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Enough companions!


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But we have several more designs....



But the animals are so cute and....



The droids are fantastic we....



We have so many in cartel to give y...



Executive mangers at EA said to make lots of...



C'mon! You know you like them. There's so much variet...



It's not like they're all the same... oh wait




Sorry, just tired of companions. :(

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some of the new ones are okay, some (SF) ones are rubbish. Choose-a-rabbit and Kakeroll (or whatever their names are.)


Tho' I kinda like Veeroa Denz ( -especially when she initials official documents! )


It might have been better to get more of the old ones back, and create only 2 or 3 new ones, and have them all fully customisable so they could flog outfits and face-changes on the CM for boat-loads of $$$$$


But they did it on the cheap with a load of old assets copied and pasted together and got cheap VAs to mumble a few lines instead. - See penny pinching rarely works out for the best in the long-run.


But yeah, too many.... since you can only craft with a few and most can't afford to level up more than a couple to decent affection levels.

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You'd think that Lord Scourge would want to know that the Sith emperor is dead..yeah..that.


Lord Scourge: "Hmm, Revan's back and going after the emperor again...Nah, I'll just stand by quietly. Maybe he won't remember me if I don't say anything. If the emperor was back or amassing power I'm sure I'd be aware."


Lord Scourge: "Hmm, this Valkorian guy seems familiar...nah, I'll just stand by. I'm sure if the man who made me immortal and I spent a few hundred years serving had returned I'd sense it"


Lord Scourge: "Hmm, the knight I joined up with defeated this Valkorian and has now disappeared. Nope, I don't sense anything"


Lord Scourge: "The knight is now a commander of an alliance going after the children of this Valkorian. Manaan is too nice and quiet to leave right now. I'm glad nothing has happened here since that battle at the facility."


Lord Scourge: "The knight overthrew both of Valkoiran's kids and now is the eternal commander of a fleet greater than both the republic and empire. Good for him. I'm sure he's not interested in anything I have to say"


Lord Scourge: "What do you mean Charles Boyd asked who I was?!?!?"

Edited by Jamtas
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I thought it was a good move way back when to remove the requirement to gear up our companions, but I do think they should give us the ability to customize our companions appearance like we can with our toons. The new companions that have flooded out of BW mostly lack anything resembling character, because we didn't quest with them through our leveling process and there is really little/no conversational interaction with them. On the balance I think the entire companion issue has been pretty weak since 4.0 dropped. If they had brought back all our original companions by the end of 4.0 (which would have made sense from a story perspective) then there would be no griping about all the extra companions they have pushed on us... I ended up going to the terminal on Odessen just to get back the comps I like even though there is no new story to them (in fact I'm starting to forget some aspects of my old comp storylines since it has been so long)...
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Lord Scourge: "What do you mean Charles Boyd asked who I was?!?!?"




I like having lots and lots of companions! However, there are a few things I'd like to see:


- Make some customizations for KotFE & Star Forge companions, and rework the bulk of them so they have gear slots. New companions should be better than old, not worse.


- Fix returned companions. Their mouths should move. They should still gain influence when used by their original class. They should still do their area barks. They should be able to properly use covert belts & bracers. Again, their new version should not be worse than their old. Oh, and make their customizations cross faction and available cross faction please!


- Get more creative with the droid companions! There are a lot of cool droids in the SW universe, let's see them. I don't want another Droideka style droid unless it rolls! And go back and give tricks to the companions that don't have them. And more customizations too please!

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- Fix returned companions. Their mouths should move. They should still gain influence when used by their original class. They should still do their area barks. They should be able to properly use covert belts & bracers. Again, their new version should not be worse than their old. Oh, and make their customizations cross faction and available cross faction please!


If they did just this, I wouldn't be so unwilling to play new content. As it is, why would I want to turn in my good companions for shoddy ones? That's if I don't lose them somewhere altogether.

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But we have several more designs....



But the animals are so cute and....



The droids are fantastic we....



We have so many in cartel to give y...



Executive mangers at EA said to make lots of...



C'mon! You know you like them. There's so much variet...



It's not like they're all the same... oh wait



Sorry, just tired of companions. :(


I disagree. See http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=920344

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Give me 3 unique companions with depth and backstory. I didn't even need all the original 5. I don't want the same companion over and over with the same ability, that can't be customized, and no back story.


