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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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There is a dark side to this, though. When you first flirt a bit and then end it before the first kiss, all this caring and being there feels more like he doesn't understand the concept of NO.

Reminds me of the female sith warrior and Quinn.

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There is a dark side to this, though. When you first flirt a bit and then end it before the first kiss, all this caring and being there feels more like he doesn't understand the concept of NO. A subtle but constant pushing that made his "Surprise!" moment very very creepy. My agent had to get physical and not in the sense Vector would have liked to.


Most of the romances are that way if you flirt and then end it. I dumped Corso and he continued to talk about finding a house and raising kids. Andronikos was the same way. I think they just didn't know how to write the dumped scenario.


I am eagerly awaiting 5.4 to see if he comes back. I have not run my agent through any of kotfe or kotet because I couldn't bear to lose him without knowing when and wheree he returned. I created a smuggler version of her though and ran that incarnation through all the way to the end of Iokath. I hope that I will be able to recruit him Pub side. If so, I'm gonna grab him first chance I get and then smother him in gifts.

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If so, I'm gonna grab him first chance I get and then smother him in gifts.


I retrieved him from the terminal when KotFE first dropped because my sniper prefers to have a melee companion taking a punch for her WAAAAYY up there and not pulling the mobs on top of her like all the ranged companions do when in tank mode. Yeah, I could have used Lana but...I don't like Lana. I like her less and less with each chapter because her Mary Sue-ness is so forced upon us (no offense to the people who actually like her. To each their own. Hey, I like "the Bug Man" so I'm not judging :p ).


Anyway, I showered him with gifts way back then and got him to 50. So the only way I can smother him with gifts is to buy him new clothes. No lie, I check each outfit and judge them on how good they look on Vector, lol.


Edit: This is what I have him wearing (currently):



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I retrieved him from the terminal when KotFE first dropped because my sniper prefers to have a melee companion taking a punch for her WAAAAYY up there and not pulling the mobs on top of her like all the ranged companions do when in tank mode. Yeah, I could have used Lana but...I don't like Lana. I like her less and less with each chapter because her Mary Sue-ness is so forced upon us (no offense to the people who actually like her. To each their own. Hey, I like "the Bug Man" so I'm not judging :p ).


Anyway, I showered him with gifts way back then and got him to 50. So the only way I can smother him with gifts is to buy him new clothes. No lie, I check each outfit and judge them on how good they look on Vector, lol.


Edit: This is what I have him wearing (currently):




I agree with you, as time goes on, I hate Lana more and more. I for one am getting very tired of finding her hovering over me in any game situation. I get knocked out, she's on top of me, I come out of carbon, she's on top of me. I wake up and you guessed it she's stalking me in my bedroom. Getting really fed up with her being the first damn thing I see when waking or coming out of unconciousness. Especially cause I don't romance her.


I adore Vector and I too dress him up to his best potential. He looks smashing in so much. Love him. <3

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There is a dark side to this, though. When you first flirt a bit and then end it before the first kiss, all this caring and being there feels more like he doesn't understand the concept of NO. A subtle but constant pushing that made his "Surprise!" moment very very creepy. My agent had to get physical and not in the sense Vector would have liked to.


You wanna talk about not understanding the concept of no? My dark side agent used and dumped Kaliyo and he was going to do the same to Raina. He did NOT want to get married and yet somehow ended up being married to Raina anyway. She's all like, lets cook dinner for our friends and I'm like...bish I dumped you two days ago. <.<

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I retrieved him from the terminal when KotFE first dropped because my sniper prefers to have a melee companion taking a punch for her WAAAAYY up there and not pulling the mobs on top of her like all the ranged companions do when in tank mode. Yeah, I could have used Lana but...I don't like Lana. I like her less and less with each chapter because her Mary Sue-ness is so forced upon us (no offense to the people who actually like her. To each their own. Hey, I like "the Bug Man" so I'm not judging :p ).


Anyway, I showered him with gifts way back then and got him to 50. So the only way I can smother him with gifts is to buy him new clothes. No lie, I check each outfit and judge them on how good they look on Vector, lol.


Edit: This is what I have him wearing (currently):




You're player after my own heart, lol. I do the same thing with clothes, and I can't stand Lana. My friends say I have Lanaphobia, lol.

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You're player after my own heart, lol. I do the same thing with clothes, and I can't stand Lana. My friends say I have Lanaphobia, lol.


My feelings are too aggressive to "phobia". I need to commit Lanacide.


My sniper never went through KOTFE/ET. I may play her through his return, if it's well done. If not, I'm happy she never lost him.


