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Class Changes: Corruption Sorcerer / Seer Consular


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the devs keep doing mass nerfs like this and they might not be working for bioware long.


let's keep in mind that this is NOT the final version (hopefully). If they indeed intend to take into account player feedback, they will realize that 1) they nerfed mercs in the wrong place and 2) this nerf for sorc is too big and should be possibly done through other abilities lol:D

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hmm... well. the mercs in guild aren't too happy, but consensus is this is not that big a nerf. in comparison the sorc one feels much like hammer to face:eek:


I can fully back up this statement as to how those in my guild feel as well. At first there was the knee-jerk reaction but at the end of the day the DPS nerf isn't as bad as it could be and considering they'll still be viable for HM/NiM content, they aren't as displeased as they were at first. Of course they are waiting the other hammer to fall when the devs make the changes to Utilities that we all know will be coming. That is when we'll really see the impact of this nerf for Merc/Mando.


This nerf though really hurts as it does almost make the Corruption/Seer class unplayable for HM/NiM content due to the force costs and depleted the healing. Extended fights are going to be troublesome for sure. If they had nerfed the healing abilities or they raised the force cost it wouldn't be so rough, but because they did BOTH, OUCH!


What is the point in rolling a Sage/Sorc now? The DPS can't do anything harder than SM without a team carrying them and now the healer is almost in the same spot? Once they hit the utilities how bad will it really get? :mad:

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let's keep in mind that this is NOT the final version (hopefully). If they indeed intend to take into account player feedback, they will realize that 1) they nerfed mercs in the wrong place and 2) this nerf for sorc is too big and should be possibly done through other abilities lol:D


if this doesnt go on the pts, it will very likely be the final version

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I can fully back up this statement as to how those in my guild feel as well. At first there was the knee-jerk reaction but at the end of the day the DPS nerf isn't as bad as it could be and considering they'll still be viable for HM/NiM content, they aren't as displeased as they were at first. Of course they are waiting the other hammer to fall when the devs make the changes to Utilities that we all know will be coming. That is when we'll really see the impact of this nerf for Merc/Mando.


This nerf though really hurts as it does almost make the Corruption/Seer class unplayable for HM/NiM content due to the force costs and depleted the healing. Extended fights are going to be troublesome for sure. If they had nerfed the healing abilities or they raised the force cost it wouldn't be so rough, but because they did BOTH, OUCH!


What is the point in rolling a Sage/Sorc now? The DPS can't do anything harder than SM without a team carrying them and now the healer is almost in the same spot? Once they hit the utilities how bad will it really get? :mad:


To be clear, the nerfs to corruption and arsenal will have the same effect on both regarding NiM raids. Stacking those classes will no longer be optimal going forward. Right now, you can bring 4 arsenal mercs and 2 corruption sorcs and clear just about all the NiM content in the game, these changes will make it so having more than 1 (maybe 2 Arsenal mercs) on most fights will make it harder than it should be. Don't get me wrong, there will still be some fights that Arsenal does pretty well on (Op IX comes to mind), just like there are some fights that 2 sages do just fine on, but they are clearly trying to lower the number of Arsenal mercs and Corruption Sorcs playing content, and force people to play other classes.

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To all those cheering these nerfs: Shame on you. You should never cheer when another is hurt. And these nerfs brutalize everything it means to be a sorc healer.


