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Update on Roadmap


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Your dad. Really. You are the only person able to work on roadmap, and nobody was able to pick it up for a few days. It's you secret child that nobody else has any knowledge about. Because you totally don't have anybody else has any idea on what you are planning to do. Not a single person in entire studio. Actually, wait, nevermind. THAT I sadly can believe.
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Tier 1 set for Command tokens, 6 months too late.

GSF update 3 years too late.


Not really too late for Tier 1 set as some of us have more than 1 alt. I know I have 13-14 characters and only 2-3 of them have any sets as I don't focus on one character. I play on all of them from time to time.

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Game Update 5.2.2 is scheduled for mid-June, so when are we going to get the rest of the new op?


1 boss fight released in April, then the other 4 boss fights released 6 months to a year later is not what I am paying my subscription for.

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Tier 1 set for Command tokens, 6 months too late.

GSF update 3 years too late.

I have to agree. Why not make Tier 2 require only Command Tokens as well, and make UCs legacy-wide? This criticism isn't directly aimed toward you Keith, but this "improvement" is laughable at best. Even with Tier 1 needing only Command Tokens when the patch comes in mid-June, Tier 1 should be taken out of the RNG loot tables from GC and should start at Tier 2.


I only PvP and I don't want to PvE nor should I have to PvE to gear slightly faster. Not to mention that a gear disparity exists now and it's so, so bad. PvP'ers have to grind gear four times over in order to reach the final tier. And then what? The devs will add Tier 5 4 or 5 months later to a Korean gear grindfest? :rolleyes:


I am not impressed. Keith, I hope the full roadmap will touch on RNG gearing, legacy-wide UCs and a massive increase in UCs from PvP, but I have my doubts.

Edited by Talon_strikes
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Huge Thank-you for not making excuses or being vague Keith. Family comes first, and we are all OK and understanding about that. As for the updates, I'm not thrilled about the gsf, but everything else seems good!
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Starfigher reform and direct purchase of set bonus gear with Command Tokens changes are appreciated. This is step in the right direction. The Command Crates should supplement vendor gear not the other way around.


I would also like to see Starfighter ships and parts from unlockable from collections.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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Updates are fine overall.




Are you still looking to make the command system more alt-friendly and is so, how? The above kind of helps but it's still a ****** grind.

I went on a rant but this puts it simply. Please Keith, please address this Galactic Command ****show.

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Hey everyone,


Wanted to provide an update on my first Producer Roadmap, but getting it published is taking longer than I anticipated. Partly my own fault, as my Dad came to visit and I took a few days off over the past couple of weeks to spend time with him. This ultimately slowed my progress but I am back in full swing now and pushing to get the roadmap completed.


I honestly thought I would have had the roadmap done and communicated already, but, I realistically need more time to finalize it. Translated: That means end of this month, but with full intention of delivering it sooner. <sad face> This is not something I wanted to tell you, but I promised to keep you up-to-date on what’s happening.


While you continue to wait, here’s a few highlights of Game Update 5.2.2 scheduled for mid-June (yes, in 2017):


  • The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event returns with old and some awesome new rewards
  • New Character Perks to increase your speeder piloting speed to 120% and 130%
  • Companions will gain influence through standard crew skill missions
  • Full Tier 1 gear available from existing Fleet vendors using Command Tokens – this means you can obtain a full bonus gear set for under 800 Command Tokens. You will be able to choose the type of gear you want to purchase (DPS, Tank, or Healer).
  • We made a variety of changes to Galactic Starfighter – primarily aimed at reducing the cost, increasing requisition rewards, and offering all players a Gunship and Bomber as standard ships (available in your hangar).


I will continue to pass on roadmap updates as I have them. We do have an exciting year ahead of us and I look forward to sharing it you.



Just re-subbed to thank you for both the update and what looks like steps in the right direction.




Now I keep reading posts about how lame it is that we don't have the new road map yet.


Think about it for a a minute, you've been appointed as a Program Manager/Director on a multi millions project in your company and you have to not only assess the current situation but also plan the future of the company for at least one full year. Then before eventually spreading out the new to your customers, you have not not only evaluate and secure a budget but also get all the legal approbations from your IP holder before moving forward.


While doing so you still need to manage the current (really stressed out) team and keep the game alive.


Top of that you are running one if not the biggest IP, being hammered as one of the worst managed product, knowing whatever you do people will get mad at you.


