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Class Changes: Corruption Sorcerer / Seer Consular


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Yep, you clearly have no idea.

One lonely merc can destroy any sages, since Electro Net disables ALL of our kiting/escape abilities. There's no Force Barrier, no Phase Walk, nothing. But even if I can raise the barrier, heal to full? What are you talking about? You mistake sorcs with mercs. _IF_ there's another healer nearby, he can heal us up, if he can (yeah, there's a utility with 1% heal/sec, that definitely heals us to full in 8-10 seconds, sure). After the channel, we have around 2 GCDs to heal ourselves, before the shield collapses under the burst we get from the DPS and that won't be enough to heal to full, maybe to 50-80%, depending on how much health we had before FB, but definitely not full.

An operative on the other hand can go stealth and/or roll away, twice. And dps mercs have 3 lives, healer mercs have even more, since they can happily spam their healing abilities, while being immune to everyhing but dots (well, assuming he isn't stunned, but given the number of stuns a healer has to suffer, it's likely that his resolve bar is full anyway).

Plus you forget that all those abilities have cooldowns, I can't use FB if I was forced to use it 30 seconds ago, nor can I use PW.


If you are dying against a single merc as a sorc healer, that is a L2P problem. Lightning or madness, sure, rip, but not as a sorc healer.

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. But even if I can raise the barrier, heal to full? What are you talking about? You mistake sorcs with mercs.


Take the time to read your utilities...... Emersion FTW when it comes to electronet......Your self heal on static along with your heal on FB will heal you up quite a bit when you barrier, especially if you dot yourself beforehand..... Didn't think I would have to remind you to dot yourself beforehand, but something tells me you probably hadn't thought of SB before FB either..... Should I remind you to pop UP after as well??........ That's 2 GCD's for 10 seconds of healing while immune to all damage and a s**t ton of absorb after the fact with an instant 12-13k UP.....


If 1 merc is taking out 2 sorc healers, you have 2 of the worst sorc healers on the planet on display....... And if the dps on your team are doing nothing to the dps on you, then you simply have a bad and unorganized team...... And again, phase walk, force speed, stun, instant cc, knock back root, yadda, yadda, yadda....... Say it with me now....... resurgence, static barrier, force barrier, unnatural preservation...... All else fails and you're still under pressure, phase walk. And I notice it seems you weren't aware of the absorb off enduring bastion as well???? Learn your class please.


An operative on the other hand can go stealth and/or roll away, twice. And dps mercs have 3 lives, healer mercs have even more, since they can happily spam their healing abilities, while being immune to everyhing but dots (well, assuming he isn't stunned, but given the number of stuns a healer has to suffer, it's likely that his resolve bar is full anyway).


And you have phase walk (akin to a vanish if you're smart on placement) and force speed (which goes farther than the op double roll)...... Sounds much more like you either aren't playing your sorc very well, or at least very smart, or are in desperate need of a team that works together...... Either way, the Sorc is beyond viable as a healer in PVP now, and even after the nerfs will be just fine.



Plus you forget that all those abilities have cooldowns, I can't use FB if I was forced to use it 30 seconds ago, nor can I use PW.


As does every major ability of any count in the game...... smh...... A merc can't use responsive safeguards after using it 30 seconds ago, it's on CD for 2 mins. And if half the scrubs had any situational awareness they would instantly stop attacking the merc the moment he puts it up, denying him the heal as well as the reflect...... A sniper can't use evasion after using it 30 seconds ago (unless he pops IP, in which case that's on CD for 2:15 and either way only buys him immunity for 10 seconds total)...... and on and on, class by class..... Why do I have the feeling you would be complaining regardless of the nerf, regardless of the class, and regardless of the game....



Edited by Lahandra
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If you are dying against a single merc as a sorc healer, that is a L2P problem. Lightning or madness, sure, rip, but not as a sorc healer.


