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Can we go back to 3 pillars and make this game fun???


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I normally just lurk and don't often like to post on the fourms - however when I got near the end of this thread I felt compelled to chime in.


I absolutely love the story and the voice acting adds a dimension to the game that, in my opinion, sets it apart from any other MMO experience I've ever had. This game is very much akin in my eyes to a cinematic experience, for my class the story is powerful, moving, emotional, and gripping. Since I also happen to be a Star Wars fan, I find the experience even more amazing. It's like your starring in your own saga. To me, BioWare pulled this off incredibly well.


I feel bad that others aren't having the same experience I am because I'm having a wonderfully fun time.


I agree. This game has turned out better then I could have ever imagined. It's fun on so many levels. The gameplay does feel smooth. I love the no auto attack thing unlike other mmos, it makes the combat always feel engaging, almost heroic?!


The voice acting and story is so true to Bioware nature, A++, very well done. I will never play another game again that requires me to read the quest. My wife was playing the new Zelda game while I was playing the other night and was asking me why she had to read while the game I'm playing talks to you.


I think that sometimes when things are so good, some people out there just have to go against the grain and put them down. Don't let these people get to you Bioware. A haters job is to hate and let these people hate on you all they want. This game is fantastic and the fans know it!!

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Can we go back to 3 pillars


Yes, you absolutely can go back to 3 pillars, by going back to a game that doesn't have the voice acting this game has.


Since this game always stated it would be doing this voice acting driven story content, you knew going in this game would be like it was.


You can definitely return to a different game that doesn't have this feature you do not like.

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OP summary.



I dont like elements of the game therefore everyone else doesnt like elements of the game.






There have been very well worded criticisms of this game on these forums outlining issues and possible solutions...this is not one of them.



TLDR: OP is trololo

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you want to pay to hear peoples voice? why not just go outside and conversate with someone. Me? I like to pay for a GOOD game to play, not more voice acting that is literally everywhere you go in life.


I hear people talking all day....and if i want a good story i'll read a book. When I want a good game, I want good gameplay, not simply voice acting.


conversate isn't a word, stay in school kid

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On the topic of voice acting and story driven content, there's no real need to defend the game. It surpasses the rest of the genre already, since they're all 3 pillar games and do not have the 4th pillar. Even the OP admits that much. Edited by Yvin
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On the topic of voice acting and story driven content, there's no real need to defend the game. It surpasses the rest of the genre already, since they're all 3 pillar games and do not have the 4th pillar. Even the OP admits that much.


ummm i AM the op. And 3 pillar mmos have provided a MUCH more fulfilling experience than this conversation grindfest.

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Endgame sucks right now (in my opinion) - no ability to use macros, no threat meter, and the UI portraits don't update for your raid as fast as they should (this NEEDS to be instant if the raid isn't going amazingly smoothly, I mean ... this should be hotfixed ASAP, don't know why Bioware hasn't said a thing about it.). So the game's main appeal to the masses is its story (alt-creating/etc), which which will probably get boring after your second or third character because there's only one zone per level range.


I told my brother that he should totally buy the game and subscribe once they improve the endgame, but before that I think that people who are actually into raiding/generally advancing are going to get a lot of unsubs from TOR. :/


I adore the game, so it annoys me how these things have been left out or ignored.


Edit: I adore the voice-acting. It adds a ton of immersion and it really adds humanity to the characters. "Y-you're scary... but sweet. Want to go out for some coffee sometime, Lord?" Would have been so much less awesome on my Sorcerer if it hadn't been voiced (actually, it'd've been negligent.). It adds dimension to the game.


I don't think that it's a single play game masquerading as an MMO, if only because it's a game which is really, really fun to play with others. Bioware designed the game to have multiple people playing together doing normal/heroic quests alone, and a lot of the story is obviously designed for multiple people as well.


It doesn't make sense to say that Bioware doesn't encourage activity with others; if there's one thing that would be hugely missing to me if it was somehow single-player, it'd be that the entire game feels like it should have real people with you when you're playing (or at least that your experience will be improved.).

Edited by Flyceratops
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ummm i AM the op. And 3 pillar mmos have provided a MUCH more fulfilling experience than this conversation grindfest.


There's absolutely no way you can argue the fourth pillar then, in the context of what I said. Those 3 pillar games all LACK that fourth pillar. So by the very fact that this game has a fourth pillar, and it is the only game in the genre that does, its fourth pillar is superior. It is the only one out there. So it already does it better than every single other MMORPG.


See? Logic wins the day.


I get that you don't like this game. But that's ok. You have so many quality video game choices at your disposal right now. It's not like you need a roll of quarters to go down to the local video arcade to play Ms. Pac-Man.


Exercise your rights as a consumer to play a game you find more fun and engaging.


But as far as 4 pillar games go, this MMO has the best 4th pillar of all MMOs. So there's no need to defend it.

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There's absolutely no way you can argue the fourth pillar then, in the context of what I said. Those 3 pillar games all LACK that fourth pillar. So by the very fact that this game has a fourth pillar, and it is the only game in the genre that does, its fourth pillar is superior. It is the only one out there. So it already does it better than every single other MMORPG.


See? Logic wins the day.


I get that you don't like this game. But that's ok. You have so many quality video game choices at your disposal right now. It's not like you need a roll of quarters to go down to the local video arcade to play Ms. Pac-Man.