If you think you can do this in one month with success, please pm me. I have a 6 digits job for you.

Edited by Deewe
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I'd rather him take 3 weeks to get it right rather than communicate something we want that he can't deliver in the end.


Yeah, yup. He's communicating. It's appreciated. I say that as someone who has started joke threads about the missing roadmap myself :)


Glad to see GSF getting some love. To those that are worried about getting a GS and Bomber as starter ships, don't be - you get enough req from the starter missions to buy one anyway. This is a convenience, and anything that helps noobs into GSF is great. I'm still basically a noob there myself.

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Hey everyone,


Wanted to provide an update on my first Producer Roadmap, but getting it published is taking longer than I anticipated. Partly my own fault, as my Dad came to visit and I took a few days off over the past couple of weeks to spend time with him. This ultimately slowed my progress but I am back in full swing now and pushing to get the roadmap completed.


I honestly thought I would have had the roadmap done and communicated already, but, I realistically need more time to finalize it. Translated: That means end of this month, but with full intention of delivering it sooner. <sad face> This is not something I wanted to tell you, but I promised to keep you up-to-date on what’s happening.


While you continue to wait, here’s a few highlights of Game Update 5.2.2 scheduled for mid-June (yes, in 2017):


  • The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event returns with old and some awesome new rewards
  • New Character Perks to increase your speeder piloting speed to 120% and 130%
  • Companions will gain influence through standard crew skill missions
  • Full Tier 1 gear available from existing Fleet vendors using Command Tokens – this means you can obtain a full bonus gear set for under 800 Command Tokens. You will be able to choose the type of gear you want to purchase (DPS, Tank, or Healer).
  • We made a variety of changes to Galactic Starfighter – primarily aimed at reducing the cost, increasing requisition rewards, and offering all players a Gunship and Bomber as standard ships (available in your hangar).


I will continue to pass on roadmap updates as I have them. We do have an exciting year ahead of us and I look forward to sharing it you.




The most important thing you can do PVP wise is make bolster up to 244. I'd prefer 250 but 244 is the best compromise for everyone.


This would be great for new players in pvp. Someone said that if this is done then new players won't notice improvements in gear as they gear up but they actually will since they won't be in all golds before 244 since rng crates are rng.


This would be great for experienced pvp'rs because experienced pvp'rs want skill vs. skill.


This wouldn't really matter for PVE'rs but it might help them some since they will be competitive if they want to try out PVP.


This will still allow for min/maxers to have a noticeable advantage but not an over the top one (it will be like 204 v 208).


The best part of SWTOR PVP is how alt friendly it is (well was :) ). All classes are rather easy to pick up and play at a decent level. This and the fact that decent gear was easy to obtain made it so that SWTOR was the best game to play multiple classes in PVP even if you didn't have a lot of free time.


Please Make PVP Great Again!



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Very depressing update. QoL stuff in the June update looks good for QoL stuff, but no story content as well? So far this year for story content, there has been only half a chapter that ended abruptly with no idea of when we will get another chapter (because no roadmap). I left my previous MMO to play this game because of a content drought in that MMO, and now it looks like the same thing here. :( What happened to the monthly chapters? Edited by Ciarayn
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Very depressing update. QoL stuff in the June update looks good for QoL stuff, but no story content as well? So far this year for story content, there has been only half a chapter that ended abruptly with no idea of when we will get another chapter (because no roadmap). I left my previous MMO to play this game because of a content drought in that MMO, and now it looks like the same thing here. :( What happened to the monthly chapters?


The last thing this game needs is more story content before fixing the endgame group content. And I say that as someone that only does PvE solo and loves the story content.


Letting the endgame continue in its current state while focusing on story again would be like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Edited by stoopicus
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Very depressing update. QoL stuff in the June update looks good for QoL stuff, but no story content as well? So far this year for story content, there has been only half a chapter that ended abruptly with no idea of when we will get another chapter (because no roadmap). I left my previous MMO to play this game because of a content drought in that MMO, and now it looks like the same thing here. :( What happened to the monthly chapters?


The monthly chapter idea went the way of the dodo because many people apparently preferred to get their story in one big chunk and then endure the drought.


I would have preferred getting a little something new each month, it gave me a reason to get excited and to want to play. I'm really starting to think that there is a grand total of maybe 4 people working on SWTOR...three to talk on twitch camera and the one poor slob that gets whipped off camera to do all the work.

