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Commentary on Mercs post 5.3


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1 - All Dps (excluding sniper) > Merc Dps

2 - All heals > Merc Heals

3 - All tanks > Merc Tanks


Wait ...

Is there a merc tank?



(This post is like the merc nerfs)


Edited by RACATW
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1 - All Dps (excluding sniper) > Merc Dps

2 - All heals > Merc Heals

3 - All tanks > Merc Tanks


Wait ...

Is there a merc tank?



(This post is like the merc nerfs)


A Merc tank walks into a Doctors office and says he needs a vaccine to stop any nerfs to his health...

The doctor writes out a prescription and hands it to the Merc...

The Merc looks down and reads what is written...

Schizotypa Disorder

-Treatment is to Nerf Survivability and LOS

The Merc says what's LOS... ?

The doctor says its to fix the delusion that you're a Tank...

The Merc scratches his head and said, "if I'm not a tank what am I.." 😉

Edited by Icykill_
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1 - All Dps (excluding sniper) > Merc Dps

2 - All heals > Merc Heals

3 - All tanks > Merc Tanks


Wait ...

Is there a merc tank?



(This post is like the merc nerfs)


1 - You're absolutely right, they nerfed merc DPS far too much. No one was calling for that it was the DCDs/ 3 lives that were OP. Even if they needed a DPS nerf, this was too much.


2 - There is no other DPS spec in the game that has better heals than Mercs, not even close. When you see a DPS spec healing 1M +, you cannot complain about the heals. The heals are wayyyyyyyyy too much for any DPS spec to have. If any DPS spec in the game deserves good heals it's Sorc DPS.


3 -There are no Merc tanks last I heard heh


I understand the concerns, as much as I hate how OP mercs and snipers have been, they went much too far with the DPS nerf to mercs IMO. Furthermore, I can totally see why merc players are concerned because they know that the defensive nerf is on the way and it won't like be subtle. But when you have a spec that only has to kill his opponents once, but his opponents have to kill him at least 2 times, often 3, you can understand how that could be extremely unbalancing.


They should have nerfed the defenses and given them a smaller DPS nerf. I don't blame mercs for being upset about it, it was far too severe.


If they nuke their defenses, or rather, bring them to a reasonable level for a rDPS class, I would think some DPS buff would be called for. Not tons, but certainly they should not be at the very bottom [Arsenal]. If thier intention is to leave mercs with a good amount of the defenses they presently have, and just say take their extra life away, but leace the reflects and the other heals, that I can see them being low on the DPS, but if you have been PVPing since 5.3 I think it's pretty obvious that mercs and snipers are still at the top of the food chain. The DPS nerfs are more noticable in PVE.


I wouldn't worry too much because I think they'll end up ripping apart pretty much every spec in the game in some measure and no is going to be happy with what's left of their specs by the time the "class balancing" is done because the system they are basing it on, if taken literally, will leave overall class balance in a worser state.


If you do not take into consideration everything a spec brings to the table,


Defenses, Perma stealth, self heals, off heals, off tanking, CC- kits, immunities, mobility, range, armor, utilities, ease of play, difficulty of optimal play, etc.,


you cannot hope to have anything near balance, because the DPS is only one part of it, and many of these other things directly effect DPS performance.


Many people will unsub when specs that shouldn't have been touched are, or are treatedly inappropriately with changes, or are placed in the pecking order where they don't deserve to be.


Balance is when you bring an over performing spec to a similar level to other specs. Ripping every spec apart just lowers the numbers overall, changes who's on top, but keeps an uneven, inappropriate range between specs.


This could and should have been so easy, but , like usual, they will mess it up.


After all the grinding and the gearing, only to find everyone no better off than when they were in 224 gear, is only going to add to the egregiousness and discontent of the players, whattever spec they are playing. To have gone through all that work and time and grinding, just to see 8.7k pop again? What's the point?


