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Updates on missing companions.


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So I know this has been asked 100 times "when is my favorite companion returning," and as we've been told, they want to write our companions back into the story asap. My question for the devs at this point is, do you have any eta on when the next companion might be returning, not being specific on whom? Back with KotFE we were getting companions back just about every month, but since Fallen Empire launched, I'm pretty sure Elara and Quinn are the only ones to have made a return in 8 months. I'm not asking about any specific companions, but I haven't heard about any companions being teased for 5.4, so how long will we be waiting for the next companion to return. Not asking for a specific date "5.5 will see the return of Mako" or anything like that, just asking if there's a general idea of how many months it'll be until another familiar face pops up.
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So I know this has been asked 100 times "when is my favorite companion returning," and as we've been told, they want to write our companions back into the story asap. My question for the devs at this point is, do you have any eta on when the next companion might be returning, not being specific on whom? Back with KotFE we were getting companions back just about every month, but since Fallen Empire launched, I'm pretty sure Elara and Quinn are the only ones to have made a return in 8 months. I'm not asking about any specific companions, but I haven't heard about any companions being teased for 5.4, so how long will we be waiting for the next companion to return. Not asking for a specific date "5.5 will see the return of Mako" or anything like that, just asking if there's a general idea of how many months it'll be until another familiar face pops up.


There are 70+ companions and you are complaining about the 3 you are missing?? You serious? They have already solved this issue for you comp people.You can get them back now. They are not lost. Go click the panel and they are all back. No waiting for anything. What is the deal with you people?

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So I know this has been asked 100 times "when is my favorite companion returning," and as we've been told, they want to write our companions back into the story asap. My question for the devs at this point is, do you have any eta on when the next companion might be returning, not being specific on whom? Back with KotFE we were getting companions back just about every month, but since Fallen Empire launched, I'm pretty sure Elara and Quinn are the only ones to have made a return in 8 months. I'm not asking about any specific companions, but I haven't heard about any companions being teased for 5.4, so how long will we be waiting for the next companion to return. Not asking for a specific date "5.5 will see the return of Mako" or anything like that, just asking if there's a general idea of how many months it'll be until another familiar face pops up.



As Chelz pointed out, you can get them back via the console in your room on Odessen. The problem with this is they're just there. No furthering their story. Just whatever role you assign them.


There was absolutely no forethought whatsoever put into this. The very first question Charles Boyd should have asked himself was when I take away their comps, how am I going to give them back? The console was his out. To compound matters, playing through the chapters and doing the Alliance alerts we get back comps we really don't care about. Rusk, but not Kira. Really? Seriously? Worse yet in Chapter 14, the Mando chapter, we get Torian but not Akaavi? What was Boyd thinking? Simple. He wasn't. Not at all. No thought was put into any of it. Just throw spaghetti at the wall, see what sticks then go with that

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As Chelz pointed out, you can get them back via the console in your room on Odessen. The problem with this is they're just there. No furthering their story. Just whatever role you assign them.


There was absolutely no forethought whatsoever put into this. The very first question Charles Boyd should have asked himself was when I take away their comps, how am I going to give them back? The console was his out. To compound matters, playing through the chapters and doing the Alliance alerts we get back comps we really don't care about. Rusk, but not Kira. Really? Seriously? Worse yet in Chapter 14, the Mando chapter, *we get Torian but not Akaavi? What was Boyd thinking? Simple. He wasn't. Not at all. No thought was put into any of it. Just throw spaghetti at the wall, see what sticks then go with that


* Because they were alternating male/female LI's, the previous LI to return was Vette so the next was due to be a male LI. Also Akaavi no longer had a clan, didn't she no longer associate herself with being a Mando? I am not as great fan of Torian but fair's fair.

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* Because they were alternating male/female LI's, the previous LI to return was Vette so the next was due to be a male LI. Also Akaavi no longer had a clan, didn't she no longer associate herself with being a Mando? I am not as great fan of Torian but fair's fair.



Had you actually played through the BH SL, which you obviously have not, you would know Torian also had no clan. Yet he found his way to Darvannis. Why couldn't Akaavi?


The LI rationale is complete garbage. Chapter 10, you get Kaliyo. What if you romanced Temple? She's not an option. Chapter 13 Gault and Vette. What if you romanced Jaesa? Again, not an option. Plus, in chapters 12, 15 and 16 no comps come back

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Had you actually played through the BH SL, which you obviously have not, you would know Torian also had no clan. Yet he found his way to Darvannis. Why couldn't Akaavi?


The LI rationale is complete garbage. Chapter 10, you get Kaliyo. What if you romanced Temple? She's not an option. Chapter 13 Gault and Vette. What if you romanced Jaesa? Again, not an option. Plus, in chapters 12, 15 and 16 no comps come back


I have actually...and Torian did have a clan it was just tainted and shamed. Akaavi's clan were all wiped out.


You have seen what happens when they bring two LI's back together in one chapter (Quinn and Dorne) watered down content and no meaningful reunion. So for those who were lucky enough to get a choice of LI with their characters it's a matter of chance which one will be returned and when the story for them makes sense.