I don't -think- he meant the sorc was killed by one merc, but that the one merc, by negating those kiting/escape abilities sets the sorc up for a sure burst/focus kill (if not getting off heals and maybe even then). I am going to go out on a limb here and say he isn't bubbling above half health. And he was contrasting that with the escapes the other healing classes had.

Maybe I too need to l2p - I certainly still have much to learn - but against a comp that has a merc and co-ordinates the burst (with no off healing), I might as well be alt-tabbed and doing my nails for all the options I have to survive.


Also I do still think that if three dps are focused on one sorc healer getting no off heals or guard (think solo Q regs, cause yeah it happens) and you are not killing the sorc it is not a healing issue (think solo Q reg again....).

Edited by MidnightsMadness
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The point of a healer, in a 4x4 for example, is to heal the group. He should only be able to do so when he gets support from the group, in the form of stuns, peels, guards and taunts. If there is a good melee dps on them, and the healer doesn't get support from their team, then the healer's group heals should either be extremely limited or even non-existant. Currently Sorcs don't need teamwork to be effective in a team setting, but they do end up practically immortal of their team supports them

You're talking about some ideal matchmaking that is nonexistent in regs and is completely unrealistic.


Right now, in 5.2, two good sorc healers effectively shuts down an objective in a wz. If both teams have multiple sorc healers, it makes a healer locked situation which is completely miserable to play in for everyone.


This has nothing to do with sorc healers, same happens with good operative healers and good merc healers and mix of any, the other two classes are just more rarely mained. 2 healers on the same node means you need to attack the other node/door it's a basic mathematics, too many healers will always be detrimental to the team... against a competent team, not the ones that keep bashing guarded healers on the full node angry that their DPS isn't burning everyone down.


That healer locked situation, which constantly pops up, has cost SWTOR more subs over the years than all these "Going to unsub now that healing sorcs are nerfed" by a factor that's probably well into the hundreds. It's why most people who love mmo pvp don't play SWTOR..

Statistics by you, out of your *** .


At some point, SWTOR has to be acknowledged as a game, and that games should be fun, and should reward both persistence and skill. Currently Sorc healing violates every level of that premise. It takes no skill. It ruins the fun of the game. It makes other player's skills irrelevant.

Lol, a juggernout talking about other disciplines taking no skill. LOLLOLOL. My jugg skank tank is literally 5 times easier to play than a sorc healer. Please roll one and try to be competitive before continuing to talk out of your ***.

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Take the time to read your utilities...... Emersion FTW when it comes to electronet......Your self heal on static along with your heal on FB will heal you up quite a bit when you barrier, especially if you dot yourself beforehand..... Didn't think I would have to remind you to dot yourself beforehand, but something tells me you probably hadn't thought of SB before FB either..... Should I remind you to pop UP after as well??........ That's 2 GCD's for 10 seconds of healing while immune to all damage and a s**t ton of absorb after the fact with an instant 12-13k UP.....

LOL at this whole post which is something someone who never PVP would write after reading sorc specs on dulfy.

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If you are dying against a single merc as a sorc healer, that is a L2P problem. Lightning or madness, sure, rip, but not as a sorc healer.


I didn't mean 1v1, a healer is rarely attacked by only 1 dps (if so, l2p issue is on the enemy side) but 1 merc is enough to shut a sorc down, while his teammates finish the job. In 1v1 a merc vs healer sorc would be an endless fight, since both are cats with 9 lives. Assuming both players have the same skills ofc.

Edited by FlyXan
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Totally Petition Devs Live stream Nim Brontes or DP Nim as suggested, party composition:


2 PT tanks

2 Sorc/Sage Heals

2 Lightning Sorcs

1 MM Sniper (they are actually good on Brontes)

1 Gunnery Commando


You can do it! You got the BURST! Now let's see the dps stay alive.


totally this. but lol. can we have a balance sage there too? :p

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LOL at this whole post which is something someone who never PVP would write after reading sorc specs on dulfy.


