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Worse Tier 1 drops than before 5.2


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Since 5.2 I've had much worse drops than before it in tier one.

I actually horded a bunch of crates till 5.2 and I know they weren't going to drop better gear than before. Anyway I opened them and got the normal stuff for tier one and it wasn't bad. Once I finished with those I've been opening new ones and it's rubbish. Much less stuff that is useful and only one 1 set piece 230 lvl in 24 hours of play.

That's pretty crappy

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Quoting this from the other section of the forums:


Was bored so we did Master DP and Master DF today.


Group comp for DP was:

Tanks - PT/PT

Heals - Sorc/Op

DPS - Mara/PT/Merc/Sniper


DP Loot Drops were:

Bestia - 246 Purple Sin Tank Bracers

Tyrans - 246 Purple Sniper Gloves

Calphyus - 244 Blue (Orange Shell) PT Dps Pants

Raptus - 244 Blue (Orange Shell) Sin Tank MainHand

Council - 248 Gold Ear UNASSEMBLED Token x2


Group comp for DF was:

Tanks - Sin/Sin

Heals - Sorc/Op

DPS - Mara/PT/PT/Merc


DF Loot Drops were:

Nefra - 244 Blue (Orange Shell) Jug Tank Belt

Draxus - 246 Purple Jugg Tank Head

Grobby - 246 Purple PT Tank Boots

CZero - 246 Purple Op DPS Pants

Brontes - 248 Gold Gloves UNASSEMBLED Token x2



It seems better than the nothing we were getting before, but to put RNG Assembled items on bosses seems to be too high on the "Thrill of the Hunt" scale...... Wonder what kinda random relics we gonna get...


Full thread is here:


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She said that the old ones had a better drop rate than the new.



But what level are you in tier 1?


She said it has less useful stuff. And naturally if she opened them after the ones from 5.1, they will contain less useful stuff. Since the more T1 gear you get the less T1 gear you need.

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Even though many players still think I cheated or got paid by BW (still haven't seen any of it though) I've actually had even better drop rates from tier 3 crates after 5.2. I can't remember exact rank I had before 5.2 but now I'm in tier 4. Probably 30+ crates after 5.2 so...


I managed to get to mostly tier 3 before moving to tier 4 crates and even some 242s to disintegrate! Only one implant (236) and pants (234) remaining from tier 2. Before 5.2 I had multiple 234s/236s and even two 230 set armorings + one 230 mod in my gear.


From 3 tier 4 crates I've opened I've managed to get 246 offhand.

Edit: 248 chest from 4th

Edited by Halinalle
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...Since the more T1 gear you get the less T1 gear you need.


Problem with this.

My character that has the most Tier 1 gear also needs the most.


She has gotten 10 tier 1 set pieces but has 2 item bonus. Why? 5 of those set items are pants and 3 are helmets, 2 are bracers. She's gotten the most Tier 1 gear and still needs the most due to poor implementation in general.

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Problem with this.

My character that has the most Tier 1 gear also needs the most.


She has gotten 10 tier 1 set pieces but has 2 item bonus. Why? 5 of those set items are pants and 3 are helmets, 2 are bracers. She's gotten the most Tier 1 gear and still needs the most due to poor implementation in general.


That seems really unlucky on your part. But you can reliably get set bonus gear in operations now.

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I have opened 9 or 10 boxes so far, and it's all been pure vendor-trash, or disintegrator trash, if you prefer. Not one single useful bit of gear yet, zero, zip, zilch, nada.


I hate this whole RNG garbage system more than words can say.

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I have opened 9 or 10 boxes so far, and it's all been pure vendor-trash, or disintegrator trash, if you prefer. Not one single useful bit of gear yet, zero, zip, zilch, nada.


I hate this whole RNG garbage system more than words can say.


No way you opened your first 10 T1 boxes and not one of them contained gear you can use, unless you were already geared with the help of other characters.

