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Qui-Gon Jinn - Was he right?


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Hello folks a buddy of mine and I have been debating weather or not Qui-Gon Jinn was correct in believing Anakin Skywalker (AKA Darth Vader) was the one foretold in the prophecy to bring balance to the force, Or was it his son Luke Skywalker?


Both Sides have very valid points, in one hand it was Anakin for returning to the light side of the force and destroying the last sith before he himself expired.


Or Luke being used as an instrument of the force, his actions being the result his father returned to the light.


I really wanted to see what the community has to say on this. And go

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I think it was just a bad plot device Lucas created to make episode I "work".


With that being said, there really is no way to tell if he brought balance or not. There is nothing to define what bringing "balance" to the force means. Balance usually implies equality. Killing the remaining sith does not balance anything, just favors the good. However if balance means, bringing a calm and ending to uneasyness, then yes he did....sort of.


Except in the fact if you consider all the EU canon, nothing gets balanced. There are other Jedi and Sith, the emporer gets cloned etc. Lucas pretty much turned the whole jedi/Sith established canon all retarded with EpI-III even within his own story.


If you follow JUST movie canon, Vader and luke balanced the force kind of. Vader Kills Obi-Wan leaving 2 jedi and 2 sith.. 2 sith Vader/Palpatine, 2 Jedi - Luke/Yoda. Except no one knew yoda existed anymore anyway.


I really feel there is no way to argue this OR provide a good hypothesis since the rules set forth by the universe are also broken by the same universe and anything else is either undefined or poorly defined.

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I'd like to interject with the popular theory that the Sith were the imbalance in the Force; that the dark side is a corruption and taint. This gives a little more meaning to Obi-wan's lines during his semi-final duel with Anakin, that he was supposed to bring balance to the force, not leave it in chaos. Anakin did eventually bring balance by returning to the light side and ending the empire, though the sith proved their tenacity and came around again not too long after.
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Im no super nerd, but i could have sworn i heard from a few super nerds, that acts 7 8 and 9 are about luke and leia starting a new jedi order, and discovering that the emporer cloned himself, like 1000 times??? supposedly he had just figured out how to clone force sensitive clones, and they were 'incubating' in some super secret facility when he died...


i could be wrong though.. this is purely speculation on a conversation that probably took place very High.


Also, without a doubt, anakin was the chosen one.. because he was Imaculatly concieved by the force... luke and leia were technically bastard kids... that happened to be force sensitive, because their dad was the original Jesus. Sure, luke was one of the factors in anakin DECIDING to kill the emporer, but luke was just the butterfly effect... Anakin was still the puppet master to the whole scheme...



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Im no super nerd, but i could have sworn i heard from a few super nerds, that acts 7 8 and 9 are about luke and leia starting a new jedi order, and discovering that the emporer cloned himself, like 1000 times??? supposedly he had just figured out how to clone force sensitive clones, and they were 'incubating' in some super secret facility when he died...


i could be wrong though.. this is purely speculation on a conversation that probably took place very High.


Also, without a doubt, anakin was the chosen one.. because he was Imaculatly concieved by the force... luke and leia were technically bastard kids... that happened to be force sensitive, because their dad was the original Jesus. Sure, luke was one of the factors in anakin DECIDING to kill the emporer, but luke was just the butterfly effect... Anakin was still the puppet master to the whole scheme...




Dude, don't tease us with 7, 8 & 9. I've been waiting on news for these three since 1983 when I saw Jedi, lol. When I heard he was dropping the last 3, I just about cried.

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He did return balance to the force just not in the way they(the Jedi Council) interpreted the prophecy. When Episode 3 ended there were 2 Sith, Vader and Sideous, and 2 Jedi, Yoda and Obi-Wan. Balance in the force.


By all means I dont mean to flame or argue against you but there were a number of padawans and knights on different planets that survived Order 66, a lot of the books and material in the expanded universe touch on that


I do agree he did though, Anakin killed the emperor...brought the balance back, nuff said

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Also, without a doubt, anakin was the chosen one.. because he was Imaculatly concieved by the force... luke and leia were technically bastard kids... that happened to be force sensitive, because their dad was the original Jesus. Sure, luke was one of the factors in anakin DECIDING to kill the emporer, but luke was just the butterfly effect... Anakin was still the puppet master to the whole scheme...


Bastard kids? Anakin and Padme were legally married when Luke and Leia were born...

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Bastard kids? Anakin and Padme were legally married when Luke and Leia were born...


What??? they werent legally married... sure, they had a ceremony, but jedi are forbidden to take place in such things... im pretty sure they cant have any sort of social leverage or status, or any Possessions, for that matter.... so, the marriage was Void.... it was just a Valentines day on naboo... no more, no less...


if they were 'legally' amrried, why did Obi-wan have to figure it out?? why did they have to hide padme being pregnant??


because they were 'technically' bastard kids...



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Anakin did fulfill the prophecy - the Jedi simply misinterpreted what the prophecy meant.


The prophecy said a Jedi would come along would "restore the balance" of the force. Fair enough. But what does "balance" mean?