Funny, I have played a sorc healer as well as dps in all the content since the first year the game was released..... Nice to see that's your best argument......lol..... Are you actually contending that sorc heals aren't OP atm??? Or that they can't hold their own in a WZ??? Prepare to be laughed off the forums if that's the case.

Edited by Lahandra
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Take the time to read your utilities...... Emersion FTW when it comes to electronet......Your self heal on static along with your heal on FB will heal you up quite a bit when you barrier, especially if you dot yourself beforehand..... Didn't think I would have to remind you to dot yourself beforehand, but something tells me you probably hadn't thought of SB before FB either..... Should I remind you to pop UP after as well??........ That's 2 GCD's for 10 seconds of healing while immune to all damage and a s**t ton of absorb after the fact with an instant 12-13k UP.....


If 1 merc is taking out 2 sorc healers, you have 2 of the worst sorc healers on the planet on display....... And if the dps on your team are doing nothing to the dps on you, then you simply have a bad and unorganized team...... And again, phase walk, force speed, stun, instant cc, knock back root, yadda, yadda, yadda....... Say it with me now....... resurgence, static barrier, force barrier, unnatural preservation...... All else fails and you're still under pressure, phase walk. And I notice it seems you weren't aware of the absorb off enduring bastion as well???? Learn your class please.




I never said one merc could kill 2 sorcs, you should learn to read, please. Also, I am fully aware of enduring bastion and also know that all it does is delay the inevitable (I have first hand experience, do you?). If a sorc is forced to use FB once, he will be forced to use it again but guess what, FB will be on cd. All you are saying makes me think you're imagining fights, where only 1 dps is focusing on the sorc. This is rubbish, if a sorc helaer doesn't have a target marker on him after 30 seconds the fight has started and as a result being hugged by everyone, the enemy team shouldn't even play PvP


And you have phase walk (akin to a vanish if you're smart on placement) and force speed (which goes farther than the op double roll)...... Sounds much more like you either aren't playing your sorc very well, or at least very smart, or are in desperate need of a team that works together...... Either way, the Sorc is beyond viable as a healer in PVP now, and even after the nerfs will be just fine.


Again, you can't use phase walk, while there's Electro Net on you. A good merc knows when to use it for maximum effect. Force speed might have greater range than op roll, but the sorc is not immune to everything while running and since every melee class in the game have some sort of gap closer(s) running away will give you a few more seconds but won't save you.

Yes, sorcs are viable in PvP, just like operatives were the kings, when dot specs ruled. But the problem is not with sorc healers, they can be killed just like all other healers if you know what you're doing. The problem is with th number of sorc healers in the game atm, which is the result of most DPS sorcs rerolled to healer after they'd realised their specs were in ruins. My sage and sorc used to be dds before 5.0 but 2 weeks into 5.0 I had no choice if I didn't want to die in the first 20 seconds but to reroll or abandon the toons. Fixing the 2 dps specs would result in a massive decrease of sorc healers as those, who did the same as me, would go back to damagers. Nerfing the healer spec will not only destroy the entire class but raiders will also feel it and while I've read comments, who are happy about it (at least players will learn not to stand in stupid), there are players out there, who just want to spend a few hours having fun, while killing operation bosses. They don't want to be able to clear operations witht their eyes closed, they just want to have fun and as such, they will inevitably make mistakes and healers have to compensate for those mistakes, but they might not be able to.


As does every major ability of any count in the game...... smh...... A merc can't use responsive safeguards after using it 30 seconds ago, it's on CD for 2 mins. And if half the scrubs had any situational awareness they would instantly stop attacking the merc the moment he puts it up, denying him the heal as well as the reflect...... A sniper can't use evasion after using it 30 seconds ago (unless he pops IP, in which case that's on CD for 2:15 and either way only buys him immunity for 10 seconds total)...... and on and on, class by class..... Why do I have the feeling you would be complaining regardless of the nerf, regardless of the class, and regardless of the game....





