only run Flashpoints, Chapters and Uprisings.

Edited by Exocor
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The only logical move for unranked players who finish their weekly will be to play ranked for the rest of the week. That will cause 70s reg queues to shrink starting by the weekend. On many servers they're the only consistent source of PVP. What will happen to PVP when people lose patience over consistently longer times to queue?


The only positive I see in all this is group ranked. I think a lot of PVE players will queue group ranked now, and I don't see a downside to that.


I already noticed on tre a decline in a number of players playing unranked, and these people are still not playing ranked. Eawares stupid policy is killing pvp, many will just run weekly in 1-2 days and then just stop doing pvp at all because 10 components doesn't worth that since you can get gear much faster via pve. Pvp gearing progression is slow, players asked eaware to buff it, but all we have is a slap in our faces. Besides, i dont think incentives will help ranked to thrive, since those who truly plays ranked is doing this not for gear but for rating and rewards, those who needs gear wont play ranked if they hate it lol. In addition to this, many classes are useless in ranked without a tank (for example dps pt, dot jugger etc) because of bad class balance.

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It's amazing how you in one breath voice your disappointment about what the developers are doing in terms of content and in the next you basically claim to not care about ruining 7 other peoples game experience. I have occasionally agreed with your feedback but based on this I am starting to hope the developers disregard your opinion completely.

Believe me, I was very hesitant at first to go AFK. Because while I'm not a big fan of PvP, before 5.0 I'd at least participate, even if it is clear we are losing, and never leave a match before it is over. Every time I noticed there are only bad players queueing right now and I wouldn't have any fun in PvP, I'd finish the match and then stop queueing for PvP for the rest of the day/week.


But post-5.2, when I had to PvP to upgrade my 242 gear to 248, not queueing for PvP was not an option. I had to continue doing PvP to finish the daily, no matter if I enjoyed it or not.

Now, I always participate when we have a good chance at winning (because that gives higher UC rewards), or even when there's a close match.

But then there are situations like this: Let's say we are in Civil War, we have 1 turret, the enemy has 2. The enemy team has 2+ healers and the enemy's solo defender knows what he's doing. Then if the DPS players on my team are bad, the enemy healers will never die, in other words, it is impossible to cap the center node. Likewise, the side turret cannot be capped either (depending on the match, they either have 2 defenders there, or a stealther or Sorc/Merc that can delay the cap long enough until reinforcements from mid have arrived). I hate zerging, I'm all about objective play, but this situation is stale and there is no opportunity to win. At this point, I see no point to continue playing, so I'll just wait it out and get the UC rewards for defeat.


I don't remember the exact count, but I think I had to play around 400-500 BGs in total, and I started out like I used to PvP, always participating till the end even if it's clear we'd be losing. But at some point, I was feeling so horrible from being forced to PvP that I decided that my raid group is more important to me than fellow PvP players, and since my raid group needs me to have 248 gear, I decided to not worry about PvPers complaining about me going AFK.

I do try to avoid PvP as much as possible. On my alt tank, I had my guildies craft me 246 pieces so I wouldn't have to PvP, but then I found out that crafted earpieces/implants are bad, so I still have to get 3*216 UCs on that toon. :(


In my opinion, it is purely BioWare's fault for tuning the gearing that way; like everyone else I have posted how the gearing is flawed but BioWare is unwilling to listen. If UCs dropped from VM operations, MM flashpoints and VM/MM uprisings, then I'd spend all day running those, those are my favorite content. Instead, I now have to do some PvP before I can do my favorite content.

In the very unlikely off-chance that the devs are reading this and are open to making changes, I did write a long post with my opinion on gearing in the 5.4 thread. TL;DR: Either bolster everyone so high that gear is not needed aside from choosing which tertiary stats you want, or separate PvE gear from PvP gear and put them on different grinds, like it used to be.


I remember back when this debacle called Galactic Command started. We were told we could level up and get boxes and gear by playing the content we wanted.


Then they nerfed Gold and Champion CXP because people were leveling their way.

Then they nerfed the short uprising because people were leveling their way.

Then they nerfed Chapter 1 (and I think 2) CXP because people were leveling their way.

Now you have to not only play PvP, but go into ranked PvP to get enough components to upgrade.


Guess our way of leveling has to be the Dev's way. Play the content you want, so long as the Devs have given their blessing. Otherwise don't expect much. Those of us that despise PvP in this game have three choices:


1) Don't PvP and hamstring our gear upgrade.

