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The problem with Sorcs/Sages.


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We don't do 3x the damage either.


It is called AoEing people on objectives. My mortar rounds in full PvP gear crits for maybe 1.5k~ at level 50.


My heals only crit for 2.2k-2.5k. And Commandos 'on the move' heal has a 20 second cooldown, and a 2 minute cooldown and heal less than the fast heal.


Are you retarded?


Grav Round crits well up to 3k doing 2k per cast.


Demonlition Round can hit crit around 4k doing 2-3k per cast


Grav Round has no cooldown


stacks Charged Barrier if you spec into it


Decreases an enemys Armor by 4% that stacks 5 times


And On top of that

Commandos have


2 CC's LIKE Sages/Sorcs


AoE KB like sages/sorcs


Can bubble themselves like sages sorcs


Can heal like sages sorcs


Wear heavy armor and have armor piercing rounds


It takes a new level of bad to lose to a sage or sorc at 50 as a commando or Merc

Edited by Sirolos
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Funny my 50 combat medic's only thing it seems to have better than a Sorc is a 25% damage reduction for 20 seconds. Which I'm pretty sure is negated by an absurd absorb shield, and the DPS of a Sorc spec'd heals easily outdoes the Medic.


There's a reason Sorcerers and Sages are flavors of the month, and there's a reason only Sorcerers and Sages are defending the class majorly. I just saw a 50 Sorcerer hold off 4, FOUR! higher people in a Warzone because he had a channeled heal that even when interupted, was just started again, whenever we'd get him low he'd absorb shield and run. We had his resolve gone every second we could, we were casting interrupts left and right.


It would be one thing if this was one game, but if you seriously look at Warzone leaderboards. You'll notice a disturbing trend of "team with more Sorcs/Sages wins" and how they are always top in every score. (except deaths)

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There's a reason Sorcerers and Sages are flavors of the month, and there's a reason only Sorcerers and Sages are defending the class majorly. I just saw a 50 Sorcerer hold off 4, FOUR! higher people in a Warzone because he had a channeled heal that even when interupted, was just started again, whenever we'd get him low he'd absorb shield and run. We had his resolve gone every second we could, we were casting interrupts left and right.



So your telling me you had no Assassin who could hit the sorc for 3k per backstab, and


no scoundrel that could backstab for 4k? http://youtu.be/tZ8o_WmpyyI


You had no Commando that could grave round for 3k?


No Gunslinger that could snipe for 3k


Your telling me no one could, on your team break a bubble that absorbs all of 2k damage


No one stunned him in the middle of a Cast?

Edited by Sirolos
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So your telling me you had no Assassin who could hit the sorc for 3k per backstab, and


no scoundrel that could backstab for 4k?


You had no Commando that could grave round for 3k?


No Gunslinger that could snipe for 3k


Your telling me no one could, on your team break a bubble that absorbs all of 2k damage


No one stunned him in the middle of a Cast?


I know for a fact three of us stunned him whenever he started casting something green. By the time his absorb dropped he was back up. We had no Smuggler or (I don't think) an Assassin (couldn't differentiate an assassin, we had two Jedi that's about all I can tell). I was a Vanguard Tank and my fiance' was a Combat Medic. We were throwing all our CC at him. (me and her are 41).


He had time to stop and /say to us the whole time we were trying to kill him as well. I'm unsure what the deal was but he was nigh unstoppable. I know for a fact I was throwing out my interrupts anytime something popped up, but being on a 10-15 second cooldown is worthless when he can instantly start channeling again, and the instant absorb shields were absorbing way more than 2k (my 2500 Shockstrike crits weren't breaking it instantly)


It could've just been a lack of DPS but regardless, he killed one person (one of the Jedis) and held the other three of us off for a very very long time.


I'm just curious as to what was going on and why he was so unstoppable. It is possible there was a "hidden healer" so to speak that we weren't seeing, but this was a back area of Voidstar and we had chased them down the corridor as defense so it was 4v1.

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I'm just curious as to what was going on and why he was so unstoppable. It is possible there was a "hidden healer" so to speak that we weren't seeing.


And this is the exact same for a Commando healing, at 50, with the appropriate amount of expertise gear.

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And this is the exact same for a Commando healing, at 50, with the appropriate amount of expertise gear.


Is Expertise that helpful? If so I can understand why they're giving 50's a bracket now haha


(Also Commando Healing is awesome but lacks an absorb shield, something that means many less medals sadly)

Edited by Shadowclaimer
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Is Expertise that helpful? If so I can understand why they're giving 50's a bracket now haha


The early PVP 50 set that offers a decent amount won't make or break the bank, but the champion/centurion gear and eventually the battlemaster gear makes the gap between 49/fresh 50 and 50 (w/BM gear) immense.

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The early PVP 50 set that offers a decent amount won't make or break the bank, but the champion/centurion gear and eventually the battlemaster gear makes the gap between 49/fresh 50 and 50 (w/BM gear) immense.


Ah that would explain it then, was going to say it felt like we were facing a stacked deck. Then I withdraw my argument for the sake of Sages/Sorcerers being OP (I still stand by them having a larger toolbox than other classes) but at least I understand why some specific Sorcs on our server tend to absolutely annihilate everything and everyone. (and a Bounty Hunter or two)


My apologies if I insulted any Sages/Sorcerers, I'm just a man in search of answers.

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Stop talking about the "absurd" absorb shield and pretending it's absorbing more than it is. It's not, we have the numbers, they're out there. Most classes have at least one ability that can do the entire shield's damage in one cast. If you can't get through it I don't know what the hell you're doing.


