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Devs gone silent????


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This week we were meant to be finding out class changes in 5.4 and s8 rewards and it's almost Friday and the devs are just silent. It was June where you said the s8 rewards would be announced in a few weeks and it's been 2 months and still nothing. So much for increased communication.
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This week we were meant to be finding out class changes in 5.4 and s8 rewards and it's almost Friday and the devs are just silent. It was June where you said the s8 rewards would be announced in a few weeks and it's been 2 months and still nothing. So much for increased communication.


On both of those topics my goal is to either get you the information this week, or at least an update on timing. I am still hopeful to start getting you Class changes this week, and that the S8 blog will go live.


If either turns out to not be the case I will let you know tomorrow! These have taken a little longer than expected but I am trying to keep you apprised each step of the way.



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I imagine the recent silence is precisely because they're doing a lot of work behind the scenes getting announcements ready. This week (probably tomorrow) we should see at least some of these posts (particularly class balance changes). They're also putting together an updated Roadmap, presumably for September - November.


If EoD Monday rolls around and we don't hear sht, that's when I'll start to complain. If 5.4 drops on 22 Aug and there's still no word on next season's Roadmap, then I'll complain again. Meantime, I'm content to let them work on polishing up these announcements, and making sure everything's included that needs to be so there's no gorram stealth nerfs!!

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On both of those topics my goal is to either get you the information this week, or at least an update on timing. I am still hopeful to start getting you Class changes this week, and that the S8 blog will go live.


If either turns out to not be the case I will let you know tomorrow! These have taken a little longer than expected but I am trying to keep you apprised each step of the way.




I believe in you, Eric.

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On both of those topics my goal is to either get you the information this week, or at least an update on timing. I am still hopeful to start getting you Class changes this week, and that the S8 blog will go live.


If either turns out to not be the case I will let you know tomorrow! These have taken a little longer than expected but I am trying to keep you apprised each step of the way.



Thanks Eric. An update either way sounds great!

Edited by TUXs
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So much for increased communication.


On both of those topics my goal is to either get you the information this week, or at least an update on timing. I am still hopeful to start getting you Class changes this week, and that the S8 blog will go live.


If either turns out to not be the case I will let you know tomorrow! These have taken a little longer than expected but I am trying to keep you apprised each step of the way.




BAM! In yo face! :cool:

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On both of those topics my goal is to either get you the information this week, or at least an update on timing. I am still hopeful to start getting you Class changes this week, and that the S8 blog will go live.


If either turns out to not be the case I will let you know tomorrow! These have taken a little longer than expected but I am trying to keep you apprised each step of the way.



Omg omg this is the first time I've seen yellow writing from the devs on one of my threads. But thanks for the reply Eric I appreciate you replying.

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On both of those topics my goal is to either get you the information this week, or at least an update on timing. I am still hopeful to start getting you Class changes this week, and that the S8 blog will go live.


If either turns out to not be the case I will let you know tomorrow! These have taken a little longer than expected but I am trying to keep you apprised each step of the way.




ty my friend rock on bro

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He literally just told you he might have something for you, maybe, he hopes, after silence on the issue and deadlines going from weeks to months, and you're all slobbering over the post like mana from heaven.


Maybe tamp your expectations down a bit more.


Give them a candy and they forget everything man. That is one of the issues with this community, you give them vagues statements, sometimes, and they will praise it as a gift from the heavens :D:rak_03::rak_03::rak_03::rak_03::rak_03::rak_03:

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On both of those topics my goal is to either get you the information this week, or at least an update on timing. I am still hopeful to start getting you Class changes this week, and that the S8 blog will go live.


If either turns out to not be the case I will let you know tomorrow! These have taken a little longer than expected but I am trying to keep you apprised each step of the way.




I really hope there is some surprise love there for Lightning Sorcs

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On both of those topics my goal is to either get you the information this week, or at least an update on timing. I am still hopeful to start getting you Class changes this week, and that the S8 blog will go live.


If either turns out to not be the case I will let you know tomorrow! These have taken a little longer than expected but I am trying to keep you apprised each step of the way.




I'm not. Hopeful that is. What does that even mean Eric? Your goal is to start getting us class changes this week. Well are you working all weekend? Cause that's only way this statement can still make sense at all. Cause you drop this at the end of Thursday. So how do you start rolling things out this week when you only have 1 day left this week. Why don't you say my goal is to roll things out on Friday. One could say "this week" is a little miss leading since this week is over. Unless I'm mistaken and you guys are all working this weekend. Which is extremely doubtful. Even though necessary.


