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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW, stop heading into wrong direction


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You do not need to pay to do daily missions. That was for controlling a droid, walker, or turret, where there is a credit cost with some Iokath currency. The daily you were on indicated you needed to interact with the various terminals and when you did that, the quest advanced. This was only a training/tutorial mission to teach you were to go for each of the various toys. It just wasn't very clear since it immediately asked you to spend. I'll see if we can do something about that for the future.


I see a new trend here.


Pay 150 cartel coins + 20k credits + some clunky currency to do dailies.


Who on earth was thinking that collecting 600 Iokath shards and using them for a one time ~1 minute walker ride would be a good idea when it takes you hours to farm these? Why not at least make it a one time pay and then you can re-use the walker/sentinel/mouse droid to do the quests daily or weekly.?


The mobs drop like 1-6 shards so you need to kill like 200 for 2mins walker ride?



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And how will I be doing the mission of killing 40 mobs as walker if I don't want to buy one with shards? I hate those walkers since I can't strafe and they can't jump AT ALL. Which means everything trips them and they are a horrible experience to walk in. Yea, I know, I am not forced to do that. That means I don't want the achievement.... BUT I DO!!




That's all I have to say.


OK this is off topic but I have to ask since SOO MANY people are ************ about it. Where is any Star Wars movie, Television show or comic or novel or ANYWHERE does it say that a Machine that has only 'forward' movement has a Strafe or can Jump?


And to those who are saying that they are too slow and clunky...... Did you not SEE them moving Slow and Clunky in Eps 5, 6 and Eps 2(the for leg walkers). Those things are HEAVY and require aLOT of power to move.


Yea i get that we as 'beings' with more limberness can do this but come on........... Walkers NEVER did this in anything that I seen with them so why should they do it in game now?


On Topic, I think that people should have taken a bit of critical thinking in these missions. Yea it does seem like you have to pay shards for missions but I get we all have bad mojo about BW and their need to make our lives hard but I think that reacting this way was a bit overblown.

Edited by DarthCadius
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OK this is off topic but I have to ask since SOO MANY people are ************ about it. Where is any Star Wars movie, Television show or comic or novel or ANYWHERE does it say that a Machine that has only 'forward' movement has a Strafe or can Jump?


Yea i get that we as 'beings' with more limberness can do this but come on........... Walkers NEVER did this in anything that I seen with them so why should they do it in game now?


You are correct. it is off-topic and the wish might be out of SW world. Correct. I hate them tripping so much. I avoided them as much as I could even in KOTET (I cleared the path without mounting one and came back for them because I had to!) and it drives me crazy that I am forced to use them. Make them as realistic as possible, just don't force me to use them. Having a mission that I did not do on Iokath and achievements that I did not get because I can't bear them will leave a bitter taste. But that's all of topic, ok.


Back on topic:


Keith, no, not that quest is implied. You have to pay with shards and money to get the walker to kill 40 mobs. That's a quest you have to pay for.


And another hard to understand quest: Powering Up the Weapons Factory. Why? What's the difficulty? What's the purpose of 5 cores? Why not 1? Why not 25? It's silly how pointless that is.

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You do not need to pay to do daily missions. That was for controlling a droid, walker, or turret, where there is a credit cost with some Iokath currency. The daily you were on indicated you needed to interact with the various terminals and when you did that, the quest advanced. This was only a training/tutorial mission to teach you were to go for each of the various toys. It just wasn't very clear since it immediately asked you to spend. I'll see if we can do something about that for the future.


simply removing the cost of doing quests would be the way to go then.


penalising people to do new content is poor poor form

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You do not need to pay to do daily missions. That was for controlling a droid, walker, or turret, where there is a credit cost with some Iokath currency. The daily you were on indicated you needed to interact with the various terminals and when you did that, the quest advanced. This was only a training/tutorial mission to teach you were to go for each of the various toys. It just wasn't very clear since it immediately asked you to spend. I'll see if we can do something about that for the future.


Congratulations on your promotion to the hot seat; a high risk, high reward position. Wish you great success in game production and community relations.


Sorry about the cracks I took in the post to which you replied; I could've been restrained in the criticism.


Thank you for the response. The part that I underlined above, I did notice. My concern was: It seemed like I needed to pay in two currencies and get the toys if I wanted to do the dailies. May be somebody can confirm (or refute) if the dailies can be done without the toys. I will go back with the same character and try the dailies as well.

Edited by mike_carton
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I'm already paying you for the privilege to play your game with real money.


Make the cost 1 time only to unlock or remove the cost completely, cause guess what, people are going to do this pay-to-play crap exactly once for the pointless achievements and then abandon the whole area. Grinding for the privilege to grind some more is just RNG boxes inside RNG boxes again. Stupid.


