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Am I the only one who actually loves lana?

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Interesting that mocking a white female character's skin color is OK. I seem to recall the Koth hate thread being labelled "racist" despite no use one mentioning how he looked beyond those stupid goggles. The pretty white girl is fair game, though. Sith privelege and that posh accent don't help either, maybe. Hmmm.


I'd like to point out that pale usually means describes something totally different than simply white skin.


BTW, the most hot female character in this game is that bar lady you talk to shortly before you meet Skorpio for the first time. Top 5 for sure. ☺️Lana, pfff, doesn't even count as a woman...

Edited by Khaleg
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I'd like to point out that pale usually means describes something totally different than white skin.


Pale means anything that's light really. From vampire pale to being somewhat slightly tanned, but not enough tanned to be called tanned. At least according to google! When you google pale, there are quite a lot of different shades that are still considered pale. Though when I think of pale myself, I think of that vampy pale look! If that makes any sense.:confused:


I think pale is very pretty though.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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Pale means anything that's light really. From vampire pale to being somewhat slightly tanned, but not enough tanned to be called tanned. At least according to google! When you google pale, there are quite a lot of different shades that are still considered pale. Though when I think of pale myself, I think of that vampy pale look! If that makes any sense.:confused:


I think pale is very pretty though.:rak_03:


Well, I thought it was obvious that I spoke about the sick looking kind of pale, like in ash grey, because it's obvious when you look at her. ☺️

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Well, I think it' was obvious that I spoke about the sick looking kind of pale, because it's obvious when you look at her. ☺️


Yeah I know what you meant.:) Though I myself didn't know myself until recently that pale was more than super pale!!:rak_03::p

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I agree there probably an underlying bias if you find a whole group unnatractive,(Which wasn't what I said) though I'm not quick to call racism. Marr's placeholder skin color is too deep when it comes to what I find attractive.

This is what I find confusing about your comment. Are you saying that you'd find Marr attractive if his skin was lighter?


I dunno. I get that attractiveness is subjective. But it's very hard for me to imagine being attracted to someone, and then not being attracted to them if, say, the colour of their hair, or eyes, or skin, was different. It just seems like such a small thing in the overall makeup of a person.

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This is what I find confusing about your comment. Are you saying that you'd find Marr attractive if his skin was lighter?


I dunno. I get that attractiveness is subjective. But it's very hard for me to imagine being attracted to someone, and then not being attracted to them if, say, the colour of their hair, or eyes, or skin, was different. It just seems like such a small thing in the overall makeup of a person.


I would not, his whole face isn't particularly nice.:p So I guess in that sense I could have mentioned that too. I do agree that there are those who may have gotten offended over me saying what I said, and had it been the case I would apologize, though I myself would not have gotten upset over it.

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I'd like to point out that pale usually means describes something totally different than simply white skin.


BTW, the most hot female character in this game is that bar lady you talk to shortly before you meet Skorpio for the first time. Top 5 for sure. ☺️Lana, pfff, doesn't even count as a woman...


Curious. She's white and she's too pale.


If we changed the comment to Koth is too dark, would that be OK? I mean, dark doesn't just describe black skin, right? Or even, "Koth is pale," stated as a negative trait. What connotations does that have, I wonder?


Nearly every Sith character has Dark Side corruption, which makes them look look supernaturally ghoulish/undead and largely detracts from their objective attractiveness otherwise. Lana is simply a pale white woman. Objectively, that is not a negative trait.

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Curious. She's white and she's too pale.


If we changed the comment to Koth is too dark, would that be OK? I mean, dark doesn't just describe black skin, right? Or even, "Koth is pale," stated as a negative trait. What connotations does that have, I wonder?


I don't see why it would suddenly be different just because Koth is a black man. There will be those who think so, just as there are those for Lana.

Being white, black or purple isn't a negative trait, but it may be unatractive towards people. You can't exactly change what you're attracted to.


While it may not matter in game, in real life skin colour often comes with certain features. The darker the skin, the more prone they are to having certain features people may or may not find attractive. The same goes for the opposite skin colour.


My swtor character has dark skin, number 24, but a face that doesn't have features that often goes with dark skin. I like it just fine that way.:rak_03:

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Lana is simply a pale white woman. Objectively, that is not a negative trait.


Nope, not even slightly. If anything that's a positive trait to have.


Anyway, my merc main didn't romance any character up until she met Lana, she certainly didn't choose Torian to romance. Guess I now know why! :D

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I personally am male but there are a whole bunch of male characters that make me cringe when I see them. In fact, my biggest complaint in games like this, is that male character models often look very crappy. Look at the facial hair and how weird it often looks on the faces. But all in all I can ignore them. As long as I like one of them, I'm good.




I find most males in the game to be ugly. There are only a few faces that are sort of attractive to me, one I really like (human face 2) Contrast that with most female faces being very conventionally attractive, almost like several variations of the same three people, one person of each race. Only one or two made with overly "distinctive" features like this one http://imgur.com/a/V40as in particular.


and agreed, the beards are so dumb looking, like play dough stuck on a chin. Quinn and Theron's five o clock shadow at least look sort of attractive.


