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Server Hopping Republic GSF Weirdos are Ruining Queue's

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People persueing Galatic Command Experience CXP do try and it is illogical for them to not do so being that CXP is bolstered by medals earned. They also get over twice the amount of unasselmbled components for wins as they do losses. In addition the demographic is only people on their level 70 characters that are premium(subscribers).


The problem lies with Guild Conquest which on most weeks is gated merely through games played. It is more probable and more logical that those persueing this objective are the ones entering game and then doing little to nothing.


If you can not differientiate between the two perhaps it is best to leave the conclusions to those that can.

Anecdotally, which I am sure you will point out can be discounted by however much you value someone's personal experience, I have found the days where this phenomenon is at its worst are CXP Bonus Days. Unless these are stealthy Conquesters trying to throw shade on noble CXP farmers, it's certainly part of the problem even if not necessarily the whole thing.


And hey, I am indeed aware of how GSF participation is rewarded. I even made a whole video talking solely about

so that people could get up to speed, see how to earn medals, and benefit from both the sweet CXP they award and also from the Conquest rewards (which do, in fact, incentivize Conquistadors to play).


Even with all of these incentives, people continue doing their best barnacle impersonation and or using their ships to survey friendly spawn points like they're planning to build a mall there.


Perhaps my differentiation came to a conclusion differentiated from your own. What a surprise that would be.


- Despon

Edited by caederon
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@OP: I have a proposal. I understand why you don't want to name names, I get it. sensible. but the next time you find yourself facing the juggernaut you have described - consider asking for help. join the GSF discord (if you haven't already) and post in the relevant server channel. look me up there (my discord name is zuckernaut), or PM me here directly. I will attempt to aid the downtrodden faction, and (depending on time of day) I'll bring pilots with me. even if we can't manage a full 8, we should be able to create sufficient competition to keep the queue alive.


the reason I'm making this suggestion is because I have a habit of actively seeking out quality opposition. so, my offer isn't purely altruistic. if there's a good 8-man premade out there I haven't heard of - I want a piece of that. and i know a bunch of other folks who feel exactly the same way. no reason for you (and whoever you're flying with) to go it alone.



I don't think OP is referring to SRW. doesn't fit. SRW does not migrate as an 8-man team from TRE to SL. they just don't. over the past few months, i've only ever seen an 8-man SRW premade pubside on SL and JC. and even then, they were only grouping to face my team (Self-Inflicted) once a week for a couple of hours. we coordinate queues, and pugs are rarely caught in the crossfire.


There are certainly a bunch of srw-tagged players on many (if not all servers), and I know a couple of them will regularly group. But by "a couple" I mean literally, like, two. They aren't traveling around in an 8-man cavalcade, destroying queues wherever they go. Whoever OP is referring to, it can't be SRW.


I appreciate your response and enthusiasm. I do post in GSF chat channel on SL anytime I'm trying to queue. I don't into other DIscords besides my own guild one. While you're offer is appreciated though, that kind of also hints at my point. If I need to go rustle up troops in a GSF discord just to be able to compete with these jokers, isn't that in itself a problem?


And you are also correct, its now srw players (or if it is, as I have seen them rarely a few times, perhaps they have renamed). I will say this much about these suckers; the main culprits name rhymes with Man-Bone-Me :D

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Even with all of these incentives, people continue doing their best barnacle impersonation and or using their ships to survey friendly spawn points like they're planning to build a mall there.


Perhaps my differentiation came to a conclusion differentiated from your own. What a surprise that would be.


- Despon


If a game appears lost (and appearances can be deceiving) then the savvy CXP grinder will naturally go to the only DOM sat their side owns. Red players know this and will attempt to dislodge the entrenched team. Sometimes, individuals who know taking out turrets and capping a sat ALSO awards medals, often faster that defense medals, will take advantage of Reds flooding the one green turret and occasionally take a turret. But more often than not, the last few minutes of a match once the other side has 800 points will be highlighted by camping your friendly sat, regardless if its the CXP bonus day.


I still see people leaving a losing match, or even one they expect to lose based on stacked competition before it even starts, but its not as much as it was before the Galactic Command system. And, given how, uh, frustrating the GC system is I wouldn't blame anyone for looking for ways to maximize medals and therefore CXP.