Edited by Lunafox
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Hey everyone,


Wanted to provide an update on my first Producer Roadmap, but getting it published is taking longer than I anticipated. Partly my own fault, as my Dad came to visit and I took a few days off over the past couple of weeks to spend time with him. This ultimately slowed my progress but I am back in full swing now and pushing to get the roadmap completed.


I honestly thought I would have had the roadmap done and communicated already, but, I realistically need more time to finalize it. Translated: That means end of this month, but with full intention of delivering it sooner. <sad face> This is not something I wanted to tell you, but I promised to keep you up-to-date on what’s happening.


While you continue to wait, here’s a few highlights of Game Update 5.2.2 scheduled for mid-June (yes, in 2017):


  • The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event returns with old and some awesome new rewards
  • New Character Perks to increase your speeder piloting speed to 120% and 130%
  • Companions will gain influence through standard crew skill missions
  • Full Tier 1 gear available from existing Fleet vendors using Command Tokens – this means you can obtain a full bonus gear set for under 800 Command Tokens. You will be able to choose the type of gear you want to purchase (DPS, Tank, or Healer).
  • We made a variety of changes to Galactic Starfighter – primarily aimed at reducing the cost, increasing requisition rewards, and offering all players a Gunship and Bomber as standard ships (available in your hangar).


I will continue to pass on roadmap updates as I have them. We do have an exciting year ahead of us and I look forward to sharing it you.




Hi Keith,


Thanks for the update... But...

PVP gear gap fix, where is it? we really need some info "now" regarding Bolster in pvp.

This is a major problem because of a gear gap that is making lvl 70 pvp either impossible for some people or extremely unenjoyable for others.

Even dedicated pvpers such as myself have stopped playing lvl 70 pvp or scaled it right back. Myself and others are at the point of quitting the game over this gear gap. We've given you over a month to get the roadmap out or get back to us on those topics not in the road map.

From my perspective and many others, waiting till the end of the month or even another month to get some communication or fix for this just isn't good enough. I didn't cancel my sub last month because you replied to my post regarding these hard issues and the expectation was to have an answer within a month.

Now you are delaying again. I already know of many dedicated pvpers who have unsubbed because they didn't believe you would address this problem or communicate with us about it. I asked them to wait and have faith, but that has been dashed and I'm affraid myself and others will end up following their example and unsubbing too.

If you want to stem the flow of people unsubbing because of this and other issues, then you need to get back to us this week.

I can't emphasise this enough Keith, the pvp gear gap is destroying pvp and is driving dedicated pvpers from the game.

PvP should never be gear vs gear. It should be skill vs skill. The only easy fix is to increase Bolster to between 246 and 250.

There are a few threads in the pvp and gen section on how to address this and why it's a problem to start with.

I guess we'll see by the end of this week how important pvp is to you and how important it is to keep "pvp only" subscribers.

Edited by Icykill_
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The monthly chapter idea went the way of the dodo because many people apparently preferred to get their story in one big chunk and then endure the drought.


I would have preferred getting a little something new each month, it gave me a reason to get excited and to want to play. I'm really starting to think that there is a grand total of maybe 4 people working on SWTOR...three to talk on twitch camera and the one poor slob that gets whipped off camera to do all the work.

So, at the end of this year, will they release a bunch of chapters all together rather than having monthly chapters? Or do we have to wait for the roadmap to find out?

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So, at the end of this year, will they release a bunch of chapters all together rather than having monthly chapters? Or do we have to wait for the roadmap to find out?


You don't seem to understand - they are not doing chapters like that anymore. There is some storyline associated with a new area, and I assume more of THAT kind of story content will follow at some point.


The "story chapter" disaster failed - followed by the 5.0 RNG gearing disaster. The producer of the game lost his job over it. They are not going back to that. You don't have to wait another second to find out the answer, and it is no.

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You don't seem to understand - they are not doing chapters like that anymore. There is some storyline associated with a new area, and I assume more of THAT kind of story content will follow at some point.


The "story chapter" disaster failed - followed by the 5.0 RNG gearing disaster. The producer of the game lost his job over it. They are not going back to that. You don't have to wait another second to find out the answer, and it is no.


This. I think they're running massively behind schedule with the story/ops but who knows, maybe I'm wrong. Since we're supposed to get what 5 instalments, we are at 1/5 and 5 months into the year. Keith hinted at what's to come in June and it wasn't story and ops stuff. so that'll put us half way through the year and still at 1/5.

