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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - Road Map 2017


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The more Iokath bosses get released, the more 248's will be available to raiders.


I don't want to wait till December when they will probable add another tier in a few months just to gear how I want which is the point of this expac gear how I want? And when others can gear how they want already. Gear isn't necessary but I find it offensive that some shmuck can spend all there time gambling boxes or grinding boring hm (4.0 Loot Debacle says hi) then facerolling regs to BiS when people who can kill the hardest bosses aren't not rewarded accordingly. More power to the casuals getting BiS I don't care but I do care when hypocrisy exists like this. And having non final bosses drop random blues which are equivalent in 2 of 3 spots for non tanks or worse to hm gear (hello 30th piece of blue Jugg tank pants that no one needs) only discourages lot of new groups from even trying NiM. Its dumb I have to gamble or PvP for half the loot.

Edited by FerkWork
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Note: this post is biased in favour of the Quinnmancers & general companion lovers (I make no apologies - blame Covfefe)


I saw nothing mentioned on the lack of customisation for Elara Dorne or Malavai Quinn in the Iokath story or whether Iokath will be repeatable (for those who did Iokath who had no idea their customisation would be removed & were unable to do video capture of their run through as a result). There was no mention or assurances regarding future companion returns (whether they would return customised as per our preference before kotfe).


Also, no mention of a bug fix for the pre and post Iokath Quinn stronghold decoration or his name.

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Note: this post is biased in favour of the Quinnmancers & general companion lovers (I make no apologies - blame Covfefe)


I saw nothing mentioned on the lack of customisation for Elara Dorne or Malavai Quinn in the Iokath story or whether Iokath will be repeatable (for those who did Iokath who had no idea their customisation would be removed & were unable to do video capture of their run through as a result). There was no mention or assurances regarding future companion returns (whether they would return customised as per our preference before kotfe).


Also, no mention of a bug fix for the pre and post Iokath Quinn stronghold decoration or his name.


I would also be interested in knowing why you decided to remove customisation in cutscenes (re: Quinn and Dorne in Iokath), but at the same time decided to add them for newer comps?


But all mean, add customisation to newer comps. But why take it away from existing, thus completely changing their looks for many players?


PS. A question from a friend: in the light of customisations not working in cutscenes for Quinn and Dorne, will re-dressed Theron/Beniko/etc. show up in clothes we give them in cutscenes, or also in the default outfits?

Edited by Lammia
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Thank you for the road map! :) As a story-focused subscriber I'm mostly looking forward to the new story in August! (hopefully that isn't just a flashpoint!! weeps). It felt like the first part of the Iokath story seemed to be bringing back in those Sith vs Jedi traditions, and to be honest whilst I enjoyed KOTFE (kotet less so, sorry; ) I missed that a lot :o I hope maybe that over the course of this year the story can maybe start pushing back in that direction, because I think people missed that imp v. pub feeling a lot?


I think doing the idea of feedback Wednesdays should be interesting, but there's also the whole "A camel is a horse made by committee" and all that; :p Star Wars alone is likely why the SWTOR community is extremely varied, from hardcore MMO'ers to casuals, RPers, and people who have never really had an interest in gaming (I'm always surprised at how many of my friend's dads play this :rolleyes: ). To be honest, I think it will be hard to isolate what feedback and ideas to build on, when a lot of them likely contradict each other, but to be less of a pessimist I think it's good that someone is stepping forward for discussion, since I've read a lot of people saying about how Bioware seems pretty disengaged with its players; Hopefully relations can improve!


In any case, to Keith and the team, good luck for the year ahead! I'm curious to see how things turn out, hopefully everyone will have something to be happy about. :)


(Also, customisable Shae Vizla?? I didn't even know you could get her as a companion hahah;;;; )

Edited by leine-b
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I would also be interested in knowing why you decided to remove customisation in cutscenes (re: Quinn and Dorne in Iokath), but at the same time decided to add them for newer comps?


But all mean, add customisation to newer comps. But why take it away from existing, thus completely changing their looks for many players?


PS. A question from a friend: in the light of customisations not working in cutscenes for Quinn and Dorne, will re-dressed Theron/Beniko/etc. show up in clothes we give them in cutscenes, or also in the default outfits?


