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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Male Force User companion...


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3) An older character. I don't want some teenage Padawan/Apprentice to fawn over me in baby-faced innocence while I show them the ropes. No....I want a male Force-user who can stand toe to toe with me, who my character can respect and even admire. I want someone who is just as bad*** is she is. I need someone who has been around the block.


Thank you and I really do hope that something great comes of this.


I probably agree with Cloud's entire post, but this part especially. It seems like it's kinda hip to make fun of our new companions, but to the extent that we got a Theron romance, I've really enjoyed it.


If there is going to be a force-user romance, I want the guy to be confident, and I want him to have good reason to be confident.

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I probably agree with Cloud's entire post, but this part especially. It seems like it's kinda hip to make fun of our new companions, but to the extent that we got a Theron romance, I've really enjoyed it.


If there is going to be a force-user romance, I want the guy to be confident, and I want him to have good reason to be confident.


Yes, agreed. I don't want some young'un padawan/apprentice sidekick. Someone powerful and experienced, like a Dark Council member would be ideal...if not Lord Scourge :D

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Yes, Cytherat is only romanceable by Imperial male characters.


Here's how it panned out:


Cytherat - Empire-side, romanceable by male characters only


Lemda - Republic-side, romancable by both male and female characters.


Players of Imperial female characters were the only group who had no romance in Hutt Cartel.


If they really wanted Lemda and Cytherat to be the "gay option," as advertised, then why offer Lemda to male characters? Either both Lemda and Cytherat should be gay only, or they both should be bi. Randomly choosing to exclude one specific set of players always struck me as odd and unnecessary. Hopefully that won't happen in any future content.


Thanks for the info. I agree on the exclusion--why one but not the other? I would have chosen Cytherat on a LOT of my toons if he had been an option, but would have been very disappointed at never seeing him again. They take a lot of the dramatic weight out of our decisions for characters like Jaxo and Cytherat when we get a single message and never hear from them again. :(

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And yet another reason why the expansion sucked. Female players have always gotten the shaft where the romances are concerned. Make them bi so anyone who wants them can have them, I think that's the best solution for everyone. I remember I was terribly disappointed we couldn't romance Cytherat, he was lovely, but it figured, yet another 'nope' for the female player. :(


I'm glad that we're getting a male force using companion, hopefully romanceable, because that is the best part honestly and what makes it fun. I hope they don't just crap out some generic, storyless goober like that chiss jedi.


Sadly, I'm afraid that's exactly what will happen. I'm afraid to get my hopes up that it will actually be a quality companion with a story and romance with it. :(


Well, I actually liked ROTHC because it had so much else in it which later expansions didn't...separate storylines, big, open world questing, etc, but the Cytherat thing bugged me the moment I discovered that my male smuggler could romance Lemda. I picture the boardroom conversation going down like this:


Exec A: So, we are all set to launch our new expansion with our all new gay romance options!


Exec B: Great! The players will get that girl on girl action that they've been craving! Male characters though....we can't leave them out in the cold with no romance, can we?


Exec C: Well, they get Cyther-


Exec A: Jeepers creepers, you're right! Our players will go nuts! We'll need to make Lemda romanceable for them too.


Exec B: It's settled then. All the important bases are covered.


Exec C: But...then you should make Cytherat romanceable to female chars too.


Exec B: Why? Nobody's really going to romance him anyway. I mean guy on guy? Ew.


Exec C: No, I mean, for the female players. Not men playing female characters, but the female players playing female characters. You know, the non-gay ones.


Exec B: Who?


Exec A: You mean real women actually play this game? Ha ha, that's just an urban legend.


So, yeah, some exaggeration for effect here, but seriously, I suspect that's what happened. Lemda was added in as a male option when somebody decided that an all-gay romance expansion was too bizarre to contemplate, and then evening things out on the other side simply never occurred to them.


I'm concerned too about whether we will actually see a fully-fleshed out male romance companion. I'm thrilled that they are at least acknowledging the request though, so that's a start. We'll see...

Edited by CloudCastle
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Well, no one can ever fault you for a lack of persistence or conviction.


I wish you all the best in your endeavors to persuade Bioware.


Thanks! :D I'm nothing if not persistent lol. My hubby says I'm like a pit bull, sink my teeth into what I want, and don't let go for anything lol. :o




Well, I actually liked ROTHC because it had so much else in it which later expansions didn't...separate storylines, big, open world questing, etc, but the Cytherat thing bugged me the moment I discovered that my male smuggler could romance Lemda. I picture the boardroom conversation going down like this:


Exec A: So, we are all set to launch our new expansion with our all new gay romance options!


Exec B: Great! The players will get that girl on girl action that they've been craving! Male characters though....we can't leave them out in the cold with no romance, can we?


Exec C: Well, they get Cyther-


Exec A: Jeepers creepers, you're right! Our players will go nuts! We'll need to make Lemda romanceable for them too.


Exec B: It's settled then. All the important bases are covered.


Exec C: But...then you should make Cytherat romanceable to female chars too.


Exec B: Why? Nobody's really going to romance him anyway. I mean guy on guy? Ew.


Exec C: No, I mean, for the female players. Not men playing female characters, but the female players playing female characters. You know, the non-gay ones.


Exec B: Who?


Exec A: You mean real women actually play this game? Ha ha, that's just an urban legend.


So, yeah, some exaggeration for effect here, but seriously, I suspect that's what happened. Lemda was added in as a male option when somebody decided that an all-gay romance expansion was too bizarre to contemplate, and then evening things out on the other side simply never occurred to them.


