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Hood/Mask issue


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i am wearing a mouth mask, and have had other masks too that covered mouth and eyes and they work perfectly fine with my hood.


having a full scale helm and a hood over would look ridiculous. just like those hip hop kiddies with their baseball caps under a hood. or even people wearing a baseball cap under the motorbike helmet or construction helmet.

Edited by Sireene
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having a full scale helm and a hood over would look ridiculous. just like those hip hop kiddies with their baseball caps under a hood. or even people wearing a baseball cap under the motorbike helmet or construction helmet.


This isn't for asking opinions on whether it looks good or not. The fact of the matter is, it's supposed to work. Several NPCs who wear a mask/helmet are supposed to have a hood up with them. Revan especially, but also an NPC named Kallig. If you look at his codex entry, he clearly has a hood up with his mask. But in-game he lacks a hood due to this bug. Many Dark Council members are supposed to have the hood+mask combo as well, and while I haven't seen them in-game yet I imagine if they are actually in the game they'd have this bug as well.

Edited by Sireene
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This isn't for asking opinions on whether it looks good or not. The fact of the matter is, it's supposed to work. Several NPCs who wear a mask/helmet are supposed to have a hood up with them. Revan especially, but also an NPC named Kallig. If you look at his codex entry, he clearly has a hood up with his mask. But in-game he lacks a hood due to this bug. Many Dark Council members are supposed to have the hood+mask combo as well, and while I haven't seen them in-game yet I imagine if they are actually in the game they'd have this bug as well.


Exactly. It's such a minor and annoying flaw, what was the cause to remove it? Revan looked wrong. WRONG.

Edited by Feskmacka
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Exactly. It's such a minor and annoying flaw, what was the cause to remove it? Revan looked wrong. WRONG.


My best guess is that it was some sort of side effect when they removed hoods for Twi'leks. Hoods worked pretty well in the beta, up until they removed hoods for Twi'leks and then suddenly this bug appeared. So it seems likely that the two go hand in hand.

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Totally supporting this thread


Also, that colour maching issue in Allblackmusic's sig: http://imgur.com/r6WrI - my trooper looks like made of different Lego pieces too and it annoys the heck out of me.


For a game that boasts character-driven gameplay, they're doing visual character related stuff surprisingly badly.

Ohwell, can't have them all I guess

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Bumping a worthy thread.


Again, I switched to a Sith Warrior to see what its like, and they have all kinds of great robe with hood down options. But they ALSO get robe with hood up options.


Why couldn't they do this with the Jedi? That makes no sense, to have every single robe have the hood up, especially when you can't get rid of it.


Oh and the mask thing too (even though I really don't care about that as much).

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Bumping a worthy thread.


Again, I switched to a Sith Warrior to see what its like, and they have all kinds of great robe with hood down options. But they ALSO get robe with hood up options.


Why couldn't they do this with the Jedi? That makes no sense, to have every single robe have the hood up, especially when you can't get rid of it.


Oh and the mask thing too (even though I really don't care about that as much).


yeah well.. Even if those clothes are supposed to be unique for each class.. I think that some styles of gear should be common for similar classes and should be unique by skin.. For example Jedi Knights wants more robes like Sith Warriors without hoods... Sith Inquisitors want more pants and robes like Jedi Consulars have (SI have only one robe like that)

Which is this one:




I think that it would not be so wrong to put some examples of common wear to all classes... Like all force classes would have some robes with hood and some without hood.. and not the way that one class have robes with hood, other class without hood, and another class dosnt have robes at all... Those would be just few common styles that are base for all classes similar classes (force users, not force users).. than there would be special unique class gear to make classes unique..

Edited by Allblackmusic
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i am wearing a mouth mask, and have had other masks too that covered mouth and eyes and they work perfectly fine with my hood.


having a full scale helm and a hood over would look ridiculous. just like those hip hop kiddies with their baseball caps under a hood. or even people wearing a baseball cap under the motorbike helmet or construction helmet.


So you think you shouldn't have the choice? What the hell is wrong with you?

Edited by Sireene
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i am wearing a mouth mask, and have had other masks too that covered mouth and eyes and they work perfectly fine with my hood.


having a full scale helm and a hood over would look ridiculous. just like those hip hop kiddies with their baseball caps under a hood. or even people wearing a baseball cap under the motorbike helmet or construction helmet.


well but those masks should not be helmets... How do you explain Revan´s mask being helmet? We all know that it is mask.... But in game it is helmet... We are not responsible for mask being helmets.. we want just masks that will work under hood...

Edited by Sireene
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+1 Another supporter for this thread


Reasoning 1- The codex entry for Revan under "Epic Enemies" Shows him clad in full mask AND hood


Reasoning 2- Player model issues should not be a hindrance on making this a feature


Reasoning 3- This thread


Reasoning 4- Clearly people want it


Reasoning 5- Make an option for it under social if you are worried about players reactions


Reasoning 6-10 we've wanted it since kotor, and still want it.

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i have submitted 2 tickets in game for this and both times the tickets have been closed without explaination.


i might actually cancel my account if they are not willing to be supportive, not sure why they are so cagey about this tbh.


oh and bump.

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I agree its rather ridiculous that they arnt following up with Tickets but at this point they are more concerned with bugs and issues than player preferences and suggestions, they have to prioritize and if that means cancelling tickets that are not affecting game play then that's what they have to do.
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ok i have had a response and its not good..


Thank you for letting us know of your concern. We do apologize for any inconvenience or frustration that this has caused on your part.


The hoods in the game are working as intended by the developers. That is, if you place an equipment in the head slot, the hood will be taken off showing the helm or maks that you equipped. Although, if you wear a headband, the hood will be kept.


We are sincerely apologizing for he confusion regarding your previous ticket as I assume that the last agent thought that you were reporting a known bug.

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