I thought you played this game for 10,000 hours? Have you ever run dallies in this game that require payment? The answer to that is "No," because these are the only dailies that demand payment.


Go back and look at Black Hole, Section X, Oricon, CZ-198, Yavin 4, etc. and stop defending your predecessor's mistakes. He made them. He owns them. He's gone.

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Who on earth was thinking that collecting 600 Iokath shards and using them for a one time ~1 minute walker ride would be a good idea when it takes you hours to farm these? Why not at least make it a one time pay and then you can re-use the walker/sentinel/mouse droid to do the quests daily or weekly.?


This ^ I don't see people doing Iokath dailies for very long. They aren't profitable for the time they take. If you don't care about vehicle pvp, I expect the planet to be quite quiet in a couple weeks.


I did enjoy the story, and watching my friend pilot Tyth, but disappointed in the dailies. (not just the pay ones)

Edited by Krazhez
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I'm already paying you for the privilege to play your game with real money.


Make the cost 1 time only to unlock or remove the cost completely, cause guess what, people are going to do this pay-to-play crap exactly once for the pointless achievements and then abandon the whole area. Grinding for the privilege to grind some more is just RNG boxes inside RNG boxes again. Stupid.


I thought you played this game for 10,000 hours? Have you ever run dallies in this game that require payment? The answer to that is "No," because these are the only dailies that demand payment.


Go back and look at Black Hole, Section X, Oricon, CZ-198, Yavin 4, etc. and stop defending your predecessor's mistakes. He made them. He owns them. He's gone.


Keith probably had zero input on 5.2 prior to his take over. Give him a chance to change things around. It doesn't sound like he is defending anything but merely saying how it was set up.


I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and honestly not expecting any real massive change for at least 6 months since many things were probably already designed one way already before his take over. It's going to take time for things to change and many things may have to be s reactivate change depending on how far it was into production.

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The daily you were on indicated you needed to interact with the various terminals and when you did that, the quest advanced. This was only a training/tutorial mission to teach you were to go for each of the various toys. It just wasn't very clear since it immediately asked you to spend.
Yeah, I realized that AFTER I spent all the shards I had collected up to that point and now I'll have to grind out a bunch more of them to do the actual missions that require them.


Also, given the drop rate of these things and the number of missions that there are, the cost seems way too high.

Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, do one mission.

Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, do another mission.




Edited by Rankyn
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I wish I could be a fly on the wall in the producer's staff meetings so I could fly over and smack them around their head whenever they came up with an idea as stupid as having to pay for Iokath Dailies Edited by CaveBeast
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Like others I activated the mouse droid and used up shards only to discover it was an introductory learning mission and I was wandering around as a droid for no purpose. Don't think I will be grinding these dailies for too long and certainly not to man a crappy walker.


Loved the story content but definitely deflated over the new game update....uprisings didn't float my boat and now this .....at 47 am I finally starting to outgrow video games?!!!:eek:

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Like others I activated the mouse droid and used up shards only to discover it was an introductory learning mission and I was wandering around as a droid for no purpose. Don't think I will be grinding these dailies for too long and certainly not to man a crappy walker.


Loved the story content but definitely deflated over the new game update....uprisings didn't float my boat and now this .....at 47 am I finally starting to outgrow video games?!!!:eek:


It may not have to do with age I'm 42 and enjoy a good RPG experience... The problem is the big money investment companies have changed the design focus of games to better monetize and in the process made games in many cases NO FUN.


It's a classic case of shooting themselves in the foot... WoW made massive profits so the EA's of the world came in and started punching out MMOs but then realized it takes a lot of talent and work to do what Blizzard did....And decided to just start testing monetization techniques on all their games to squeeze more cash for less effort....


Many don't want to admit it but if you watch the designs that go into the game that are unfortunate you can easily trace them to efforts to funnel people to micro transactions...


Others will say..."Well they are a business...they need to make money!" Yeah well that used to happen by making an awesome product that people actually loved....

Edited by Soljin
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Sorry, but several other MMO's have something similar to drive the boredom out of the game. Sometimes its fun or funny even and others its just an added nice to have.


The PAY part needs to go if it's truly a daily activity, but I agree with others that this area will quickly become vacant if rewards don't keep players engaged for some sort of reason.

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You do not need to pay to do daily missions.


I bought the Iokath Monitor with credits and comms to complete the daily mission assigned to it, only to be killed with an incomplete task (7 out of 10 machines killed) remaining. I now have to purchase again to finish? I'm sorry, but this simply dumb. Cut out the BS Iokath comm grind and make this a one time purchase... at the very least.



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You do not need to pay to do daily missions.