I used to have all sorts of ideas what would make GSF participation increase or keep players. But I was proven wrong. I never would have predicted the GC system or its effects on GSF.


So, speaking for my harbinger experience, the OP is simply incorrect. Premades are not killing the GSF queues. Participation in GSF has never been higher than it is now, at least on Harbinger, and I play at all times of day.


Now, I may personally believe that groups should be in separate queues. I may personally believe that GSF needs more themed "Carrots." I may also feel that faster requisition gains are warranted. (2.5X from the 5.1-5.2 event seemed about right to me). I believe improving strikes will help the visceral experience. I even believe that a better tutorial would go a long way to helping people transition to GSF. But regardless of my beliefs about what will SUSTAIN gsf population, in my experience these days, I've never seen participation better than it is now. Because even if I'm solo-queueing and getting roflstomped by the competition, nothing beats the UC and CXP gain even from just trudging through the daily on as many characters as I can fit in my available playtime. If I'm getting roflstomped, I'd rather do it in space behind the controls of a Starfighter than in a ground warzone. And usually, I'm always getting roflstomped. I've played since beta, briefly on JC but mostly on Harbinger, and my win % is barely 50%.


No, I'm not in SRW, I rarely group up, and my toons are all easily identifiable by their suffix. And most of my toons I fly with lately do not have mastered ships, largely because my main pub pilot is not one of the advanced classes I feel compelled to grind hard on galactic command.


Oh, and Despon has put out more videos about learning the game than anyone except maybe Drak, so while he may be a bit opinionated at times, he is hardly cancer. So for you to place him on ignore, OP, is really your loss.

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And you are also correct, its now (*not) srw players (or if it is, as I have seen them rarely a few times, perhaps they have renamed). I will say this much about these suckers; the main culprits name rhymes with Man-Bone-Me :D


Oh that guy with the hamster powering his internet connection, for the record, we canned him months ago for various reasons.... And to Despon's comment, getting reinforcements is futile because these are straight farmers, whenever anyone of skill comes on they leave.

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Feel free to come in here and provide troll responses


Troll responses to a mildly amusing troll thread? Sure!


Seriously, this band of cub-scouts need to knock it off.

Ok, so cub scouts don't show up trying to sell you cookies like the girl scouts do, but why exactly are we hating on them?


This isn't a qq thread

This is primarily a classic troll thread, but it's also a qq thread. Sadly it is not a cue queue thread.


with Jesus Droids to boot

Jesus Droids? Where? I want one (mostly for the supply of wine, loaves and fishes).


already the least played group content in the game.

So true. I wish getting a GSF match was as easy as getting a NiM Op or ranked Arena.


then its 5 or 6 of us vs 8 or 12 of them for half the match....

So if the match is 6 v 12 for half the match, then the match was one minute long. Have to agree that unless you fly a scout it can be really hard to score any points in those matches because you don't have time to get to any targets or objectives (but the CXP/hour is obcenely high if you do score at least one point).


I'd say roughly half the matches I play, including wins, there are between 1-3 people who finish with 0 medals on the imp side.

Only 1-3 with no medals? You have a high quality pool of new players there. May I steal some of them to improve both factions on other servers?


Unlike regular PVP, where you can learn to play for 59 levels before you have to deal with "real players" who are "geared" at 70, that doesn't happen for GSF. There is also no bolster.

I keep meaning to read patch notes, but I'm too lazy. This is why I learn about things on the forum after it's too late. Low level WZs must be so great now that people with high valor characters on their legacy can't queue until level 60 and now that bolster now gives you all the abilities that your advanced class has at the bracket cap.


It sucked in the old days when experienced players could play low level alts and there were all these characters just under the level cap for lowbie WZs running around and wrecking characters 20 levels lower that have half as many abilities on their quickbars. Wait, never mind, I have high valor characters, this doesn't help me, it just means I can't do WZs on new alts any more. :(:rolleyes:;)


point the fingers back at the people who are identifying problems

What? NO! No identifying problems. We're making silly hyperbolic fabrications in a troll thread that aren't allowed to have more than a tiny and very distorted grain of truth in them. Switching from trolling/venting to semi-serious conversation defeats the purpose of the thread. Bad troll! Bad!