And what about Energy Shield with Energy Rebounder and Trauma regulators? That has a lot lower cd and will most certainly heal the merc to nearly max. health as there are always someone, who continue their attacks, regardless of blue and orange bubbles around the merc (and with all those lighting effects in the game I can't even blame them for not seeing them right away). At least most of them stop, when they see their health decreasing from reflects but I've seen many players attacking, while Energy shield was on in hopes of being able to burst the merc down before the shield expires or the merc clicks off the buff and use the stacks he has to heal. Yeah, that's stupid, but that's reality and tbh, that's one of the reasons people complain about merc dcds, they have too many that forces them to switch target, sorcs have only one that lasts for 8 seconds, mercs have 2 and they aren't even ccing themselves.

I don't know what snipers have anything to do with the subject, they aren't healers and have excellent defenses against melees (especially engi snipers).


I've never complained about any nerfs in the game. Hell, I wouldn't even complain about this either, IF the dps specs of sorcs were as good as arsenal mercs or viru snipers (after nerf, just to stay realistic). These changes utterly destroy sorcs and sages, we will no longer be welcome not only as damagers but healers either and that's just sad.

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Funny, I have played a sorc healer as well as dps in all the content since the first year the game was released..... Nice to see that's your best argument......lol..... Are you actually contending that sorc heals aren't OP atm??? Or that they can't hold their own in a WZ??? Prepare to be laughed off the forums if that's the case.


Sorcs are op in pvp, right. Assuming they are accompanied by a decent team, who can value their healers (something you apparently don't) and help him to make the best of his abilities as it is in their own best interests. But they aren't op in pve.

There are some tweaks needed indeed, but these changes are an overkill and are hurting the PvE community (no matter how small it is).

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Funny, I have played a sorc healer as well as dps in all the content since the first year the game was released..... Nice to see that's your best argument......lol..... Are you actually contending that sorc heals aren't OP atm??? Or that they can't hold their own in a WZ??? Prepare to be laughed off the forums.


Well if you pick 1% bubble heal for a legendary utility, I bet you played healer in storymode flashpoints. As for you being a representative of the forum... LOL

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Nerfing the healer spec will not only destroy the entire class but raiders will also feel it and while I've read comments, who are happy about it (at least players will learn not to stand in stupid), there are players out there, who just want to spend a few hours having fun, while killing operation bosses. They don't want to be able to clear operations witht their eyes closed, they just want to have fun and as such, they will inevitably make mistakes and healers have to compensate for those mistakes, but they might not be able to.


And those are the players that belong in sm ops, where none of these nerfs will matter at all......


And what about Energy Shield with Energy Rebounder and Trauma regulators? That has a lot lower cd and will most certainly heal the merc to nearly max. health as there are always someone, who continue their attacks, regardless of blue and orange bubbles around the merc (and with all those lighting effects in the game I can't even blame them for not seeing them right away).


So, what, don't balance classes because you can't fix stupid??? lol...... The best part about these changes, and what we are bound to see in the future, is that people will actually have to know how to play the class rather than facerolling the keyboard. DPS and Tanks might actually have to start paying attention to damage type again, and use appropriate DCD's. If you aren't up for that kind of play, then you don't belong in HM/NiM content, and you will never excel in PVP. Currently, for PVE content sorcs are faceroll easy to play, and godly OP. The rest just sounds like complaining that you're a focus target in PVP, which to that all anyone can say is, welcome to healing in PVP.


At least most of them stop, when they see their health decreasing from reflects but I've seen many players attacking, while Energy shield was on in hopes of being able to burst the merc down before the shield expires or the merc clicks off the buff and use the stacks he has to heal. Yeah, that's stupid, but that's reality and tbh, that's one of the reasons people complain about merc dcds, they have too many that forces them to switch target, sorcs have only one that lasts for 8 seconds, mercs have 2 and they aren't even ccing themselves.