2) PvP and AFK ruining other player's games and fun.

3) PvP and be fodder for others and ruin our fun.


I will admit they have given us more CXP now for common kills and we can buy Tier 1 if we want, but the RNG nature still is hash. I have one toon that is GC 30 and has one match piece (belt) out of 30 boxes.


I do not like PvP in SWTOR. I understand that the toxicity from the PvP players can be turned off via ignore or turing chat off. I just find the entire exercise not fun and I would rather play my way and get the opportunity to upgrade as others do. If I want to get my PvP on, I will go into a 100% PvP game (WoT, WoWs, Cross Out).

Totally agree with this post.

And @Exocor: True, you can get everything up to 242 gear from operations. But a VM raider like me who is not doing MM endbosses on a regular basis, still needs 248 gear and that is only available via PvP.

Edited by Jerba
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I already noticed on tre a decline in a number of players playing unranked, and these people are still not playing ranked. Eawares stupid policy is killing pvp, many will just run weekly in 1-2 days and then just stop doing pvp at all because 10 components doesn't worth that since you can get gear much faster via pve. Pvp gearing progression is slow, players asked eaware to buff it, but all we have is a slap in our faces. Besides, i dont think incentives will help ranked to thrive, since those who truly plays ranked is doing this not for gear but for rating and rewards, those who needs gear wont play ranked if they hate it lol. In addition to this, many classes are useless in ranked without a tank (for example dps pt, dot jugger etc) because of bad class balance.


Yeah, but I think people will be willing to stomach losses to get the grouped weekly because a) they won't get trolled for letting their teammates down, and b) the UC reward is worth it. Some ranked players may troll the people they beat, but if they have any sense they'll be cool to them.

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And @Exocor: True, you can get everything up to 242 gear from operations. But a VM raider like me who is not doing MM endbosses on a regular basis, still needs 248 gear and that is only available via PvP.


Do you really need 248? You said yourself, you are not pulling NiM final bosses an a regular basis. All non-final bosses are easily (surely for you too) doable in 242s from HM or 246, that drop at those bosses. We even did them back in february and march in mostly 240s and other stuff, that came out of the early Command Crates. We even did those final bosses before 248 got on the market. And we are no gods of this game, like others, we are also normal players, like everyone else, with little to no NiM-experiences when we begun back in february.


248-Gear has just a little impact on your performance on bosses. I said many times in the past in several situations: Gear is no replacement for skill - but it is very helpful. Your DPS may be able to pull higher numbers on several bosses. Every boss encounter, that requires a dps check also requires the knowledge and the skill to follow the mechanics. 248s won't save you, when camping in purple voids at Brontes final Burn. They won't save you from failing kicks at Styrak's Chain Manifestation. They won't save you from dying in lightning-fingers @Dread Council and they won't save you from tentacle slams @TFB and they won't save you from reflect-damage @Kephess-Denova. And, when you are able, to play these mechanics - and some more - 248s will maybe help you, carrying the DPS-Check. Sooner or later, you would have also been able to beat the fight with only 242s.


However, besides of Gear, players, who want better equipment for NiM-Ops should consider using Crystals of NiM-fury. They can be crafted with Conquest-materials. It can be much easier, to farm those materials instead of spending months with standing afk in a corner in warzones and ruining the fun of other players.

Edited by Exocor
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  • Increase the overall Components a character can get each week via Missions.


Good goal.


Unranked - Overall, Component rewards earned per week unchanged.

  • Daily Mission: Now rewards 10 Components, down from 12.
  • Weekly Mission: Now rewards 54 Components, up from 40.


So for players that simply don't run ranked, because let us face it with class balance being what it is, alongside gearing being what was deemed a good system, essentially gain no increase. How does this match with the goal that I quoted?


Current UC unranked rewards - 40+(12*7) = 124

New UC unranked rewards - 54+(10*7) = 124


Absolutely you mention that missing a daily is less punishing by a grand total of 2 UC, as well as an increase in CXP which will gain a player a chance at the RNG loot.


Guess what? It isn't good enough of a change, especially when you factor in the cost of gear using UC. BioWare is still trying to tweak a broken system, the piecemeal approach being taken is actually quite insulting. Looks like I'll still be playing other games and giving other developers my business.

