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Satele Shan must die thread :D:D:D:D !!!!!! You took us Darth Marr now we take Satele


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Signed!!!!! Most whole-heartedly. Satele MUST DIE


:sy_empire: Please let us be the ones to kill her too. :sy_empire:



You took my beloved Marr away and let this wench live. Turn about is fair play. Kill her!


lol nooo Luna

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She'd have to die silently. The voice actors strike is now the 2nd longest in SAG history and shows no signs of ending.


these voice actors have a problem with the way EA treats their efforts and how they are compensated for injuries to voice actor while performing their job, examples; screaming on a death scene or speaking in a highly uncomfortable way... Jennifer Hale is a leading voice for that concern. it likely covers all EA games she is involved in.

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these voice actors have a problem with the way EA treats their efforts and how they are compensated for injuries to voice actor while performing their job, examples; screaming on a death scene or speaking in a highly uncomfortable way... Jennifer Hale is a leading voice for that concern. it likely covers all EA games she is involved in.


But the strike only affects games that started production after February of 2015, right? I am unclear if this affects additions to previously existing games.


Edit: Wait, Jennifer Hale also voices the female trooper and Iokath came out this year and there will be more story in August which presumably means more VA work for all classes. Also, KotET was just last year, after the strike was in effect. So the strike wouldn't be an issue with Hale.

Edited by Elessara
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Doesn't that strike only affect certain games and isn't SWTOR not one of those? I'm not entirely sure.




This is from Oct 22, 2016, but the strike is still ongoing and applies.


I suspect, strongly, that what we have heard is looped previous recordings of her voice strung together for new dialogue. And the strike wants to back apply residuals to all work performed since 2015 in voice acting on games.

Edited by Kyrra_T
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This is from Oct 22, 2016, but the strike is still ongoing and applies.


I suspect, strongly, that what we have heard is looped previous recordings of her voice strung together for new dialogue. And the strike wants to back apply residuals to all work performed since 2015 in voice acting on games.


Except that it applies to games that went into production after February 2015. SWTOR went into production long before that and technically expansions are not new games. Also, I find it difficult to believe they just strung together bits of previous recordings to make all of the female troopers lines for all of KotET and the Iokath story (such as it was).

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She'd have to die silently. The voice actors strike is now the 2nd longest in SAG history and shows no signs of ending.


I suppose I could live with that, but I hoped for plenty of pained whining and carrying on, on her part. A painful death would've been preferrable, but quiet would have to do I guess. I can't believe that strike is still going on, wow. That's crazy.




lol nooo Luna


Ee hee hee hee. :D My dark side got out for some air... :p

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All companies should just let the voice actors strike forever and never give in to their demands. If they want work they will have to give in sooner or later. The devs can just hire voice actor's that are not striking. If this strike is about money well I don't care what anyone says, voice actors are paid enough for what they do. They do not deserve the same amount of money as tv show and movie actors who have a much tougher job.
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I am pretty sure that Satale is going to die because I am pretty sure that she is 'the traitor' in Iokath storyline. No better candidate for that role.


Satele being the traitor wouldn't make sense for a couple of reasons.


The first is that she's not part of the Alliance. She and Marr's ghost hit out in the wilds but never actually joined it. The traitor has to be someone within the organizational hierarchy. The word traitor simply wouldn't apply to Satele even if it did turn out she was trying to sabotage the Outlander.


The second is that she has no reason to feel hurt or betrayed by an Outlander who sides with the Republic. Satele trying to destroy the Alliance only works if the Outlander threw in with the Empire on Iokath.


Tl;dr: The traitor is probably either Lana or Theron and dependent upon whether the Outlander sides with the Republic or Empire.

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Will all the work they put into Lana and Theron for the past three years I doubt they'll ever dare to do something like this.

It'll just be the scions as it won't make anyone sad. Nobody cares about the scions.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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Except that it applies to games that went into production after February 2015. SWTOR went into production long before that and technically expansions are not new games. Also, I find it difficult to believe they just strung together bits of previous recordings to make all of the female troopers lines for all of KotET and the Iokath story (such as it was).


technicially not, everything produced after that date on swtor counts because it is new content that went into production after 2015.

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Hell no, Darth Marr was the true hero of the Sith Empire.


We need to get his leadership back, ASAP! To hell with Acina and her 'new way' for the Sith Empire!


A pity... Marr only made what Malgus wanted after killing him because of his ideas.


Makeb Arc shows the empire is starting to accept aliens and also see that the infighting and the precarious diplomacy of the Empire is making it crumble... who said that before and tried to fix it? Malgus, now Marr does it and everybody loves him.


Dont get me wrong, the character of Darth Marr was baddass... but he wasnt the hero of the empire you portrait... Malgus was the one.




Die or defeat me, either way the empire is reborn...

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Will all the work they put into Lana and Theron for the past three years I doubt they'll ever dare to do something like this.

It'll just be the scions as it won't make anyone sad. Nobody cares about the scions.:rak_03:


I thought of that also and no, I think that would go badly. I consider them my characters two best friends. I sided with the Republic (didn't really want to side with either) and it felt like a betrayal so you can't blame her but I still wouldn't like it and that effort gone into building these two up would be totally destroyed. I knew the basics of the story long before and if I knew one of these two would end up betraying the Alliance because of one decision I was forced into, I wouldn't have gotten so attached to either.

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I thought of that also and no, I think that would go badly. I consider them my characters two best friends. I sided with the Republic (didn't really want to side with either) and it felt like a betrayal so you can't blame her but I still wouldn't like it and that effort gone into building these two up would be totally destroyed. I knew the basics of the story long before and if I knew one of these two would end up betraying the Alliance because of one decision I was forced into, I wouldn't have gotten so attached to either.

While I feel the complete opposite about these two characters, I do understand why people feel the way you do. I just wish more characters were given the chance of importance compared to these two.

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While I feel the complete opposite about these two characters, I do understand why people feel the way you do. I just wish more characters were given the chance of importance compared to these two.


I love one and hate the other. If any of my choices or any randomness (no difference in the end) make one leave me, and I'm stuck with the other that I can't suffer any more, I'd be really really annoyed. :eek:

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There is no death, there is only the force.



Carry on.

Indeed - when we get to kill her (poor Theron will have a breakdown) we'll just be stuck with her preachy force ghost joining up with ruined Marr's preachy force ghost. She is also my prime suspect for the traitor, which is why I think she is likely to see the full force of my lightning. No-one else makes much sense (maybe Lana).


I would like to add Guss Tuno to the pile of souls for the "Resurrect Marr VooDoo" :D

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I love one and hate the other. If any of my choices or any randomness (no difference in the end) make one leave me, and I'm stuck with the other that I can't suffer any more, I'd be really really annoyed. :eek:


Yeah I get it. People who romanced Theron don't want him to go, people who romanced Lana don't want her to go. At least that's the pattern​ I when people speak of it! I never romanced either of them so I don't feel attached. That and they're always around and it's kind of stale.

Actually I did romance Theron on my operative:rak_03: But never finished it. I deleted the toon as I could no longer break up with him and who knows when vector would be back.

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Signed!!!!! Most whole-heartedly. Satele MUST DIE


:sy_empire: Please let us be the ones to kill her too. :sy_empire:



You took my beloved Marr away and let this wench live. Turn about is fair play. Kill her!


Agreed... Agreed...


And she's gotta pay for all the **** she let Theron go through.

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