To all those complaining about Sorc Heals being "too op in PvP": It's not that Sorcs are inherently overpowered when it comes to PvP. It's not that they have the potential to do more HPS than the other healers (as shown by https://gyazo.com/a98a9abc3aa15d10495b75c481238b8f ... that's not a BROKENLY OMG NERF IT NAO SO OP amount more than the other two. The top 1% of sorcs are doing 8677 eHPS, mercs are at 8560, ops at 8460. Oh no a 217 eHPS difference whatever shall we doooo. That's not even a 3% difference. Meaning if the projected values are correct and these nerfs amount to ~20% healing drop, we're gonna go from not even 3% difference, to something closer to a 35% difference. Cause now the other healing classes have to pick up the slack from the lack of Sorc Heals, increasing their HPS.) Sorcs being good in PvP currently has to do with one thing only - the type of incoming damage being dealt to their team. It's not DoT pressure. It's not extreme burst on a single person. It's moderate burst spread out on the team. This type of damage just so happens to be what Sorcs excel at healing. Thus making them look better, while the other two healers fall slightly behind. Not even slightly behind, check this out. https://gyazo.com/c5225fa2c7eb0d11f524464972a6c603 for 8v8 and https://gyazo.com/e68873e1f9e067b39e1ea6a545555e9b for 4v4. Yeah the average sorc is probably gonna be a bit better than the average op - that comes with it being a slightly easier class to play and the current DPS meta being what it is - but from the looks of things, a 20% nerf is just TOTALLY uncalled for. Both of those links were taken from the thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=913681.


The major thing people don't understand about why Roaming Mend heals for so much is that Revivification is mostly useless. In the majority of situations you're just better off reapplying bubbles while your teammate AoE heals the rest of the group, than casting Revivification. That's not to say there aren't places where Revivification can be used, it's got it's niche, but those niches are few and far between. Enter Roaming Mend. Suddenly Revivification being NOT the greatest, is ok. Cause we still got a lil AoE umph every 15 sec. An AoE umph that delays our ability to reliably gain Force Surge charges as well. So it's not like Roaming Mend is completely cost free and we can use it willy nilly.

There are currently two major issues with sorc/sage healing compared to the other classes:


The first is that due to simple and overly-forgiving force management combined with over-utilization of 'smart' healing abilities, they're much easier to play at an effective level.


The other issue, which is what sees sorcs rising to the top particularly in ranked pvp, is the high mobility and lack of necessary hard casting due to most of the healing being loaded into instant and 'smart' abilities.


And even with that forgiving force management, we're only 3% better than ops in PvE. I suppose an argument could be made that it's too easy, yeah, but not BROKENLY so. If anything they could always just replace the two-piece than screw around with Consumption (again). I would like to believe most of us remember (DEVS LOOKIN AT YOU) what happens when they start fiddling with Consumption... and I, for one, would like to avoid another 2.10.


We only have one "smart" heal. Roaming Mend. Mercs have one smart heal - Progressive Scan, and Ops have one smart heal - Recuperative Nanotech. All hit 4 targets. One is completely instant, with a longer CD, one is Channeled with a longer CD, and one is instant but is a HoT - but has a lower CD. There's no more reliance on "smart" heals than the other classes. Yes Roaming Mend heals for a lot, but I believe it's justified because there are fewer cases where Revivification is *effective*. Revivification is an alright AoE heal on its own, but it's just difficult to be effective with it.


If Sorcerers stop moving in PvP, they die. That's obviously exaggerated, but an accurate depiction of what happens to sorcs who do NOT kite. You stand still, you die. Our mobility IS our defensive cooldown.

Any metrics you have showing that sorcs have a significantly higher output than the other classes is due to the fact that target selection and resource management are a lot more forgiving than other classes which allows inexperienced players able to put up bigger numbers than their skill suggests.


Sorc has always been an "easy to play, hard to play well" type of class. The good sorcs are very good, and the bad sorcs are very bad lol. I don't think we should be punished because noobs find it easier to play an easier class.

With all of that being said, here is my counter-proposal with explanations for each item: Increase the cooldown of roaming mend by 5 seconds (15 to 20s)


The 5 second cooldown increase to roaming mend will increase the time between burst windows and force healers to think creatively both about what to do with the 3~ extra gcds between mends as well as think more carefully about it's usage as not to waste the potential. The end result is a 30% hps decrease for the ability and approximately a 4% hps decrease overall.


