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Happy Star Wars Day Everyone!!


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Not one comment about it being the fortieth (40th) anniversary?


We'll leave my actual age out of this (TYVM), but suffice to say I vaguely remember time when:


1) People would never even conceive of pretending to sword-duel whilst making light-sabre noises


2) A time when the popular consciousness had no Darth Vader.


3) A time when there was no dispute whatsoever that Solo shot first --because why the Hell wouldn't he have?



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Not one comment about it being the fortieth (40th) anniversary?


We'll leave my actual age out of this (TYVM), but suffice to say I vaguely remember time when:


1) People would never even conceive of pretending to sword-duel whilst making light-sabre noises


2) A time when the popular consciousness had no Darth Vader.


3) A time when there was no dispute whatsoever that Solo shot first --because why the Hell wouldn't he have?




You know what? It totally didn't occur to me until you said it. Wow, forty years. Damn I'm old too. I was nine when A New Hope came out, and on my birthday no less lol. I guess it was a sign that it would be with me forever.


Thanks for pointing that out...though I do feel older now lol. Thankszzz. ;)


And yeah, Han shot first. No question, never a doubt.

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Not one comment about it being the fortieth (40th) anniversary?


Well? What are you waiting for? GO FOR IT!


We'll leave my actual age out of this (TYVM), but suffice to say I vaguely remember time when:


Some people here are 57. I'm 36. My dad plays SWTOR and he's 63. No biggie! (Hopefully you'll feel a bit younger now?)


1) People would never even conceive of pretending to sword-duel whilst making light-sabre noises


I did DO THAT when I was five.


2) A time when the popular consciousness had no Darth Vader.


Alright, fair enough, you're OLD!


3) A time when there was no dispute whatsoever that Solo shot first --because why the Hell wouldn't he have?


Damn right!




I'm feeling like six today. Happy Star Wars Day to you and everyone else! May the 4th be with you! (For the 40eth time!)



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I wish I could celebrate in this game while wearing the most iconic Star Wars outfit >.>


A Star Wars Day Wish...


*said in Steve Martin's voice*


If I had one Star Wars wish...it would be for Alec Fortescue to receive his official iconic Jedi robes.


If I had two Star Wars wishes I could make this holiday...the first would be for Alec Fortescue to receive his official Jedi robes and the second would be for 30 million credits, to be given to me each month.


If I had three Star Wars wishes I could make this day, the first would be for Alec to get his robes...the second would be for the 30 million credits, to be given to me and the third would be, to have all encompassing power over every living being in the galaxy.


And if I had four wishes, I could make this Star Wars Day, first, would be the crap about Alec's robes, the second would be for the 30 million, the third would be for all the power...and the fourth would be to set aside one month each year to have an extended thirty-one day fade to black cut scene, to be brought about slowly by Malavai Quinn, Scourge and Vector Hyllis. Of course my amazing hubby, he could come too...he's behind me a 100% on this. I promise.


You know maybe the FTB scene should be the first wish...the galaxy could go boom tomorrow...and then what d'you got? Y'know?


No no, Alec and his robe...that would be great. That would be nice.


Wait a minute, who am I kidding? The devs will never get all the textures right for those robes...the logistics of Alec's robes are just impossible...like more trouble than it's worth.


So, let's reorganize...first the FTB scene...second the money...no wait, I play for the Empire. The power second, then the money. Then Alec's robe. Oh crap, I forgot about getting revenge against all my enemies...


Ok...so revenge against all my enemies...(I'm looking at you Satele Shan) She should die like a bantha in hell. :eek:

That would be the fourth wish. And of course, my fifth wish would be for Alec to get his robes, so that we could all hang around the forums in the spirit of peace and Jedi-ness.


Thanks everybody. :D

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Anyone remember this movie? Ewoks: The Battle For Endor. I was five when I watched this. I can barely believe it sometimes. Time sure flies when you're having fun!


Happy Star Wars Day everyone!


It's not that I remember, it's just that I watched it recently. I really must not have had anything better to do, whatsoever :p






I take no responsibility for songs I committed to memory as a 7 year old :cool:

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It's not that I remember, it's just that I watched it recently. I really must not have had anything better to do, whatsoever :p


I get what you're saying, really I do, but when it comes to Ewoks or Star Wars I NEVER have anything better to do!


I take no responsibility for songs I committed to memory as a 7 year old :cool:


Hey, it sure as hell beats New Kids On The Block!



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Happy 4th day!....and don't forget in 3 weeks to wear your towels and drink Pan Galactic Gargleblasters for Towel Day May 25th.


May the Force Be With You,

Live Long and Prosper,

So Long and Thanks for All the Fish!

Edited by AndorianTJ
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Happy 4th day!....and don't forget in 3 weeks to wear your towels and drink Pan Galactic Gargleblasters for Towel Day May 25th.


May the Force Be With You,

Live Long and Prosper,

So Long and Thanks for All the Fish!


Wow, my birthday is Towel Day? God I hope that doesn't mean laundry...:eek:

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