You gear to improve. That's what makes the effort worth while. Between these two things, I don't think many will walk away from this "balancing" feeling things are better for it, I think they'll think things are worser for it.


But that's just my take on it.

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I gave my merc a spin last night, and while survivability is still ridiculous the DPS is definitely lacking. And this was in full 246 but without set bonus. They ought to return a bit of the damage, and remove some 1 of the DCD healing and some of the off-healing.
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They should have nerfed the defenses and given them a smaller DPS nerf. I don't blame mercs for being upset about it, it was far too severe.



This is my personal opinion as well. And the explanation they gave was basically "we hear you, but we are only looking at dps numbers in out categories".


To me anyway this is a bit of oversimplification. As a different example I know more about I believe sentinels should do more damage than guardians because literally all they do is damage. Even as a dps spec I can taunt and guard, in other words I have utility. I also believe that the design of guardians was to be more survivable at the expense of some damage. Even in dps spec. My personal opinion is that we are currentry incredibly squishy and not living up to that design. But that's for a different thread really.


Anyway as far as the merc nerfs, dps wise yes they went too far I think. I don't see how merc healing is weak right now though especially with all the DCDs. And I believe op is being sarcastic about merc tanks but seriously mercs in pvp are arguably more survivable than tanks at least on their own. Of course I'd you're tanking alone you're doing it wrong, guard that healer and be an immortal team lol. Or you know fight against people that know how to tunnel a tank.

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I don't see how merc healing is weak right now though especially with all the DCDs


Merc heals have always been in last place. whether they are "weak" or not is I guess a matter of perception, but Op and Sorc have been squarely above Merc for who knows how long now. I can't speak as to with the new Sorc nerfs though as I haven't played with them. The Merc's defensives also add a decent chunk to their end game heals, so even seeing the same number from say a Sorc and Merc, it's more than likely the sorc healed more as a decent amount of the Merc's will have just been self heals from the reflect or power shield.

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Merc heals have always been in last place. whether they are "weak" or not is I guess a matter of perception, but Op and Sorc have been squarely above Merc for who knows how long now. I can't speak as to with the new Sorc nerfs though as I haven't played with them. The Merc's defensives also add a decent chunk to their end game heals, so even seeing the same number from say a Sorc and Merc, it's more than likely the sorc healed more as a decent amount of the Merc's will have just been self heals from the reflect or power shield.


I agree merc heals always been 3rd. Tell you what though used to have a few mates back then play it at a very high level and was really good even being shafted. Little tweek on them they easily could be amazing.

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Merc heals have always been in last place. whether they are "weak" or not is I guess a matter of perception, but Op and Sorc have been squarely above Merc for who knows how long now. I can't speak as to with the new Sorc nerfs though as I haven't played with them. The Merc's defensives also add a decent chunk to their end game heals, so even seeing the same number from say a Sorc and Merc, it's more than likely the sorc healed more as a decent amount of the Merc's will have just been self heals from the reflect or power shield.


Actuallt I'd say currently merc are the best pvp healer. Operative type of healing can work, but it doesnt deal with burst as well as merc, and its easier to shut down. They also lack the same ability to heal under pressure than merc does.


Sorc are still pretty great contender no matter the tears tough, but I think a merc's output is greater at least for now.

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Actuallt I'd say currently merc are the best pvp healer. Operative type of healing can work, but it doesnt deal with burst as well as merc, and its easier to shut down. They also lack the same ability to heal under pressure than merc does.


Sorc are still pretty great contender no matter the tears tough, but I think a merc's output is greater at least for now.


Healing wise this is my personal opinion as well (well, merc ot sorc on top, until 5.3 sorc undoubtably post 5.3 still undecided) but beyond my ability to kill an operative vs a merc or sorc I really don't have much to say. Yes when I play my scoundrel I can put out the numbers. If everyone happens to be standing in aoe range and somehow I'm not being interrupted. And as someone who does play scoundrels healers semi-regularly in pve our burst ability is non existant compared to mando or sage. And I'd hazard a guess that the lack of burst issue is only exacerbated in pvp.