It's impossible to make roaming mend ineffective as a single target heal (unless you nerf it by more than 50% or prevent it from hitting a target more than once), but this strategy forces players to do more casting (particularly infusion in single target) between mends.


I would agree to this being the alternative nerf to what they're giving us, if they were making Revivification more beneficial to use. But they're not. For some UNKNOWN REASON, they're reducing how effective it is by a whopping 10%. Like what the heck? Who does that? That's just cruel and unusual. And now we've got even less AoE potential. With this patch, we have now gone from the only class to have an 8 person heal, to the only class who rarely ever uses his AoEs cause you can do more effective healing by using single target heals. I lieu of this, I liked the idea of a 2 second delay on when a person can be healed by Roaming Mend again. Change Roaming Mend to just always automatically bounce every 1 second, and change how Force Bending affects Roaming Mend - it negates the 2 second lock out. This lessens the burst of Roaming Mend, by extending the period of time that it takes to heal people from instantly to 4 seconds. Lets healers actively choose if the ability will be AoE or two target. And doesn't touch its overall HPS. The eHPS will probably go down because it takes 4 seconds to complete its healing. If a nerf is ABSOLUTELY needed (which IMO it doesn't look there is a necessity to nerf this class) they can keep the Secrets of the Dark Side nerf to its healing.

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TTo all those complaining about Sorc Heals being "too op in PvP": It's not that Sorcs are inherently overpowered when it comes to PvP. It's not that they have the potential to do more HPS than the other healers (as shown by https://gyazo.com/a98a9abc3aa15d10495b75c481238b8f ... that's not a BROKENLY OMG NERF IT NAO SO OP amount more than the other two. The top 1% of sorcs are doing 8677 eHPS, mercs are at 8560, ops at 8460.


That looks like the starparse chart, but the one I see:




Has Sages at 9465, mandos at 8689, and scoundrels at 8269. THat is nearly a 1000 point difference vs mandos, and over 1000 vs scoundrels. Yes, that is a big deal. Not sure where you got your chart though.

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Okay, Bioware (Keith, Eric, Combat Team, whoever), we need to talk.


You are getting this whole thing wrong on two fundamental levels.


Number 1:

Everywhere you quote the Force costs of something, you are getting it wrong.

(I wish I could use [TABLE] here, but I can't, and

 doesn't even flip to a fixed-width font, so this will have to do.)

[size="2"][b]Force Costs of Seer Sage Healing Abilities by Game Version[/b][/size]

[u]Ability[/u]                  [u]4.0[/u]   [u]4.5[/u]   [u]5.0[/u]   [u]5.3[/u] (proposed)

Rejuvenate            30    40    [b]36[/b]    40->50
Healing Trance      48    60    54    [size="1"](n/c)[/size]
Deliverance           37    45    [b]41[/b]    45->50
Benevolence         55    70    63    [size="1"](n/c)[/size]
Wandering Mend   50    65    [b]59[/b]    65->70
Salvation               60    75    68    [size="1"](n/c)[/size]
Vinidicate            +50  +50  +40    [size="1"](n/c)[/size]


Do you see what's wrong with this picture yet?



Do you really expect me to trust that you know what you're doing here when you (someone, I don't know specifically who) couldn't do the basic research that ANY PLAYER with a Sage or Sorcerer (and not even Seer/Corruption) could do in 5 minutes?!?


OF COURSE Sage healers are over-performing in your eyes because YOU DON'T SEEM TO REMEMBER THAT YOU LOWERED ALL THE FORCE COSTS in 5.0 - 5.2.


Solution: Throw away your current plans for changes to Force costs and just set them back to their Version-4.5 levels instead, then re-evaluate for the next patch. Otherwise you are seriously overshooting the mark and there's really no need to use a sledgehammer to squash an insect.


Number 2:

You can dial down the Sages' HPS and achieve your stated goals without killing the class just by changing your approach a bit.