Let's also not forget how GSF was touted as a F2P expansion for everyone. Do you think F2P casual players who are just trying out the many facets to the game are going to deep dive into forum and website posts on the ins and outs of GSF when they don't even like the game enough to sub?

I know right? F2P worked so much better for getting people into Arenas and NiM raiding. What were they thinking when they did F2P they way the did for GSF?


You're clearly part of the problem and not helping to be part of a solution.

So true. By doing far more than you have to help new players learn GSF, including 1 on 1 in game mentoring, Despon is clearly not being as helpful as your qq-ish troll forum post is. He should be ashamed of himself. There are so many posts where he went out of his way to answer the questions of new players, and thus squandered the opportunity to make whiny troll posts instead. Sad really.


Sure, a "great player" with a basic ship will probably beat a sorry player with a fully kitted out ship. Also in case you were wondering, water is wet. That is not an issue that anybody is running into, or anybody is even talking about.


NEW AND BAD PLAYERS QUIT MATCHES AND STOP QUEUING BECAUSE THEY ARE GETTING DESTROYED BY A GROUP OF SERVER HOPPING PUB SIDE JERKS!!!!!! I would love to see a match where my entire team was bad people with 5 ships each fully kitted out, and we just lose because the other team is simply better. It will never happen. EVER! Because of the problems stated above, very few players are willing to put in the time and effort to get 1 kitted out ship, much less several. They try, they die (fast), they quit.

So our proposition here is:

Mastered ships

+ players so unskilled that they'll lose no matter what

+ ?

= unskilled players not getting discouraged when they get stomped in mastered ships.


Is ? supposed to be Koigran turn or something? Or are we saying if they stopped server hopping and stayed on SL all the time crushing Imp newbs that that would cure the problem?





On a non-snarky-trollish note, there are a bunch of frustrations with how GSF is implemented. The aspects that lead to having to plead with guild mates to even try it, and most of them not wanting to have anything to do with it after they've tried it, is common to just about everyone who does GSF and isn't in a GSF focused guild as their main guild.


Even if Bioware decided to effectively do a gear reset, and either strip everyone back to stock ships or give everyone every ship and component for free, there's no skill reset. There's also no teamwork reset. So ultimately the only answer that works long term with respect to facing teams of skilled opponents is to build skills and build a team. It would be nice to have some sort of kiddie pool to do this in, and it's a feature that has been consistently asked for pretty much from the launch of GSF. There's no money at Bioware to make one though, and no one realistically expects that there ever will be.


If you want to do what you can to make things better, mentor others, ask around for other experienced players to help (protip: being polite and cheerful generally works better than whiny tantrums), and have an industrial sized supply of patience and good humor on hand. Then hope for the best.


It doesn't always work, but when it does you get a group of your own that can either take all challengers, or at least make them pay with blood and tears right down to the final point.


The really good pilots fly because they like flying, and in general like challenging games. Getting the really deadly pilots to faction swap or even server hop and faction swap in pursuit of better match balance is generally very easy . . .


. . . if you are consistently nice and polite when making the request.



As Zuck mentioned, give <SRW> a shout. If they're not busy with an organized event of some sort they're consistently competent to superior pilots, they practically all have well geared Imp alts on Shadowlands, and they're very keen on getting balanced matches. So keen that they'll server and faction hop in search of them.


Finally, remember that even when people are trying to even things out, the matchmaker frequently flubs it up. You can give it all the players it needs to make multiple sets of well balanced teams, and it will manage to turn that pool of players into a set of grossly mismatched teams more often than not.

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Troll responses to a mildly amusing troll thread? Sure!



Ok, so cub scouts don't show up trying to sell you cookies like the girl scouts do, but why exactly are we hating on them?



This is primarily a classic troll thread, but it's also a qq thread. Sadly it is not a cue queue thread.



Jesus Droids? Where? I want one (mostly for the supply of wine, loaves and fishes).



So true. I wish getting a GSF match was as easy as getting a NiM Op or ranked Arena.



So if the match is 6 v 12 for half the match, then the match was one minute long. Have to agree that unless you fly a scout it can be really hard to score any points in those matches because you don't have time to get to any targets or objectives (but the CXP/hour is obcenely high if you do score at least one point).



Only 1-3 with no medals? You have a high quality pool of new players there. May I steal some of them to improve both factions on other servers?