But hey I main tanks and dwebble in dps guardians on pub side harby, what do I know?

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Boltstorm seems to have taken the biggest nerf blow, it sorta feels like a filler move now. As for Demo Rounds, I still crit consistently within 26-33k range, although that may simply be the case of me running with almost full 248 while the majority of pvp playerbase wears 230 at best. Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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When you say mercs you should specify. Some of us aren't FOTM arsenals. I'll tell you IO isn't suffering.


As far as 3 lives go: Once again for the record. Mercs have 1 heal to 70% and two abilities that do nothing if your keyboard has the tab button. As far as 1v1 goes cause I know some1 is going to cry about 1v1. My answer to that is I can think of at least a dozen abilities I could be doing that's better than healing my opponent till full. Why can't you? And they made it so easy for fails to avoid. If a merc pops a little circle around him stop dpsing.



Saying mercs have 3 heals to full=bad

Edited by OneHit
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I think a problem is that you have to balance Classes in PvP AND in PvE, without being able to seperate both sections

(I mean, they could do that, if this game would bring them more money...). Everything you adjust to enhance PvP performance will also affect PvE. These circumstances require the developers to look at the Balance System careful, so they just have to give tiny little pushes with their NERF HAMMER!!! Nerfing a Class' DPS because it has better Dcds doesn't affect PvE as much as PvP. As a DPS in PvE, you play the Mechanics smart, you don't need a Dcd... (in most cases...). In PvP, Dcds play a much more important role, and nerfing the Mercs dcds is an absolute necessarity.

Yes, before 5.3 you get 40k hits... (but man, these missiles have such a long airtime, just reackt ;p) But which Ability hasn't been touched? In Mercs Case, BW did everything wrong that could be done wrong... I personally feel no difference in PvP, especially because Sorc/Sage heal is nerfed too... But in PvE, I really feel a painful lack of damage, though I play my Merc perfectly (This should not sound arrogant, it shows that Mercs are not rewarded for playing mechanics well and nail their rotation, in both specs...) I think, and i can't believe that I am saying this, that PvPand PvE Community have to work together, to find a Comromise, which is acceptable (perfect won't be possible) for both, bring it to BW and let them ignore it...

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If a merc pops a little circle around him stop dpsing.


Is that merc going to be a gentleman and not take the invulnerable time he gets to unload a full burst rotation and lite's your azz up?


Merc defender's always make this argument, and to be fair, you are right, if you dont attack him he wont get the heals.

But the invulerability in and of itself while he can still attack you is a powerful DCD and only one of thier OP dcds.


Furhermore, it's almost impossible not to land o few blows on the merc before you realize it's being used and than stop. There is no way to avoid one or two shots unless you can see the future.


Additionally, while one person might use the strat not to attack during, you got people in WZs whom for whatever reason do not stop atttacking the merc so the truth is more often than not it will be 3 lives.


Plus they have progressive scan which is a strong self heal in it self.


Bottom line is this. The DCDs and merc survivability it rediulous. They're OP as hell any way you cut it. They are walking trinities, right along side Snipers.


No dps spec should have the healing potential they do, an extra life or two, and the surviability of a Tank and being ranged to boot.


OP is the only word that applies to them. Even most mercs know it. Some of them just want the edge it gives them.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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they nerfed the mercs way too much


As much as I hate to admit it, I agree. The DPS nerf was far too severe. They need to axe the DCDs, the DPS maybe needed a tweek, but that's it. If they are keeping their DCDs intact as is, that I do think the DPS should be set much lower than it was, but I think it's safe to say they will be nerfing their defenses and rightly so. At that time though, they should give them a DPS buff to some degree, as I don't think it would be fair to chop them up severely both offensively as well as defensively.

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