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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - Road Map 2017


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While this would be good for pvp players and I can see them doing it, no incentive would get me to pvp. I had way too many bad experiences (minus the couple of times I play with my boyfriend) to ever pvp. But a good idea for pvp players.


But you did have a good time playing it with your boyfriend? What if your guild of friends were also there with you on voice chat and it was like a big OP, just against other players?

When I used to play WoW (which I played exclusively from Launch till swtor launched) I also didn't like pvp for a long time. Then I convinced a friend to come play WoW and he was an avid pvper and he convinced me to pvp. At first I hated it because in WoW pvp, there is no Bolster at all, so for 5-6 lvls of your bracket you were getting pulverised by the top 3 lvls in your bracket.

Then I reached the max lvl in WoW with my pvp character and we started having battleground fights of 20 vs 20 people. These were awesome because of the size and the multiple things you could choose to do. It's this type of pvp that got me hooked. I then became a pvp addict in WoW for 9 years.

I think if we had a pvp type idea like the one mentioned, there would be many people like yourself who would come to like or even fall in love with pvp. I guess what I'm saying is don't say never.

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Hey, Keith. Has there ever been talk about adding some of the retired or unavailable Cartel Card minipets to the Cartel Coin Card Concierge vendor on the fleet? I know of at least one that was only available if you bought the Origin bundle, but now that specific bundle is no longer available that would be great to own, or some of those country specific pets those of us in the US (Or the other way around) can't get. Some of us have an addiction to getting these pets, so... :p


There are also some speeders in the same position. My girl has one that I never got around to getting and I just found out it has the new speed boost in it "naturally", no need to purchase 😉

But even she's a bit miffed because it's on a toon she never uses and its not in the collections to open up 😢

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Yuuzhan vong (although it's EU, would make for a great series of expansions) and slap an M rating on it.


Oh yeah, so true. I know about that. But they're other things they could implement. And they could Sensor some of other Stuff - Oricon is kinda brutal too Xp. ( not really - just a joke xD )

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Oh yeah, so true. I know about that. But they're other things they could implement. And they could Sensor some of other Stuff - Oricon is kinda brutal too Xp. ( not really - just a joke xD )

Im tired of force based expansions. What about czerka outbreak or something. Lots of simple and cool ideas could be done under that title ;) Czerka plans to overtake the galaxy seeing how destroyed empire and republic are with their infinite war. This would make a great base for story and lots of ideas for content. Devs wouldnt have to add new planets, just extend cz-198 and make flashpoints and operations on current planets. I think its kinda sad that we dont have multiplayer PVE content on most iconic Star Wars planets like Tatooine or Hoth.

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Lots of things were said here, but what about user interface? Is there a plan on updateing it? Maybe you will finally open game for addons? This would take some work from you and would let us do our own uis.


Addons only open up the game to more hacks. No thank you !!!.

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But you did have a good time playing it with your boyfriend? What if your guild of friends were also there with you on voice chat and it was like a big OP, just against other players?

When I used to play WoW (which I played exclusively from Launch till swtor launched) I also didn't like pvp for a long time. Then I convinced a friend to come play WoW and he was an avid pvper and he convinced me to pvp. At first I hated it because in WoW pvp, there is no Bolster at all, so for 5-6 lvls of your bracket you were getting pulverised by the top 3 lvls in your bracket.

Then I reached the max lvl in WoW with my pvp character and we started having battleground fights of 20 vs 20 people. These were awesome because of the size and the multiple things you could choose to do. It's this type of pvp that got me hooked. I then became a pvp addict in WoW for 9 years.

I think if we had a pvp type idea like the one mentioned, there would be many people like yourself who would come to like or even fall in love with pvp. I guess what I'm saying is don't say never.


The reason I had fun playing with him is when someone would start yelling at me for something he would go off on them. I am not the type to play something when all someone does is yell and scream at a person. I stopped doing ops because people would yell at someone. I don't think that is the proper way to handle it. If someone is new or doesn't do it often, you should help them not yell at them. Yelling only accomplishes one thing, turning a person off on that activity.


He actually helped me show me what I was supposed to do in pvp so yea with him it made it fun. The others, not so much.

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any news about sage / sorc changes ? anything ?


Not yet. If you skim the staff posts tracker, It appears they're doing the pairings one at a time. Maybe once a week?


#1 - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9327615#edit9327615


#2 - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9333794#edit9333794


If they are doing it once a week, you still have a few days.


Hope this helps

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Are you guys considering something about tactical vanguard defenses? I find this class very interesting and truly want to play it, however iam a pvp player, and currently this spec is very squishy! It dies mainly for second after use of shield and adrenalin rush
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Are you guys considering something about tactical vanguard defenses? I find this class very interesting and truly want to play it, however iam a pvp player, and currently this spec is very squishy! It dies mainly for second after use of shield and adrenalin rush


They've already said (and shown, with their Arsenal changes) that they intend to make little to no changes to DCDs and utilities until August, because they think it's more important to parse just right against a combat dummy.