I know you guys said you wanted to bring back more companions...I am cool with this...but I am with these ladies here. I have companions who are customized and I would like to have them keep it because lets face it. Standard Corso...this (workfriendly) youtube video perfectly explains my opinion on the matter:

Please Keith....don't make me look at standard Corso again....there is just not enough booze in the Odessen Cantina Edited by Nightfrogger
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Keith, hello, i hope this gets read by you and others; will probably make a thread. Over 90% of Swtor players don't post Online as you most likely know, and also most players don't even know about being able to post here as well.


Topic in being: It is good that we are getting new Multi-player content, that i myself believed has been over due, though i

and do find Uprisings to be good enough Multi-player content like Ops. People, and even I, seem never satisfied right? But as the Swtor team said a few live-streams ago, if you guys were to do Multi-player content then the KOTET stories and other stories would suffer and we had to decide on the live-stream which most people wanted, more Stories or get more Multi-player content early, but wouldn't all be finished because we would be getting it early. Needless to say the Multi-player people won, and i can see why, and also how stupid it could be.




1) Most of us that bought this game did it because of it not just being Star wars, but also because we were all intrigued about different Class stories, and while people like me think that KOTET should've been implemented a lot differently, or not at all. A lot of us still want Stories just as much or more that Multi-player. I like both myself, but want more than anything is be able make the Decision in KOTET/ Iokath redone and be able to Not join the Republic nor the Empire. We think among other things in KOTET that that just killed any reasoning for ever doing KOTFE and KOTET alone.


2) We have to have our Companion stories back. I actually find that more important than any other content that's out now or what is in the Road map. Also, for us to be able to Romance our New companions from KOTFE as well as the old.


3) Don't base Any Combat Revisions based on Pvp. Pvp combat and PvE combat is usually as different as night and day.


4) Get rid of these cursed 399 Galactic Command Levels. 399 levels plus more grinding from even more PvE and PvP is is insanity at it's best in my opinion. I know i'll be attacked on this from Tier 3 or 4 people for saying that, but it's just insane to me and other people that can play up to 6 hours at at time sometimes, and yet still be at only GC 12 because we like to play our alts to and real life issues as well.


5) Please make our Legacy Galactic Command percentages Legacy wide on all characters, or half. I know you guys need the Cartel money, i really do, but i don't have 1 character, and cannot afford to get any character to the highest GC Legacy level. Mainly because i don't have a favorite character and because I don't get any bonus points for every kill i get. Only from completing my Missions.

Edited by MandFlurry
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Hi Keith,


I know it might sound silly but guess, at some point, you guys might want to step back and look at the game with the SW IP removed.


  • How does the game truly compares to the competition without the IP?
  • How would you make it better?
  • Then once done, bring in the IP and make it even better.


My 2c.

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Hi Keith,


I know it might sound silly but guess, at some point, you guys might want to step back and look at the game with the SW IP removed.


  • How does the game truly compares to the competition without the IP?
  • How would you make it better?
  • Then once done, bring in the IP and make it even better.


My 2c.


Deewe, you've been here since the start right?? Anyways, i'm very sure they have thought of that, as we have thought about that ourselves. It can be bad to think about it too much, even if you know answers.


EA does not have SWTOR on the front burner, which is very unfortunate. Right now Bioware alone is helping to make 2 or 3 other Star Wars games, plus this 1 plus doing more content for Mass Effect: Andromeda which EA thinks is doing well, and looks good.


I would, and do hope that EA will give Bioware Austen the teams at least as big as when Beta was happening along with all the other resources. I'm not saying that EA doesn't care about Swtor, but it would be nice if Swtor had more resources for the resources they need.


I hope in being at the EA access/play event on the 10th through 12th of this month and Test Battlefront 2 and try to lobby for Bioware Swtor. Wish me luck on that heheh.:)

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Looks like a pretty solid roadmap for a start. I'm particularly excited about a new SH, sweet! Will we have to sacrifice an using an existing stronghold to get the new one? I'm hoping not obviously..


Also, very happy to see more focus on the group content and 'mmo bits'. Oh and any news about GSF updates is awesome.

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Keith, hello, i hope this gets read by you and others; will probably make a thread. Over 90% of Swtor players don't post Online as you most likely know, and also most players don't even know about being able to post here as well.


Topic in being: It is good that we are getting new Multi-player content, that i myself believed has been over due, though i

and do find Uprisings to be good enough Multi-player content like Ops. People, and even I, seem never satisfied right? But as the Swtor team said a few live-streams ago, if you guys were to do Multi-player content then the KOTET stories and other stories would suffer and we had to decide on the live-stream which most people wanted, more Stories or get more Multi-player content early, but wouldn't all be finished because we would be getting it early. Needless to say the Multi-player people won, and i can see why, and also how stupid it could be.