Edited by Transcendent
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Do you really need 248? You said yourself, you are not pulling NiM final bosses an a regular basis. All non-final bosses are easily doable in 242s from HM or 246, that drop at those bosses. We even did them back in february and march in mostly 240s and other stuff, that came out of the early Command Crates. We even did those final bosses before 248 got on the market.


248-Gear has just a little impact on your performance on bosses. I said many times in the past in several situations: Gear is no replacement for skill - but it is very helpful. Your DPS may be able to pull higher numbers on several bosses. Every boss encounter, that requires a dps check also requires the knowledge and the skill to follow the mechanics. 248s won't save you, when camping in purple voids at Brontes final Burn. They won't save you from failing kicks at Styrak's Chain Manifestation. They won't save you from dying in lightning-fingers @Dread Council and they won't save you from tentacle slams @TFB and they won't save you from reflect-damage @Kephess-Denova. And, when you are able, to play these mechanics - and some more - 248s will maybe help you, carrying the DPS-Check. Sooner or later, you would have also been able to beat the fight with only 242s.


However, besides of Gear, players, who want better equipment for NiM-Ops should consider using Crystals of NiM-fury. They can be crafted with Conquest-materials. It can be much easier, to farm those materials instead of spending months with standing afk in a corner in warzones and ruining the fun of other players.

Yes, I want to have 248 gear on my main.

  • First of all, there is a prestige level associated with having BiS gear. As a veteran player with tons of game knowledge, I play very regularily and help out new players, and I want to have BiS gear to prove it.
  • If T5 gear is introduced at some point (likely with 5.5), then you'll need the T4 shells to upgrade the gear to T5.
    You may think that since I don't like PvP, I could just craft the T5 gear then. But it's possible that by the time T5 is introduced, there'll be an UC alternative to PvP, like we now know that MM bosses will drop UCs. Also, I can spend the months until then by playing PvP casually (which I do enjoy and where I don't go AFK) and fill up the 1000 tokens until then.
  • We need the gear to beat DPS checks, we don't have problems with the mechanics. Yes, top guilds have cleared the current MM with 242 or even 224 gear, but we can't do it, our DPS are always 1000-2000 DPS below the Parsely leaderboards. That's why we had to play Tyth VM with 5 DPS and why we 242/246 gear is not good enough for us.
    I wish my group was open to using nightmare crystals (in fact we have purchased the schematic and collected enough materials to craft 100 of them), but some players in my group a fundamental issue with nerfing the content. Getting better gear is fine, but using the crystals feels wrong to them. So as a raid leader I have the choice between asking everyone to farm 248 gear, or using the NiM crystals, but then I'd have to replace 2-3 players on the team who won't play if even a single player in the group has the crystals active.
  • Also, just because we're not doing MM endbosses right now doesn't mean we can't do it, we're just busy enough with other content. Since we only have one raid night per week, we are slower than other groups. Once we clear A&E VM, we want to finish M&B VM. Come 5.5, I'm sure we'll do some of the easier MM bosses to farm UCs, but our time is limited. I don't want to spend a couple weeks getting a MM endboss on farm again as long as there is new content we haven't killed yet.
    And of course, I sometimes help out in other groups, where I may be doing MM endbosses.


On my alts, 246 is fine because I only run flashpoints/uprisings or VM operations with them. I specifically wanted to get my tank equipped so I could run more content because most of the time, there is a shortage of tanks, not of healers. Some of the MM flashpoint/uprisings bosses are brutal, and I need high mitigation for them; 242 gear won't cut it. 246 is mostly fine, especially for tank mods where 246 are BiS over 248 mods.

Edited by Jerba
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[*]Increase incentive for Ranked Warzones to increase participation and to ensure it is being properly rewarded compared to unranked.



You know what would really encourage ranked pvp? Get rid of the hackers, the win traders, and the throwers, and create a basic competency test for your class/role in order to play.


That's not even addressing the biggest issue, lack of class balance due to unreasonably overpowered dcds.


Ranked is a mess right now for a lot of different reasons, but bribing people with tons of UC is just gonna make it an even bigger mess.

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With these changes and legacy UCs coming I would gladly accept an invite to any guild with a suitably trollish name to take part in their "let's die 40 times in group ranked every week" team. With more than one alt possibly.







P.S yes it's sarcasm but only ½ so.