I don't know what snipers have anything to do with the subject, they aren't healers and have excellent defenses against melees (especially engi snipers).


I'm sorry, but this is just continually laughable...... So why not just find a pvp guild where you're playing with people who are good rather than continually complaining about scrubs in a random 8v8??...... Because regardless of class, it's the same problem..... Scrubs will pour their entire burst window into a sorc that's running FB..... Nothing new there either......


I've never complained about any nerfs in the game. Hell, I wouldn't even complain about this either, IF the dps specs of sorcs were as good as arsenal mercs or viru snipers (after nerf, just to stay realistic). These changes utterly destroy sorcs and sages, we will no longer be welcome not only as damagers but healers either and that's just sad.


And again, I would ask if you have read the forums lately...... Madness IS getting a buff..... Mercs ARE getting a nerf..... and they haven't even gotten to the utilities yet, which are on the list to be addressed after balancing....... smh

Edited by Lahandra
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Let me remind those, who are happy about these changes that it is mainly sorcs and sages that keep them alive in a Warzone. They will all disappear and the very same people will cry for more healers.


This nerf is way too much, especially when I take into consideration that the 2 DPS specs will also be nerfed, lightning/TK doesn't get anything and madness/balance will still be bad (slight dps buff but they will still drop like flies).


You could've just deleted sorcerers and sages from the game.


More unhappy for the 5-6m heals each from 2-3 sorcs in a WZ.

Which nerf? -5% on Merc? That's laughable in pvp.

Edited by Aetideus
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. So why not just find a pvp guild where you're playing with people who are good rather than continually complaining about scrubs in a random 8v8??


Because I'm not some elitist moron, who is so full of himself that he can't accept the fact that this is a game, which is supposed to make people have fun.

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Gotta put the changes into context, for hardmode and storymode content, you won't notice the nerfs as your healing output is still sufficient for the damage output of bosses. For Nightmare you will simply have to think a bit more about the timing of the damage and play a bit more on predicting heavy hits based on mechanics :)
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I love how people are somehow surprised over this when the class has been arguably way too good for the past 2.5 years.


And the only arguments you see in defense of the class being so powerful is crap like "Oh but I get 4-5 people attacking me in PvP so I -need- to be this powerful!!!"


Well why do you think so many people group up on you, genius? Because your class is broken.


That's not saying I think this will fix all the balance problems this game has. They've given out way too many defensives to all classes and made skill obsolete.

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I love how people are somehow surprised over this when the class has been arguably way too good for the past 2.5 years.


And the only arguments you see in defense of the class being so powerful is crap like "Oh but I get 4-5 people attacking me in PvP so I -need- to be this powerful!!!"


Well why do you think so many people group up on you, genius? Because your class is broken.


That's not saying I think this will fix all the balance problems this game has. They've given out way too many defensives to all classes and made skill obsolete.


Argument: "class is too powerful because I said so, others argue it, so it's arguably too powerful". You can't invent **** you can read here :)

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Argument: "class is too powerful because I said so, others argue it, so it's arguably too powerful". You can't invent **** you can read here :)


No, the class is too powerful because the numbers says so. Which is also why Bioware decided to nerf them.


No idea why you intentionally make a fool out of yourself.

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Ok, let's get into the ugly details:


The activated heals:

Sorc - Dark Heal: ~15k per use; no CD; 1.5s activation (instant via Dark Concentration [10s])

Sorc - Dark Infusion: ~13.5k per GCD (~18k per use); 12s CD; 2.0s activation (1.5s via Resurgence)


Merc - Rapid Scan: ~15k per use; no CD: 1.5s activation

Merc - Healing Scan: ~19k per GCD (~25k per use); 12s CD; 2.0s activation (instant via Emergency Scan)


Op - Kolto Injection: ~16k per GCD (~21k per use); no CD; +1 TA, 2.0s activation

Op - Kolto Infusion: ~18k per use; 9s CD; -1 TA, 1.5s activation, 9s HoT


Dark Heal seems ok - The ~15k are equal to what Rapid Scan can achieve. It also matches the goal of 10k per sec


Dark Infusion on contrast, is just awful. Even the intended 4.86% boost won't fix that. Due to the 12s cooldown and 2.0s activation time, it should deal more than the 15k of Dark Heal.