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I have opened 9 or 10 boxes so far, and it's all been pure vendor-trash, or disintegrator trash, if you prefer. Not one single useful bit of gear yet, zero, zip, zilch, nada.


I hate this whole RNG garbage system more than words can say.


What rank?

Do you have gear that other characters got already on that character (legacy gear)?

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Tier 1 is essentially a players introduction to "End game" and also rewards a tier of gear that is essentially starter gear. Since tier one gear will all be replaced in the higher tiers and this is the first impression players get of the gearing system it would have been logical to throw gear at the players in tier one...


Instead it's still an awful crap'shoot.


It seriously vexes me that people designing the game seem to lack common sense...

Edited by Soljin
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What rank?

Do you have gear that other characters got already on that character (legacy gear)?


No way you opened your first 10 T1 boxes and not one of them contained gear you can use, unless you were already geared with the help of other characters.


Answer to you both - I am wearing 220-228 gear that I crafted myself with various of my toons. No Legacy Gear, and nothing other toons obtained from this (insert multiple expletives here) Command system.


I have a Slinger and a Sniper, both working their way through first ten command ranks. This is just unbearably grindy and disappointing.

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I like that tier 4 is supposed to no longer have greens, but wish they would add a few checkbox for all the tiers:


[ x ] Automatically disintigrate all green, orange and blue gear. (this one i would use for sure)

[ x ] Automatically disintigrate all companion buffs.

[ x ] Automatically disintigrate all reputation buffs.

[ ] Automatically disintigrate craft buying currencies.

[ x ] Automatically disintigrate all non-upgradable set pieces.

[ x ] Automatically disintigrate all set pieces that this character has already popped.


If these existed it would save a lot of time, I'd choose them all except the craft currencies one and then 99% of all crates would be empty, just awarding CXP, saving me from getting carpal tunnel.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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My main toon started 5.2 at Command Level 259. Currently I'm at Command Level 270 and I got... one 240 Implant I could use. I also got two 240 set pieces I already had, as well as a repeated 240 MH.


Let's see if the RNG blesses me with at least one golden item before hitting Tier 4.

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Even though many players still think I cheated or got paid by BW (still haven't seen any of it though) I've actually had even better drop rates from tier 3 crates after 5.2. I can't remember exact rank I had before 5.2 but now I'm in tier 4. Probably 30+ crates after 5.2 so...


I managed to get to mostly tier 3 before moving to tier 4 crates and even some 242s to disintegrate! Only one implant (236) and pants (234) remaining from tier 2. Before 5.2 I had multiple 234s/236s and even two 230 set armorings + one 230 mod in my gear.


From 3 tier 4 crates I've opened I've managed to get 246 offhand.

Edit: 248 chest from 4th


You should buy a lotto ticket and stop wasting your good luck on swtor because you might need it come day 😉

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That seems really unlucky on your part. But you can reliably get set bonus gear in operations now.


Only if you do operations. People who only pvp are stuck trying to farm unassembled components because nothing useful is dropping from tier one. I don't expect 234+ items, just some 230 set bonuses.

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No way you opened your first 10 T1 boxes and not one of them contained gear you can use, unless you were already geared with the help of other characters.


It's very easy to do. It's happened to me. The only useful thing in any crate is the command Comms. The rest is trash.

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Tier 1 is essentially a players introduction to "End game" and also rewards a tier of gear that is essentially starter gear. Since tier one gear will all be replaced in the higher tiers and this is the first impression players get of the gearing system it would have been logical to throw gear at the players in tier one...


Instead it's still an awful crap'shoot.


It seriously vexes me that people designing the game seem to lack common sense...


Ikr, why not make the base drops 230 and increase the set bonus drops so people essentially have a full set of the base level gear with set bonus before they enter tier two. It would make sense that it would be easier lower down and get harder as you got near the tier 4 cap. But it seems like they've completely forgotten about tier one and just made it easier for tier 3-4 to gear up.

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