I keep meaning to read patch notes, but I'm too lazy. This is why I learn about things on the forum after it's too late. Low level WZs must be so great now that people with high valor characters on their legacy can't queue until level 60 and now that bolster now gives you all the abilities that your advanced class has at the bracket cap.


It sucked in the old days when experienced players could play low level alts and there were all these characters just under the level cap for lowbie WZs running around and wrecking characters 20 levels lower that have half as many abilities on their quickbars. Wait, never mind, I have high valor characters, this doesn't help me, it just means I can't do WZs on new alts any more. :(:rolleyes:;)



What? NO! No identifying problems. We're making silly hyperbolic fabrications in a troll thread that aren't allowed to have more than a tiny and very distorted grain of truth in them. Switching from trolling/venting to semi-serious conversation defeats the purpose of the thread. Bad troll! Bad!



I know right? F2P worked so much better for getting people into Arenas and NiM raiding. What were they thinking when they did F2P they way the did for GSF?



So true. By doing far more than you have to help new players learn GSF, including 1 on 1 in game mentoring, Despon is clearly not being as helpful as your qq-ish troll forum post is. He should be ashamed of himself. There are so many posts where he went out of his way to answer the questions of new players, and thus squandered the opportunity to make whiny troll posts instead. Sad really.



So our proposition here is:

Mastered ships

+ players so unskilled that they'll lose no matter what

+ ?

= unskilled players not getting discouraged when they get stomped in mastered ships.


Is ? supposed to be Koigran turn or something? Or are we saying if they stopped server hopping and stayed on SL all the time crushing Imp newbs that that would cure the problem?





On a non-snarky-trollish note, there are a bunch of frustrations with how GSF is implemented. The aspects that lead to having to plead with guild mates to even try it, and most of them not wanting to have anything to do with it after they've tried it, is common to just about everyone who does GSF and isn't in a GSF focused guild as their main guild.


Even if Bioware decided to effectively do a gear reset, and either strip everyone back to stock ships or give everyone every ship and component for free, there's no skill reset. There's also no teamwork reset. So ultimately the only answer that works long term with respect to facing teams of skilled opponents is to build skills and build a team. It would be nice to have some sort of kiddie pool to do this in, and it's a feature that has been consistently asked for pretty much from the launch of GSF. There's no money at Bioware to make one though, and no one realistically expects that there ever will be.


If you want to do what you can to make things better, mentor others, ask around for other experienced players to help (protip: being polite and cheerful generally works better than whiny tantrums), and have an industrial sized supply of patience and good humor on hand. Then hope for the best.


It doesn't always work, but when it does you get a group of your own that can either take all challengers, or at least make them pay with blood and tears right down to the final point.


The really good pilots fly because they like flying, and in general like challenging games. Getting the really deadly pilots to faction swap or even server hop and faction swap in pursuit of better match balance is generally very easy . . .


. . . if you are consistently nice and polite when making the request.



As Zuck mentioned, give <SRW> a shout. If they're not busy with an organized event of some sort they're consistently competent to superior pilots, they practically all have well geared Imp alts on Shadowlands, and they're very keen on getting balanced matches. So keen that they'll server and faction hop in search of them.


Finally, remember that even when people are trying to even things out, the matchmaker frequently flubs it up. You can give it all the players it needs to make multiple sets of well balanced teams, and it will manage to turn that pool of players into a set of grossly mismatched teams more often than not.


DId not read past the first line :rolleyes:


This is 0% a troll thread. I play GSF. Annoying people are scaring away new people that might make it fun, and mainly by fun I mean lots of pops (time = money; sitting and waiting for pops = waste of time/money). I'm angry, so I posted about it. The end.

Edited by DarthNillard
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He who you are talking about is definitely not in said "three-letter group", in any case. I am in his guild on one of my characters, and it is mostly dead except for him (and occasionally me). The pubs do group sometimes, I think, but I don't think they're forming regular premades. I mean, it tends to be different people each time, even though I will see some familiar names.
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He's definitely a scrub....when he dares to solo queue without his boyfriends, he gets like 2 medals and always loses


Anywho, if they are farmers, what do you consider your squad my friend? I have limited first hand experience with you and yours, but up above people seemed to think I was describing you guys.....:rak_02:


I'm not interested in a premade/farming vs non-premade discussion, which has been discussed ad nauseam on these forums, nor will I make some long post explaining SRW's actions. If you want help, you can always go to gsfsrw.com and make a post. If you hate us, take a number, move to the back of the line and wait for a few years...

