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No conquest rewards


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Also did not get the achievement for Conquest of Taris on Shadowlands server, week of 6-13-2017. Guild name Wrath and Tyranny.The guild made 1st place and should have gotten the title, but the CS reply said he could not find the conquest progression listing. I resubmitted 9 tickets (1 for each of my characters that did the conquest) with a screen capture link of the Monday closeout showing the win.


I had been thru this issue before, about 21 months ago when the guild I was in at the time conquered The Black Hole. As stated above, it took a couple of weeks for the title achievement to be awarded.

Edited by sentinel_vickers
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Even i had two toons last week get there conquest goal and qualify for the guild rewards, not that i'm too concerned with it though since i suspected there would be some sort of rollback after that login issue
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I too am having this issue. Our guild won Taris on Jedi Covenant last week, I had 3 toons make conquest goal. We have received nothing in the way of rewards or titles. I am not expecting a quick reply, nothing is ever "quick'" when it comes to EAware. I am still waiting for them to fix the movement impairment defences for my force users. And that was reported two updates ago. Just the same old standard reply, "We have discovered this to be a bug, and we will fix it in a future patch" BS. So, no, I am not holding my breath looking for a fix. I am taking the old "Oh well, chalk one up to the EAware gremlins again" approach to this whole thing.
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Eric, seriously what is the status on guilds getting their due rewards for conquest last week???


Please give us an update. Don't give up and ignore the problem.


Its really crappy when guilds work hard for conquest and you guys make a mistake and we lose all rewards from our work over the previous week. That is not the best way to keep your subscribers happy and playing the game.

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I submitted a ticked on 2 characters that didn't get their rewards. One Pub, one Imp. My pub was given his rewards yesterday in response to his ticket, my Imp needed more info. Apparently one CS rep could figure out the guild my Pub belonged to, but the other CS rep couldn't figure out what guild my Imp belonged to. My Imp didn't get his guild reward from the week before either, so he might have something more going on.
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Stuff happened, DC issue, wipe feet & move on. Fastest way to do this? ANYONE on an east coast server that a) is in a guild, and, b) logged in last week, gets rewarded. No quibble, no fuss, no muss. Just a blanket reward to help cover the irritating SNAFU, And, hey, have the weekly conquest achievement too while you are at it!


Queue conversational complaints because they X, while everyone else Y, and putting everyone else to Z's in the process.

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Is this going to be addressed in a manner other than "passing it on for investigation"? It's just about close of business for this week, and still nothing from last week for those of us who did not receive the conquest rewards.

I would also like to know.

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Thank you for the reports, let me forward this on for investigation.




So its been almost a week and still no answer :( Can we get an update about this, do I need to submit a ticket to get my rewards?

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There's loads of stuff that people have not/ did not/ never received. Yours will just get added to the list. - No refund, no explanation, no apology.

At least you can repeat it [conquest] another week in the near future. Some things are still pending investigation and rectification form years ago....



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I put in a ticket with detailed information of character names (there were 19), server, the date, and guild involved. A few days later I received the rewards manually granted on every one of them.


Don't just write them "AHHH i din get my stuff fixnow!!!"

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I sent in a ticket on my main, had completed it on 5 toons. Didn't give as much detail as I probably could have since I waited a few days hoping they'd just fix it by default and forgot some details (I basically only listed my guild name/server lol) But got all my rewards today, CXP included, with the only caveat that all the toons were sent to fleet.
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I also did not get my conquest rewards. Our guild finished 8th on Alderaan on Jedi Covenant. My main got the rewards but no others. So I resubmitted for the other toons, along with guildies, and then by the time they responded it was in to the next week, where we didn't place, and they responded to me and other guildies that they couldn't see my guild on the leaderboard, so we didn't finish in the top 10. REALLY FRUSTRATING! Not only is there no apology, there is even accusation we are lying.
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