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Do people even objective anymore?


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Coming back from a yearish break, bringing my toons from Bastion to Harbinger, and doing warzones while leveling (so midbies) and you can backcap almost anyone nowadays... I mean before you'd find the occasional noob but ffs some of these wz's have been out since vanilla and there's no one who knows how to play d? I'm glad my original guild is still not around or we'd die of boredom. What happened?
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Your first mistake was q'ing midbies. 2nd mistake was thinking people in midbies have any clue what to do.


Queue 70s if you want to pvp.


Even in 70's objective based pvp is on the decline. You can have the team with the most dps and heals and lose to a 3 cap on coastline. happens all the time on harby.

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I realize midbies isn't going to be allpro, but shouldn't there be one or two vets like me either coming back to the game and grinding to 70 and/or leveling alts? Yes, coastline and voidstar are the worst. Hypergate and Civil War are bad but not as much so. Seriously, there's the usual war at South on coast and people are trying to cap while I'm trying to focus down healers by myself.

Them- 'capcapcap'

Me- how about we kill this healer and clear them out first so we can cap?

Them-wow gunslinger is the new tunnel class. :jawa_mad:

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I'm OBJ try hard and do objectives every single queue regardless of the level I queue at. I try and offer the non OBJers a healthy dose of motivating rage when they do not participate buts that's really all that can be done.
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Yesterday I was playing a game of Hypergate. Was solo guarding pylon (Sentinels shoudn't, I know, but better me than no one). 2 Assassins came and sap-capped me, and there was nothing I could do to prevent it; teammates didn't respond early enough.


Cue 1 ragequit from a teammate, and a Merc joins those assassins against 2 teammates and me. There are literally just 30 seconds left, one Assassin is dead (or he fled) and the other is at 10% health. He runs off to a heath pack nearby, and someone mezzes the Merc. I take my chance and start capping.


The Merc breaks the CC, I cry internally.... And then the merc proceeds to attack literally every other player who's not me. I don't know how or why, I was literally the closest player to him. The entire group just laughs and then he proceeds to repeat the exact same pattern in every following round (we don't let ourselves get sap-capped again obviously).


(This was level 70 btw)


I don't know where all these players who don't play objectives are coming from, but I wish they'd take advice. Any time I tell a group that they should call incs or fight on node, I usually get a mix of "I know" from the people who are already doing all that, and "stop raging" from fools who won't listen. I'm just hoping some of the silent ones are listening, because damn, I like to hope that 90% of the players aren't stupider than rocks.

Edited by EzioMessi
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I used to be a tryhard objective player but more and more often I find myself ignoring the game and tunneling someone annoying. Playing objectives with the current generation of pugs is just a recipe for slowly but surely going insane. Edited by Schoock
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I realize midbies isn't going to be allpro, but shouldn't there be one or two vets like me either coming back to the game and grinding to 70 and/or leveling alts? Yes, coastline and voidstar are the worst. Hypergate and Civil War are bad but not as much so. Seriously, there's the usual war at South on coast and people are trying to cap while I'm trying to focus down healers by myself.

Them- 'capcapcap'

Me- how about we kill this healer and clear them out first so we can cap?

Them-wow gunslinger is the new tunnel class. :jawa_mad:


I thought this same thing when I came back and figured out coastline meta a bit. I have come to realize that merc, sorc, and sage heals won't go down with how OP gaurds are, as well as those classes base defensives. The better thing to do is try to pull them away, and get the lucky cap, at least for south. Your entire team can focus those healers, but if they are remotely well geared, you will accomplish almost nothing. A well crafted distraction, and well timed cc will go a lot further than trying to focus, and clear players out of the south base.

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The reason why I hate objectives in SWTOR is you get left defending a node so far away that the majority of enemies don't even want to make the effort to come over if they know they will meet resistance...plus they can be guaranteed dps at mid. So here I sit at snow or guarding the pylon in hypergate or at west or east in novare wondering what purpose I have in life. Even oddesson proving grounds just poses a zerg solution where everyone caps a node...realizes they are bored and all run off in a direction unknown to even themselves.


I used to love huttball because it required a lot of teamwork that also provided lots of fighting. If everyone on both teams focused the ball there would always be insane death matching with added bonus for objective play and maneuvering to win. Yet people manage to deathmatch without the ball. The reason why I say used to...with lvl 70 powers...the current huttball match can't handle the changes. Scores can happen so easily that it's a joke...its still fun to play but not as fun.


I don't include queshball because that map is always so buggy and can't even see the ball carrier half the match as they speed or roll or leap up ramps they just vanish leaving me with no target to prevent them. So many times I am uptop and I push them off...and the light starts glitching...it shows the light fly back and fall off edge *5 seconds of glitching* ...calms itself...and they are 10m behind me about to score. Like what? Dumb.


Voidstar...is my all time favorite warzone, why? Well first off...offensive mode...NO DOORS. No one likes getting a full door while they have lucky teammates who die just as the door opens so they never feel the oppressive face of waiting 30 seconds doing nothing. So it's fun to be able to just fight all the time and if you die just jump down and fight more...even if you aren't planting it's at least engaging. For defense...two doors that are equal access to both teams makes defending usually not as boring as you will get people who come to fight you often...though I've had rounds where no one does but it is much more fun than snow will no one wants to risk the 30 second walk just to not cap or do much dmg.


Other than that I can't BLAME people for not wanting to guard....somehow if you guard everyone on the team expects you to just spend the whole warzone in boredom. You want to fight too. I usually announce after a couple minutes that I am going to leave and someone should replace me...especially if no combat has arrived at my oh so boring node. If no one comes I just leave anyways. I enjoy winning, I don't mind objectives but I am not going to be everyones guard dummy just standing in place wasting my life.