Edited by exfell
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Just want to add my 2 cents in case anyone is actually reading this like they say they do....


I can't believe I let myself get suckered again. Gearing was/is frustrating with the RNG crates. UC gearing is BRUTAL! I told myself...

be patient they are gonna fix it...


I check everyday this week as an update is coming soon*tm*. Friday afternoon finally comes and....wow. Kick in the nuts. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I trust that the devs who "play this game" will fix it?


I like pvp. I hate deathmatch. Please don't force me to play what you want. I like the objective based unranked matches. Let me gear all my classes (I play them all) and have fun. Sure, make ranked have better rewards, it should be that way. Why nerf the un-ranked? I seriously stared at the screen thinking...***?


Let's think about this. There was a meeting, (probably several) where people talked about this. At the end of that meeting, this was their fix/solution/update. ***? :rak_02:

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Yes, I want to have 248 gear on my main.

  • First of all, there is a prestige level associated with having BiS gear. As a veteran player with tons of game knowledge, I play very regularily and help out new players, and I want to have BiS gear to prove it.


Doesn't the prestige-level of this BiS-Gear fall, when more players are gaining access to it? Back in 1950, a car was something special. Today, it is something normal, nearly everyone has it.


  • If T5 gear is introduced at some point (likely with 5.5), then you'll need the T4 shells to upgrade the gear to T5.
    You may think that since I don't like PvP, I could just craft the T5 gear then. But it's possible that by the time T5 is introduced, there'll be an UC alternative to PvP, like we now know that MM bosses will drop UCs. Also, I can spend the months until then by playing PvP casually (which I do enjoy and where I don't go AFK) and fill up the 1000 tokens until then.


I would bet, that T4s will be farmable in HM's, when T5 ist available. However, I doubt, that T5 will ever come in 5.x.


  • We need the gear to beat DPS checks, we don't have problems with the mechanics. Yes, top guilds have cleared the current MM with 242 or even 224 gear, but we can't do it, our DPS are always 1000-2000 DPS below the Parsely leaderboards. That's why we had to play Tyth VM with 5 DPS and why we 242/246 gear is not good enough for us.


From this point of you, you're maybe right. However, I am a raid leader myself, and if someone is not able, to pull the numbers, that are necassary to beat a certain boss fight, I won't accept that as a unchangeable fact. Besides of the right gearing (248s are not the ne plus ultra, it also depends on stat distribution etc.) I would work with her or him to improve the performance. I won't invite a player into my group, that is not willing to work on his weaknesses. One haven't to be perfect, when joining us, but the willingness to learn and to change is fundamental for s.o. beeing in our group. However, I am also open to work out stategies to compensate disadvanteges in DPS for exampel. When you can't beat something without enrage due to low dps, just do it with Enrage and pop the right dcd's.



I wish my group was open to using nightmare crystals (in fact we have purchased the schematic and collected enough materials to craft 100 of them), but some players in my group a fundamental issue with nerfing the content. Getting better gear is fine, but using the crystals feels wrong to them. So as a raid leader I have the choice between asking everyone to farm 248 gear, or using the NiM crystals, but then I'd have to replace 2-3 players on the team who won't play if even a single player in the group has the crystals active.


I can understand those players. For many Raiders, NiM-Crytals are a sign of weakness and badness and are just used for sale raids. However, isn't using 248 Gear to beat content, that was balanced for 242 the same way of cheating, than using Crytals? However, if the players, who do the low numbers are the same as the players, who don't allow your group, to improve their overall performance... well, I have pointed out my opinion above.


  • Also, just because we're not doing MM endbosses right now doesn't mean we can't do it, we're just busy enough with other content. Since we only have one raid night per week, we are slower than other groups. Once we clear A&E VM, we want to finish M&B VM. Come 5.5, I'm sure we'll do some of the easier MM bosses to farm UCs, but our time is limited. I don't want to spend a couple weeks getting a MM endboss on farm again as long as there is new content we haven't killed yet.
    And of course, I sometimes help out in other groups, where I may be doing MM endbosses.