Have you considered: Instead of across-the-board cuts in healing output, make your changes in such a way that it requires a greater degree of skill to achieve high HPS numbers?


Here's how you get there:

  • Raise the Force costs across-the-board back to their 4.5 levels as suggested above. This neatly brings Sages and Sorcerers back into line with where they were the last time you did a nerf to the class and spec. If you were okay with those levels then, why not now?
  • Take Vindicate off the GCD (with it's own cooldown timer) the way Noble Sacrifice was in 3.x prior to the 3.3 changes (when Vindicate debuted). This will do 2 things:
    1. increase the skill level required, since it will require the player to be quick-acting to minimize the wasted time, and at the same time more careful with its use so as to avoid interrupting one's self with it.
    2. offset the increased Force costs against the 20% reduction in Vindicate's recovery from 50 points to 40, which I presume you'll want to leave in place.

    [*]Reduce the duration of the Amnesty buff from 10 seconds to 4 seconds. This will reduce the overall Force regeneration, requiring the player to be thinking more strategically about when to use Vindicate so that the Amnesty buff can be refreshed at 3-GCD(-ish) intervals.


You can reduce HPS significantly by simply making it harder to sustain the Force pool. This is exactly the approach you used in version 4.5 and when you did, you actually increased the healing output of each ability by a modest amount as a part of the nerf. In doing so, you dialed back Sage/Sorc healing without making them useless--nor at a severe disadvantage to the Tech healers.


But make it harder, not impossible, otherwise Sages and Sorcerers can end up being rendered non-viable for the hardest PvE content. That outcome serves no one.


Other thoughts:

Your stated concern over Wandering/Roaming Mend used as a single-target heal is valid and understandable.

So why not actually attack that problem directly rather than skirt around it. Just adjust the Mend so that it will only tap a given target once. Problem solved.


And yeah, it could stand to be toned down. I never really liked the idea of Wandering Mend being the Wave Motion Gun of healing abilities. That should be Salvation.


Also, let's not forget that some of this rebalancing that you're having to do is because you dropped the ball on something you didn't do in 5.0.0 when you should have, namely: you raised the level cap, but didn't adjust the relevant coefficients in the player stats equations for levels 66-70. You DID do this with every other level-cap increase to date.


You also introduced a new tier of gear to the game (244/246/248) in 5.2, and seem somehow surprised that stats inflation for all players has increased their DPS/HPS/Mitigation levels above your desired targets.


So, to summarize: Just go back to the Version 4.5 levels and reintegrate some of the lost elements of version 3.0, then re-evaluate from there. Increasing the Force Management burden WILL lower HPS values all by itself; there is no need to drastically lower the healing of all abilities at the same time. There's also no need to make extreme changes all at once. Gradual, more frequent changes are what's needed here.


I've asked you guys before, I'll ask again. It's time to invite Dianiss to the closed PTS.

Edited by DZechman
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To all those cheering these nerfs: Shame on you. You should never cheer when another is hurt. And these nerfs brutalize everything it means to be a sorc healer.




You mean being virtually unkillable when you have a guard on, and still being able to heal your whole group easily despite 3 dps putting pressure on you?


Everyone who cares about the future of SWTOR, should be cheering these nerfs. Sorc heals needed to be "brutalized" much earlier than this.


Sorc healing is still going to be viable, so the people who love the class and are good at it won't be switching to something else just cause of a few much needed nerfs. All the people who didn't really like the class but played it anyway so they could feel like unkillable gods have now wasted their time and command exp.


Welcome back to the land of the mortals.

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You mean being virtually unkillable when you have a guard on, and still being able to heal your whole group easily despite 3 dps putting pressure on you?


Everyone who cares about the future of SWTOR, should be cheering these nerfs. Sorc heals needed to be "brutalized" much earlier than this.


Sorc healing is still going to be viable, so the people who love the class and are good at it won't be switching to something else just cause of a few much needed nerfs. All the people who didn't really like the class but played it anyway so they could feel like unkillable gods have now wasted their time and command exp.


