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Satele Shan must die thread :D:D:D:D !!!!!! You took us Darth Marr now we take Satele


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Although Satele wasn't that great to Theron, it would still hurt for him to practically be an orphan.

Personally- He's practically an orphan given his mother and father found ways to ditch him. Killing her would just make it official.

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I was under the impression that the devs deliberately kill off all main/big characters from vanilla. I thus expect that Satele will die sooner or later. Iokath is pushing it forward. Who is still left from vanilla (assuming that both you-know-who will be dead by the end of Iokath; one of them is already, the other will turn out as the traitor)?


I'd be interested in a list of main NPCs still alive (only the big names).

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Here is a cool idea,


Theron: for all the suffering you've put me threw, i'm not sure how to look at you:


A: kill Satele (blast her in the head)

B: kill Satele ( our character will force choke her :D :D :D)

C: Leave and never talk to her again (your charater knocks her unconscious :D)

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Here is a cool idea,


Theron: for all the suffering you've put me threw, i'm not sure how to look at you:


A: kill Satele (blast her in the head)

B: kill Satele ( our character will force choke her :D :D :D)

C: Leave and never talk to her again (your charater knocks her unconscious :D)


:rak_03: Such cruelty!

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They could make her a raid boss where every 10% loss of health puts you dazed for five minutes while she lectures you. I'm sure some would enjoy an hour long talking to :)


I like Satele's voice, this would be an ops I would love to try out.:rak_03:


Will all the work they put into Lana and Theron for the past three years I doubt they'll ever dare to do something like this.

It'll just be the scions as it won't make anyone sad. Nobody cares about the scions.:rak_03:


Oh the irony.

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I don't really want her to die, then the republic wont have anyone iconic left.


She Left the Republic and Jedi Order, not the other way around. She felt that the Force was telling her to leave both the Republic and Jedi because of her New found beliefs she got later on from all the Jedi that she felt needlessly died, because of bad politics and bad beliefs in both the Republic and Jedi Order.


Though, i know she is still for a democratic system vs. a Sith order.

Edited by MandFlurry
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I'm okay when characters are killed for a high purpose or their deaths will have an impact on the main protagonist, but this wasn't the case with Marr, he died a shameful death when he was powerful enough by his own right (although he had already mentioned that his body was weak i doubt that one lightning attack from valkorion would be enough to kill him).


So what am i proposing ? Kill off Satele. She has been here for way to long :D


darth marr died so one of the vette / (male name guy here) died too.

Your greed is unbelievable

Edited by Kissakias
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darth marr died so one of the vette / (male name guy here) died too.

Your greed is unbelievable


Male name.. his name is Torian Cadera and goes well with any Outlander, i was actually shocked when he didn't said " you're a jedi, f off, i won't help you".

About Darth Marr, if you remember he says " so be it" when you order his crew to either defend or abandon the flagship, so he knew his former boss, the Emperor, will probably kill him.

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Don't see that happening, since the old republic seems to be about the Revan legacy, as the movies are about the skywalkers; The Revan lineage aren't going anywhere.


Guess we'll have to see in future patches just how much they care for the Revan legacy.:rak_03:

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I bear her no hate as primarily an Empire.


I do however hate a building, that building being the Senate House on Coruscant. It's a pain in the booty to navigate around that place and I dislike it being so garish. That will do as recompense for our Lord and saviour Darth Marr.


Failing that, just nuke Alderaan from orbit, only way to be sure. Full of stuffy nobles, though I did get to beat some up. Which was nice.

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Satele and ghost marr are not the traitors. They now serve the will of the force, and are an odd couple, an old **** and a manly ghost xD. Not sure how those 2 make it work, but oh well :rak_03::rak_03::rak_03:


What if the Force tells them: "You must destroy the Alliance. Betray them!"

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What if the Force tells them: "You must destroy the Alliance. Betray them!"


I don't think they are going to turn Marr and Saterle into some mindless pawns mate:rak_03:. Besides this is not give with one hand take with the other. Okay the alliance has served its purpose, but killing/destroying the alliance that way would be weird (note that i m against this charade)

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I don't think they are going to turn Marr and Saterle into some mindless pawns mate:rak_03:. Besides this is not give with one hand take with the other. Okay the alliance has served its purpose, but killing/destroying the alliance that way would be weird (note that i m against this charade)


"Weird". Plenty in the story was weird, so this is no weirder than what we got in KOTFE/ET :D It'd work, I promise you ;)

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