Well, one raid per week.... when you don't have the time, to get the gear, you need, to beat the content, you want to, your ambitions might be a bit to high. In the past, I was in groups, where players, who were formerly succesful NiM-Raiders were just there for one or two days a week. Everyone, except of those players, noticed, that their performance wasn't good enough to beat the content, the group wanted to. They just hadn't enough practice to pull the numbers needed and to play the mechanics properly. And that's maybe also the problem, you are confronted by. Your raid members are nice and, compared to the average, good players. However, with a bit more practice, you are maybe able to beat Tyth with 4 DPS. However, don't complain about the gearing system of the game, when the problem is somewhere else. From what you said, I see a discrepancy between the ambitions of your group and the amount of effort, everyone is willing/able to put into achieving your goals.


On my alts, 246 is fine because I only run flashpoints/uprisings or VM operations with them. I specifically wanted to get my tank equipped so I could run more content because most of the time, there is a shortage of tanks, not of healers. Some of the MM flashpoint/uprisings bosses are brutal, and I need high mitigation for them; 242 gear won't cut it. 246 is mostly fine, especially for tank mods where 246 are BiS over 248 mods.


The gear, that is currently available is more than enough to beat the content. 242 is compareable with 224 back in 4.x (it felt like that before 5.2). With that said, you get NiM-Gear from HM's. Moreover, there is 248, that is a level above NiM-gear.


It is easier than ever, to get Equipment. Even easier, than 4.x. And for some players, it seems to be not enough. Maybe, the players are the problem - and not the game.

Edited by Exocor
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Bolster is going to 242, who cares about gear now? Play your alts, get the components as a side bonus.


Bolster for PVP still makes you worse against a full 248 guy, especially a well coordinated team all with 248, you have no chance. So this means it doesn't matter that much for most people to 1) sit in the corner and do nothing 2) try to do something useful, only to get killed in 5 seconds. Pvp is not about yourself but a team effort, and if you have one fool, then we already know the outcome.

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Doesn't the prestige-level of this BiS-Gear fall, when more players are gaining access to it? Back in 1950, a car was something special. Today, it is something normal, nearly everyone has it.

Actually, the more people have BiS gear, the more I feel falling behind without BiS gear. If I see PvP players having 248 gear and myself as a PvE player only having 242/246 gear, then IMO it looks like I did not put in the effort to get gear.


I would bet, that T4s will be farmable in HM's, when T5 ist available. However, I doubt, that T5 will ever come in 5.x.

I mean, we'll see, but chances are high that T5 will release with 5.5. 5.5 likely comes out in October, 6 months after 5.2, which would be more than enough time for a new tier to be added.

And I don't care about where to get T4 then; my main already has full T4 gear so I'll only care about how to get T5 gear then.


From this point of you, you're maybe right. However, I am a raid leader myself, and if someone is not able, to pull the numbers, that are necassary to beat a certain boss fight, I won't accept that as a unchangeable fact. Besides of the right gearing (248s are not the ne plus ultra, it also depends on stat distribution etc.) I would work with her or him to improve the performance. I won't invite a player into my group, that is not willing to work on his weaknesses. One haven't to be perfect, when joining us, but the willingness to learn and to change is fundamental for s.o. beeing in our group. However, I am also open to work out stategies to compensate disadvanteges in DPS for exampel. When you can't beat something without enrage due to low dps, just do it with Enrage and pop the right dcd's.


I can understand those players. For many Raiders, NiM-Crytals are a sign of weakness and badness and are just used for sale raids. However, isn't using 248 Gear to beat content, that was balanced for 242 the same way of cheating, than using Crytals? However, if the players, who do the low numbers are the same as the players, who don't allow your group, to improve their overall performance... well, I have pointed out my opinion above.

Yeah, that's just a difference in raid leading. In my opinion, it's better to have dependable players than top players. Most players in my group have been raiding with me for over 3 years, and I'd rather have those players than players who have top DPS but will quit SWTOR or leave for better groups.

I don't need to have all MM content on farm, that just gets boring because SWTOR does not deliver content fast enough. As long as I can see all content and challenge myself, I'm fine playing at our level.

There are some raid leaders that wouldn't consider us a progression group but I disagree. Progression does not depend on what difficulty you play at, it is an attitude how you go about developing strats and recovering from wipes. We are just progressing on A&E and M&B VM instead of Brontes MM.