The droids and animals are nothing more than a credit sink if you even attempt to get their influence to anything decent. I like the ones that can talk and add little things as I adventure.


"Oh look that's the Endar Spire. I heard... blah blah..." :)


Not: "beep boop" or "errrr!" :( (T7's fine).


But I'm sure the next 30 packs will have more "original" 4 legged droids and cats. :confused:

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No! I want lord scourge back still in a meaningful story based way ( like quinn or elara would be fine) for my main (guardian). I am incredibly disappointed I didn't get to have an "oh you were the emperor's wrath and betrayed him? Yeah I did too" conversation with him and my warrior. Seriously, I would repeat all of KOTFE/KOTET/whatever else just for this conversation. And I have been strongly resisting doing it again because after twice (an operative imp side and my main guardian) I just didn't desire to repeat it 28 more times lol.
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Enough companions? I'm afraid that's the wrong answer. Did you know that was the wrong answer? Well, it definitely is the wrong answer. You should ask Laurel, or Stan, because they also know it's the wrong answer. You can't hear a word they're saying? I can read their lips! They're saying: That's the wrong answer!


Seriously, NOTHING is more FUN than surrounding yourself with LEGIONS of companions. Short companions, tall companions, red companions, pink companions and purple companions! I'm sure you'll appreciate your new companions once you get to know them. I know they're not saying that much lately, but we're going to SOLVE that problem FOR YOU, totally FOR FREE, by giving you MORE companions this time. So if all of them say very little, they're actually saying a WHOLE LOT MORE! So. Yes. You're going to get more companions! I know, isn't team work GRAND? We don't want you to feel lonely in your Stronghold either. Here, have a companion! Jubilation! GROUP HUG!


You should be HAPPY we're creating all these new friends FOR YOU, because where would you be without them? Ha! You'd be totally fu-*beep*-ing DEAD because we nerfed you to SMITHEREENS and gave your companion ALL the power! All you have to do is LEARN to appreciate your companions since they're pretty much the ONLY REASON you can STILL PLAY THIS GAME! Yes. Yay! We love our companions to bits and so should you. YES, you really SHOULD. They're adorable!


Hear that? That's the sound of HK-57 approaching. And HK-59. And HK-61. And HK-63. And HK-65. And HK-67. And HK-69. All because we want to show you HK-71. He REALLY is awesome. PROMISE! You'll get him for TOTALLY FREE AT NO COST WHATSOEVER somewhere in 2030. But only if you subscribe before TODAY! Companion appreciation day! Hooray!


You know what I want? I want a censored companion called Saberscreen. Covered in nothing but black squares and every time you click him you hear *beep* *beeeeeep* *beep* He's a Sentinel that can't seem to do any damage with his off-hand weapon. Not even if you raise his accuracy with another 50%. That should be interesting to watch!


Yes. Companions. We need more of them! Can't have enough companions, no Sir!

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You hush your foul mouth! The rest of the vanilla comps need to return, especially Scourge and Vector. There are many other popular ones like Kira that people would wish to see back.


Knowing the devs they'd look at this title and think, ok, that's it, everyone who's coming back is back then.


I love comps...but we do have a lot--many I don't care about, like Viszla, the chiss jedi, the droids etc. Basically any of the ones that can't be romanced and who have no good story to go with them.


How about, now that we have oodles of comps...we get some stories and meaningful interactions with them? Some new romances...and how about just more interaction with the Vanilla comps? It's like you get married, you never speak again...they get returned from a five or six year absence and they don't speak again.


Make them speak to us, do things with us. More dialogue and cut scenes are welcome. :)

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That's just you. Not everyone else. Some people like choice of companion. Are there a lot, yes of course, but there may be other players that want those companions. No one says you have to get them all, in fact you don't have to get any of the Cartel Market ones, that's a choice.


There are threads I see constantly people wanting a specific companion. There is a thread where some want Vaylin as a companion.


Either way it is not going to change. While it may slow down on story companions or even removing them in time if they are planning on going back to a Republic vs Empire type of storyline but Cartel Market companions will keep coming and those a choice not a requirement.

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