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Starting to believe the reviews now?


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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready
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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


Sadly, EA doesn't care if a game is ready or not.


This is what happens when you partner with the dark horse of the gaming industry.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


I'm having fun. But, adios y via con dios.

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Sadly, EA doesn't care if a game is ready or not.


This is what happens when you partner with the dark horse of the gaming industry.



It was Lucasarts' deciscion to move distribution to EA as far as I've read.

Edited by Sireene
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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready
None of my friends are unsubbing, and I thoroughly enjoy playing this game.


Far better game than the dumpster fire of a game I used to play.

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the game had a deadline it was 2 years overdue... if it didn't get released now.. we wouldn't even have it right now.


EDIT: and if you guys knew EA bought the rights to Bioware after the first Mass Effect I believe. so they are linked and EA are the co- Producer sof SWTOR along with LucasArts.. now if EA didnt help produce SWTOR it would be 4-5 years overdue... or the project would be cancelled

Edited by joshohelp
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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


The sky is falling...the sky is falling!

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I've seen nothing but positive reviews, other than people complaining on these forums. Not sure those count as "reviews" though. PC Gamer gave this game a 93 I believe. Most places are giving it a 90%+ score.



Because we all know those numbers are based on true opinions, not which publisher sends in the most free stuff.

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See it's an MMO things can change in a flash.. they are doing a major patchh in a month or so.. and that will fix most problems until they come out with the new plashpoints.. it's an MO these problems are bound to happen.. also it's their FIRST MMO they need time to adjust to such a genre.. just give them that luxury.
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I'd be fine with that.


There is an ENORMOUS amount of work that still needs to be done.


As it stands, the game isn't fit for release imo.


How do you figure?


The game plays for the vast majority of people.


It's stable.


The servers are not going offline every 20 minutes.


The bugs are not overwhelming. Skyrim has just as many and I don't see anyone saying that should have been delayed.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


Before the game was released, it received bad reviews. After the game was released, people came to their senses and began asking, "What the hell was I thinking? This is a masterpiece!", and gave it excellent reviews.


It's the most rapidly growing MMORPG to date. The post-release reviews were the correct ones. And, the only people you see subscribing are the handful of the ones that frequent the forums. The forum =/= everybody playing.

Edited by Sinister-Sith
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I'd be fine with that.


There is an ENORMOUS amount of work that still needs to be done.


As it stands, the game isn't fit for release imo.


watching you go from negative thread to negative thread spamming your hate for this game makes me wonder one thing.....why are you still here? you are not offering anything posative or any advice, not saying what you think needs to be changed, not even saying what you think is wrong.


you are simply agreeing with every single person who says anything negative about swtor.


so i ask again, if you hate this game as much as you say you do, why are you still on the forums?

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Sadly, EA doesn't care if a game is ready or not.


This is what happens when you partner with the dark horse of the gaming industry.


Activision or EA, yeah, it pretty much amounts to the same thing.

Sadly there's hardly any choice left, it's mostly one or the other these days.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


You see less ppl saying how awesome is this game cause their playing it. I'm only here waiting on my queue...


And... the game is awesome!

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I've seen nothing but positive reviews, other than people complaining on these forums. Not sure those count as "reviews" though. PC Gamer gave this game a 93 I believe. Most places are giving it a 90%+ score.


"Big" gaming reviews are virtually worthless, they don't want to anger the publisher and jeopardize advertising dollars. You'll basically never see a mainstream reviewer give a AAA title a bad review.

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Because we all know those numbers are based on true opinions, not which publisher sends in the most free stuff.


And, opinions being posted on this forum are based on 100% pure fact, and universal opinion that every single man, woman and child agrees on.

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User "reviews" anywhere on the internet are a cesspool of trolling and fanboyism and should under no circumstances be taken seriously.


If you don't think mainstream "reviews" are bought and paid for, nothing can help you.


Mainstream reviewer praises game I like: "See, [reviewer] thinks it's good, that means it's good and if you think it's bad then you're wrong!"


Mainstream reviewer praises game I hate: "Clearly they were bribed into giving this a good score as that's the only reason why anyone would say something nice about it!"


Mainstream reviewer bashes game I like: "Well I suppose [publisher] actually had some integrity and the reviewer got pissed that he wasn't bribed enough to give it a good score."


Mainstream reviewer bashes game I hate: "See, even [reviewer] thinks it's ****, that means it's **** and you're **** for liking it!"



The truth: Yes, some mainstream outlets certainly are bribed (directly or indirectly) into giving games good scores. But more often than not if a game gets a higher score than you think it deserves it's because the reviewer genuinely liked the game more than you because his/her standards of what's good and what's a gamebreaking flaw is different than yours.

Edited by Suzushiiro
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Sadly, EA doesn't care if a game is ready or not.


This is what happens when you partner with the dark horse of the gaming industry.


This couldn't be more true...I have worked with them in the past and to get a project out they set a date and if you don't meet the date, ready or not they start threatening pink slips.


They set the date by the way...not you as the dev.

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