And yes, Expertise is extremely important. Just from the Champion gear, not even the Battlemaster, you're looking at over 15% expertise modifying their damage reduction, outgoing damage, etc. Combine that with skills and all the stat bonuses and it's quite massive. A Juggernaut quite literally went through the shield and all of my health in three seconds... because he had expertise at the time and I did not.

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Frightening. Whining about nerfs constantly is was began the landslide that killed the last game. Dang. Reminds me of an old story. "When the National Socialists came for the communists, it didn't concern me. When they came for the disabled, it didn't concern me. When they came for the Jews, it didn't concern me. When they came for me...there was nobody left to help."




I am a Sorc and ya...it's got its perks...like all the other classes, BIT I get my rear handed to me all the time by other players and classes.

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What a whiney post, seriously all your points are lame. This one in particular


4. Geared 50's sorc/sage becomes nigh unkillable by less than 3 people who are not 40+.


So you are saying, less than 3 people (i.e 2 people) under level 40 cant kill a level 50 geared Sorc... Um i think thats perfectly reasonable.


I dont even know what to make of the rest of your complaints


It should take 3 people in a WZ just to kill 1? How is that not absurd?


I disagree. A Commando's biggest defensive advantage is their offense. I do more damage than anyone, period. 1v1, you have no chance of outlasting my DPS without CC help from a friend. I don't need utility, or mobility, or defensive abilities... I just stand in place and crit you in the face for 7k burst a couple times.


I have yet to lose an even 1v1 against ANYONE on my Commando. Gunnery DPS = nuts.


Commandos eat Sorcerers for breakfast 1v1 unless you're terrible. Grav Round x3 Demo Round High Impact Bolt. YA DEAD BRAH.


If your gunnery then you're facing bads. Gunnery is the spec most able to have it's damage mitigated via interruption and is heavily reliant on a few abilities to build to a crescendo unless I quite misremember. Thus CC and interrupts would break or significantly slow your chain. Also your more able to be LOS'd by a more mobile build unless in completely open field.


Furthermore as others mentioned the game isn't 1 vs 1. It's an important part of how you fit into a team but in group battles your DPS is alot more likely to take a hit due to CC and constant interruption. Smart players attack healers and planters (immobile firing) instinctively. Which is one reason mobile DPS is an extremely viable spec in PVP, possibly superior to planting in overall ability.



Also pay attention, we all agree that people at 50 eat sorcs as well as any lower levels. To even have demo round you must be 40+ and thus able to fight 50's to a much greater degree, which only improves as you approach closer and closer to 50.


If you really think playing a sage well is easy, give it a try...


I'm not saying your crap or anything, I have no idea how good or experienced you are...


I have played it, which is why I state in the OP:


"8. I do want to say that using a sorc/sage does take quite a bit of skill to use to their full potential, but that potential currently surpasses all other classes in PVP and only gets stronger with each additional supportive class added."


TL/DR All those long bullet pointed posts of nothing and quotes of quotes of quotes make my head ache, sorry.


This is nothing else than typical class bias and an acute case of the grass seeming to be greener on the other side.


Pretty silly comment considering it's also on our side :).


This is true. Sorcs are being singled out because :lightning:


Pay attention. I called out both sides :). IE sages too. I know I know, nobody expects that lol. I mean it's in the thread title AND the first 5 words, how in the world did you miss that?

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Why so angry? I made a constructive post about this issue. You could easily do the same rather than resorting to personal attacks.


Flashbang lasts 8 seconds. Whirlwind lasts 60. .


not trying to support sages, but operatives, if you haven't noticed, also have a 60 second stun. unofrtunately, you need to be out of combat, in stealth, and your target must be out of combat

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Try having FPS lag and meeting a sage. All you see is your dead char and 2500 4500 3500 pop up and bye bye.


Since you had such FPS lag then you must not have noticed the others classes attacking you like Operatives/Smuggler/Snipers/Shadows ect because Sages and Sorcs don't have that kind of burst buddy.


At best you can get maybe a 3k crit with Force in Balance if you're good geared and that is a 15 second CD.


Sages/Sorc have great sustained dps but they have very little burst damage to speak off. Its a shame when people tell outright lies because its a popular class right now.



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OH MY GOD. HOLY WOW. These are the type of people I deal with on these forums. My god............ people who literally just come to the forums without ever even having actually tried to use the spells they post about and act like they know ANYTHING.


So how does it feel to be biggest douchebag on the internet?

I've seen a few post of you now.

All of them are complete ******** and full of arrogance.

Oh ofcourse you'll have some smart mouth **** to say in reply to this.

But hey, I said what alot of people are thinking.

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nerf that class instead kid is in blues doing 4-6k crits consistently, i just got 2 shot by an operative in full epic gear for 7-9k crits also im 540 expertise. thats fair right? stop qq'ing about this class its the most underpowered class right now.


you have no idea how hard operatives have it up until level 50

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So how does it feel to be biggest douchebag on the internet?

I've seen a few post of you now.

All of them are complete ******** and full of arrogance.

Oh ofcourse you'll have some smart mouth **** to say in reply to this.

But hey, I said what alot of people are thinking.


Yeah most people would think that after being called out on the fact that they INSIST on posting as if they can comment on needed balance changes when they don't understand the basics of the game.

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you have no idea how hard operatives have it up until level 50


Easy :). Trust me smugs of both advanced classes do well even early on and it only gets easier. Or are you trying to use only part of your class? (Melee or ranged).


Yeah most people would think that after being called out on the fact that they INSIST on posting as if they can comment on needed balance changes when they don't understand the basics of the game.


If your wrong that applies to you as well. Ditto for me. Funny how even comments like that are when viewed fairly and objectively. Considering we are all discussing opinions and most of us have been called out at this point I'd say we are all vulnerable to that to various degrees.


Though of course we will all think that WE are less vulnerable than THAT person. Perspective yo.

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