Sorry, but you're wrong. Two of Iokath's daily missions can only be completed spending credits and shards:


- Detect and Destroy: Defeat 10 Enemies as an Iokath Monitor. You must spend 15k credits + 300 shards to control a monitor to complete the mission.

- Walking the Path: Defeat 40 Enemies on Iokath as a Walker. You must spend 30k credits + 600 shards to control a walker to complete the mission.


As a reward for doing these missions, we get (without boosts) 13,863 credits + 50 CXP + purple shards pack + blue reputation token + 70 LS/DS points. These missions should either get credits and shards boost to offset the cost or we should get a token to activate a monitor/walker without cost.

Edited by Ingsoc_XT
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You do not need to pay to do daily missions. That was for controlling a droid, walker, or turret, where there is a credit cost with some Iokath currency. The daily you were on indicated you needed to interact with the various terminals and when you did that, the quest advanced. This was only a training/tutorial mission to teach you were to go for each of the various toys. It just wasn't very clear since it immediately asked you to spend. I'll see if we can do something about that for the future.


Sorry but that just isnt true at all. Yes, you do not have to spend credits to do the one quest you are talking about but if you want to do the daily that requires you to defeat 40 enemies as a walker, you most certainly DO have to spend credits and a huge chunk of a special currency in order to be able to do a daily. I was there for a couple hours and still only had a third of the new currency required to complete one daily mission let alone the credits. Its not even worth it as it rewards less credits (and probably less shards) than it costs to be able to do the daily in the first place

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Sorry but that just isnt true at all. Yes, you do not have to spend credits to do the one quest you are talking about but if you want to do the daily that requires you to defeat 40 enemies as a walker, you most certainly DO have to spend credits and a huge chunk of a special currency in order to be able to do a daily. I was there for a couple hours and still only had a third of the new currency required to complete one daily mission let alone the credits. Its not even worth it as it rewards less credits (and probably less shards) than it costs to be able to do the daily in the first place


I would expect him to know this... given how he wears his "I'm a Player Too" merit badge in the forum here. :)


Heh.. so much for Keith being one of "us players", a kindred spirit. :p


I agree with other players who do not like the situational currency required in 5.2 for some Iokath dailies. It's a gimmick with a grind embedded into it just to be able to play the missions. Bad form, IMO. Then again.. it's not like any of us actually has to work the dailies with currency strings attached to them.. which might have been Keiths real point.

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Controlable mouse droids?

Chunky walker combat?




It's EXCITING! *snirk*


As much as I hate the walker, I'm finding that I'm starting to get the hang of it. *stompHULKSmash*


Edit: I also don't like the idea of having to 'pay' to do a daily. Screw that.

Edited by Lunafox
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I would like better rewards. Sorry the gear is horrible. (not sure yet about the Empire side) and those other items are only useable on mouse droids and walkers, so what good are they really.


Come on I know you can do better. What is the point of having the items if there is nothing worth it in the vendors, again.


Mouse droid was fun . Walker so/so.


Agreed. I found that there was zero incentive for me to want to grind those reps. Nothing there attracts me, sorry to say. Now put up a Malavai Quinn Commemorative statue...and I'll grind this crap until my eyes bleed and I get my statue. :D

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I haven't done this, but it's not the first time there was a situation like this. Dash'roode and Nightmare Pilgram come to mind. One was cheap (3 years of inflation ago) and the other was a craftable so different but the concept of having to buy to play isn't unprecedented. Edited by bdatt
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I think this is a big problem in design because it puts fun stuff behind an artificial gate where you have to grind non fun stuff to access it. You can't play as tyth unless you run the OP and then grind the iokath currency, you can't play as a walker or use any of the other fun stuff without paying for it. Even if you want to argue that it is for the balance of non existent world PVP the PVE side is just not fun at all the quests are all basic kill quests with the fun stuff all being gated for no reason.


Add in the fact that the story content isn't even repeatable and the whole thing is a big step down from previous major updates. I mean they could have just let us pilot Tyth in the story or even bring back the giant robot from kotfe for us to use but putting everything behind a grind wall means 90% of players are not even going to be using or able to see the content in the patch. Just seems counter intuitive from a design aspect where they put a bunch of cool stuff in the game but you don't even get to do it. If I'm paying for a sub I don't also want to have to grind and pay in game currency to get the full experience.

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Look, if you want to get BW's attention, post why you don't like something and then don't do it. Their metrics will show no one doing it and they'll go back and look at why. Then they either change it or do something different next time. But complaining and then doing something anyway won't get them to change it.


Personally, I'm sick and tired of the stupid 4.0 and 5.0 story, so none of my characters are going to do any more of it. I don't care about the companions, etc. I've told them it's poorly done and should be retconed out, now to make the point, I won't play it. If enough people feel the same way, they'll do something about it.

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