I was just wondering if the dev team/EA/Bioware minds if the player base don't exactly get you their subscription fees on time? Maybe things are just taking a little longer than expected. That's cool right? You'll just keep everyone subscriptions going and in a couple of months we might acknowledge that you guys are still waiting for your money. We promise to keep you appraised of the situation.

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I'm not. Hopeful that is. What does that even mean Eric? Your goal is to start getting us class changes this week. Well are you working all weekend? Cause that's only way this statement can still make sense at all. Cause you drop this at the end of Thursday. So how do you start rolling things out this week when you only have 1 day left this week. Why don't you say my goal is to roll things out on Friday. One could say "this week" is a little miss leading since this week is over. Unless I'm mistaken and you guys are all working this weekend. Which is extremely doubtful. Even though necessary.


I was just wondering if the dev team/EA/Bioware minds if the player base don't exactly get you their subscription fees on time? Maybe things are just taking a little longer than expected. That's cool right? You'll just keep everyone subscriptions going and in a couple of months we might acknowledge that you guys are still waiting for your money. We promise to keep you appraised of the situation.


Uh... yes, Friday counts as "this week". "This week" is not over. Even if you think they all punch out at 17:00 (they don't), they've got about 7 hours to make that deadline still. You're acting like it's 23:59 on Saturday. And Saturday posts aren't unheard of these days, either...


Not saying it's a sure thing they'll get the posts out "this week", but they do have plenty of time to do so - about an entire workday. Keep your sht together...

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I really hope there is some surprise love there for Lightning Sorcs


GL with that. Plus have not you heard? There damage is within the "target dps." The fact that their survivability, mobility and susceptibility to interrupt does not matter.

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Indirectly maybe. As in making other classes worse so that lightning sorc isn't so bad anymore.

I hope you're not right...making this games ancient content harder for everyone isn't the answer...they need to undo 5.3 imo.

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I hope you're not right...making this games ancient content harder for everyone isn't the answer...they need to undo 5.3 imo.


Well, I suppose we find ourselves at a different viewpoint there. At the moment old content is 99% of what the game has to offer. I lament the decisions that have lead to a dumbing down of this game. I understand that they wanted to appeal to a broader audience but I think it was wrong to make everything so easy.


So yeah, I saw the sage/sorc healer nerfs for example and worried about it. Well, the output is lower but my rotation hasn't suffered from it and it works. It's a bit more work and I suppose the 4 button gods are upset, but I actually welcome them bringing down the classes on the overall. Perhaps it would've been fairer to do it all at the same time but ok.


But whatever your or my opinion may be, to me it's clear that BW have decided that overall the supposed harder content just wasn't really challenging anymore. And so I think I am right in saying that classes are being balanced closer to each other but down overall. The game needed it really. People got too lazy in a sense.


Whether this approach has the desired effect we will have to see but it just wasn't very inspiring anymore when everything just got way too easy.


It's just my view but I think it's a good thing that especially a lot of DPS have to learn to play more. I mean I really get sick of these DPS who don't know how to do the puzzle in KP HM for example. It's not that hard but people just wanna pew pew and not think. I'm always happy when a game actually requires some brain activity.

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Well, I suppose we find ourselves at a different viewpoint there. At the moment old content is 99% of what the game has to offer. I lament the decisions that have lead to a dumbing down of this game. I understand that they wanted to appeal to a broader audience but I think it was wrong to make everything so easy.


So yeah, I saw the sage/sorc healer nerfs for example and worried about it. Well, the output is lower but my rotation hasn't suffered from it and it works. It's a bit more work and I suppose the 4 button gods are upset, but I actually welcome them bringing down the classes on the overall. Perhaps it would've been fairer to do it all at the same time but ok.


But whatever your or my opinion may be, to me it's clear that BW have decided that overall the supposed harder content just wasn't really challenging anymore. And so I think I am right in saying that classes are being balanced closer to each other but down overall. The game needed it really. People got too lazy in a sense.


Whether this approach has the desired effect we will have to see but it just wasn't very inspiring anymore when everything just got way too easy.


It's just my view but I think it's a good thing that especially a lot of DPS have to learn to play more. I mean I really get sick of these DPS who don't know how to do the puzzle in KP HM for example. It's not that hard but people just wanna pew pew and not think. I'm always happy when a game actually requires some brain activity.

I get what you're saying, but it's a double edged sword. When the game was too difficult, people left. Now that the game is too easy in some aspects (leveling, SM Ops), people have left. They need to find a better balance between what the game was, and what it has become. IMO, HM Ops need to be more completable than they currently are (not KP/EV). SM doesn't push anyone right now, and HM is beyond most. HM needs to become an easier stepping stone than it currently is...that way it helps build player skill.

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