Well, one raid per week.... when you don't have the time, to get the gear, you need, to beat the content, you want to, your ambitions might be a bit to high. In the past, I was in groups, where players, who were formerly succesful NiM-Raiders were just there for one or two days a week. Everyone, except of those players, noticed, that their performance wasn't good enough to beat the content, the group wanted to. They just hadn't enough practice to pull the numbers needed and to play the mechanics properly. And that's maybe also the problem, you are confronted by. Your raid members are nice and, compared to the average, good players. However, with a bit more practice, you are maybe able to beat Tyth with 4 DPS. However, don't complain about the gearing system of the game, when the problem is somewhere else. From what you said, I see a discrepancy between the ambitions of your group and the amount of effort, everyone is willing/able to put into achieving your goals.

I know, progression is all about time invested. If we increased to three or more raid days, I'm sure we could kill content much faster. In the time around 3.2/4.0, we were discussing increasing to 2 raid days but I wanted to stay at 1 long raid night. (Our raid night also lasts 4.5 hours, much longer than an average raid night) At the pace of SWTOR's content, that is more than enough. For example, it took us 9 months to kill Revan HM but that was fine with me; if we did hardcore progression and killed it in 1 month, everyone would have been bored afterwards.

Should content come out faster than we can clear it, then we may reconsider, but right now I think we're fine. Most of my players are also playing in other raid groups as well or PuGing, so they still get plenty of practice playing their class.


The gear, that is currently available is more than enough to beat the content. 242 is compareable with 224 back in 4.x (it felt like that before 5.2). With that said, you get NiM-Gear from HM's. Moreover, there is 248, that is a level above NiM-gear.


It is easier than ever, to get Equipment. Even easier, than 4.x. And for some players, it seems to be not enough. Maybe, the players are the problem - and not the game.

Like I said, we need the gear. The tuning of bosses should never be based on what gear a handful of groups needs to beat it, but on the majority of players. Some players, because of age and slow reaction times, are just 10-20% worse than top players, so I'll gladly take better gear to make up for it. Believe me that I talked with them and tried to improve our DPS but it hasn't helped.

I don't want to get into an argument about tuning, but to me it seems you have the same attitude like the encounter designers, "bad players being the problem" is an easy reason to justify making bosses difficult. But I disagree, PvE specifically should be welcoming towards new players. Making bosses so hard that only a handful of groups can kill it will only benefit those handful of groups but lock out everyone else.

For example, GotM VM is too hard for the average VM raider. The current difficulty is fine for the initial release, but 4-8 weeks after release, a boss should be nerfed so that it becomes more accessible. Keeping content difficult will only cause players to give up, like we saw post-3.0, and I fear we'll see the same thing happening over the coming months.

Edited by Jerba
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Yeah, that's just a difference in raid leading. In my opinion, it's better to have dependable players than top players. Most players in my group have been raiding with me for over 3 years, and I'd rather have those players than players who have top DPS but will quit SWTOR or leave for better groups.

I don't need to have all MM content on farm, that just gets boring because SWTOR does not deliver content fast enough. As long as I can see all content and challenge myself, I'm fine playing at our level.

There are some raid leaders that wouldn't consider us a progression group but I disagree. Progression does not depend on what difficulty you play at, it is an attitude how you go about developing strats and recovering from wipes. We are just progressing on A&E and M&B VM instead of Brontes MM.


The reliability is in fact a problem. My solution in this case is recruiting motivated, fresh players, who hadn't farmed the content since 2.x. When I organized our group earlier this year, I put focus on players, that didn't had the achievements, the mounts, the titles on the one hand and players, on who I could rely on in the past with enough experience to help us on the other hand. However, formerly I was in groups, that had similar ambitions like yours. I noticed, that wiping on bosses, that some players are easily able to beat because of others, that aren't because of missing practice results in frustration and a loss of motivation. Progressing 9 month on Revan would have been to slow for me. Killing bosses keeps me motivated.



Like I said, we need the gear. The tuning of bosses should never be based on what gear a handful of groups needs to beat it, but on the majority of players. Some players, because of age and slow reaction times, are just 10-20% worse than top players, so I'll gladly take better gear to make up for it. Believe me that I talked with them and tried to improve our DPS but it hasn't helped.

I don't want to get into an argument about tuning, but to me it seems you have the same attitude like the encounter designers, "bad players being the problem" is an easy reason to justify making bosses difficult. But I disagree, PvE specifically should be welcoming towards new players. Making bosses so hard that only a handful of groups can kill it will only benefit those handful of groups but lock out everyone else.

