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Veteran PvP Roll Call - Census


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Hi Guys,


I'm interested to know how many of us are still around. Over the last 18 months the veterans have flooded out of the game faster than usual and incredibly fast since 5.x


So if you have played pvp in a "serious/semi serious" manner for years, especially since launch, can you please reply to tell us and how long you've played for and which period you started in.



1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

5th year (newbies to the pvp part of the game)


For me it's "Launch" and an unbroken subscription

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since launch. i took a break for maybe a total of 7 month (i stopped 1 month this year) but i always returned and i do 80% of the time pvp only.


pve is just for story solo content.

Edited by Thaladan
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Since a month or two after launch. However long it took me to get my first toon to 50, but I forget exactly. I didn't try PvP until I got to max level, because I thought that was what we were supposed to do. Sub lapsed for a few months once.
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Account created September 19, 2011.


I've taken one or two breaks, but I've been subbed for most of that time. I wanted KOTOR III, settled for this. I didn't run my first warzone for quite a long time after launch. The first one was on my Vanguard tank at level 50, and I hopped in with Recruit gear. I remember getting my first solo kill in that match (Novare Coast I think), and it was pretty awesome.

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Since launch/early release.

I remember trying PVP a few times as i was leveling my Mara and getting put in huttball with level 50s was hell at the time. Once BW created the 50 bracket i was hooked.

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I'm not sure of the exact date I started but it was right after 2.0 dropped. I was strictly PVE for the first few years, I dabbled in PVP a bit in 3.0 but was pretty much only once in a blue moon. I was pretty much just a progression raider until about 2 years ago. That's when I started playing PVP more and more. I've only gotten serious about PVP in the last year and a half. Until 5.0 dropped I still did progression raiding and that only stopped to a great extent due to 5.0's removal of gear from Operations, the raiding community fizzeled out and both my Progression raid teams disbanded. While I still do raid from time to time, mostly for fill ins for some of the few progression raid groups that still remain, since 5.0 PVP has been my main focus.
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Account created 07/03/2009. I guess I must have signed up sometime prior to actual launch heh.


For PVP it was probably year 1 or 2. I had my first match when cap was 50 and battlemaster gear was hot, hot, hot! I got killed so badly that I stayed clear for a good while longer :D

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Account created 10/22/2008, continuous since beta. 8 Elite Warlords and 12 more Warlords.


Stopped caring about Ranked in Season 3...as long as reg queues are reasonably quick I'll be here. My Operative survived two years of Smashtards I'll survive the Merc-pocalypse.

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I believe I been play around 2 years? I started around patch 2.0-3.0 period.


I'm a little less than that, started this game a few months after 4.0 dropped. Waited a bit to PvP, started late in 4.0. (Extensive PvP experience in other MMOs, so not a PvP noob, just relatively new to it in this game - a bit under a year PvPing here, a bit over a year total in-game.)

Edited by stoopicus
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I believe I been play around 2 years? I started around patch 2.0-3.0 period.


You were playing on Shadowlands in the summer of 2014 before you moved to Harb (at least I'm pretty darn sure). I actually think you started pvping consistently around the same time as I did (August 2014) So probs about 3 years.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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Hi Guys,


I'm interested to know how many of us are still around. Over the last 18 months the veterans have flooded out of the game faster than usual and incredibly fast since 5.x


So if you have played pvp in a "serious/semi serious" manner for years, especially since launch, can you please reply to tell us and how long you've played for and which period you started in.



1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

5th year (newbies to the pvp part of the game)


For me it's "Launch" and an unbroken subscription


Been playing pvp since 2nd year, and started in Urwz, wasn't until 4th year that I started taking serious Rwz and haven't left since them.


Reason why veteran player has flooded out of the game is because some individuals continue to launch these Nerfting campaigns without realizing or clueless of the aftermath effects. Who wants or like their favorite class to be nerf? haven't meet a single individual yet..


Right now developers are gearing to teach us a big lesson, which is.. don't campaign on things you know nothing about.. if Nerf things haven't teach us a big lesson in the past, then we're destine to fail in the present/future. I for once totally agree with the PvE community "why they should suffer for us" how they're gonna fill their rank without proper rdps? anyone that does Hm/Nim operations knows their squads must be fill with heavy rdps, exceptions are one good skillful melee(Maras).

I am glad to achieve most of those Hm/Nim operations, including the Raven title before July13, because after that is gonna be a luxury to achieve even the most simple ones.

Note: do not expect any significant buff on/for any class.

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