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The Road map majority dreams about..


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1. Continuation of 8 independent main classes stories.

2. Meaningful and interactive copmanions (brought back) and reacting to character choices.

3. New, explorable planets (or old ones - extended to new areas).

4. 1 or 2 new meaningful operations with guaranteed boss loots.

5. Gear looted from beating the content, not bought on GTN or CM

6. 1 or 2 new WZs for PVP.

7. Commendiation packs vanished forever.


It is THAT simple.






ahh, I forgot: Classic Jedi Robes for Alex.

Edited by Przemo_No
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- Warzone maps. More Warzone maps!

- Stable 60 fps on Warzone and 16 ppl ops group on any graphical settings.

- Back to Republic vs. Imperial war. Maybe rebuild Jedi Academy, and Sith after fight agaist Ethernal Empire.

- Maybe back to story with travelling across galaxy, new planets.

- Iconic Jedi Robes :rolleyes:

Edited by tummiswtor
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- Back to Republic vs. Imperial war. Maybe rebuild Jedi Academy, and Sith after fight agaist Ethernal Empire.


This is not something I'd like to see. I like being my own independent faction and wasn't that happy when the game forced me to do Pub vs. Imp again (third option where I say: 'Look, you both entered my territory without my knowledge. I'm willing to forget this transgression if you leave this planet now and we can discuss our findings on neutral ground. If you refuse to comply my Eternal Fleed will be on Coruscand and Dromund Kaas tomorrow and full military occupation, I mean peacekeeping forces will land soon after'.

Star Wars can be much more than guys in black and guys in brown hitting each other with glowsticks.

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- Back to Republic vs. Imperial war. Maybe rebuild Jedi Academy, and Sith after fight agaist Ethernal Empire.


How about we just wake up and find out 4.x and 5.x were a really bad dream our characters had? Just retcon out that terrible story arc and the really bad writing that went into most of it.

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Pretty much nothing you said is simple to implement, though. Players need to balance expectations with the reality.


The game seems to be turning in the right direction. It ought to be supported in taking steps towards the path most players want -- multiplayer content, more strongholds, more warzones, more flashpoints -- and not berrated for missteps.


Criticisms and suggestions are one thing, but players ought to be more grateful for what they are getting.


I say this as someone who just re-subbed after a few month hiatus. And the road map's going to keep me subbed. :)

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How about we just wake up and find out 4.x and 5.x were a really bad dream our characters had? Just retcon out that terrible story arc and the really bad writing that went into most of it.


Please please please please please please please please.

In a perfect world.


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- Warzone maps. More Warzone maps!

- Stable 60 fps on Warzone and 16 ppl ops group on any graphical settings.

- Back to Republic vs. Imperial war. Maybe rebuild Jedi Academy, and Sith after fight agaist Ethernal Empire.

- Maybe back to story with travelling across galaxy, new planets.

- Iconic Jedi Robes :rolleyes:


i like this guy.

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Short read: Make the game look right from the get-go, everywhere, from the moment we create a character. It just gives an overall chincy feeling to the game when staring at the same graphical errors every day.


Solving the problem requires bug fixes



1. UV Mapping. There are way too many unsightly and absolutely unnecessary graphical glitches that anyone who knows how to spread a uv map around a 3D mesh should know how to fix. Examples: Trees, rocks, cliff faces, and other surfaces that appear "stretched" or "distorted." This is a uv mapping error (U and V being the 2D vectors applied to a 3D surface, which is what the "skin" on a mesh is, the thing we experience when we look at a 3D object in a game).

1a. Some of the worst UV mapping is on the character load screen. Elements of the various ship interiors are fuzzy, out of focus, and not spread across their 3D surfaces correctly. There's a triangle of metal on one edge of a console on the Defender that is so rezzed out it's not even funny.

1b. Rocks and trees. Forget how a single-processor DX 9.0.c game has "high" resolution textures that are actually cheap low-rez equivalent of water paints. Whole other issue that's a design concern, not a bug per se. The issue is that there's absolutely no reason for there to be a half-decent map on a rock and then you look at one polygon on it and it's distorted beyond recognition. UV mapping issue.


2. Object placement. It just looks damn lazy on the developer's part to leave no fewer than 3 lamp posts on Tython (on the way to Elarian Trail QT point) hovering well off the ground. People might get cute and say "oh it's the force" but it's just flat-out freaking lazy. It gives the appearance that they were in such a hurry that they just couldn't be bothered with proper placement. Same thing on Alderaan with fallen snow mounted at a 45 degree angle from the stone steps it's supposed to be on, leaving this wedge of snow sticking into the air. Sloppy. I understand that moving objects into a landscape that has already been "baked" with shadows/reflections/textures/pathing requires work, but we're years into this game now. There's been the time to revisit initial sloppy work. It's the bean counters holding back progress. "No ROI for doing that! Don't do it! New content only! And work on those cartel crates!" Gotta ship what sells, the rest of the quality of the game is beside the point.


3. Dark engines on taxi swoops, like on Tython. More "it's the force!" Re-bake with illuminated plumes of energy coming from the engines, one way or another. This was obvious something overlooked during initial zone creation and the artwork never revisited. Why never revisited? Because they've already "sold" this content, it's now in the FTP portion of the game, not gated for being a sub like level 70 content, so again, no ROI in fixing it. Damn shame.


4. Texture abuse. It's a design consideration but I call it a bug, a failure by violating basic graphic game engine design principles. You take a certain-sized texture and map it to something far larger than intended and suddenly your eyes are watering when looking at it because it's so fuzzy. No amount of anisotropy or anti-aliasing helps. It's over-stretched and ugly. Yes, it increases load times to put a properly-sized texture on a large object, but hey, it's 2017. We ditched the Pentium IIIs a while ago. This happens a lot to beams, pylons, and other shapes.


5. Bad textures. Not even talking about low-rez versus high-rez. Just bad textures. For example, approach Nik Deleru in the old galactic market. Stand next to him and stare at the wall behind him. See those tiny white square spots on the wall? Those are supposed to be lined up with the small square impressions on the texture as if they're lit up. They're offset by a bit. Also happens on the other walls in that hallway. Play with your graphical settings all you want, put in God's gift to graphics cards, and it won't get better. It's just a bad texture, and again shows no effort on the part of the design team to do it right the first time much less fix it (again, no return on investment for doing so, so we're left with crap). Time to re-tex.


I could go on. You get the idea.

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1. Continuation of 8 independent main classes stories.

2. Meaningful and interactive copmanions (brought back) and reacting to character choices.

3. New, explorable planets (or old ones - extended to new areas).

4. 1 or 2 new meaningful operations with guaranteed boss loots.

5. Gear looted from beating the content, not bought on GTN or CM

6. 1 or 2 new WZs for PVP.

7. Commendiation packs vanished forever.


It is THAT simple.


ahh, I forgot: Classic Jedi Robes for Alex.


And new teirs of gear at more regular intervals like you have been doing since 5.0. That is the only good thing about the 5.0 Era.


Those who complain about new tiers of gear are really mostly PVPers because of the gear differences than in WZs. Which is understandable. This is easily solved by either adjusting the bolster to the appropriate level to render gear difference a non issue, or return to a expertise based gear again and seperate BIS gear and expertise gear. PVPers want skill vs. skill based PVP.


Raiders LOVE new gear, and they want things to work towards. There are plenty of players who were already full 242 by the time 5.2 rolled around and there are plenty of players who are already full 248 and I am one of them =] Keep it coming.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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