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@OP: What exactly are you hoping to accomplish with an abrasive rage thread? If there is a problem with server hopping premades, and they are indeed the kind of jerks you say they are, then surely raging on the forums about them only gives them the satisfaction of knowing that they got under your skin.


In any case, you must know that there is nothing you or any of us can do about groups of good players wrecking noobs. That's just the nature of the game. The only real constructive thing that can be done is to try and help new players learn as much as they can. As you pointed out, many new players simply don't bother to go looking for the resources that are out there to help them learn, so why not mention it to them in chat before a match? There are plenty of forum guides and twitch streamers out there, and Despon's GSF School youtube channel is one of the best resources that there is for pilots of all skill levels (calling him part of the problem, and ignoring him is completely absurd). At the very least invite them to /cjoin gsf, and group up with those who are willing, to give them some pointers.


TLDR: Raging about good players accomplishes nothing, helping bad players get better benefits everyone.

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The best thing to do vs people like this is not to fight them. Stay docked. Let the match run out. If you have enough like minded people, all drop from the match so it ends.


The enemy wants a good fight. So either they crush you, or they get a challenge. Either way they win.


So don't play against them. Provide them with no sport.

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The best thing to do vs people like this is not to fight them. Stay docked. Let the match run out. If you have enough like minded people, all drop from the match so it ends.


The enemy wants a good fight. So either they crush you, or they get a challenge. Either way they win.


So don't play against them. Provide them with no sport.


If you're just going to refuse to play, then why queue for GSF at all? The best solution for all is still to try to improve, and help others to do the same. Refusing to participate is just childish, and wastes everyone's time.


There will always be matches that are brutal losses, that can't be helped, but you can still learn from even the worst roflstop.

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If you're just going to refuse to play, then why queue for GSF at all? The best solution for all is still to try to improve, and help others to do the same. Refusing to participate is just childish, and wastes everyone's time.


There will always be matches that are brutal losses, that can't be helped, but you can still learn from even the worst roflstop.


To be honest your reply of "if you are not going to play and handle things the way I think it should be then just don't queue" is pretty immature


People queueing into group finder getting a bad group and dropping has been a thing in MMO's for years. To think GSF is a special snowflake where this shouldn't and won't happen is kind of silly.


The person you responded to has a logical thought process. If there is a gorilla in the room that you can't overcome, starving it is strategically sound.

Edited by Lendul
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To be honest your reply of "if you are not going to play and handle things the way I think it should be then just don't queue" is pretty immature


People queueing into group finder getting a bad group and dropping has been a thing in MMO's for years. To think GSF is a special snowflake where this shouldn't and won't happen is kind of silly.


The person you responded to has a logical thought process. If there is a gorilla in the room that you can't overcome, starving it is strategically sound.


I wasn't referring to people dropping out of a match, I can definitely understand that. I was responding to the suggestion that everyone should just sit at their spawn point and refuse to do anything. In that situation, people should absolutely either drop out of the match, or not queue at all. Sitting there refusing to do anything would not help anything, and only serve to waste time and tie up the queue for no reason.


What I think has nothing to do with it. And "to be honest" your insistence on turning every thread into a personal attack one someone is what is really immature, and it is getting old really fast. I've told you before that I respect you and your opinions, is it really to much to expect the same in return?

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3 letter prefix at the end of their name


Hm.... I think that may actually be a suffix.


I do think OP is referring to SRW, who certainly do turn things around sometimes on Harbinger. They cause consecutive decisive Pub victories and much lament among some Imps, but I've not seen the queue die because of it.


A lot of us mid-level pilots enjoy the challenge, actually.


Then again, maybe nobody should listen to me, I main a Blackbolt and can't hit anything with BLC.

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The best thing to do vs people like this is not to fight them. Stay docked. Let the match run out. If you have enough like minded people, all drop from the match so it ends.


The enemy wants a good fight. So either they crush you, or they get a challenge. Either way they win.


So don't play against them. Provide them with no sport.