But with my operative: he took Vector back as soon as he reached Odessen. Still in his 30s level of influence, but slowly getting there. Fortunately, Vector and Malavai like completely different gifts, so I never had to choose to whom give what I have.:D

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Fortunately, Vector and Malavai like completely different gifts, so I never had to choose to whom give what I have.:D


Oh man, I chose Talos Drellik as another one of my top people (I head canon that my Agent's inner Alliance circle are the people who she has the highest affection with, and Talos is one of them. LANA IS NOT) and, unfortunately, Talos and Vector like the same thing.


I mean, if the Courting Gifts still worked like they were supposed to, Vector would have gotten those. But those are STILL FRELLING BUSTED, so Cultural Artifacts and Imperial Memorabilia were in very high demand when it came to building up their influence and only recently have I been able to start stockpiling them again now that at least those two are at 50.

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Vector has this one sentence that he says on Makeb, on Gravity Hook Seven's Loading Ring, that has been staying on my memory, I find it rather poetic, but perhaps bit sad too: "The air is thinner here. Smell yesterday's rain. Our time grows short."
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Vector has this one sentence that he says on Makeb, on Gravity Hook Seven's Loading Ring, that has been staying on my memory, I find it rather poetic, but perhaps bit sad too: "The air is thinner here. Smell yesterday's rain. Our time grows short."


I don't think he's talking about his time, specifically, growing short. Or even the Agent's and his time. He was likely talking about Makeb itself, seeing as the planet was dying. Or he might be talking in the grand, galactic scheme of things of "Our time grows short. We'll only live for another 50 years or so (whatever the normal lifespan for humans are in Star Wars) and the galaxy is trillions of years old." Or not.


Ugh. Vector. BE MORE SPECIFIC! Who is threatening your life?! I WILL MURDER THEIR FACE OFF...uh...IN THE NAME OF LOVE! Yeah. Yeah. That.


That being said, I adore how he puts a poetic spin on everything. Except Tatooine. He did not like Tatooine. "This is the place...yes? We were expecting something a bit...fancier." (In case you guys didn't know, Vector DOES have lines on Tatooine, both ambient as well as participating in cut scenes, if you did Alderaan first.) Anyway, that was a bit snarky coming from a guy who was living in a cave, which really highlights how gross Tatooine is, lol.

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That being said, I adore how he puts a poetic spin on everything. Except Tatooine. He did not like Tatooine. "This is the place...yes? We were expecting something a bit...fancier." (In case you guys didn't know, Vector DOES have lines on Tatooine, both ambient as well as participating in cut scenes, if you did Alderaan first.) Anyway, that was a bit snarky coming from a guy who was living in a cave, which really highlights how gross Tatooine is, lol.


He does!? :eek:


... >_< I always did Tatooine first because even though I wanted to get to Alderaan as fast as I could to get Vector (I despise Kaliyo), I didn't want him to just be a prop in the background. Gaahhhhh. I'm doing the agent's storyline again (and wondering how I'm going to *not* romance Vector with this lady agent...long story), but this time I'm doing it with my sister and possibly her friend, too, so doing the planets out of order might not be possible.

Grrrrr. Wish I'd known that sooner. :p

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He does!? :eek:


... >_< I always did Tatooine first because even though I wanted to get to Alderaan as fast as I could to get Vector (I despise Kaliyo), I didn't want him to just be a prop in the background. Gaahhhhh. I'm doing the agent's storyline again (and wondering how I'm going to *not* romance Vector with this lady agent...long story), but this time I'm doing it with my sister and possibly her friend, too, so doing the planets out of order might not be possible.

Grrrrr. Wish I'd known that sooner. :p


Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised when I was running (yet another) Agent during 12XP and I was something like 42nd when I had the choice to go to either Tatooine or Alderaan. Before we HAD to do Tatooine first because we would have been severely underleveled for Alderaan. But during 12XP, seeing as I was 10+ levels over the recommended level of Alderaan (this was before level sync) I was like, "OMG YAY VECTOR ONE PLANET SOONER, PACK YOUR BAGS, KALIYO!" And then I found out HE HAD LINES?! yeah, every Agent after that has done Alderaan first.


