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Gender Change?


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Before I get started this is not meant to be an inflammatory topic, so please try to refrain from bringing any IRL politics into this. I'm only asking this question from a technical, in-game feature. If this does get out of hand, I do suggest that we try to stay on topic and be respectful of others' opinions. Thanks.


I'm curious if there are any plans to allow gender changes in the appearance designer in the cartel bazaar. I used a level 60 token to create a male Chiss bounty hunter, but then decided to use that design to create a level one character with the same design to play the class story. I wanted to make the level 60 one a female to be the level one's sister, and I was curious if this would ever be possible. I'm not trying to make a transgender character (although there's absolutely nothing wrong with that), I'm just trying to redesign my character into another one. Thanks.

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But I don't think it will ever happen.


It won't. Devs said no for the same reason we can't flip flop sides. Screws up the companion storylines.


Which I guess is moot with the merged story lines in the last 2 xpacs but that what they said previously.

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Since gender is now fluid...it should be incorporated into the game so people don't feel traumatized by being forced to play something they don't identify as that day.


That mean I can finally play as a pony?

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Since gender is now fluid...it should be incorporated into the game so people don't feel traumatized by being forced to play something they don't identify as that day.




Shhhhh please don't bring real life sociopolitical issues into this. OP clearly specified that they only care about customizability and that's what they're discussing.

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Shhhhh please don't bring real life sociopolitical issues into this. OP clearly specified that they only care about customizability and that's what they're discussing.

I'm sorry that's what you thought I was doing...I wasn't. I was just saying that it's ok to change gender at will irl, it should be in game as well. This has nothing to do with politics or anything else.

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Since gender is now fluid...it should be incorporated into the game so people don't feel traumatized by being forced to play something they don't identify as that day.




Its star wars, you know the land of sith that can make giant machines that blow up planets? And laser cross bow wielding giant teddy bears? A place where there a shape shifters and the like, it isn't unreasonable to ask for this. And itd be nice for people like me who are actually transgender. =)

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Quite frankly, if someone's "traumatized" by being "forced" to play as a character whose the opposite gender of themselves, they have much bigger problems to think about than that character's gender. For one thing, the character isn't a reflection or representation of them in real life.


On the practical side, no. Never going to happen. This is what re-rolling the character is for. Changing a character's gender when they've already started their story would screw up FAR too many things in this game's already-fragile code.


And on another side, let this discussion die. If it keeps going, it shall promptly be nuked by flame wars raging across the forums. Bottom line: it's not going to happen. Please - don't discuss it further.

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Quite frankly, if someone's "traumatized" by being "forced" to play as a character whose the opposite gender of themselves, they have much bigger problems to think about than that character's gender. For one thing, the character isn't a reflection or representation of them in real life.


On the practical side, no. Never going to happen. This is what re-rolling the character is for. Changing a character's gender when they've already started their story would screw up FAR too many things in this game's already-fragile code.


And on another side, let this discussion die. If it keeps going, it shall promptly be nuked by flame wars raging across the forums. Bottom line: it's not going to happen. Please - don't discuss it further.


You could just get a warning before hand that you will get default choices and romances done for you after changing gender. Problem solved =).

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Shhhhh please don't bring real life sociopolitical issues into this. OP clearly specified that they only care about customizability and that's what they're discussing.


Oh please, get a sense of humor ... first thing I thought of was a some sort of smart alec Bruce Jenner comment. TUX just beat me to it.

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I support the idea of being able to change the gender of characters. I mean, the only love interests we can really access or get interactions with now in the storyline are Lana and Theron (and maybe Koth and Senya? I've never tried with either so not sure), and they're both bisexual so switching gender wouldn't mess up those relationships. You'd just have to give up any romance you had with your class companions, which you basically have to do anyways for most characters because they have yet to bring back most romanceable companions after two years.


Switching faction would probably not be possible to code, just because of the complete change of companions associated with each class. It would be nice--especially with all of us being forced to pick a side in the War of Iokath storyline--but I doubt it will happen.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Which I guess is moot with the merged story lines in the last 2 xpacs but that what they said previously.


That still doesn't make the original 8 storylines and those companions a moot point most obviously.

I don't really care for the gender change station. there was never a clear one direction or another to support even if the devs had mentioned nothing at all just for the purposes of your arguement.

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That still doesn't make the original 8 storylines and those companions a moot point most obviously.


Didn't say that. The reason previously given was that a gender change would mess up the companion story lines. With the xpacs, the companion storylines are set and we've moved on.

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They've said it's technically infeasible as the character's gender is tied into more than just appearance and dialogue flags. Dig through the dev tracker enough and it's there. I'm sure some might argue that it's possible to do, that it's a lot easier than the developers make it out to be, etc. etc. But seeing as that's the official stance and they haven't been able/willing to do a lot simpler things, let alone fix years old bugs, there's not much hope for a gender change option ever happening.
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Since gender is now fluid...it should be incorporated into the game so people don't feel traumatized by being forced to play something they don't identify as that day.




way to keep it non-political. -_-

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Shhhhh please don't bring real life sociopolitical issues into this. OP clearly specified that they only care about customizability and that's what they're discussing.


It's rediculous, get over it and just make another character. If people are against it, then some people that they/we are Sociopatihic crazies. I would say they could be the same.i think the gender change is for crazy people when all they have to do is make a new character. People want Real life issues in the game when stuff like this shouldn't even be considered unless "said persons/persons made a mistake in Character creation".


That, i would understand. But if those 'said persons' cannot distinguish Male from Female, then they should probably go back to school.


Sorry for any offence, but that's me.

Edited by MandFlurry
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I really don't know why gender change isn't already available, as it could be a money maker. If they don't want to retcon any of the Companion romances that may have taken place in the Vanilla Class stories, they could just throw up a dialogue popup window that says that no existing romances will be taken into account at this point. Edited by Edyn
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I really don't know why gender change isn't already available, as it could be a money maker. If they don't want to retcon any of the Companion romances that may have taken place in the Vanilla Class stories, they could just throw up a dialogue popup window that says that no existing romances will be taken into account at this point.


Pretty sure it's game breaking as it would reset a whole bunch of flags. We aren't just talking cut scene stuff. I believe they said that such a change would need to be done hard coded by a Dev per each. In other words a token can't switch all the flags.

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It won't. Devs said no for the same reason we can't flip flop sides. Screws up the companion storylines.


Which I guess is moot with the merged story lines in the last 2 xpacs but that what they said previously.


Yep heard all the reasons before. It's why I didn't go into a one page essay of why I want the option and why they won't do it and why I think the reasons are bull crap.

I just couldn't be bother having the argument again as I know they'll never do it.

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