Exercise your rights as a consumer to play a game you find more fun and engaging.


But as far as 4 pillar games go, this MMO has the best 4th pillar of all MMOs. So there's no need to defend it.


that 4th pillar may be superior to the other games that dont even HAVE a 4th pillar, but compared to swtor, most other games' 3 pillars BLOW bioware's out of the water.

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that 4th pillar may be superior to the other games that dont even HAVE a 4th pillar, but compared to swtor, most other games' 3 pillars BLOW bioware's out of the water.


Most other games huh...


You haven't had a logical and intellectually honest thought or critique in this thread.


I agree that there are some issues that need work, some that will effect long term stability of the game.

Edited by Yvin
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on a serious note

OP bioware are not going to pander to you or anyone else that want the voice overs removed its as simple as that. It does not matter how many of these threads you make it just aint gonna happen now why dont you just go back to what ever game it is you think does things better and stay there :D


As for the comment about not being able to compare a theme park MMO to an actuall theme park i say this. what does a themepark MMO and a real themepark have in common? rides(instances). What would you think if you went to disney land and none of the characters said a word and just slapped a piece of card in your face?

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There's absolutely no way you can argue the fourth pillar then, in the context of what I said. Those 3 pillar games all LACK that fourth pillar. So by the very fact that this game has a fourth pillar, and it is the only game in the genre that does, its fourth pillar is superior. It is the only one out there. So it already does it better than every single other MMORPG.


See? Logic wins the day.


I get that you don't like this game. But that's ok. You have so many quality video game choices at your disposal right now. It's not like you need a roll of quarters to go down to the local video arcade to play Ms. Pac-Man.


Exercise your rights as a consumer to play a game you find more fun and engaging.


But as far as 4 pillar games go, this MMO has the best 4th pillar of all MMOs. So there's no need to defend it.

Your argument doesn't actually make any sense. Sure, Bioware could have a supposed fourth pillar - but what if this fourth pillar is terrible? It might be the best game with a fourth pillar, but it's still a pretty bad game, right?


I adore the story aspect of TOR and I don't want it to change, but your argument is just as much of a fallacy as the one of the OP's.

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Your argument doesn't actually make any sense. Sure, Bioware could have a supposed fourth pillar - but what if this fourth pillar is terrible? It might be the best game with a fourth pillar, but it's still a pretty bad game, right?


I adore the story aspect of TOR and I don't want it to change, but your argument is just as much of a fallacy as the one of the OP's.


Apparently the Fourth Pillar isn't terrible. So you answer your own question.


The entire thread is a waste of logic. If one doesn't like the fourth pillar, the choices is obvious, return to a game that doesn't have it. There's a ton of options out there. In fact, all of the other options.


Resolution achieved.

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sorry bioware, the 4th pillar(or as i like to refer to it: the crutch that's barely keeping this game alive) is a complete bomb and has no place in mmos. Maybe for the main story, but to spend 100 million on overpaid actor/celebrities just to hear their voice read off a script.......yeah....not the wisest investment of money....


Dude, don't let the unsub hit you in the backside on the way out.


Oh - and can I have your stuff?

Edited by Grlcz
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that's also creating a single player experience, and keeping the million people who play this game from talking to each other and socializing.


i swear to god the ONLY time i hear people talk in general is when they are looking for a heroic or flashpoint group.



Bottom line, the heavy story focus is ruining this game(as an mmo)


LOL wow this right here shows how off base the the very few negative peeps are. rofl

Most of us are having a blast in game just an FYI. You aren't in the majority.

Edited by Kypp
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Maybe... JUST MAYBE... this game might appeal to people who hate the other three pillars? When this game was announced, I had high hopes that it would attract people like me, who like to group sometimes, but really don't have the time for a second job a la WoW. Lo and behold, judging by many I've grouped with - it did! Huzzah! Now, you don't like it, fine. Leave. There are tons of games that are exactly like the one you want, and only one like this - please let us keep our game.
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Exactly, Seventh. I bought SWTOR exactly *because* I wanted a story MMO and no other MMO was offering that. The three other pillars are completely irrelevant, I can get them at any other MMO. Story I can only get here, or singleplayer games. (And I don't want to singleplayer all the time.)
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Actually Swtor has had one of the if not the most successful launch of any MMO to date, including WoW which had about 500,000 subs on release. If bioware keeps moving this MMO in this direction it will continue to grow and prosper.


MMORPG = Massively Multi-player Online ROLE PLAYING GAME Game.


please dont use that silly statistic. That sounds just as silly as when the nfl makes up stats like "this guy has more catches in the 2nd sunday of november than any other wide receiver that plays on a team with the color blue in their uniform"


mmos are more mainstream, and a cashcow in the gaming market. 7 years is a lifetime in the gaming world because of how fast our industry moves. Please don't directly compare wow in 2004 to swtor in 2011....you just look silly.

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I think people being a bit unrealistic in what they expect from a game. I think the game is great just a few things annoy me like that damned droid speaking everytime I pass him. The only thing I regret is the shards on worlds because 1 - 30 is when you meet people you will play with for the length of the time you play the game but being seperated really sucks.


Otherwise it dosen't deserve the stomping some people are giving it after a week or two. there is a whole world being built here and it was released with far more than most games in terms of content.


it is a great game that can only get better all these QQ tears are unrealistic to say the least.

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