So yeah. No hope for at least the current Ranked season, it's gonna be Mercs+Sniper+Sorcheals, but you can always hope that the Flavour-of-the-Year roulette lands on one of your mains next season!

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sorry if this does not seem relevant to the roadmap at this time, this is my fist time using the forums and i just wanted to ask about companions. Have you yet considered adding additional companion conversations as i feel like we didnt get enough of them in the expansions due to other companions and story being in the way. And why do they not retun to our ship when we get them back?
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sorry if this does not seem relevant to the roadmap at this time, this is my fist time using the forums and i just wanted to ask about companions. Have you yet considered adding additional companion conversations as i feel like we didnt get enough of them in the expansions due to other companions and story being in the way. And why do they not retun to our ship when we get them back?


I like this ^^.

I myself have not used Forums until I seen this Thread.

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sorry if this does not seem relevant to the roadmap at this time, this is my fist time using the forums and i just wanted to ask about companions. Have you yet considered adding additional companion conversations as i feel like we didnt get enough of them in the expansions due to other companions and story being in the way. And why do they not retun to our ship when we get them back?


I agree with this sentiment, the companion conversations in the original 8 class storylines was always something I really looked forward to. It was always a great way to develop romances, to get to know them and to help their in their little quests. It was such a unique and lovely feature which I do miss quite a bit in KotET and KotFE. The companions have lost their uniqueness a tad as they have become a little bit of interchangable furniture as someone pointed out in another thread, which is a pity. Having those companion conversations back would be great, especially as it could also enhance the romances a little bit as they are a bit... underdeveloped in my opinion in the two new expansions. You only get an interaction ever so often and you can't take things really serious with your partners, like marry Theron or Lana for example. I do miss that quite a bit, yeah.

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  • Dev Post
Hey, Keith. Has there ever been talk about adding some of the retired or unavailable Cartel Card minipets to the Cartel Coin Card Concierge vendor on the fleet? I know of at least one that was only available if you bought the Origin bundle, but now that specific bundle is no longer available that would be great to own, or some of those country specific pets those of us in the US (Or the other way around) can't get. Some of us have an addiction to getting these pets, so... :p
Good question. I'll have someone look into it, but certain exclusive pets will unlikely be made available.
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Addons only open up the game to more hacks. No thank you !!!.
Agreed, plus the amount of coordination it would take with any 3rd party developers could be horrifying. And, if they coded it wrong, it breaks the game. I think we do well enough on our own there. But, definitely interested with improving the UI to make it easier for us healers...I mean for everyone. :p
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Will issues regarding bonus series quest chains being broken be looked at? I had an experience with Balmorra Bonus Series 2 - and have seen similar comments regarding other bonus series quest chains online (but have myself not experienced it). My character is locked out of the questchain and unable to continue because she was able to complete it earlier, unaware that it would lock her out from the bonus series quest chain.


Please see: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=9340593&postcount=326 (a post I made else where) for further details.


Thanks for your time.

Edited by JellyBeannZ
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Is there any chance we could see the Valkorion/Acina-style Dark Side Corruption Eye Colour anytime soon on the Cartel Market? It would be amazing if it was an appearance option that was made available to all species with humanoid eyes, but maybe even the Cathar could get their own special version of it? The design of the Eye Colour both mentioned characters have is just so insanely beautiful. The first time I saw it I was really enthralled by it! Edited by Ylliarus
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Agreed, plus the amount of coordination it would take with any 3rd party developers could be horrifying. And, if they coded it wrong, it breaks the game. I think we do well enough on our own there. But, definitely interested with improving the UI to make it easier for us healers...I mean for everyone. :p

Hi Keith,


respectfully, you've been a GM for WoW and they have 10 times fold SWTOR player base. We both know the addons aren't that much of an issue as long as we are not speaking of automation but graphic UI and positioning tweaking.


You guys can certainly allow players to edit the UI frames


For example the companion UI buttons are mostly useless but maybe for 2 of them and they are taking room for nothing. Then the raid frames aren't convenient at all. The long term class buffs are not useful and the triggered combat icons effects aren't that visible. I don't need 6x12 quickslot bars but 2x16 and 6x6. So why not allowing players to edit them and do your job?


For some stuff we don't need to see the icon, just be able to bind a hot key to it, so allow us to bind directly hot key to skills, pets, companions, emotes, toys without having to put them in quickslots.


Then most certainly you can add macros for RPer emotes, tells and such without opening the Pandora box


But before anything else, we are in a dire need of a one button ignore/report a character, at least characters wide for a player and even better ignore the account. Oh and for god's sake please have someone fix the gear preview window.

Edited by Deewe
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Hi Keith,


respectfully, you've been a GM for WoW and they have 10 times fold SWTOR player base. We both know the addons aren't that much of an issue as long as we are not speaking of automation but graphic UI and positioning tweaking.



Never knew this! interesting.:)

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