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have actually...and Torian did have a clan it was just tainted and shamed.


WRONG. Torian is the only one left after you deal with his father Jicoln


You have seen what happens when they bring two LI's back together in one chapter (Quinn and Dorne)


Don't use bad writing and bad storytelling to try to cover your lack of a cohesive point. The alternating LI theory is complete nonsense

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WRONG. Torian is the only one left after you deal with his father Jicoln




Don't use bad writing and bad storytelling to try to cover your lack of a cohesive point. The alternating LI theory is complete nonsense


There is nothing incohesive about my point. In all chapters where one LI is returned you get far better reunion and content for said LI. In the one where they brought back two, it was clear they split and thus watered down any meaninful come back.


And why is the alternating return of LI nonsense? It's exactly what they did. Just because your warrior didn't get back both his romances doesn't change that. Or are you saying that you're just wanting to be selfish and want all the LI's of male characters to return first because the romances of female character do not matter?

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There are 70+ companions and you are complaining about the 3 you are missing?? You serious? They have already solved this issue for you comp people.You can get them back now. They are not lost. Go click the panel and they are all back. No waiting for anything. What is the deal with you people?


Don't be obtuse. You know what the issue is. The ones who want specific companions back (myself included) don't care about the x number of companions that are available and probably didn't want them to begin with. What we would like are our old companions back VIA STORY - and preferably a decent one or at least better than Iokath. We would like a reunion not yanking out of a random terminal. We were told in the beginning of KotFE that we would be getting them back ... and then KotFE ended and they were still not back. Oh, but that's ok "season 2" will be coming and we'll get them back then. Nope, didn't get any in KotET. The more in game time that passes, the less sense it makes for the LIs to still be missing.


Also, if you personally don't care about getting companions back via story, do you really feel it necessary to jump in and try to stomp all over those who do? It's not like the OP was making unreasonable demands or threatening to unsub or throwing a temper tantrum.

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WRONG. Torian is the only one left after you deal with his father Jicoln


I think thats not true, i dont fully remember it, but didnt Torian mention members of his clan when he does a meeting in his personal quests?




It appears that many died and the womans and childrens still around somewhere, but only Torian answered Shae Viszla call into Darvannis, but that doesnt necessary means the clan is completely wiped out.

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You have seen what happens when they bring two LI's back together in one chapter (Quinn and Dorne) watered down content and no meaningful reunion.

That isn't automatically because there were two LI companions in the story. I haven't played Chapter XIII on a warrior that romanced Vette, but even without the romance thing, Vette got a good return, and so did Gault.


If it's bad writing, call it bad writing, but don't blame it on there being two LI companions.

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I believe Charles said one of the first things cut when they shortened chapter 2 and 3 into one chapter was companion returns. Now they just have to write new story to mesh with what they already had planned then get it into the game. I'm guessing a lot of the returning companions were tied directly into the story that got cut and meshed together so now it all has to be redone making the wait even longer. I'm positive they'll return at some point. But I'd rather they stay gone as opposed to just getting them back without a good story to tell of where they've been. One reason I won't use the console. Edited by Thruine
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...There was absolutely no forethought whatsoever put into this.... No thought was put into any of it. Just throw spaghetti at the wall, see what sticks then go with that


If you've been around for any length of time, you'll quickly come to realize this is a common theme...

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There are still 17 missing companions, it's unrealistic to expect a chapter each for them or even pairing all of them up for 9 chapters of whatever the next story expansion is. The original idea was for there to be another chapter of KOTE where you'd finally get to finish the storyline. That was condensed into the KOTET chapters. If you want the companions back in a story, you're looking at at least another 2 years. I think for some folks the continued delay in bringing them back might factor into their decisions of whether or not to continue playing the game. Some folks may elect to just play elsewhere until everyone is back then start up again.


Use the terminal if you just want them back.


As for Torian, the poster saying he was a clan of one is absolutely correct. A big point is made of that after you kill his father and during companion conversations.


Still missing:



Kira Carsen

Lord Scourge


Nadia Grell

Felix Iresso


Tharan Cedrax


Corso Riggs

Risha Drayen

Akaavi Sparr


Jaesa Willsam


Khem Val

Andronikos Revel

Ashara Zavros


Reina Temple

Vector Hyllius



Edited by Keta
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Why can't there be a monthly chapter - bring back one LI ( or two) and a side quest for a non-romance able companion or more?


Of course there can be. But then you're talking about 17 story chapters or approximately 8 stories plus 8 or so of the silly alert things with no story. That drags the return of companions out for yet another year minimum and possibly 2 more years. BW painted themselves into a corner with the KOTFE story. A large percentage of the story players disliked the storyline in general and the missing companions in particular, dragging out the companion return isn't likely to garner brownie points with them.

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I'm fairly new and haven't finished most of the older content yet, but I wanted to see the new expansions despite the mixed reviews and warnings about lost companions. So, I ran through the new storyline on a boosted character with no attachments to the past. Having seen it now, I'm still not ready to commit any of my "real" characters to KOTFE/KOTET. For now, I don't mind keeping most of my characters in the old galaxy and having post-KOTFE as an alternative future universe for my boosted character.