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Hey everyone,


Wanted to provide an update on my first Producer Roadmap, but getting it published is taking longer than I anticipated. Partly my own fault, as my Dad came to visit and I took a few days off over the past couple of weeks to spend time with him. This ultimately slowed my progress but I am back in full swing now and pushing to get the roadmap completed.


I honestly thought I would have had the roadmap done and communicated already, but, I realistically need more time to finalize it. Translated: That means end of this month, but with full intention of delivering it sooner. <sad face> This is not something I wanted to tell you, but I promised to keep you up-to-date on what’s happening.


While you continue to wait, here’s a few highlights of Game Update 5.2.2 scheduled for mid-June (yes, in 2017):


  • The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event returns with old and some awesome new rewards
  • New Character Perks to increase your speeder piloting speed to 120% and 130%
  • Companions will gain influence through standard crew skill missions
  • Full Tier 1 gear available from existing Fleet vendors using Command Tokens – this means you can obtain a full bonus gear set for under 800 Command Tokens. You will be able to choose the type of gear you want to purchase (DPS, Tank, or Healer).
  • We made a variety of changes to Galactic Starfighter – primarily aimed at reducing the cost, increasing requisition rewards, and offering all players a Gunship and Bomber as standard ships (available in your hangar).


I will continue to pass on roadmap updates as I have them. We do have an exciting year ahead of us and I look forward to sharing it you.




Such refreshing communication and full honesty. You are already a drastic improvement over your predecessor, especially if you continue to just talk to us. Here. On your forums, not everywhere else on the internet BUT your own forums. Thank you for that!


Nightlife Event returning is great news - even greater is the prospect of updates to rewards. All of your events desperately need this. None of them even drop the tokens/components that are used to get rewards from the vendor on the main bosses anymore - and the lack of care that sees issues like this continually not fixed and broken makes me wonder why you even bother to run these events. I should not have to submit a customer service ticket everytime the Gree or Rakghoul events take place and I kill the boss and receive zero gray helix or cannisters used to get "rewards" - and the same rewards that have been offered with zero updates or changes for years and years.


The rest of these updates are good for Quality of Life... which has been sorely under attended for a very long time. I wish you the best of luck in repairing and restoring it. Talking plainly to us like this will help in that effort, I think. Again, thank you.

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While you continue to wait, here’s a few highlights of Game Update 5.2.2 scheduled for mid-June (yes, in 2017):


  • The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event returns with old and some awesome new rewards
  • New Character Perks to increase your speeder piloting speed to 120% and 130%
  • Companions will gain influence through standard crew skill missions
  • Full Tier 1 gear available from existing Fleet vendors using Command Tokens – this means you can obtain a full bonus gear set for under 800 Command Tokens. You will be able to choose the type of gear you want to purchase (DPS, Tank, or Healer).
  • We made a variety of changes to Galactic Starfighter – primarily aimed at reducing the cost, increasing requisition rewards, and offering all players a Gunship and Bomber as standard ships (available in your hangar).

It's good to see some information, Keith Kanneg. Thanks for the update. :)


-- Getting Tier 1 set bonus gear for Command Tokens is the first alt-friendly aspect I've seen in a while. I'm an alt-oholic (36 max level characters). Getting five sets of gear (gearing my favorite DPS and healer mirror classes) with Command Tokens is doable, filling the numerous gear gaps resulting from the heinous RNG gearing. Hopefully, this is progress towards putting Command Crates into the realm of goody basket, not essential aspect of gearing.


-- I'm glad the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event is returning. It's a fun diversion.


-- Thank you for giving some love to GSF.


-- It'll be good to have those shiftless companions working towards earning their keep. How much Influence will they gain per mission? And, will the Influence gain increase with the crew skill level, i.e. grade 10 crew skill missions grant more Influence than grade 1 missions?


For too long I think SWTOR lost its way, forgetting how to get players to want to play. Keith Kanneg, I think you get it and you're working at getting players to want to play. There's a lot to unravel and rebuild, all while creating new things.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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This. I think they're running massively behind schedule with the story/ops but who knows, maybe I'm wrong. Since we're supposed to get what 5 instalments, we are at 1/5 and 5 months into the year. Keith hinted at what's to come in June and it wasn't story and ops stuff. so that'll put us half way through the year and still at 1/5.


2nd boss is being tested on PTS now so should be out soon.

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