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  1. What annoys me is when I hit a light side option (i have no force users at all) and people are like "Wow a good sith?" Hello derps, Agents and Bounty Hunters ARE NOT SITH. Thanks for playing.
  2. Because I know that I am as dumb as it gets, and take pride in being the biggest moron out there, I feel no shame in asking this question. Had RNG nightmares doing hardmodes. Finally started running EV and Karrga's (can't spell). I ended up with enough tokens and turn ins to start getting gear for my merc. I ended up buying the pieces with the best stats, now I have a mixed set with no set bonuses. Am I screwed? Now, you will wonder why/how I did that. I blame me and only me. We get done raiding, I am tired, and I go buy my gear. I usually dont realize my mistake till a day or so later. "Oh look, I wanted Eliminator and bought Tech" usually followed with expletives. Question is, with the set bonus's not really being all the great, did I gimp myself by taking the best stat pieces? And, has there been any word on allowing us to refund our purchases back for the tokens/turn ins when idiots like me make the same mistake over and over?
  3. I blew through it, no real issues. The key for me.. Keep Mako geared.
  4. Pretty much what I did, just put the tank and healer on ignore. Saves me the hassle. And I don't think my issue is that they needed on an item I needed, it was the malice behind it. I live by the "don't be a douche" creed.
  5. Before anyone says 'this is why you don't pug' this isnt an anti pug rant. I actually met my guild mates via pugging in this game and until last night it has been a blast pugging. Ran HM BP, not sure about everyone else but RNG has hated me since day 1. BH gear/Merc gear does not drop for my groups. First boss drops the end + 300 power clicky relic. First pieces I have seen in nearly 40 HM's. I roll need. Sith Jug tank rolls need. Sith Sorc healer rolls need. Sorc wins. Being a pug, i bite my tongue, its what i get for pugging. I mention it in my guild chat, ' that blows, damn sorry bud' whatever and on we go. A few minutes later the sorc whispers me ' hey i only rolled need on it because you rolled against my husband, who rolls against a tank? you deserved to lose it' Again, I dont respond, its childish its petty, but it got me thinking. We get to the end, kill the storm squad, and wouldnt you know it, the sith inquis glove token drops. I debated and debated on hitting need, just to say "eff you" but alas I didnt. After sifting through the forums, I see the threads about people needing off class items for their companions, taking gear that the people in the group actually needed.. is this where we are now?
  6. This. Usually he enrages, tank and healer eat it and me and the other dps juggle him. Usually its less then 2% so it doesnt take us much to kill him. The other issue we have had. HM Foundry, HK event bugs after we hit the panels.
  7. I can tell (i think) that you are upset (maybe?) over the changes made to your class. I really am having a hard time reading this (english is probably not your native language?) As with most nerfs (changes) it upsets a lot of people, but hopefully, if its as drastic as you seem to make it sound, Bioware will readjust it.
  8. I read a lot of these "please help the mercs" or "What i see wrong with the mercs" threads and I wonder if I am playing the same class. Currently level 43, and I don't seem to run into the issues that you mention. Sure, I am not a ranged mobile dps (sounds funny). In pvp I can get away from just about anyone. Determination removes all snares, that with Jet blast + Electro dart I can get away, then nail them with a talented unload and they are slowed. In PVP its all about knowing when to use your abilities. I only use the aforementioned skills in Huttball. The other warzones really have little use to kite/escape. I pick my battles, I make sure I get the drop on my targets, and if I have to 1v1 I heal as needed.
  9. I guess that means all the negative reviews are from jealous people who didnt get any swag?
  10. Threat monitor? I think this game has the best built in threat monitoring system ever. OMG ITS KILLING ME. Yup, you have to much threat.
  11. Not knowing your play style i do not know what advice to offer other then do all the missions you can in each zone, toss in some pvp for easy xp and hopefully it makes it easier on you. I find myself out leveling the content faster then I think I should. Good luck!
  12. Reverse engineering creates some amazing pieces that I have yet to see replaced in instances. Granted I am only level 27, but my crafted epic belt, epic gloves, and blue bracers cant be touched yet.
  13. Its not the complaints. Its the negativity that surrounds it. Its the "why isnt this right as soon as it comes out, fix it now" mentality. I am all for people reporting bugs, and issues, but go to the front page of the general forums. Look at all the hostility in the posts. There are better ways to address them. Things take time.
  14. What feature from this game isnt here? You used the "not installing breaks on a car" analogy. What life saving device was not included in this game? And, I think you missed the biggest point of this thread. Its a day old game, they will fix the issues. I dont think anyone has ever said that they were just going to leave it as is.
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