I'm not "attracted" to any of the male li options except Quinn, Theron and Vector, and two of those faces are unique ones, but as a woman, I'm used to lack of eye candy in my media and having to supplement with imagination ;) So complaints about Lana not being attractive enough really make me looolll

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Nope, not even slightly. If anything that's a positive trait to have.


Anyway, my merc main didn't romance any character up until she met Lana, she certainly didn't choose Torian to romance. Guess I now know why! :D


Same with my female SW, she didn't bother, and then she met Lana. :)


Pale skin being attractive/unattractive is largely subjective. Some people find the very pale, ethereal/ghostly/gothic look to be their cup of tea; some don't. I personally like it a lot.

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I don't hate her, she's the kind of person I'd like as a friend. I'm just sick to death of her. The game has starred Lana and to a slightly less degree Theron for a very long time and I wonder if it will ever change. There are other interesting characters in the game besides just those two.


When you have a lot of money you can write tons of dialogue for characters that very few players will ever hear (Dragon Age Origins). When you have less cash you need to restrict your writing to a few core characters.


Rather than give us a team that focuses on the most popular 8 companions (1 from each class), they decided to give us Lana, Theron, Koth as our new main comps. I may not be 100% happy with the decision, but I understand the reasoning behind it.

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When you have a lot of money you can write tons of dialogue for characters that very few players will ever hear (Dragon Age Origins). When you have less cash you need to restrict your writing to a few core characters.


Rather than give us a team that focuses on the most popular 8 companions (1 from each class), they decided to give us Lana, Theron, Koth as our new main comps. I may not be 100% happy with the decision, but I understand the reasoning behind it.

Didn't swtor cost a lot more than dragon age ever did? I know their budget is no longer the same obviously. But still!

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Didn't swtor cost a lot more than dragon age ever did? I know their budget is no longer the same obviously. But still!

Well SWTOR also has way more companions than any other Bioware game! Even more than Baldur's Gate - and that was barely voiced at all. So, just to do right by existing companions, there's a huge amount of work involved.

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Well SWTOR also has way more companions than any other Bioware game! Even more than Baldur's Gate - and that was barely voiced at all. So, just to do right by existing companions, there's a huge amount of work involved.


Yet the depth of the companions isn't nearly as big as their other games. ;/ Imo they put too much money in all the wrong things!! but i dont want to drift away from the topic at hand.:rak_03:

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Didn't swtor cost a lot more than dragon age ever did? I know their budget is no longer the same obviously. But still!


The royalties that you have to pay to Lucasarts (now Disney) alone make it a lot more expensive. I suspect that making an MMO is more expensive than an RPG also because there's a lot more involved.


So for those reasons alone they had a lot bigger budget. The truth is that a lot was riding on this being a SW game and on release that was visible. There really was a buzz but it went sour pretty soon sadly. I can still remember the dev team gloating over their 200 hours of content per character to get from 1-50 and how people would be busy for a long time just doing that.


Of course there were the guys who blew through 1-50 in less than a week or two and were looking for endgame cause that's what they wanted. And of course they started complaining about how there was nothing to do at 50 and making other people worry about the moment they would reach 50. Of course when you race to 50 before anyone else there won't be many people to play with and well, the game did release with just one ops that was bugged horribly. So all in all not a great start, but the damage was already done.


I think it took quite a bit to make this game but I also think they wore rose-tinted glasses for too long and didn't realise many people would be coming from other MMOs where they were already used to a certain standard of things. I've said it before and I'll say it again but nobody's been able to come close to what WoW has done and one of the main reasons is because game companies think that they can start with a basic set-up like WoW did in 2004 or whenever they started. Look at how long it took SWTOR to get legacy storage. It took years. Look at how little is done for guilds within the game and it goes on. Once people have played some games there's an expectaction and even if a lot of players do not come from previous experience they'll start pitching in after hearing about it from the others.


It's this type of thinking that also made SWTOR not even 10% as successful as it could've been. That's my view on it. SWTOR really is not a bad game but it is plagued by a lot of poor decision-making starting before the game was made. BW also doesn't learn from that. Look at Mass Effect: Andromeda. It also had a poor release. They fixed a lot and it really is an enjoyable game but it would've been so much more popular if they hadn't made so many bad decisions leading up to the poor state of the game at release. The media was all over the facial animations. Really, I can recommend the game now, but it's too late.


SWTOR also could've done much better in that first year and it would've been a much more solid game even today. I'm glad it's still alive but I've been very angry at various points in time.


As for Lana....were they not able to make her look better or was this another poor decision. The concept looked a lot better. What can I say?

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The royalties that you have to pay to Lucasarts (now Disney) alone make it a lot more expensive. I suspect that making an MMO is more expensive than an RPG also because there's a lot more involved.


So for those reasons alone they had a lot bigger budget. The truth is that a lot was riding on this being a SW game and on release that was visible. There really was a buzz but it went sour pretty soon sadly. I can still remember the dev team gloating over their 200 hours of content per character to get from 1-50 and how people would be busy for a long time just doing that.


