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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pre 5.0 and during Bolster 250 rating I used to play 6 different classes now only one


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FACT: Mostly pvp'ers used to play different characters and they stopped because of so much gear/Cxp grind.


I used to do the pvp dailies on 6 different characters because was SO easy to gear up and I HATE gear disparity in pvp, I hate losing when my opponent has more stats than me instead of skill.

Bolster to 250 was perfect. After they nerfed it to 232 I said to myself "i'm not gonna grind gear for all my alts".

It made me play less and less.

If we get 250 rating bolster back i'll be doing dailies on my alts again, spending way more time in-game logged, buying outfits and doing other stuff.


Bolster to 250 is the perfect solution? NO, but it's the fastest and cheapest way to give back what we had pre 5.0: Warzones based on skill, not gear. And the convenience of playing alts without worrying about gear gap.

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FACT: Mostly pvp'ers used to play different characters and they stopped because of so much gear/Cxp grind.


I used to do the pvp dailies on 6 different characters because was SO easy to gear up and I HATE gear disparity in pvp, I hate losing when my opponent has more stats than me instead of skill.

Bolster to 250 was perfect. After they nerfed it to 232 I said to myself "i'm not gonna grind gear for all my alts".

It made me play less and less.

If we get 250 rating bolster back i'll be doing dailies on my alts again, spending way more time in-game logged, buying outfits and doing other stuff.


Bolster to 250 is the perfect solution? NO, but it's the fastest and cheapest way to give back what we had pre 5.0: Warzones based on skill, not gear. And the convenience of playing alts without worrying about gear gap.


You've basically described my experience too. Only, I had 26 toons that I used to pvp with and two thirds of them were at max lvl.

As someone who played daily and would be a 40+ hour a week player, I'm now down to less than 4 hours a week. I basically boycott lvl 70, even though I've got about 8 to lvl 70 now and 5 to tier 2-3.

I was ready to unsub, I'd actually removed my credit card details, but my partner could see I was miserable without my swtor fix. She suggested staying subbed and re-doing some of the Vanilla stories with her as we'd not done that for a few years because I only lvld in pvp.

Seeing as I'd maxed my Alt slots on Harbinger and because I wasn't going to be pvping on these new toons, we decided to go on a server sight seeing tour to see how they were.

Well, I'm now up to 89 toons on this account and if we don't go back to a skill vs skill pvp model soon, I will be Unsubbing and so will my partner.

My best friend has already unsubbed and so has my brother all because of this gear system and gear gap in pvp. They are already trying to pull me to WoW and Overwatch.

Edited by Icykill_
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Do not go to WoW Icy, it literally feeds off your soul.


LoL.. I know.. I played it for 9 years before I broke the addiction when I came here... but I'm running out of options to play an MMO that my friends will play too

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I'm in the same boat 28 alts all to pvp. With the current meta I get bored so I have no characters over 150 cxp lol. I have 10 characters @ lvl 70. I refuse to gear them individually so now I have 3 @ lvl 100 or above 2 around 80 and a ton in the 50s. I've hit 1000 unassembled part on about 6 characters. Sigh just waiting on 5.3. I find myself taking more breaks away from the game.
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If they are scared of losing because they arent bolstered, they dont sound very dedicated at all.


You are misunderstanding the issue here. It's not about losing at all, it's about a gear gap that affects "everybody" in Pvp, from newbie to veterans. Newbies get it the worst and veterans like me are just fed up with it.

This is more a principle thing to me and I'm going to stick to it.

If you feed the beast and not take a stand then you are enabling it. I won't be part of that. I want pvp to be skill vs skill for everyone from the top to the bottom.

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If they are scared of losing because they arent bolstered, they dont sound very dedicated at all.


You missed the whole point it's like I'm forced to play a gimped character simply because I like to play multiple specs. I'm already good at PVP what's the fun of grinding a low-level toon back into good gear again over multiple classes and alts?

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You missed the whole point it's like I'm forced to play a gimped character simply because I like to play multiple specs. I'm already good at PVP what's the fun of grinding a low-level toon back into good gear again over multiple classes and alts?


Are Components legacy bound on 5.3?

If not, would problematic for a lot of people.

242 though is a good value for the bolster.

It is also a safeguard for the various bolster tricks appeared on 250.

I craft the 246 gear for my alts. If 1 or 2 are 300, is pretty easy with Cybertech.

Edited by Aetideus
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If they are scared of losing because they arent bolstered, they dont sound very dedicated at all.


I'm sorry, but that is the dumbest response to a comment I have read in awhile. There is just so much to go on as to why this comment is dumb, that my brain is smoking.

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Doesn't having bolster at 232 encourage the majority of players to actually do content? Otherwise the people that do PVP would never have to participate in PvE, in turn, crippling a small enough community as it is? I'm a new player and I focus on one character still, but if the people that I know had bolster 250 back, they'd stop joining runs to gear alts. I would, too probably since bolster pretty much makes gearing redundant. I see the benefits it would have to PvP though. Just feel like it's getting harder and harder to find people for PvE content.
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If they are scared of losing because they arent bolstered, they dont sound very dedicated at all.


Like the OP, I used to pay many different classes (at one point had one of each spec at level cap). The way bolster used to work, even weaker classes would be OK, if not ideal to play. Now, being limited to 1-2 characters, I just get bored and find myself logging off to play something else.


You backhand insult seems to suggest that the only way to be 'dedicated' is by giving into the grind. Well, I've been playing this game since launch and have kept a sub that whole time and the current game has for the first time made me think about quitting.

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Doesn't having bolster at 232 encourage the majority of players to actually do content? Otherwise the people that do PVP would never have to participate in PvE, in turn, crippling a small enough community as it is? I'm a new player and I focus on one character still, but if the people that I know had bolster 250 back, they'd stop joining runs to gear alts. I would, too probably since bolster pretty much makes gearing redundant. I see the benefits it would have to PvP though. Just feel like it's getting harder and harder to find people for PvE content.


There is a difference between pvpers and pve players. Pve guys will grudgenly do pvp if forced to so they can obtain things like companions, gear, conquest, tooth paste, an apple.. etc


Pvp guys don't work that way. You can't make a pvper do pve content if they aren't interested because most of us just want to kill other players and we don't care about rewards that much. Plus pve is pathetically easy which makes it so boring. My cat can roll all over the keyboard and kill mobs in pve. It's a true story because Ive seen him accidentally do it.


There would be nothing short of them giving me a free sub or free CM pack to do pve OPs/FPs... even then I'm not sure I would be bothered doing something I dislike so much.


I think you'll find that dedicated pvpers aren't participating in pve anyway. There will of course be some, but they would be doing it anyway because they do both content.

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Well, I've been playing this game since launch and have kept a sub that whole time and the current game has for the first time made me think about quitting.


This seems to be a growing consensus amongst us long term pvp die hards..

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