If teamwork truly existed...people would rotate guards often in a warzone upon death or at least realize that the person over there is BORED to tears and maybe offer to swap. If everyone did this then no one would mind as much doing some time on the node knowing they could join the fray in mid soon.


I agree objectives are a must to win obviously...but to win you have to have a team, and a team has to work together or in reality its just 8 solo players under a single banner, nothing more. You can't expect anyone to play objective in that environment...WHICH IS WHY having only solo ques would be stupid..premades help this a lot. (Responding to previous thread out there) :D

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in all honesty i sonetimes wish people would care less about the objectives right now... at least on my server they seem to care which us actually a goid thing... hiwever these gzys tend to be immune to reading the chat and nake horrible decisions even when warbed before...


its just happening over and over again that people screw up sap caps even tho xou tell then to not follow xou... or that stealtged operative in the endzone wgho crys for a pass... you then give up your free double roll score to pass.. just to see he doesnt unstealth... multiple times... in tge same match..

i mean i am an operative main and ibjectives is what im born for... but i think what pvp is lacking mowadays is NOT objective orientated pkayers... much rather one of the core abilities every class can provide: communication...


in a nutshell: before us elitists teach newbies how to pvp... we have to teach em how to talk and write

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Even in 70's objective based pvp is on the decline. You can have the team with the most dps and heals and lose to a 3 cap on coastline. happens all the time on harby.


That's because most people in unranked level 70 pvp are there for the cxp.

Edited by cool-dude
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Three things sort of lead to the slow transition to number farming rather than objective focused play.


1) General boredom with the game. The rate of actual change in the game (class balance, meta shifts, new maps) is so slow that playing for objectives gets really stale. At least with number farming, it's easier to set goals for yourself ie. aiming for a new PB in dps/hps/prot, killing blows, solo kills etc.


2) The power creep in this game is just horrid. Keep in mind, many of these objective maps were made when class survivability was much lower. It was easier to kill any class, healing uptime was harder due to the lesser mobility and weaker overall aoe healing/reliable single target burst. This lead to more kills, more momentum for a team and an easier time swinging a game around which meant more interesting objective play.


3) 'Main' loyalty. The times many players are nostalgic of ie. 1.x, 2.x days were also a time when alting was not very easy. Getting another max level character took time. Players were relatively less experienced with the game and thus picking up a new class was not as easy as it is these days. A lot of players (much more than now) picked one class and stuck with it despite it being fotm or not. These days, almost everyone has every class at max level. Almost everyone has competency with every class since class playstyle change is not frequent enough to require a lot of time to re-learn. This has lead to a player pool who picks classes to win games; healers are overly abundant because no one wants to play in a team without a healer, tankier dps classes are overly abundant because if you don't get a healer at least you have a chance to outlast opponents, tanks are seeking healers to q with because it improves the chance of success. It's just easier these days to pick something overpowered because everything is more accessible. Suddenly when this is all stacked into both teams, you just get turtle comps where nothing changes and objective play can't really be achieved. If I'm on novare and the opposing team has a tank and healer defending west, 2 healers 1 tank 2 merc dps and an engi sniper at mid, it's just not fun to try break either of those walls to get to objectives.



Obvious solution

Address power creep, suddenly when players are dying more frequently it's harder to farm numbers and objectives are more appealing to go after.

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Three things sort of lead to the slow transition to number farming rather than objective focused play.


1) General boredom with the game. The rate of actual change in the game (class balance, meta shifts, new maps) is so slow that playing for objectives gets really stale. At least with number farming, it's easier to set goals for yourself ie. aiming for a new PB in dps/hps/prot, killing blows, solo kills etc.


2) The power creep in this game is just horrid. Keep in mind, many of these objective maps were made when class survivability was much lower. It was easier to kill any class, healing uptime was harder due to the lesser mobility and weaker overall aoe healing/reliable single target burst. This lead to more kills, more momentum for a team and an easier time swinging a game around which meant more interesting objective play.


3) 'Main' loyalty. The times many players are nostalgic of ie. 1.x, 2.x days were also a time when alting was not very easy. Getting another max level character took time. Players were relatively less experienced with the game and thus picking up a new class was not as easy as it is these days. A lot of players (much more than now) picked one class and stuck with it despite it being fotm or not. These days, almost everyone has every class at max level. Almost everyone has competency with every class since class playstyle change is not frequent enough to require a lot of time to re-learn. This has lead to a player pool who picks classes to win games; healers are overly abundant because no one wants to play in a team without a healer, tankier dps classes are overly abundant because if you don't get a healer at least you have a chance to outlast opponents, tanks are seeking healers to q with because it improves the chance of success. It's just easier these days to pick something overpowered because everything is more accessible. Suddenly when this is all stacked into both teams, you just get turtle comps where nothing changes and objective play can't really be achieved. If I'm on novare and the opposing team has a tank and healer defending west, 2 healers 1 tank 2 merc dps and an engi sniper at mid, it's just not fun to try break either of those walls to get to objectives.



Obvious solution

Address power creep, suddenly when players are dying more frequently it's harder to farm numbers and objectives are more appealing to go after.


No healers should never die. Tanks should have unlimited guard range. DPS should have multiple h2fs. There should be a billion cc immunities so stuns don't work as intended. Multiple escapes, 5 cc breakers please...I am waiting for when every class has a shoulder cannon equivalent. Soon everyone will dps while stunned too since you can use half the dcds in this game while cc'd.

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People don't realise you can play objectives and farm numbers at the same time... it just requires using your brain.. which sadly, lots of people can't.. good pvpers can do both.. so people who just farm numbers aren't actually good pvpers in my opinion.. sure, they maybe able to fight and be good at that.. but if they can't do both or are too lazy.. then they aren't good.
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