But it should still be less than the 19k of Healing Scan. The latter is clearly overpowered and can easily result in a ~32k crit. (it can even be made an instant cast). The damage of a Kolto Injection (~16k per GCD |~21k per use) is what I would expect for both Dark Infusion and Rapid Scan.


The 4 target AoE heals:

Sorc - Roaming Mend: ~15k per target (~60~65k total); 15s CD; 4 target AoE

Merc - Progressive Scan: ~14k per target (~60~65k total | ~6k per tick); 15s CD; 4 target AoE; channeled (20% faster)

Op - Recup. Nanotech: ~20k per use (~2k per tick over 9s); 15s CD; 4 target AoE

Ok, here's where things get out of control. A Merc's Progressive Scan heals the first target by ~24k, but due to the channel duration that's equal to ~14.5k per GCD. In total it's ~36k per GCD. Powerful, but acceptable.


Roaming Mend on contrast can heal two targets by ~30k in a single GCD. This is vastly overpowered (it can't even be interrupted).


To apply BioWare's 25% nerf (as well as removing the add. 5% buff) will lower this skill to ~11k per hit, i.e. potentially ~22k on a specific target and ~44k in total. So if you ask me, it's then within normal parameters. So no, increasing the cooldown by 5s won't do the trick!


Recuperative Nanotechs is also way too powerful! Even despite the fact that it's a pure HoT.

more about that in the next section


The other AoE heals:

Sorc - Revivification: ~14k per use (~1.3k per tick over 10s); 12s CD; AoE; 2.0s activation (instant via Force Surge)

Merc - Kolto Missile: ~10.2k per use (7k initial plus ~1.2k per tick); 6s CD; AoE

Op - Kolto Waves: ~14.4k per use (~3.6k per tick); 10s CD; AoE, channeled (30% faster)

The activation time of Revivication lowers the heal down to ~10.5k per GCD... that's ok.

Due to the channel duration, Kolto Waves heals ~10.2k per GCD... also fine.

But I would increase the duration of Kolto Missile to 9s.


Even if we put Recuperative Nanotechs into this category, it would be vastly broken. So to further equalize the healing output, I'd recommend the following changes:



  • increase the cooldown of Kolto Waves to 15s.
  • decrease the cooldown of Rec. Nanotechs to 9s (start)
  • replace the +3s duration for Rec. Nanotech with a 3s lower cooldown => 6s final CD
  • lower the healing output of Rec. Nanotech to ~11k over 6s


Alternatively, swap Rec. Nonotech with Kolto Missile, but keep the Operative variant limited to 4 targets The Rec. Nonotech already has a 9s CD (which fits more to the 12s of Revivication) and the latter already has a 6s cooldown and heals a total of 10.2k over 3s (which gives the skill less than half the cooldown of Progressive Scan & Roaming Mend, but also keeps him half as effective)


The goal of these changes is that whereas Roaming Mend and Progressive Scan have a larger area of effect, the Operative skill either has a significantly lower cooldown instead, allowing the player to use it twice as often, hopefully equalling out the drawbacks.


To increasing the cooldown of Kolto Waves to 15s would make it similar to Roaming Mend and Progressive Scan. It would thereby have a more limited area of effect, but it would still hit more targets.