Welcome back to the land of the mortals.


so you couldnt kill a healer in a 1 vs 2 battle and you think that makes them a god? really? do you understand that guard isnt a sorc power?

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so you couldnt kill a healer in a 1 vs 2 battle and you think that makes them a god? really? do you understand that guard isnt a sorc power?


No one said anything about a 1v2. No one said or even implied sorcs possessed the ability "guard". I guess you don't read very well. All these sorc nerfs must have you seeing red or something. Just calm down and talk a breather bro.

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I am tier IV sage healer with a level 50 companion and still can't do veteran chapters solo but sure I'm way op and you should nerf me this hard. This makes me sad. seems like it's because of pvpers or something and those of us who are PVE and do some ops are going to face the real pain of this change. :(


Meh I'll survive. That may have been a little whiny. At least I have a tank that loves me. :)

Edited by NovemberAllthing
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No one said anything about a 1v2. No one said or even implied sorcs possessed the ability "guard". I guess you don't read very well. All these sorc nerfs must have you seeing red or something. Just calm down and talk a breather bro.


No you think that you should win a 3v2 against a tank and healer. I hate to break it to you, but unless you are utilizing proper cc and interrupts, you won't and shouldn't win that fight. it just isn't going to happen. If you don't like that, I am sorry but that is how this game is supposed to work.

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No one said anything about a 1v2. No one said or even implied sorcs possessed the ability "guard". I guess you don't read very well. All these sorc nerfs must have you seeing red or something. Just calm down and talk a breather bro.


No but you -did- say

You mean being virtually unkillable when you have a guard on, and still being able to heal your whole group easily despite 3 dps putting pressure on you?


This is a function of the guard and the player who gave it. I have done that. Hell I have done that with five people on me. But the tanks that I can duo with who -can- make me into a healing god are few and far between. Any healer can be a healing god if they aren't killable due to outstanding tanking. It is just that sorcs have -required- the guard to do that kind of healing under any real pressure.


I run regs. I did my stint of high end ranked in WoW and am no longer interested in the stress ranked brings me. I run with or without a tank depending who is on (and all tanking classes). I run in 4 man premades or solo queue. I solo heal an 8 man or find I am one of five healers. (you think -my- team is happy to see there are 6 healers in the group?) I am in a 4v4 solo to find it is me and three dps sorcs (omg) vs a perfect trinity comp. I have faced a 3 healer 4s and found my team won fairly easily. etc, etc....


I find when solo queing regs I get guarded almost all the time. Usually by a tank who runs to the other side of the map (without communicating where he is going) and doesn't remove his guard allowing me to get blown up almost immediately if the team is high burst, good focus and no cross heals cause yeah solo Que'd regs never face premades. Oh and yeah, "click that guard off" is nearly impossible in the constantly changing buffs especially when under pressure to kite and heal as well.... And I -really- wish there was an easy way to tell, in the chaos of an 8 man reg, who it is that actually guarded me...


My point, other than to grumble along with everyone else about the imbalance in comp in regs, is that a comment like "being virtually unkillable when you have a guard on" is dependent upon so many factors (duh) and not really consistently applicable. Yeah you can complain about the unkillable healing sorcs but I don't see anyone complaining about the 5 other games where the sorc was shut down (including here having to spend the entire match running for your life).


What I do know about roaming mend is that if I am spending an entire match being chased by someone, often roaming mend is the only healing I can do to anyone other than myself. Get a breather? and yeah back to healing the group - but that means either they have changed focus or suddenly a tank (that golden shining tank upon the hill) has suddenly materialized to help me.


I am not suggesting it is more crucial to look at tanks either (though I know there are some issues). It has been my observation (not ever played one) that a tank is super hard to play well. Yeah there are tons of guards tossed around sometimes but the truth is some - if not most - of them are nearly worthless (if not worse than worthless when the tank standing next to you can't guard you). And the true tanks, the ones who love and do their jobs well are precious.


