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Players deserve to have extra time added back to their subscriptions after today....

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Hurry up and wait. Go play outside or something? It will be back up when their damn good and ready to get it back up and ready.








I hope :D


Hurry up and wait? I wanna say it's the dumbest thing I've read on the forums today.....that was.....until I read the dev tracker threads.

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At 42 cents a day, and we were down 4 hours outside of the patch time, that equates to just under 8 cents. If you will buy me a stamp, I will send you the 10 cents to cover the 8 cents worth of time you lost.
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^I'm with this guy.


Craptell Coins won't make up for lost time. You can have your cartel cheese. I just want the loss of a day restored to my account or perhaps a few days extra.


The Craptell Market doesn't have anything worth or = to the time lost in gaming today.

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At 42 cents a day, and we were down 4 hours outside of the patch time, that equates to just under 8 cents. If you will buy me a stamp, I will send you the 10 cents to cover the 8 cents worth of time you lost.


11:30 was supposed to be all good to go. It's now 6 PM EST. That's more than 4 hours bruh.

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We don't deserve anything.

Server **** happens, deal with it.


So do you just "deal with it" when you buy something in a store take it home find out it's broken? Or do you take it back and expect the store to compensate you by giving you your money back or allowing you to get one that's not broken? I don't see how this should be treated any differently, yeah it's 42 cents but still, you expect a company to compensate you, I don't think asking to get a day you paid for back is wrong.

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Hurry up and wait. Go play outside or something? It will be back up when their damn good and ready to get it back up and ready.








I hope :D


They gave us an estimate of 4 hours. If I pay for a service I expect to get that service and also for deadlines to be respected.


I was about to post the exact same thing about a compensation for this. It's not Ok at all.

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So do you just "deal with it" when you buy something in a store take it home find out it's broken? Or do you take it back and expect the store to compensate you by giving you your money back or allowing you to get one that's not broken? I don't see how this should be treated any differently, yeah it's 42 cents but still, you expect a company to compensate you, I don't think asking to get a day you paid for back is wrong.


Ya it isn't wrong at all. Glad at least 1 other player gets this.

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It's pathetically embarrassing how petty people can be.


Do you pay for things out of your own pocket?

Do you work?

Would you find acceptable to do this with out own clients?

Is your money worth the same to you as to other people?


Something to think about before calling other people names.

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Do you pay for things out of your own pocket?

Do you work?

Would you find acceptable to do this with out own clients?

Is your money worth the same to you as to other people?


Something to think about before calling other people names.


Chances are that kid has his parents paying his subscription. Money has no value to leeches.

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Why do we deserve compensation? Everyone knows MMO's have downtime. Normally it's 3 to 4 hours, never read that was a time set in stone. Where does it say when you bought the game and paid a sub that we will only have 3 to 4 hour downtimes? If you show me that, you have a case, other than that - grow the hell up.


Actually the funny thing is - if it were the other way around -

A business licensed another business and something like this happened - the datacenter could be held liable for the down time. In the recent downtime of Amazon cloud ( which went down for 4 hours ) - Amazon compensated all its customers with 10 days. Keeping in mind Amazon Cloud provides services to some massive sites where it can cost $100 - $5,000 dollars a day to host.


Because we are simply consumers ( even though we also pay ) - Governments feel we don't deserve any sort of protections. Long story short - in the eyes of most governments world wide - humans are given less rights and less freedoms than companies.


When a company kills people - you don't see anyone get arrested. If a person kills some one though - they will get arrested. Infact the only case I can think of is American Peanut corporation where the executive got 28 years.

Food for thought.

Edited by Hasisiyun
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Chances are that kid has his parents paying his subscription. Money has no value to leeches.


Uses the term "cuck" and "bruh" in previous comments, has the nerve to call someone a kid.


The fact this downtime was addressed and the extra downtime was also addressed and the fact that there was never a contract signed stating they will only have 3 to 4 hr downtimes, calls for no compensation.


The pettiness of this argument shows me that you are the kid here with zero understanding of how things work. You don't get petty when an unforeseen problem arises that has been addressed, you get upset when there is zero communication and the downtime is unreasonable.


But if you like, send me your paypal info and I'll happily send you the .12 cents you have lost so far. Hell I'll make it .20 cents

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Chances are that kid has his parents paying his subscription. Money has no value to leeches.


This coming for the guy, whining about 50 cents. Highly doubt you've paid for anything in your life.


Also, this game wasn't down for 24 hours, the down time was extended by what 5-6 hours? So that's what 12-13 cents? Really?


Perhaps if you went and got yourself a job, you wouldn't be sitting in front of your computer trying to get into a game all day.


To us working peoples, there was no real down time, get home from work, log on, like magic.

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We don't deserve anything.

Server **** happens, deal with it.


You and I don't agree on a few other things, but this? Spot on. :)


Guys, no one "deserves" anything here. The servers were down for half a day. HALF. A DAY. It wasn't unexpected - we had updates periodically, with the knowledge that they'd come down for a while in the first place - and it wasn't for a truly inexcusable amount of time with no explanation, say, a week.

And you want compensation for it? What's that, an extra half day added to your subscription? Five cartel coins? Twelve cents? Oi vey, people. Quit your whining.

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Played doom and mad max


No time lost. I just turned on my stream for other games for my viewers. It's BW themselves that lost out during the 9 hour downtime. No cartel Market purchases and free advertisement from streamers.


Think I got a few people interested in those 2 games. LoL

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