The HoTs:

Sorc - Resurgence: ~15k per use (~2.6k per tick over 15s); 6s CD

Merc - Kolto Shell: ~22k per use (~3.2k per tick [every 2.5s]); ~18s CD

Op - Kolto Probe: ~28k per use (~3.5k per tick over 21s); no CD; +1 TA every 6s+

Well, Kolto Probe are actually 2x 14k DoTs added within a single skill. So it's more like two 1.8k ticks (14k per stack). And although you can reset the duration with a single recast, I stll think it's balanced. The Kolto Shell however seems a bit overpowered, so I would remove the upgrades of the Bodyguard passive. Furthermore, I think it would have made more sense if the Kolto Shell would have been available to all Mercenaries, limiting the Emergency Scan to the healer spec instead (just like a Static Barrier is available to all Sorcerers)


The HoTs:

Sorc - Innervate: ~29k per use (~18k per GCD); 9s CD; channeled

Sorc - Un. Preservation: ~14k per use (or ~18k with utility); 21s CD; self-heal only

Merc - Emergency Scan: ~16k per use; 21s CD

Op - Surgical Probe: ~9k per use; no CD; -1 TA; every 10s +1 TA; (auto-crit. every 18s)

Innervate is way too powerful. Not only is the 20% faster channelling a problem, the low cooldown in combination with the option to use it while moving, makes it way more appealing than a Dark Heal. Even the 8.74% nerf and reduction of the channelling speed boost won't bring it below the effectiveness of a Dark Heal. But that actually has to be the case! So rather than nerfing Dark Heal by 4.86%, I would go an nerf Innervate a bit more.



I skip the other changes, especially energy management here because it would make this post even much, much longer. Maybe another time.

Edited by realleaftea
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Ok, let's get into the ugly details:


The activated heals:

Sorc - Dark Heal: ~15k per use; no CD; 1.5s activation (instant via Dark Concentration [10s])

Sorc - Dark Infusion: ~13.5k per GCD (~18k per use); 12s CD; 2.0s activation (1.5s via Resurgence)


Merc - Rapid Scan: ~15k per use; no CD: 1.5s activation

Merc - Healing Scan: ~19k per GCD (~25k per use); 12s CD; 2.0s activation (instant via Emergency Scan)


Op - Kolto Injection: ~16k per GCD (~21k per use); no CD; +1 TA, 2.0s activation

Op - Kolto Infusion: ~18k per use; 9s CD; -1 TA, 1.5s activation, 9s HoT

Dark Heal seems ok. The ~15k on average are equal to what a Rapid Scan can achieve and matches the goal of 10k heal per second.

Dark Infusion on contrast, is just awful. Even the intended 4.86% boost won't fix that. Due to the 12s cooldown, it should deal more than the 15k of Dark Heal, but still less than the 19k of a Healing Scan. The latter is clearly overpowered, can easily result in a ~32k crit. heal and can be made an instant cast. The ~16k per GCD (~21k per use) of a Kolto Injection is what I would expect for both the Dark Infusion and the Rapid Scan.


The 4 target AoE heals:

Sorc - Roaming Mend: ~15k per target (~60~65k total); 15s CD; 4 target AoE

Merc - Progressive Scan: ~14k per target (~60~65k | ~6k per tick); 15s CD; 4 target AoE; channeled (20% faster)

Op - Recup. Nanotech: ~20k per use (~2k per tick over 9s); 15s CD; 4 target AoE

Ok, here's where things get out of control. A Merc's Progressive Scan heals the first target by ~24k, but due to the channel duration that's equal to ~14.5k per GCD. In total it's ~36k per GCD. Powerful, but acceptable.


Roaming Mend on contrast can heal two targets by ~30k in a single GCD which can't be interrupted.And this is vastly overpowered. To apply BioWare's 25% nerf (as well as removing another 5% buff) will lower this skill to ~11k per hit, i.e. potentially ~22k on a spefic target and ~44k in total. If you ask me, it's then within normal parameters. And therefore, increasing the cooldown by 5s won't do the trick!


