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It is SO obvious that there is no more QA for this game...


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This patch is frankly ridden with bugs:


- While doing chapters, you error out because the game thinks you are trying to join a group finder session, when all you are doing is playing the chapter.


- Sorc lightning spec abilities are not firing off. You hit the button of an ability and nothing happens.


- If you change your outfit during Iokath 5.2 storyline, the cutscene still thinks you are wearing your original outfit you started with all the way through the story.


- While on Iokath, your companion will randomly just not appear/summon at times.


- Sprint keeps getting shut off at random.


- The new galaxy map doesn't allow you to go to Iokath at times from your stronghold.


- The galaxy map thinks you are on Fleet when you are in your stronghold.


- It costs you more in shards to summon a walker for the Iokath than you can possibly get for the quest? o.0 (Not really a bug, but makes no sense at all to do this).


- Old Quinn is still a hologram in your stronghold while being able to put 'new' Quinn down somewhere else in the same stronghold.


- Some characters are not receiving the SWCANTINA17 mount in mail.


- Class icons over everyone's heads. This has been turned off since they appeared. It's still toggled off, yet I still see everyone's icons.


- Phantom Stride and it's random 'launch into the air' ability. My sin is not N. Korea, and I don't need to be launched in the air.



Some oldies, but still goodies:


- Item Preview is STILL broken.


- Courting gifts for Theron (Romance) are STILL not working.


- Companions have 'phantom weapons' out - weapons are wielded but you can't see them.


- (I could go all night for this section, so I'll just stop while I'm annoyed).


I know that you guys like your Cantina events and all, but please leave your QA guy around to work a little bit.

Edited by Amodin
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This patch is frankly ridden with bugs:


- While doing chapters, you error out because the game thinks you are trying to join a group finder session, when all you are doing is playing the chapter.


- Sorc lightning spec abilities are not firing off. You hit the button of an ability and nothing happens.


- If you change your outfit during Iokath 5.2 storyline, the cutscene still thinks you are wearing your original outfit you started with all the way through the story.


- While on Iokath, your companion will randomly just not appear/summon at times.


- Sprint keeps getting shut off at random.


- The new galaxy map doesn't allow you to go to Iokath at times from your stronghold.


- The galaxy map thinks you are on Fleet when you are in your stronghold.


- It costs you more in shards to summon a walker for the Iokath than you can possibly get for the quest? o.0 (Not really a bug, but makes no sense at all to do this).


- Old Quinn is still a hologram in your stronghold while being able to put 'new' Quinn down somewhere else in the same stronghold.


- Some characters are not receiving the SWCANTINA17 mount in mail.




Some oldies, but still goodies:


- Item Preview is STILL broken.


- Courting gifts for Theron (Romance) are STILL not working.


- Companions have 'phantom weapons' out - weapons are wielded but you can't see them.


- (I could go all night for this section, so I'll just stop while I'm annoyed).


I know that you guys like your Cantina events and all, but please leave your QA guy around to work a little bit.


They fired the whole QA department.......literally! I think it was back during the 4.0 cycle. Hopefully Keith will hire some back, cause the bugs are totally ridiculous.

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I almost made a similar thread. I'm completely lost as to what the point of the Iokath dailies/weeklies/rep-grinds are; the rep vendor has junk on it, the cxp rewards are low, I'm not interested in piloting vehicles regularly - I prefer to play my character. I opened a few CXP crates (~5@300) and noted there was just crap in them. And the blue armorings are slot-specific now? PVP is the worst it's ever been - everything I hate (too much op'd healing, too much cc, too many glowstorms) - I won the three games I played to get my dlyies done, topped dps for my side in every game, but I have 0 inspiration to start another gear grind. Everything about this patch is rubbing me the wrong way.
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Some more to add to my list!


- Phantom Stride and it's random 'launch into the air' ability. My sin is not N. Korea, and I don't need to be launched in the air.


- Class icons over everyone's heads. This has been turned off since they appeared. It's still toggled off, yet I still see everyone's icons.


(Reserved to add even more garbage, because I'm sure I didn't get it all).

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Aside from OP's more serious QA issues, I'm particularly concerned with and upset by the unannounced visual changes to Dark Ward for Sith Assassins in 5.2.


As a tank, the loss of the highlighted / high contrast floating (and wicked) crystals in favor of what now appears to be dark, whisp-like orbs provides less of a visual cue for when they drop off, especially given all the other active effects going on in the middle of combat. It's very unappealing, and I hope the devs consider reverting back to what was a fine and crisp looking design choice. I need my dark side kyber crystals! :(

Edited by TiberiusCHIM
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I made a new Bounty Hunter to get my long awaited legacy pistol, and his random mount skill won't work. His mounts are selected to be favorited, rocket boost has been deselected, but rocket boost is the only thing that will trigger. Luckily he was disposable!
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I should have added mine here:

A Guardian TANK in TANK spec getting DPS relics from tier 4 bags.

I cannot even find Iokath on the galaxy map on characters that have not done the KOTET/KOTFE story. (It was said by Musco you do not need to do it to get there and yet I cannot travel to it on any map.)

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Also experiencing a new bug I've never seen before, happened right after the patch -


On my noob Sorcerer, my companion has completely disappeared. No portrait, no companion bar...I'm still on DK so I only have Khem Val..can't summon any one else, can't dismiss him, he has just vanished. So i'm basically stuck without a companion. The only thing I can do with him is send him on craft missions, from which he never returns. Can't do anything with him in the companion and contacts window - you can right click and dismiss companion all day long and nothing happens.. I've relogged, changed characters, changed zones, entered and exited GSF, WZ, cutscenes, nothing works. He just won't come back.

Edited by Vember
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Two comments:


1) it would be more correct to say there is insufficient QA for the game releases, NOT that there is "no more QA" ;)


2) Bug report forum.. like for every other patch... use it please.


Nobody in the studio that can make a difference is going to see this threads actual specific contents. Why? Because the thread does not feed the bug report database in Austin.

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