This is the answer the OP needs. If the team you are on is particularly noob or bad the farming team in opposition will most likely try to play 'who gets the most kills' and setup support at your spawn and play whack a mole on your 3 spawn points.

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And you are also correct, its now srw players (or if it is, as I have seen them rarely a few times, perhaps they have renamed). I will say this much about these suckers; the main culprits name rhymes with Man-Bone-Me :D


Wow, now I'm beginning to wonder if I'm one of the people you're complaining about. All I do is log in one of my characters and if I'm interested in playing GSF, I ask in the channel if anyone's grouping. When I get an invite, no matter who it's from, I take it. I've probably grouped with every single regular player on Shadowlands at some point or another over the last year.


And often the guy inviting me is the guy you're talking about. He plays a ton and is seemingly always willing to group. So I'll group with him for several matches.


I can assure you, there's no bad motive on my part, unless just doing my best to ensure that my team wins as quickly as possible so I can finish my dailies and weeklies on as many alts as I can, is considered a bad motive.


I also don't server hop. I play a couple noobs on JC on rare occasions, but otherwise I stick to SL.

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I think the problem is NOT a new one. The match making in the game is terrible. Premade groups using GSF channel is great, but most of the time the opposing team gets whacked hard if new players.


The down side is just like PVP - the new and/or casual players get ripped to shreds. MORE so in GSF since we have no sort of "Bolster" like PVP does (Not that it helps much either). I agree at certain times Harbinger has some serious PUB GSF players and it's when I stop doing GSF (Stops being fun to play having them parked at our spawn points with all gunships). Flip side is ALL Bombers to Satellites is also a lopsided approach. Should only allow xx of each ship zone into as it's pretty unbalanced. Heck implement a SUICIDE BOMBER SCOUT that lets me clear out an entire square of Bomber Dropped Goodies.


Then you have your arse clowns that just do the GSF match and contribute NOTHING. They watch a video or whatever and move cursor once in a while (No they are not bombers either). They don't care if they win/lose, but they get Unassembled Components either way for doing NOTHING.

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I think the problem is NOT a new one. The match making in the game is terrible. Premade groups using GSF channel is great, but most of the time the opposing team gets whacked hard if new players.


The down side is just like PVP - the new and/or casual players get ripped to shreds. MORE so in GSF since we have no sort of "Bolster" like PVP does (Not that it helps much either). I agree at certain times Harbinger has some serious PUB GSF players and it's when I stop doing GSF (Stops being fun to play having them parked at our spawn points with all gunships). Flip side is ALL Bombers to Satellites is also a lopsided approach. Should only allow xx of each ship zone into as it's pretty unbalanced. Heck implement a SUICIDE BOMBER SCOUT that lets me clear out an entire square of Bomber Dropped Goodies.


Then you have your arse clowns that just do the GSF match and contribute NOTHING. They watch a video or whatever and move cursor once in a while (No they are not bombers either). They don't care if they win/lose, but they get Unassembled Components either way for doing NOTHING.


It'd be nice if unassembled components were doled out based on performance (i.e. none for the losing side whatsoever), but that'd only solve part of the problem. Another large problem (at least on some of the less-pleasant servers like Garbinger) would be new alts being plopped in for 15 minutes of free experience while they do something else.


There's always gonna be jerks.


(The kamikaze scout you want is already largely in game. Try an EMP scout build.)

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Well I think I finally got to see what the OP is talking about.


Had a PUB side team that was GSF based most of this evening. Several of the players had the SAME last five characters in the name. Not saying what, but those on Harby will likely know. A dash followed by four characters. The sad part is each player took on a specific role and the name of the player was very specific to the function they provide.


They pretty much ROFLStomped every match. Three capping and winning with scores like 1000 to 25 in GSF to the point a lot of the grouped teams on IMP side stopped playing for the night (Stopped being funny/fun after 3 matches).


Not sure what BIOWARE can do, but with that happening on a routine basis I'm not interested in playing GSF anymore. All those NEW players to GSF will likely feel the same way and all that good will to gift ships will be wasted. It's not fun and the only way to get UC's (If you don't PVP) to tweak 242 gear for those 248 pieces I need. I managed to hop on my PUB side toon and enjoy the slaughter with very little effort. Just not a level playing field and will have people dropping each time they go against these folks. Maybe they renamed characters from that three letter group. Several of them are lower level so I question if speed hacking in GSF is active or they are really good players in decked out ships (Hard to believe a level 9 is that greatly upgraded).