Now move your attention over to the situation with the Sith as of the movies. The "rule of two" was in place by this time, meaning the entirety of the Sith consisted of only one master and one apprentice at any given time. Two Sith left in the entire galaxy.


And what does Anakin do? Turn to the dark side and then proceeds to massacre all the Jedi. Well, not quite all of them... Yoda and ObiWan survive the purge.


One master and one apprentice.


Ta-da! Balance has been restored.

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Basically the EU written before the prequels (which Lucas never referred to) completely invalidates the prophecy, by having many Sith fight the New Jedi Order after the end of the films. That being said one could say that the prophecy was not meant to bring order to the force in the way the Jedi expected it to by destroying the Sith. Or perhaps neither Anakin or Luke were the Chosen One and the prophecy has yet to be fulfilled.
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What??? they werent legally married... sure, they had a ceremony, but jedi are forbidden to take place in such things... im pretty sure they cant have any sort of social leverage or status, or any Possessions, for that matter.... so, the marriage was Void.... it was just a Valentines day on naboo... no more, no less...


if they were 'legally' amrried, why did Obi-wan have to figure it out?? why did they have to hide padme being pregnant??


because they were 'technically' bastard kids...




It never says they weren't legally married, just like it never says they were. But it depends what government you're going off of, and it depends how many credits it would take to keep it quiet. They had a ceremony, and they considered themselves married.



Overall, yes Anakin = Chosen One. He brought balance to the force when he killed Sidious and then died redeemed. This is official canon lore, and has been answered in about four threads I've seen so far. Dunno why everyone keeps asking.


Also dunno why everyone keeps thinking Luke did it. He didn't kill Sidious OR his Father. If you don't understand that, go watch Episode 6 again.


EDIT: Of course, the fact that the EU claims the One Sith was in hiding for part of the Old Republic days, all of the Empire days, and a whole long time afterwards kinda make it all seem a little... lolwutish.


I for one just think prophecy altogether is retarded. No matter what genre or whatever it's used in lol.

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Well if you think about it the darkside had enveloped the world so by killing the emperor he brought balance because it would take time of just good to balance out the evil.





I think it was just a bad plot device Lucas created to make episode I "work".


With that being said, there really is no way to tell if he brought balance or not. There is nothing to define what bringing "balance" to the force means. Balance usually implies equality. Killing the remaining sith does not balance anything, just favors the good. However if balance means, bringing a calm and ending to uneasyness, then yes he did....sort of.


Except in the fact if you consider all the EU canon, nothing gets balanced. There are other Jedi and Sith, the emporer gets cloned etc. Lucas pretty much turned the whole jedi/Sith established canon all retarded with EpI-III even within his own story.


If you follow JUST movie canon, Vader and luke balanced the force kind of. Vader Kills Obi-Wan leaving 2 jedi and 2 sith.. 2 sith Vader/Palpatine, 2 Jedi - Luke/Yoda. Except no one knew yoda existed anymore anyway.


I really feel there is no way to argue this OR provide a good hypothesis since the rules set forth by the universe are also broken by the same universe and anything else is either undefined or poorly defined.

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I always interpreted "balance" in the Force to mean there are no sith left alive. Sidious was imbalancing the Force with his existence. The whole line by Obi-wan saying "You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them!" kinda points to this.


And of course, eventually Anakin did bring balance to the Force when he killed Palpatine.

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From what I understand, the 7, 8, 9 episodes are in book form...


Luke starts a New Jedi Order... aliens from another Galaxy invade... they're immune to the force and can stand toe to toe against lightsaber with some strange organic-like staff thing and are some kind of doppleganger species that can take the form of a human, or something.


A friend of mine explained it all in great detail a long time ago, in a zip code far, far away... and it was very interesting... but I don't remember the details.


Oh and OP - Anakin was the chosen one.

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Im no super nerd, but i could have sworn i heard from a few super nerds, that acts 7 8 and 9 are about luke and leia starting a new jedi order, and discovering that the emporer cloned himself, like 1000 times??? supposedly he had just figured out how to clone force sensitive clones, and they were 'incubating' in some super secret facility when he died...


i could be wrong though.. this is purely speculation on a conversation that probably took place very High.





Thats Kinda accurate, the emperor had setup a stash of cloned bodies for himself to transfer into in the case of his death (simaler to the force ghost ability), and had hidden them all over the galaxy, this is also around the same time that the Imperial Remnant (the remaining imperial fleet/army) attacked Coruscant lead by Admiral Thrawn. Then theres the Extra-Galactic Invasion, and the Fall of Jacen Solo ect...



Lets just say in Star Wars no one learns there lessons History is dommed to repeat itself, kinda makes the whole prophecy pointless...

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Anakin brought balance by his sheer existence.


First of all he was both light side ans dark side balancing the force within himself.


Without him the Sith would not have overthrown the jedi (Master Windu's duel with Sidious)


-Balance towards the dark when light was overwhelming-



without him the jedi would not have destroyed the sith (ending Sidious life on DeathStar II)


-Balance towards the light when dark was overwhelming-

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