For example, GotM VM is too hard for the average VM raider. The current difficulty is fine for the initial release, but 4-8 weeks after release, a boss should be nerfed so that it becomes more accessible. Keeping content difficult will only cause players to give up, like we saw post-3.0, and I fear we'll see the same thing happening over the coming months.


I agree with some of your points. However, in my opinion - and this is possibly very egoistic - there has to be challenging content, that not everyone can beat. I can't motivate myself running through easy content over and over again. This is indeed motivated with increasing prestige. Of course, I know, the journey is the best reward, we got.

Edited by Exocor
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Why didn't they just buff everything? Why nerf any dailies? Why are these designers so dead set on punishing their player base?


The population flatline is about to take yet another dip I'm sure.


There is obviously a skill or bias problem on the dev team. This is what happens as software ages, the good employees leave for better opportunities and in the end all you have left is the baggage you WISH would quit pretending to be rock stars as they drive the company into the ground.


Promote from within so everyone on the team is OJT :rolleyes:

Edited by Foambreaker
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IMO these changes are really dumb because

1. Its going to break ranked pvp. Everyone's going to start queuing for it regardless of gear or skill and mess up ranked for everyone who does it specifically for the purpose of it being hard and skill and gear based. People are gonna walk in not knowing what to do and just mess it up or theyre going to afk which is what i would personally do if i didn't care for pvp, which i do.


2. This changes absolutely nothing for unranked still the same exact months of grinding to gear up to full 248, for a single character. Making it legacy would help but what if you play more than 1 character, you could spend a whole year and not get all your characters geared. And i know theyre are other ways of gearing but i spend most of time pvping and i highly doubt the command xp buffs are anything significant especially if theyre anything like these uc changes lol.


Please dont go through with these changes Keith. I know you guys have the right intentions but you are definitely going about it wrong. I would advise buffing ranked rewards but also buffing up unranked that way everyone doesnt start just afking in ranked warzones. And pvp could definitely use alot more cxp especially from wins.

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Considering there are only 2 servers on both europe and US side where ranked actually is popping without organizing it with 11 other players I think it's actually not a bad idea.


Sure some people will take advantage of it and go afk or stuff but in general i guess it will attract more people to actually queue for it.


Many people usually are selfish, and IF there is a way you can "exploit" to get stuff with minimum effort there always will be people who do so. Does that mean you should quit trying to improve things? I think not.


Otherwise we might as well should get a law that says "only smart, humble, nice and altruistic people should make babies" This way we might get world peace and solve 90% of the worlds problems too ;P


wish you all a lovely day o/

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You can kiss my hairy butt Bioware! :mad:


You create some sort of hype with the announcement that changes will be made to the Unassembled Components payout and then you dare to give us this pile of horse poo?


Never in my life will I ever step into a Ranked WZ again ! Tried it like +/- 6 times, and every freaking time it felt like I was playing with elitist snobs whom believe they invented hot water, as only they know how to play the freaking game. Swearing until kingdom come when you get whacked to soon or don't listen to their godly commands. :rolleyes:


I just prefer more relaxing gameplay honestly and not being forced into sections of the game that I don't want. To my eyes you changed totally nothing and only made my future gaming experience with your game worse instead of better. For Devs that claim to be players of the game themselves, you totally don't seem to grasp what the hell your doing to screw us over.

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I would approve all the changes. But the system is still too unbalanced to upgrade rewards for Ranked like that.


The groups that plays exploiting the system, will now have every character of their Legacy totally equiped and modified for their playstyle, while ppl who dont like to do Ranked until properly equiped will suffer in Regular. The premades will equip themselves in a blink, and they will go to Regular just for fun and Achievements. Solo players will suffer more than ever.

Edited by leonlotus
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Never in my life will I ever step into a Ranked WZ again ! Tried it like +/- 6 times, and every freaking time it felt like I was playing with elitist snobs whom believe they invented hot water, as only they know how to play the freaking game. Swearing until kingdom come when you get whacked to soon or don't listen to their godly commands. :rolleyes:




That was good!

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Something is wrong..... Im still in shock over these genius updates.... :eek:


* Still no UC from PVE content.

* Nerfed REG WZ dailies...

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


This change will make RANKED PVP to become a slaughter fest for 10-30 people on each server...

Good job of making PVP stand above PVE... which is another ANTI-MMO choice.




Im literally still shaking my head and it was 20 minutes ago I read that last update.... :eek:

Edited by CountZart
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