Sorry this is so long. But in thinking about what I have written, it seems to me the problem in pvp is far more due to the matchmaking. I don't know what is to be done, but for god's sake, stop holding up the ideal scenario for a sorc (great tank with a supportive team) as a baseline norm!


Oh and have fun with this: https://thumb.gyazo.com/thumb/1200/_b17ae03262c09e45f485a2671ace705c-png.jpg (and btw, the low death player on the losing team left mid match)

Edited by MidnightsMadness
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No one said anything about a 1v2. No one said or even implied sorcs possessed the ability "guard". I guess you don't read very well. All these sorc nerfs must have you seeing red or something. Just calm down and talk a breather bro.


Nope, I just have the ability to read. YOU stated that sorcs are virtually unkillable with guard on. Balancing them based on that they MIGHT have a tank nearby is a horrible way to balance.

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Because I'm not some elitist moron, who is so full of himself that he can't accept the fact that this is a game, which is supposed to make people have fun.


Right, so..... that makes sense......lol...... You would be an "elitist moron" for finding a group that works together and helps you enjoy PVP while likely making you a better player and providing a more enjoyable experience in wz's rather than just flailing around and being frustrated like you are currently....... Sure..... Completely logical.....smh

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have bin w8ing for a long time for this its sad ppl dont see how stupidly op heal sage and sorc is. its easy the best 1vs1 class in the game. just there most understand some ting is wrong. and it did take a long time for BW to see this but finaley the mutch needed class ballence is coming. and there will be nerfs and there will be buffing of classes and there will be crying. but in the end the game is going to be alot better.
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have bin w8ing for a long time for this its sad ppl dont see how stupidly op heal sage and sorc is. its easy the best 1vs1 class in the game. just there most understand some ting is wrong. and it did take a long time for BW to see this but finaley the mutch needed class ballence is coming. and there will be nerfs and there will be buffing of classes and there will be crying. but in the end the game is going to be alot better.


pvp is not balanced 1v1, so your whole premise is wrong.

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Still no reply to our concerns or feed back about these changes to the "whole Sorc class" , not just the "Healing Spec". I think a lot of people are missing that, the Combat team certainly have


I actually started a thread before this announcement and after the thread about how they balance.. it was called "Death of the Lightning Sorc"... before this announcement was announced, there were people who posted, argued they would be ok because our self healing would keep us a float till we got some more dps



Well, the title of that thread says it all...


The methods described in the balance thread from Bio show that Lightning will always be one of those bottom feeder classes. The fact that they've even discounted putting it in the current balance round shows just how little they care about it. As the lowest performing class in both pvp and pve, it should have been at the top of the buff list.


With most other classes looking like they'll get buffs and the nerfs to others will be minimal because they are based on dps and not defences, Lightning Sorcs will be the joke of the pvp WZs.

"Look, a Lightning Sorc, lMAO, what an idiot, why would you bring one into pvp... quick kill them and show them why you don't"




I called it... the death of the Lightning Sorc... these latest changes to the whole of the classes healing abilities will make lightning unplayable


Hey folks,


Below you will find the upcoming changes for Corruption and Seer Disciplines coming in 5.3. YOU MISSED THE PART WHERE YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID WE ARE NERFING THE WHOLE CLASS


Sorcerer : Class nerfs

Reduced the amount of healing done by Dark Heal by 4.86%

Increased the base Force cost of Resurgence from 40 to 50 and the amount of healing done by its initial heal by 10.59%, but reduced the amount of healing done by its heal-over-time by 14.29%

Reduced the amount of damage absorbed by Static Barrier by 5.3%



The only saving grace that has still allowed me to play it, was the survivability I had on it.


Those changes SHOULD NOT BE MADE TO THE CLASS... if you want to nerf healing spec, then nerf healing... DONT THROW THE OTHER SPECS UNDER THE BUS TOO...