1) Most of us that bought this game did it because of it not just being Star wars, but also because we were all intrigued about different Class stories, and while people like me think that KOTET should've been implemented a lot differently, or not at all. A lot of us still want Stories just as much or more that Multi-player. I like both myself, but want more than anything is be able make the Decision in KOTET/ Iokath redone and be able to Not join the Republic nor the Empire. We think among other things in KOTET that that just killed any reasoning for ever doing KOTFE and KOTET alone.


2) We have to have our Companion stories back. I actually find that more important than any other content that's out now or what is in the Road map. Also, for us to be able to Romance our New companions from KOTFE as well as the old.


3) Don't base Any Combat Revisions based on Pvp. Pvp combat and PvE combat is usually as different as night and day.


4) Get rid of these cursed 399 Galactic Command Levels. 399 levels plus more grinding from even more PvE and PvP is is insanity at it's best in my opinion. I know i'll be attacked on this from Tier 3 or 4 people for saying that, but it's just insane to me and other people that can play up to 6 hours at at time sometimes, and yet still be at only GC 12 because we like to play our alts to and real life issues as well.


5) Please make our Legacy Galactic Command percentages Legacy wide on all characters, or half. I know you guys need the Cartel money, i really do, but i don't have 1 character, and cannot afford to get any character to the highest GC Legacy level. Mainly because i don't have a favorite character and because I don't get any bonus points for every kill i get. Only from completing my Missions.


Design a game around casuals and you will have a casual game. I dont mind a casual game if you dont mind lowering sub fees to a casual level. I'm sure your bosses wont mind casual revenue if you dont mind casual paychecks.


Stop listening to casuals and f2p. it ruins the game for everyone

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Command Experience Legacy Perk for alts. Once one of your character reaches Command Rank 300, you can acquire a new Legacy Perk to increase CXP gains on all your other characters


Will the be a legacy-wide unlock or a character perk? There is some wiggle room for interpretation, and the speed bonus that had been announced as character perks get called legacy perks on the road map too..


Are we finally getting some legacy-wide unlocks again? Or is this more stuff I'm going to ignore because I'm not going to pay for expensive unlocks for many dozens of characters?



Aside from that.. it's not actually as vague a road map as I had feared. If it does keep returning every quarter, then this seems like a fine thing, even if the anticipation made some people want/expect more.. a road map is just a road map.



EDIT: Want to clarify. I bought a revan holostatue from gtn when I realized it was cheaper than getting all the repair droid unlocks on all my characters (which is something I was in the process of doing). To give some indication of how many characters I play.


I would love to get those unlocks for improved CXP that are in the game now.. but at 3.5m for 10% for a single character.. I would not notice that, as the last time that I didn't play at least 40 characters in a single month was when I stopped playing the game because I couldn't gear my characters in a reasonable amount of time. I do not have a clearly defined 'main' that is more important to me or more played than the rest, so.. the only way these perks would be meaningful to me, is if I started paying 70m-100m or more.. well.. I'm not going to.


Same with the cargo and legacy bay summons.. you've priced them to the point that they're completely unreasonable for someone who doesn't primarily stick to just a few characters.


I wouldn't even mind if the global unlocks section got some love too, but the last time something was put in there, improved mounting, was only because everyone was complaining about that being a character perk, and it's been a while since we've seen that one added.


People do play more characters, and it doesn't feel like that is remembered at all from what changes and additions to the game are made, with the exception of changes that result from player outrage.

Edited by cyrusramsey
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Hey all,


Been reading all the posts in the Roadmap threads. We'll start answering your questions over the next few days. Please keep the feedback coming.




If any of these have been mentioned in the previous 27 pages of posts, fine, but I didn't feel like reading 27 pages of responses to double check.


Things I Like:

1. The focus on Group content and return to MMO features.

2. New rewards for an "old" event (they need to do the same with other events).

3. Legacy perk for CXP that can translate to alts.

4. New Manaan Stronghold...finally.

5. Rare drops from Ops bosses again

6. A New Warzone.


Things that Puzzle me:

1. It's great that class balance and comp customization is happening, but it should've been fixed a long time ago, not introduced as a cool new thing.

2. What took so long to get the Roadmap out if it had hardly anything new in it that the players didn't already know, and only covered the next 3 months?

3. "We'll review and adjust which companions you received through Alliance Alerts" ...What does this mean? People will lose comps and be given others regardless of what they did?