I'm glad someone found my PSA useful :D


Edit: Honestly, you should be able to do Alderaan first with your friends. Everyone will be more than high enough level, and ALL the classes have the choice to do Alderaan OR Tatooine, so their stories will still be consistent. Of course, you might still lose out because only one of you can have a companion out due to group number limitations. So just make your case for Vector being that companion :)

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That being said, I adore how he puts a poetic spin on everything. Except Tatooine. He did not like Tatooine. "This is the place...yes? We were expecting something a bit...fancier." (In case you guys didn't know, Vector DOES have lines on Tatooine, both ambient as well as participating in cut scenes, if you did Alderaan first.) Anyway, that was a bit snarky coming from a guy who was living in a cave, which really highlights how gross Tatooine is, lol.


I always do Alderaan first to get him asap, and I was pleasantly surprised that he's not a mute dummy there, but as active as any other planet, even if theoretically we shouldn't have him yet.

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I always do Alderaan first to get him asap, and I was pleasantly surprised that he's not a mute dummy there, but as active as any other planet, even if theoretically we shouldn't have him yet.


No, no. We were always given the choice. There was always two story quests in your journal of "Go to Tatooine" and "Go to Alderaan." Same as "Go to Balmorra." and "Go to Nar Shadaa." It's just that until they did the 12XP and then gave accelerated XP once 4.0 dropped that we could ACTUALLY choose as opposed to HAVING to do Balmorra/Tatooine first because of our levels.


So there was ALWAYS the possibilty of doing Alderaan and getting him first, but few people could or did because by the time we were at that point we would have only been about 23-25th level and you needed to be around 30 for Alderaan.

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No, no. We were always given the choice. There was always two story quests in your journal of "Go to Tatooine" and "Go to Alderaan." Same as "Go to Balmorra." and "Go to Nar Shadaa." It's just that until they did the 12XP and then gave accelerated XP once 4.0 dropped that we could ACTUALLY choose as opposed to HAVING to do Balmorra/Tatooine first because of our levels.


So there was ALWAYS the possibilty of doing Alderaan and getting him first, but few people could or did because by the time we were at that point we would have only been about 23-25th level and you needed to be around 30 for Alderaan.


Maybe I phrased it wrong. I know we always had a choice. I also know many players (that I know, including me) usually go first to a planet of lower lever. So it's a choice... but with a "suggestion".


Bit off topic, but a friend told me that if you do JK story in reverse order, it's acknowledged in the dialogue too.

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I just hope they do a decent come back cut scene. So far.. the only one that has not left me unsatisfied was Aric Jorgan. All the other returning romance option companion scenes were,,,, for lack of better words... "meh".


Can't wait for Vector to come back. I didn't romance anyone on my agent because.. well Vector!! <squee>

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No, no. We were always given the choice. There was always two story quests in your journal of "Go to Tatooine" and "Go to Alderaan." Same as "Go to Balmorra." and "Go to Nar Shadaa." It's just that until they did the 12XP and then gave accelerated XP once 4.0 dropped that we could ACTUALLY choose as opposed to HAVING to do Balmorra/Tatooine first because of our levels.


So there was ALWAYS the possibilty of doing Alderaan and getting him first, but few people could or did because by the time we were at that point we would have only been about 23-25th level and you needed to be around 30 for Alderaan.


The reason most had to do Tattoine first was because Tattoine's agent quest-line would bug if you finished Alderaan first. You couldn't complete Tattoint in that case. Many of us the had to get help from tech support to fix the issue.

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The reason most had to do Tattoine first was because Tattoine's agent quest-line would bug if you finished Alderaan first. You couldn't complete Tattoint in that case. Many of us the had to get help from tech support to fix the issue.


And that bug was Vector :p


In all seriousness though, I didn't know that. Until the XP overhaul, my agents were never high enough level to go straight to Alderaan because they'd be about 5 levels below the recommended level so I *HAD* to do Tatooine, so I never, personally, experienced the bug. Glad they fixed it!

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This was before the romances were lined up with the story as well as influence.


Yeah, there was nothing more awkward than marrying Phi-Ton as Vector, my Agent's Common Law (there was no official ceremony) husband, watched and approved. Though his "Greatly Approves" pop up was super amusing when my Agent decided NOT to consummate her marriage to Phi-Ton.


Now Vector's "Fade to Black" scene doesn't even come up until after Voss. That may be for the best :D


ETA: At the very least my Sim versions of Vector and Zissler are actually married :D




(Not a whole lot of Sci-Fi clothes in my download folders, so I just go for "General" as best as I can. Was proud that I had full black eyes. Too bad Sim!Vector is far more expressive in his facial animations than SWTOR!Vector so you can't see them in this pic.)


(BTW, I cannot draw better than stick figures, so I use Sims instead. Case in point: http://peasant007.tumblr.com/post/132283284284/this-is-the-extent-of-my-artist-skills-granted )

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