Everytime you nerf Sorc, you nerf the whole class. Why can't you just nerf a Spec? You have already destroyed the dps class to the bottom.


But you said you wanted a why and what would happen, so here you go -

When a lightning Sorc enters pvp they will be targeted first and destroyed... period... we will not have any ability to survive anymore. That's it... it's simple..


Edited by Icykill_
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No you think that you should win a 3v2 against a tank and healer. I hate to break it to you, but unless you are utilizing proper cc and interrupts, you won't and shouldn't win that fight. it just isn't going to happen. If you don't like that, I am sorry but that is how this game is supposed to work.


I hate to break it to you, but after 5.3 launches, 3 dps are going be reilaibly able to kill a sorc healer/tank combo. Just like how they can kill merc and op healer tank combos right now. Balance wise, the 3 dps should eventually win that fight. If you don't like that, I'm really not sorry, but that is how a balanced game is supposed to work.

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I hate to break it to you, but after 5.3 launches, 3 dps are going be reilaibly able to kill a sorc healer/tank combo. Just like how they can kill merc and op healer tank combos right now. Balance wise, the 3 dps should eventually win that fight. If you don't like that, I'm really not sorry, but that is how a balanced game is supposed to work.


Like I said, if you are properly using interrupts and cc, sure you should be able to win. But if you are just trying to brute force your way through with damage, no that should not happen

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Still no reply to our concerns or feed back about these changes to the "whole Sorc class" , not just the "Healing Spec". I think a lot of people are missing that, the Combat team certainly have


I actually started a thread before this announcement and after the thread about how they balance.. it was called "Death of the Lightning Sorc"... before this announcement was announced, there were people who posted, argued they would be ok because our self healing would keep us a float till we got some more dps



Well, the title of that thread says it all...


The methods described in the balance thread from Bio show that Lightning will always be one of those bottom feeder classes. The fact that they've even discounted putting it in the current balance round shows just how little they care about it. As the lowest performing class in both pvp and pve, it should have been at the top of the buff list.


With most other classes looking like they'll get buffs and the nerfs to others will be minimal because they are based on dps and not defences, Lightning Sorcs will be the joke of the pvp WZs.

"Look, a Lightning Sorc, lMAO, what an idiot, why would you bring one into pvp... quick kill them and show them why you don't"




I called it... the death of the Lightning Sorc... these latest changes to the whole of the classes healing abilities will make lightning unplayable




The only saving grace that has still allowed me to play it, was the survivability I had on it.


Those changes SHOULD NOT BE MADE TO THE CLASS... if you want to nerf healing spec, then nerf healing... DONT THROW THE OTHER SPECS UNDER THE BUS TOO...


Everytime you nerf Sorc, you nerf the whole class. Why can't you just nerf a Spec? You have already destroyed the dps class to the bottom.


But you said you wanted a why and what would happen, so here you go -

When a lightning Sorc enters pvp they will be targeted first and destroyed... period... we will not have any ability to survive anymore. That's it... it's simple..




the idea that they would have ghetto dps specs like this is idiotic. until they see this, they will never have balance

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have bin w8ing for a long time for this its sad ppl dont see how stupidly op heal sage and sorc is. its easy the best 1vs1 class in the game.


Best 1v1 class? There is no chance that they could kill any DPS class of any spec one on one. Will it take the DPSer sometimes to widdle them down, sure, but no Sorc/Sage healer is winning a 1v1 fight with anyone but another Sorc/Sage Healer, you are not hurting a merc healers with their God DCDs in addition to their normal healing abilities, and an OP healer, very hard to fight what you can't see.


Any DPS spec in the game will eventually win that duel. Might be a pain the *** for a bit, but they can take their time anyways, because they have nothing to fear from the Sorc/Sage healer killing them.


Best 1v1 Class is Operative, than either Assassin or Engineering Sniper, in their current form.

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