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When is the next chapter scheduled to be released?


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As much as I wouldn't like to agree, it's pretty difficult to continue the actual characters storyline from this point. Once you're on Iokath, you're basically on the path to becoming a Eternal God, of course they'll release the full operation soon, but story wise.. I don't see one happening.

I see the game coming to a close by 6.0 at the latest, because like I mentioned I don't see any continuing story after we become fully Gods.

Unless they decide to revive Kephess that is.

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As much as I wouldn't like to agree, it's pretty difficult to continue the actual characters storyline from this point. Once you're on Iokath, you're basically on the path to becoming a Eternal God, of course they'll release the full operation soon, but story wise.. I don't see one happening.

I see the game coming to a close by 6.0 at the latest, because like I mentioned I don't see any continuing story after we become fully Gods.

Unless they decide to revive Kephess that is.


I don't know about that. I believe there is quite a few places they could go with the story. Ultimately I think it will go back towards republic vs empire but something major would have to happen to shatter the alliance unless they go with a 3 way struggle. There are plenty of options there in my opinion.

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There are no more chapters; the last one was KOTET's chapter 9 the showdown with Valkorian's spirit. From Iokath onwards aren't they just going to be non repeatable "Updates" interspersed with one or more Ops, uprisings and flashpoints? If they are doing a flashpoint, hopefully it will be similar to how they did Ilum and Manaan (doable solo with a companion).
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There are no more chapters; the last one was KOTET's chapter 9 the showdown with Valkorian's spirit. From Iokath onwards aren't they just going to be non repeatable "Updates" interspersed with one or more Ops, uprisings and flashpoints? If they are doing a flashpoint, hopefully it will be similar to how they did Ilum and Manaan (doable solo with a companion).


On a Stream before 5.0 launched, they said that any future chapters if they are done again will only be with a at the launch of a new expansion like how KotET was done. If Iokath is any indication you are to get Storyline, group content, and other activities seperate but bundled together.

Edited by FerkWork
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I also hope they never do this again. I appreciate the effort and the attempt, but I just don't care about one single story for all of my characters.


I found myself playing less and less as chapters were released. I think I did KotFE on 12 out of 23 characters and with each character after the first two I just mashed spacebar cuz it was the same story for each one and choosing light/dark ended up not even making a difference.


And then as each chapter came out I did them on fewer and fewer characters to where by the end I only completed KotET on a single character. I had planned on doing another with Dark Side choices but I just don't care.


This is where I really miss Vanilla SWTOR with 8 different stories that I could come back to after a few months and feel like I haven't done them before. Even places like Makeb where it was still 90% gameplay and 10% common story were great.


TL;DR - I think I can sum up my feelings on these last few years of chapters in that as more and more came out I played them less and less and it feels like I'm WATCHING a Star Wars game instead of actually PLAYING one.


TL;DR the TL;DR - Please no more chapters/storytelling in their current form.

Edited by PetFish
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Not sure when honestly, but hopefully it closes the Iokath storyline, dissolves the alliance, and gets us back to the good old empire vs republic war for the galaxy because that's what Star Wars is all about. I hope it releases soon though, because Iokath was about an hour of gameplay at best :(
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Not sure when honestly, but hopefully it closes the Iokath storyline, dissolves the alliance, and gets us back to the good old empire vs republic war for the galaxy because that's what Star Wars is all about. I hope it releases soon though, because Iokath was about an hour of gameplay at best :(


Dissolves the Alliance you say? So, My Inq became an Emperor. Everything he ever aspired to. After a few month the story goes "F**** you, you're no longer an Emperor, now you're... A guy fighting for the Empire. For some reason. Not an ally of the Empire, just a grunt again. Or suddenly you're a Jedi, if you chose the Republic. Have fun." Yeah, sounds promising. :D


Really, I'd rather have them stick with PC being an independent leader aligned with one of the old factions and the story giving us challenges that can't be resolved by an orbital bombardment or sending a ton of skytroopers. If they were able to write Inq in such a way that Dark Council member on the frontlines didn't seem off (in RotHC and SoR), they can write decent continuation for Alliance Commander. They just need to try a little harder - Iokath was actually a good attempt, but clearly the story part was released before it was ready. It was most likely missing cutscenes, ended abruptly and killed off crucial characters in a horribly anticlimactic fashion - but the general idea was decent.


People who want to just "come back" to the old story of Empire-Republic war are delusional. It's purely nostalgia speaking over the obvious reality that there's no coming back. Not without breaking the neck of the storytelling even further. The magic of the original class stories won't come back, it's better to focus where it can reasonably go from here - I simply hope for a few minor, interesting storylines before the game dies (and it's obviously dying, whether we like it or not). Returning at least the major companions, giving us a proper epilogue to the SWTOR story. Those that ask for more are asking for this game to devolve into an incoherent, artificially continued mess, something Iokath gave us a taste of and that can still get much worse.

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I also hope they never do this again. I appreciate the effort and the attempt, but I just don't care about one single story for all of my characters.


I found myself playing less and less as chapters were released. I think I did KotFE on 12 out of 23 characters and with each character after the first two I just mashed spacebar cuz it was the same story for each one and choosing light/dark ended up not even making a difference.


And then as each chapter came out I did them on fewer and fewer characters to where by the end I only completed KotET on a single character. I had planned on doing another with Dark Side choices but I just don't care.


This is where I really miss Vanilla SWTOR with 8 different stories that I could come back to after a few months and feel like I haven't done them before. Even places like Makeb where it was still 90% gameplay and 10% common story were great.


TL;DR - I think I can sum up my feelings on these last few years of chapters in that as more and more came out I played them less and less and it feels like I'm WATCHING a Star Wars game instead of actually PLAYING one.