This is a PRIME example of what poor match making abilities on GSF/PVP will do to the game.

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I agree. I too am disturbed by this course of events. And after they were done decimating impside in their OP strikes, these little turkeys went on imperial ships and did the SAME DAMNED THING to the Republic! Bioware has to do something to stop this. Terrible.




Edited by Ianir
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Well I think I finally got to see what the OP is talking about.


Had a PUB side team that was GSF based most of this evening. Several of the players had the SAME last five characters in the name. Not saying what, but those on Harby will likely know. A dash followed by four characters. The sad part is each player took on a specific role and the name of the player was very specific to the function they provide.


They pretty much ROFLStomped every match. Three capping and winning with scores like 1000 to 25 in GSF to the point a lot of the grouped teams on IMP side stopped playing for the night (Stopped being funny/fun after 3 matches).


Not sure what BIOWARE can do, but with that happening on a routine basis I'm not interested in playing GSF anymore. All those NEW players to GSF will likely feel the same way and all that good will to gift ships will be wasted. It's not fun and the only way to get UC's (If you don't PVP) to tweak 242 gear for those 248 pieces I need. I managed to hop on my PUB side toon and enjoy the slaughter with very little effort. Just not a level playing field and will have people dropping each time they go against these folks. Maybe they renamed characters from that three letter group. Several of them are lower level so I question if speed hacking in GSF is active or they are really good players in decked out ships (Hard to believe a level 9 is that greatly upgraded).


This is a PRIME example of what poor match making abilities on GSF/PVP will do to the game.


I ran into this team last night in a lost shipyards dom. Most of the names indeed ended with the same four characters. My imp comrades and I were soundly trounced, 423-1000. We weren't 3-capped, but it was never close (well, maybe at 0-0).


So, I can attest to the fact that these players were good. However, you've drawn a number of inaccurate conclusions. Items:


1) the group you're referring to is entirely unrelated to the one described by OP

2) this group is also unrelated to the 3-letter players who shall not be named

3) speed hacking in GSF is not a thing. i suppose lag hacking might look like a similar phenomenon, but the -XXXX guys weren't doing that

4) the kind of roflstomping you witnessed is simply what happens when an experienced, organized team faces pugs. nothing more, nothing less. yes, matchmaker sucks. but this time, matchmaker was not to blame.


When faced with organized opposition, the answer - always - is to bring your own premade. You've got to fight fire with fire. Find some friends, ask in /gsf, or in the GSF Discord. You shouldn't have much trouble gathering allies interested in fighting legitimately good opponents.


I agree. I too am disturbed by this course of events. And after they were done decimating impside in their OP strikes, these little turkeys went on imperial ships and did the SAME DAMNED THING to the Republic! Bioware has to do something to stop this. Terrible.





:D you forgot the /s

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When faced with organized opposition, the answer - always - is to bring your own premade. You've got to fight fire with fire. Find some friends, ask in /gsf, or in the GSF Discord. You shouldn't have much trouble gathering allies interested in fighting legitimately good opponents.




:D you forgot the /s


No! Do not engage! Repeat, DO NOT ENGAGE!


The enemy is looking for them 'good fights'. You want them to stop queing. Stay docked, let the timer run out. Play on your phone during the match.


You defeat the enemy by making the game no longer fun for them. They are ruining your fun, you ruin it for them right back.

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You defeat the enemy by making the game no longer fun for them. They are ruining your fun, you ruin it for them right back.

Or, you could ruin their fun by learning to play the game you are taking time out of your day to participate in... then competing with them and winning.


It is not that hard to develop skills that will let you be competitive in this game. It is now easier than ever to get your ship's components quickly upgraded. It is almost comically easy. The new patch hands out so much requisition.


Come to this forum and ask 'how to I defeat these teams of skilled players?' and you will get a long list of excellent techniques you can use to improve, and you won't have long to wait to get your ship 'decked out.'


The notion that it is better to waste your own time along with everyone else's in some petulant display of anti-sportsmanship is execrable. Take positive steps towards improving your lot, making the game more enjoyable, learning how to play it.


- Despon

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