Recuperative Nanotechs are still too powerful, even despite that fact that it's a pure HoT. It should be definitely below 14k.

more about that in the next section


The other AoE heals:

Sorc - Revivification: ~14k per use (~1.3k per tick over 10s); 12s CD; AoE; 2.0s activation (instant via Force Surge)

Merc - Kolto Missile: ~10.2k per use (7k initial plus ~1.2k per tick); 6s CD; AoE

Op - Kolto Waves: ~14.4k per use (~3.6k per tick); 10s CD; AoE, channeled (30% faster)

The activation time of Revivication lowers the heal per GCD down to ~10.5k. That's ok. Due to the channel duration, Kolto Waves heals ~10.2k per GCD. Personally, I would increase the duration of Kolto Missile to 9s.


And even if we put Recuperative Nanotechs into this category, it would still be broken. So to further equalize the healing output, I'd recommend the following changes:

- Increase the cooldown of Kolto Waves to 15s.

- Decrease the cooldown of Rec. Nanotechs to 9s (start)

- Replace the added duration for Rec. Nanotech with a 3s lower cooldown => 6s final CD

- Lower the healing output of Rec. Nanotech to ~11k over 6s


Alternatively, lower the heal of Rec. Nanotechs to ~11k and swap it with Kolto Missile (but keeping the Operative variant limited to 4 targets).


The goal of these changes is that whereas Roaming Mend and Progressive Scan have a larger area of effect, the Operative variant either has a significantly lower cooldown (Rec. Nanoteach) The shorter duration (6s HoT in the first alternative, 3s Kolto Pods in case you switch it with Kolto Missile) would then make the skill more bursty.


Increasing the cooldown of Kolto Waves to 15s would make it similar to Roaming Mend and Progressive Scan. It would thereby have a more limited area of effect, but it would still hit more targets.


The HoTs:

Sorc - Resurgence: ~15k per use (~2.6k per tick over 15s); 6s CD

Merc - Kolto Shell: ~22k per use (~3.2k per tick [every 2.5s]); ~18s CD

Op - Kolto Probe: ~28k per use (~3.5k per tick over 21s); no CD; +1 TA every 6s+

Well, Kolto Probe are actually 2x 14k DoTs added within a single skill. So it't more like two 1.8k ticks. And although you can reset the duration with a single recast, I stll think it's balanced. The Kolto Shell however seems a bit overpowered, so I would remove the upgrades of the Bodyguard passive. Furthermore, I think it would have made more sense if the Kolto Shell would have been available to all Mercenaries, limiting the Emergency Scan to the healer spec instead (just like a Static Barrier is available to all Sorcerers)


The HoTs:

Sorc - Innervate: ~29k per use (~18k per GCD); 9s CD; channeled

Sorc - Un. Preservation: ~14k per use (or ~18k with utility); 21s CD; self-heal only

Merc - Emergency Scan: ~16k per use; 21s CD

Op - Surgical Probe: ~9k per use; no CD; -1 TA; every 10s +1 TA; (auto-crit. every 18s)

Innervate is way too powerful. Not only is the 20% faster channelling a problem, the low cooldown in combination with the option to use it while moving, makes it way more appealing than a Dark Heal. Even the 8.74% nerf and reduction of the channelling speed boost won't bring it below the effectiveness of a Dark Heal. But that actually has to be the case! So rather than nerfing Dark Heal by 4.86%, I would go an nerf Innervate a bit more.



I skip the other changes, especially energy management here because it would make this post even much, much longer. Maybe another time.


Needs a tl;dr lol

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No, the class is too powerful because the numbers says so. Which is also why Bioware decided to nerf them.


No idea why you intentionally make a fool out of yourself.


Again speaking out of your ***. Numbers say operative heals are the most powerful:




Edited by stu_ungar
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Operative heals are the most powerful yet Sorcs far outnumber them in top content, both in PvP and PvE?


You're so clueless.


"class healing capabilities are determined by the number of class users, you are clueless!" LOLOLOLOLOLOL

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