4. "We will regularly look to offer more customization improvements..." Without any specifics, the whole QoL section seems like wishful thinking. You might as well have said "We plan on improving the game". Yeah, cause we haven't heard that before....

5. You mentioned "Where are we headed in the Long run?" but then decide to only commit to 3 month roadmaps....


What Annoys me:

1. Does Bioware realize how god awful their so called "story" content has been over the last two cycles? I can't believe you actually paid someone to come up with the Iokath circus. Does anyone question what's put forth? Do any internal discussions happen about it, ones where someone uses their brain?

2. Does anyone realize that the treatment of returning comps has been awful? You guys repeat the farcically bad "returns" the way they were done with Iokath, and I'm gone for good.

3. "We’ll set expectations for how we want to interact to keep our engagement productive" Really? Maybe you should start by naming the Roadmap "Star Wars: The Old Republic 3rd Quarter 2017, or Summer 2017" instead of just "Roadmap 2017".

4. No plans to deal with disparity in BiS geared players vs bolstered players in pvp? really?

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Hey all,


Been reading all the posts in the Roadmap threads. We'll start answering your questions over the next few days. Please keep the feedback coming.




The thing you need to put into place with pvp is a real match making deal to actually create better matched teams and so that premades aren't able to constantly farm pug teams by creating a proper match system for example premades should almost always face other premades and pugs should almost always face pug teams.

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So besides a new SH, there's nothing new. Keith mentioned MP but didn't get into specifics. Does he mean next week? In November or maybe sometime next year?


PVP: Class balance should've happened 6 months ago. To leave the FOTM class to be FOTY class is just insulting. Why not make adjustments now? This week?


And finally, Keith, you are not giving us what we want. Almost every player has asked for class stories. For years. And what we get - well I like KOTFE/KOTET the first time I ran it. If you think I'm running all my alts through the same story over and over.. you are out of your mind. I might also add, that the story is really made for force users. Sure, you can run it with your agent, but it doesn't feel right.


Anyway, it doesn't matter. My sub is up tomorrow. And I am not impressed and not resupping. Maybe next year, assuming the game is active, I'll take another look. Good Luck.

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Design a game around casuals and you will have a casual game. I dont mind a casual game if you dont mind lowering sub fees to a casual level. I'm sure your bosses wont mind casual revenue if you dont mind casual paychecks.


Stop listening to casuals and f2p. it ruins the game for everyone


Wow, how young you must be. I must admit i can be bad and dirty like you, and i get a bad image for being like the way your judging. Btw. I've been around the Military and Intelligence stuff most of my life, and i love Martial Arts, doing Construction Automobile work, all kinds of tough jobs over the years. I also, help take care of a whole family and help them with other stuff you probably haven't been through yet. Casual casual........


I can be as Casual as not playing for a week, then play 10 hours a day for days at a time, then work. I also do Computer work as well. I don't listen to any kind of segmented group, i like to listen to all kinds because I know MMO's need all kinds of different content.


My my little one.

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Good but you forgot the fusion of the French servers, it would be nice to do a lot of players on demand, but hey, I think you turn a deaf ear on yourself or you do not look at the comments of the players like you said.
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Personally I'm excited by the level of communication alone at this point. Quarterly roadmaps and intended bug fixes for each patch? Frequent posts that don't read like bland corporate doublespeak?


Looking forward to what comes next, Keith.

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Wow, how young you must be. I must admit i can be bad and dirty like you, and i get a bad image for being like the way your judging. Btw. I've been around the Military and Intelligence stuff most of my life, and i love Martial Arts, doing Construction Automobile work, all kinds of tough jobs over the years. I also, help take care of a whole family and help them with other stuff you probably haven't been through yet. Casual casual........


I can be as Casual as not playing for a week, then play 10 hours a day for days at a time, then work. I also do Computer work as well. I don't listen to any kind of segmented group, i like to listen to all kinds because I know MMO's need all kinds of different content.


My my little one.


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When it comes to class balance I hope you consider talking to players beforehand. I also hope you keep in mind that class balance is not exclusively a PvP topic as it affects raiding as well. It might be good to get representatives for both PvE and PvP for both classes and bring them on the PTS to test and suggest changes as we are the ones who play these classes all the time, some of us have been for years, and we can give you ideas off of which to work. There are plenty of suggestions already on the forums, and not just pie in the sky but solid ones with actual arguments and data behind the suggestions. I hope you include the community or at least representatives in this process. Edited by DarthCognusSion
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