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Starting to believe the reviews now?


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not really, gamespot is not independant, its biassed.


meta critic does not do reveiws itself, it has no incentive to make games look good.


I'll always take indendant sites over critics and their forums (which they moderate).


Your ignorance over metacritic is not my problem, neither is your ignorance over the totally biassed joke that is gamespot, its been a laughing stock in the games world for years.




So they influenced all those user reviews?

How so, mind control?


I have been with them for 6 years now.

All my reviews I gave a bad rating to are still on there.


No one expunged those..


The truth of the matter is you are fighting this tooth and nail.

And you are being very myopic.

You didn't come here for validation or proof of the subject.

You came here to vent, plain and simple.


Your agenda is to tear away Bioware's user structure.


But I never listened to your opinions to form my life before today.

So I will not be doing so now.


Reviews mean nothing once you get the chance to play a game yourself.


Here you are preaching to individuals who have made their mind up about the game already.

You will not sway anyone who isn't already in your camp.


You need to spread your point of view in forums where others are seeking an answer to the game.

You will have greater success there.

Edited by Fraxture
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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


Sorry to bring back the OP into this convo, but the MAJORITY of people don't even post on forums and are happily playing the game. I unfortunately visit this haven of negativity while I'm at work and can't play the game that I am enjoying IMMENSELY. Don't think the majority are hating this game... because they aren't.

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This thread seems to be a trend over the last few MMO launches I've been a part of. There are always people that are unsatisified and want to take others down with them. Truth is all MMOs have issues at launch and the ones that survive are the ones that have a dedicated team that listen to the constructive criticism from the community. It is my belief that this is one of those situations and this game will thrive far in to the future. Personally I am enjoying this game very much.


So here is a challenge for all the people out there that feel the need to start QQ on the forums and attempt to insult those of us who enjoy this game for whatever reason we choose to enjoy it~


Since you obviously know the formula for the perfect MMO-go make it. That's right. If this game or any other is so imperfect then go create one how you see fit and show the masses how awesome your ideas are. Not up to the challenge?...then G.T.F.O.

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You see less ppl saying how awesome is this game cause their playing it. I'm only here waiting on my queue...


And... the game is awesome!


yes this ^^ is the only reason I ever come to the forums...lol the game is awesome and trust me when I say this you can not find a better developer when it comes to support of a game they developed and that developer is Bioware. The proof of that statement comes from the years of support they have shown to the NWN and NWN2 community...

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Sorry to bring back the OP into this convo, but the MAJORITY of people don't even post on forums and are happily playing the game. I unfortunately visit this haven of negativity while I'm at work and can't play the game that I am enjoying IMMENSELY. Don't think the majority are hating this game... because they aren't.



"The majority of people are silent and don't post on forums, so that means that the majority of people agree with my opinion!"

Edited by Kenthen
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Sorry to bring back the OP into this convo, but the MAJORITY of people don't even post on forums and are happily playing the game. I unfortunately visit this haven of negativity while I'm at work and can't play the game that I am enjoying IMMENSELY. Don't think the majority are hating this game... because they aren't.


Fanboys of every MMO say this right up until the community takes its last dying breath. I'm enjoying the game, but I'm not blind to the glaring issues it has. If these issues aren't fixed in a timely manner I know I'm going to lose interest fast.

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This game has received harsh reviews because its basicly an average MMO set in star wars, but.... IT'S SET IN STAR WARS!!


er sorry bit over enthusiastic there, I like star wars, I have done the ultimate review of this game I have played it and liked it, I dont need anyone here or anywhere else to tell me what to think.

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I'd be fine with that.


There is an ENORMOUS amount of work that still needs to be done.


As it stands, the game isn't fit for release imo.


Your MMO would be totally better than Bioware's MMO for sure. When can we play yours? Because you clearly know a thing or two about MMO quality.

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Your MMO would be totally better than Bioware's MMO for sure. When can we play yours? Because you clearly know a thing or two about MMO quality.


Agreed, apparently people like to think they know whats best for the game when in truth you have to have a little faith.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


Anyone unsubing dont need to be here and can find something else.


This game rocks and Bioware rules.


Sure it has bugs but they are fixing them and the fun in this game is unmatched

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I'm staying. I read info about the game since it was announced. I knew exactly what to expect. I really don't understand what others expected. Most people assume a selfish standpoint and assume their idea of what they want it what everyone wants.


I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am to be here in the beginning...and its even more exciting to think about where the game and content will be in 1 -2 yrs.


Nothing wrong with a tried and true formula with Bioware ingredients! (big mass effect fan.)


If the games not for you just move along so there can be less QQ post. I would rather share my gaming joy and be constructive in the forums then these type of QQ posts.


If your a hardcore person this may not be the place for you right now.


Or in the future don't buy a MMO day 1. Wait a year for content and fixes. But to judge a game of this scope and size now is blatant ignorance. Now if it's just not your cup of tea , fine. Just move along and let us enjoy it cause it's my cup of tea.


Bioware your awesome!!!


My only grip is EA...I just don't trust them. Any one that ignores customer service like they do...well I could go on.

Edited by WarheartZero
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I played WoW at launch in '04, and SWTOR at launch, and think SWTOR came out of the gate far stronger.


Enjoying it immensely so far. Worried about end-game content, but, WoW also had limited end game for the entire first year, so Bioware has some time in my opinion.


Regardless, fan of multiple MMO's, and I wanted to chime in with a thumbs up so far on this one. Hoping they keep adding to it, and improving it.

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The worst review I've read said " This game is great but doesn't advance the genre" or something to that effect. I'm sure however, you could pull some off the wall review on some hater site and make a point but why bother. Just leave.


Man .. I have to stop feeding these trolls ........

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Most metacritic user reviews I read are to the effect of, "This is not a MMO, OMGOMG single player 0/10".


Yeah i'll make sure to trust stuff like that...


Besides, I've played for a decent amount of time now. Game is awesome. Issues exist, but what MMO doesn't have them. They will be fixed. right now, I'm having a great time.

Edited by Claymaniac
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Because we all know those numbers are based on true opinions, not which publisher sends in the most free stuff.


And because we all know that people that hate something are truly unbiased when talking about their hatred's target. True story.

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I'd be fine with that.


There is an ENORMOUS amount of work that still needs to be done.


As it stands, the game isn't fit for release imo.


Cause you know every game that gets released is perfect...


Even Wow on release had very few PVP BG's and like maybe (1) Raid dungeon? Not mention it had several bugs as well.


I feel it could have used a little work but overall launch was pretty smooth. I did't see many servers crash or restarts, etc.


They are working on bug fixes and other various improvements. You can't have everything at launch. If that was the case then you would have very few MMO's out...


Just saying

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