TL;DR the TL;DR - Please no more chapters/storytelling in their current form.


I agree, mostly.

The problem wasn't as much with the format though, but more because the story was quite frankly pure bantha poodo. If it had a) made better sense for all classes and b) been delivered better, with focus on the player character and not the NON-player characters (=The Valkorion Family Show), we'd probably have perceived the whole thing differently.


I just played through the Imp Agent story again, and all I can say is I wish and hope for and strongly recommend a return to the player character focused story telling. Never ever show us what our characters can't see or hear or feel again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
There are no more chapters; the last one was KOTET's chapter 9 the showdown with Valkorian's spirit. From Iokath onwards aren't they just going to be non repeatable "Updates" interspersed with one or more Ops, uprisings and flashpoints? If they are doing a flashpoint, hopefully it will be similar to how they did Ilum and Manaan (doable solo with a companion).


So there are no more storylines or chapters at all that are coming?

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Speculation is pointless.

Keith has promised a roadmap by the end of the month, that is a week.

Just wait and see.


This. As soon as roadmap is out we should know. OP best bet is read the development tracker as that has all posts by BW. So if any new info is out it be there. Saves looking for it in general forums.


I am looking forward to it though unlike some. Then again not sure why some are still playing considering there posting history.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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I am looking forward to it though unlike some. Then again not sure why some are still playing considering there posting history.



You could ask the same of people in bad marriages to abusive partners. -People stick around thinking at some point it's gonna go back to the good old days, with excitement and romance and wild times. They can't leave coz they're washed-up, no longer attractive and the tiniest morsel of comfort is better than nothing.



There are still several companions to get back for a start. Not everyone wants to be a god. - The Empire and Republic are still in uneasy peace, there are other factions waiting in the wings to take power. If history is anything to go by, it'll be really disappointing since BW can't write a 1/2 decent story for toffee these days. How far they've fallen is actually quite staggering.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I also hope they never do this again. I appreciate the effort and the attempt, but I just don't care about one single story for all of my characters.


I found myself playing less and less as chapters were released. ...

And then as each chapter came out I did them on fewer and fewer characters to where by the end I only completed KotET on a single character. I had planned on doing another with Dark Side choices but I just don't care.


This is where I really miss Vanilla SWTOR with 8 different stories that I could come back to after a few months and feel like I haven't done them before. Even places like Makeb where it was still 90% gameplay and 10% common story were great.



TL;DR the TL;DR - Please no more chapters/storytelling in their current form.


It really is more enjoyable starting new toons and replaying the old 8 classes. Some, it's been a long time and it feels fresh and fun again. Others, I played in spurts separated by time and lost the rhythm, especially the Sith Inquisitor story which, thought it's not my favorite, is genuinely the most original and imaginative story in the game.


One story does not fit all, sad to say.


There aren't any real, impactful choices that wind up mattering by the end of Knights of The Xpacs. You can't do more with less, and that's what it feels like EA corporate has forced down BioWare's throats.

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It really is more enjoyable starting new toons and replaying the old 8 classes. Some, it's been a long time and it feels fresh and fun again. Others, I played in spurts separated by time and lost the rhythm, especially the Sith Inquisitor story which, thought it's not my favorite, is genuinely the most original and imaginative story in the game.


One story does not fit all, sad to say.


There aren't any real, impactful choices that wind up mattering by the end of Knights of The Xpacs. You can't do more with less, and that's what it feels like EA corporate has forced down BioWare's throats.


Totally. I have 23 characters and played each class/variation/alignment but I could go back and play Vanilla right now and it'll still feel new.


Instant-60 tokens should have only ever been Legacy perks and never offered to new players.

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You could ask the same of people in bad marriages to abusive partners. -People stick around thinking at some point it's gonna go back to the good old days, with excitement and romance and wild times. They can't leave coz they're washed-up, no longer attractive and the tiniest morsel of comfort is better than nothing.



You clearly have never been in an abusive relationship.

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My 2c...


I just recently finished KotFE on one character. Still haven't touched KotET or been to any of the new planets (after zakuul).


I'm just not that into it. The chapters take too long IMO, with too much random mob killing and running from point A --> B --> C etc. for my taste. I would actually like to see the chapters be much shorter. Forget running through the whole sequence with more than one character. When I log in at night, I think to myself: "do I want to run a chapter that seems to barely advance the story and requires me to do lots of running around and skytrooper killing, or would I rather actually have some fun blowing up some pubs/imps in pvp?" I think I'll go for the pvp. Maybe I'm just getting old and not into video games like I used to be.


I run warzones and ops. That's really all I care about in my current stage of playing the game. I've been around since launch, done all the stories, leveled tons of characters. So I tend to not really care when the next chapters come out. I probably would never play them anyway. :o

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Instead of continuing the overarching "story", why not just add some planets and let them be just fluff? I admit, I was giddy to have seen Tatooine, Korriban, Nal Hutta, Ord Mantell, Dromund Kaas, Taris, Corellia, Ilum, the addition of Manaan (though disappointed at the lacking implementation) and Yavin 4. But being a fan of other Star Wars games, I'd love to see Dantooine, Abregado Rae, Jabiim, Thyferra, Kashyyyk, Wayland, Dathomir, Carida, Bonadan, Dac (AKA Mon Calimari), Ryloth, Naboo, Sullust, Bothawui, Byss, or Geonosis.


In an RP sense, my Gunslinger is from Abregado Rae, my Vanguard is from Carida, and my Sniper is from Jabiim. After seeing those planets in Empire At War, I'd love to see some of them included more and more. Don't take what I'm saying as a burdening demand, but as an opportunity.

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