I'm concerned too about whether we will actually see a fully-fleshed out male romance companion. I'm thrilled that they are at least acknowledging the request though, so that's a start. We'll see...


Yeah, I can totally see it going down like that lol. Exaggerated or not, probably not too far off lol. I did like the separate stories for the Imps and the Pubs. That I liked...the planet, I liked. But the romance is important to me and the fact that I didn't get to flirt with my current companion, or flirt or have romance with the new ones disappointed me, and it made my story experience a bit of a dry boring drag. :(

Edited by Lunafox
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I don't think it'd be necessary to introduce an all new character who's a male force user (though it wouldn't be bad either) but maybe just expand on the ones we have. Add more to who we know, add the option to romance them. I know there's a bunch of people who have wanted to romance scourge for years, and me and another large group of people who've wanted to be able to romance arcann since he was first introduced. :cool:


I'm not against a wider variety of companions, but I'd rather have the older and current companions expanded upon rather than have a completely new one be added in.


I'll agree with this. I don't think we need any more companions than we have, but adding to the skills of some, or adding romance possibilities to some of them might be nice. I'd agree that I wouldn't mind romancing Scourge on my Guardian rather than Doc. I never liked that she got mixed up with Doc. He's a jerk. I'm not certain about romancing Arcann, but there are other companions that might be promising.

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I fully support a new (romanceable) male Force user, if he's a main character. I'd really want him to be actively involved in the story like Theron and Lana, though. I don't want yet another cutscene decoration (stands in the background most of the time, occasionally stepping forward to say "I love you"). Maybe he could be a former Knight of Zakuul.
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yeah....this sums up my entire wishlist for SWTOR :D:D <3


wait wait waaait...there is a "lets romance Arcann thread" ? :eek:


PS : sry if it has been over quoted lol :p


There is, in the suggestion part of the forums! There are a lot of Arcann supporters, but only a few are present in this thread. :p


More Arcann supporters must unite! He's the most developed character in the game, in terms of companions.


Please Charles!! 🤗

Edited by Eshvara
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It sure would be nice to have a male, human old-school, light side Jedi companion (not some edgy, code-breaking pseudo-Jedi that most of them are) that perhaps recites the Jedi Code and talks wisdom as his banter with regular lightsaber (I still don't get why the ability to use single bladed sabers, non-lightsaber staffs and single handed melee weapon was nerfed for companions like Kira, Nadya, etc - especially now that companion stats don't depend on gear anymore and the animations are streamlined per weapon anyway, it wouldn't matter - we should get a free choice of weapon to equip for every single companion).


Gizmo, always good to see your still alive and kicking, and You were the big Jedi Senator and Whiz since SWG. So good to see you guys along with Commando Senator TUX :)


I have a deep love for you all even if once in a great while i disagree, and that is very rare. :)

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Alliance recruit spoiler ahead...


What about Guss's drunken Jedi Master?


*** no he's elderly.


I mean I'm not interested in another Torian, but come on. :confused: I think Ravage presents as "old" as I'd like to go. I'd prefer more of a Vector/Theron age.

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As soon as I got Darth Marr as my Sniper, I left the KOTFE phase so I can run around and do stuff with a Dark Council member as a comp. It's not much of a comp though since you can't really talk to him or have him on your ship, but it's something.
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As soon as I got Darth Marr as my Sniper, I left the KOTFE phase so I can run around and do stuff with a Dark Council member as a comp. It's not much of a comp though since you can't really talk to him or have him on your ship, but it's something.


I think most of us are guilty of that! :rak_03: I know I am.:D

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Type 2 Body type. Armored/Robeish. Single Blade/Force Pike. The rest I can work with. I mean I like Malavai, Theron, Corso and others so personality wise they can run the gamut. I would LOVE if they were Zakulan and a member/former member of one of the force organizations.
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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


Or... you could make Lord Scourge a romance option to both female and male characters. I know, his backstory and all, but surely storywise something could be crafted around it, perhaps additional companion quests and such. I remember a NPC somewhere ingame said "The Dark Side corrupts, but the Light Side can undo that corruption" or something along those lines. Maybe the quest chain could involve having the male or female Jedi Knight use their connection to the Light Side to restore some of Scourge's emotions and feelings?

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Exec C: No, I mean, for the female players. Not men playing female characters, but the female players playing female characters. You know, the non-gay ones.


Exec B: Who?


Exec A: You mean real women actually play this game? Ha ha, that's just an urban legend.


So, yeah, some exaggeration for effect here, but seriously, I suspect that's what happened.

I suspect this is no exaggeration :rolleyes: Though I did laugh out loud at Exec B saying "who?" - I can just see that happening. I really want to make this my signature but it's already a madness down there.

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


This sounds like you're considering writing a new one. Why would you ever do that instead of bringing back Scourge?

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This sounds like you're considering writing a new one. Why would you ever do that instead of bringing back Scourge?


Maybe they have plans for him already in the upcoming main story! But to me it sounds like we'll probably get a new one as well. I hope it'll work out as we all want different things.

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Just give us Arcann and Scourge for those who want him. That would make everybody happy and the problem would be solved. :cool:


I don't think it would make everyone happy, but a lot of us would be! And me.:D I remember Charles liking the idea at least, back on live stream and said we should let him know if that's what we wanted. It wasn't going to happen in this expansion(kotet) but he wasn't going to rule it out for in the future.


It would really make my year if Arcann became a romance option :D:p

Arcann and Scourge do seem to be the most wanted I'd say.

Edited by Eshvara
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