I'd like to see more of the companions come back though, so then maybe I'd consider making the jump to the new stories with some of my old world characters, without having to worry about missing companions. I know about the terminal, but that's not really the same.

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Regarding Khem Val:


For those who did not BETRAY Khem Val, Khem should return.


For those who betrayed Khem Val, they should get Zash.


Not pretty Zash, ugly Zash. This new Zash should randomly replace the current companion and should be especially annoying :D

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Regarding Khem Val:


For those who did not BETRAY Khem Val, Khem should return.


For those who betrayed Khem Val, they should get Zash.


Not pretty Zash, ugly Zash. This new Zash should randomly replace the current companion and should be especially annoying :D


No version of Zash could be more annoying than Khem.

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Of course there can be. But then you're talking about 17 story chapters or approximately 8 stories plus 8 or so of the silly alert things with no story. That drags the return of companions out for yet another year minimum and possibly 2 more years. BW painted themselves into a corner with the KOTFE story. A large percentage of the story players disliked the storyline in general and the missing companions in particular, dragging out the companion return isn't likely to garner brownie points with them.


I don't see how non-romance companions Alliance alerts are "silly". There was a story for Blizz, for Languss Tuno, for Sgt. Rusk, so there might be stories for the others too.

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Lord Scourge I feel has the makings of a pretty decent story that could be open to more classes so in cases like that, I'd rather wait for the return story than just him being checked off a list. I could see the same for Mako and Theron (team up!) simply if they do something involving technology turning against us (not that they've hinted, I'd just thought it would be cool). I suppose its possible for all the missing to be handled in that manner but I do hope the game gets to a point where regular updates (every month or so) actually adds additional content to the game including a returning companion.


They all will, I assume, be open to everyone but characters like Kira would never fit well with a Sith character. But that's my hope. I've seen games go through some shakeups and spend a bit of time not really having much new added to the game. Some feature updates or additions but nothing content wise then pick up a cadence of regular content release which is small with the one or two year big release. I think this would fit well for SWTOR now that they're getting balance out of the way and deciding exactly how GC fits in with gearing. They should be getting to the stage of start working on new content.


I know I'm probably a small majority and know its expensive but I really hope conversations do not get shorted. I'd rather have just one mission with it correctly than ten with that KOTOR version. I need to hear my character to speak if I'm expected to have any chance of immersion.

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Lord Scourge I feel has the makings of a pretty decent story that could be open to more classes so in cases like that, I'd rather wait for the return story than just him being checked off a list. I could see the same for Mako and Theron (team up!) simply if they do something involving technology turning against us (not that they've hinted, I'd just thought it would be cool). I suppose its possible for all the missing to be handled in that manner but I do hope the game gets to a point where regular updates (every month or so) actually adds additional content to the game including a returning companion.


They all will, I assume, be open to everyone but characters like Kira would never fit well with a Sith character. But that's my hope. I've seen games go through some shakeups and spend a bit of time not really having much new added to the game. Some feature updates or additions but nothing content wise then pick up a cadence of regular content release which is small with the one or two year big release. I think this would fit well for SWTOR now that they're getting balance out of the way and deciding exactly how GC fits in with gearing. They should be getting to the stage of start working on new content.


I know I'm probably a small majority and know its expensive but I really hope conversations do not get shorted. I'd rather have just one mission with it correctly than ten with that KOTOR version. I need to hear my character to speak if I'm expected to have any chance of immersion.


Ideally, I'd like that too. Unfortunately Bioware has finite resources, which is why they've sort of gone through phases where they're focused on one thing at a time (pvp, pve, story, etc.) I would love it if every companion got a proper re introduction to the characters instead of a "woah I thought you were dead, well since you're here do you mind helping me with this thing real quick before I got take a seat on Odessan?" I don't mind being patient as long as the characters' returns are justifiable and make sense, but really the only thing I want to know at this point is whether or not they have an eta on the next comp return.

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I'm still holding out hope for some of my favourites to return. Gotten one of my favourites back so far and would just love to hear any indication of whether or not we'll be seeing any others soon. Even just a "no there are no plans as of yet..." would be better than nothing.
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As Chelz pointed out, you can get them back via the console in your room on Odessen. The problem with this is they're just there. No furthering their story. Just whatever role you assign them.


There was absolutely no forethought whatsoever put into this. The very first question Charles Boyd should have asked himself was when I take away their comps, how am I going to give them back? The console was his out. To compound matters, playing through the chapters and doing the Alliance alerts we get back comps we really don't care about. Rusk, but not Kira. Really? Seriously? Worse yet in Chapter 14, the Mando chapter, we get Torian but not Akaavi? What was Boyd thinking? Simple. He wasn't. Not at all. No thought was put into any of it. Just throw spaghetti at the wall, see what sticks then go with that



Dude they have really thinked this through, don't fool yourself mate xD. Taking away the companions and giving us the possibility to have them back is a good plan from Bioware to keep ppl subbed to the game. Just in a weird way .....

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