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What is your favorite planet and why? A thread for positivity <3<3<3


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Hey guys, positivity thread part 3! For those of you who don't know, I post threads that focus on the good parts of the game, and what is our favorite! The title said it all: What is your favorite planet, and why? It can be for any reason, and I think this will be a particularly interesting topic.


Personally, I have always LOVED Tython. It's beautiful, there is a lot of nostalgia, and it's just all around is a peaceful and serene place.


Your guys's turn!



Catherine Skirata the Pure

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I wish they would give us more things to do on Manaan. I always loved its climate and the KotOR music they brought back for the SoR Prelude segment. It is definitely one of the best locations in the Old Republic universe. Edited by Plk_Lesiak
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Tatooine... Loved the planet in SWG and still like it in SWToR even though they chose not to add roaming Krayt Dragon's....Big fail there.


I tried to be positive! I can't help that this game constantly disappoints me:confused:

Edited by Soljin
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But I have so many...


Manaan is a nice big pool...


Alderaan is a nice blend of snow and grass (it's very visually appealing)...


Voss has an interesting culture...


Ilum has a gorgeous skybox and plenty of open spaces you can wander around peacefully in...


Please... don't make me choose. :confused:

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Ord Mantell. It was the first planet I ever saw in this game (my first character was a smuggler). I fell in love with the visuals, the storyline, the realization that the Republic are not the flat-out "good guys," the music, the separatists vs. Republic.... just all of it. Any time I visit the planet again is a massive flood of happy nostalgia. :D
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Korriban, since it is the birthplace of the sith species and the sith order. I also like the architecture of the place a lot, the wild life is also interesting specially the Tuk'ata. The fact that there are so many ancient tombs filled with dark secrets peaks my interest as well.
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If I have to pick only one it would be Voss - there's so much to do and the quests are really interesting. I would actually loved to have been able to pick to play a Voss as a species/race. After that comes Tatooine (I love the desert thing) then Alderaan for the scenery. I think the whole idea of the planet of Iokath is great - artificial planet full of advanced tech and biospheres - I love that idea.
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Tatooine purely thanks to the level design. I never liked the planet before SWTOR, but that changed.


Vast yet easy to travel (no giant obstacles/mountains every step). You always know where you are just based on topography/landmarks. Every planet should be designed like this.

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Nar Shaddaa


Best stronghold layout, simple. You can stash your GTN Kiosk, banks, vendors and everything in the first room/landingpad. Basically, I barely ever leave my stronghold.


I wish to hell we could get Manaan stronghold however.

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I wish to hell we could get Manaan stronghold however.


Same! I'll actually start caring about my stronghold then!


As for OP and favorite planet. I won't count Manaan because we really don't get to see it. So my favorite is a tie between Ilum (just love that icy world. Comes off better than Hoth which just max me feel meh. Don't know why. Nar Shaddaa is the other. Love the look and style of the planet.

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Voss. Period.

I love the culture, mysticism, force surrounding you... Also quests, on imperial side, are really good there.

After that? Maybe Korriban, because of the Sith, maybe Belsavis, because of the environment and Rakata stuff surrounding you.

And I honestly wish that we could actually explore Zakuul, cause i really like that planet...

Def. Oricon, cuz it's burning...


AND THAT. Oricon, because of the Dread Masters... I should sit there among them :D Also it's another reason that i like Belsavis, because it all starts there.

Edited by goryllobumbum
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Endor: Because of the Ewoks! Devaron: Nothing but forest and a Jedi Temple! Ruusan: Because it's barren and mysterious and the Valley of the Jedi can be found here. Dathomir: Because it's a place where the Nightsisters live. Very dark and creepy. Dantooine: It's a bit more of a normal planet. Nothing too spectacular. Just a nice place, I suppose. Kashyyk: Because of the Wookies and the tree houses! Dxun & Onderon: Jungle! Edited by saberscreen
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Taris. Plenty of nostalgia baits here and there, and The Promised One quest was a fantastic throwback to original KotOR

Manaan. Same as above, actually. Wish we had more to explore but alas

Ord Mantell, if only because of KotORII soundtrack playing there.

Rishi. I thought the design was absolutely beautiful and I'm still hoping for the Rishi stronghold :(


There's one planet I strongly dislike - Oricon. Feels like something straight outta cheap Korean MMO

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Pluto. I refuse to consider it only a planetoid. Or whatever its status is nowadays.


Ord Mantell. It was the first planet I ever saw in this game (my first character was a smuggler). I fell in love with the visuals, the storyline, the realization that the Republic are not the flat-out "good guys," the music, the separatists vs. Republic.... just all of it.



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Belsavis!! The flora and fauna are beautiful. I really love the Empire story there freeing the Dread Masters. Its a secret pub prison which houses the nastiest of the nasty and they are all in revolt. RIP that warden. Then there's the

accidentally unearthed Rakata secrets and the unearthed Rakata prisoners. Icing on the cake - super quick heroics when done on a stealthy :p

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