Of course there were the guys who blew through 1-50 in less than a week or two and were looking for endgame cause that's what they wanted. And of course they started complaining about how there was nothing to do at 50 and making other people worry about the moment they would reach 50. Of course when you race to 50 before anyone else there won't be many people to play with and well, the game did release with just one ops that was bugged horribly. So all in all not a great start, but the damage was already done.


I think it took quite a bit to make this game but I also think they wore rose-tinted glasses for too long and didn't realise many people would be coming from other MMOs where they were already used to a certain standard of things. I've said it before and I'll say it again but nobody's been able to come close to what WoW has done and one of the main reasons is because game companies think that they can start with a basic set-up like WoW did in 2004 or whenever they started. Look at how long it took SWTOR to get legacy storage. It took years. Look at how little is done for guilds within the game and it goes on. Once people have played some games there's an expectaction and even if a lot of players do not come from previous experience they'll start pitching in after hearing about it from the others.


It's this type of thinking that also made SWTOR not even 10% as successful as it could've been. That's my view on it. SWTOR really is not a bad game but it is plagued by a lot of poor decision-making starting before the game was made. BW also doesn't learn from that. Look at Mass Effect: Andromeda. It also had a poor release. They fixed a lot and it really is an enjoyable game but it would've been so much more popular if they hadn't made so many bad decisions leading up to the poor state of the game at release. The media was all over the facial animations. Really, I can recommend the game now, but it's too late.


SWTOR also could've done much better in that first year and it would've been a much more solid game even today. I'm glad it's still alive but I've been very angry at various points in time.


As for Lana....were they not able to make her look better or was this another poor decision. The concept looked a lot better. What can I say?

I wouldn't know what they pay Disney and LucasArts ;/ So i'm not quite sure what to say about that.

As for concept art vs in game, I agree with Lana and also Theron Shan! http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/ff/TheronShanHS-Annihilation.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120601030001

He looks pretty damn good here, putting it mildly.:rak_03: In game he's alright, could have had better hair and looked a bit more rugged? If that's the right word. That's how he strikes me in that art piece anyway.

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She's my main's LI, but if she wasn't, she'd probably have been fired long ago.

No real progress on getting our companions back but plenty of lip service. At least Theron tracked down our (albeit empty) ship.

Telling me to go have a chat with Valkorian, then when I get back, scream at me like she didn't just tell me to go talk to Valkorian. "Where the BLAZES have you been?!?!?"


Lets THE SHROUD walk right past her and Theron into Odessen


The failure on Ziost with the double agent.


Though to be honest, she and Theron are basically running the Alliance and we're their go-fer. Lot of stuff on their plate.

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Before SWTOR she was on Hoth and cut a man's hand off instead of killing him

Democracy does have a lot of downsides so I don't see that as a dark side notion

And yes, she's been part of some morally questionable things but to me it felt more that the ends justified the means to her. She was always very lawful in her approach.


But, as I already conceded, maybe it isn't a light to dark change but I do still feel like she's different in in KotFE, maybe it's something else, but what I'm not going to do is replay KotFE to find out what it is that makes me feel she's somehow different, since the story is too crap to want to play it again.


It is however abundantly clear you saw or felt no difference in her personality and that's fine of course.


It could just be how grim the last few years have been with the Eternal Empire's conquest of the galaxy. I'm still curious if we're ever going to get the story about how she lost her hand.

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It could just be how grim the last few years have been with the Eternal Empire's conquest of the galaxy. I'm still curious if we're ever going to get the story about how she lost her hand.


AFAIK someone asked the devs on Twitter - she didn't lose her hand. It's just a crush gauntlet or something like that.


Might be a story as to why she *needs* something to bolster strength in that hand, though...

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Lana is OK, can't say i love or hate her, but she is somehow puzzling me because of her attitude, she is not Sith or Jedi, more like something in between, is there a concept of grey Sith or grey Jedi? Edited by notanjelika
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I call her Lana Exposition. Her only reasons for existence are to watch me sleep and to rehash the plot. When she's not doing that, she's trying to one-up Theron ("Next time, aim to kill") or complaining about whatever he is doing ("Save the greetings!"), but at least her voice is pleasant.
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Lana is OK, can't say i love or hate her, but she is somehow puzzling me because of her attitude, she is not Sith or Jedi, more like something in between, is there a concept of grey Sith or grey Jedi?


If there is, Lana would make a great definition.

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Lana is OK, can't say i love or hate her, but she is somehow puzzling me because of her attitude, she is not Sith or Jedi, more like something in between, is there a concept of grey Sith or grey Jedi?


AFAIK that's the idea with her - she's supposed to be an example of a LS Sith. At one point in the Forged Alliance cut scenes she says that the "old" idea of the Revanites was somewhat appealing (the idea that there was neither straight dark nor light). Any of the Sith characters can also choose to very deliberately make and identify with Light Side choices (ie, convos with Jaesa that keep her Light Side) and there are specific options for hybrid light-dark paths for them.


In the extended universe there are Dark Jedi, Grays and Light Sith which all pop up. And it's argued that in the prequel films, Qui-Gon Jinn and Mace Windu both veer into that Gray category.





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