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So does the Iokath storyline just not have a conclusion...


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Without getting into spoilers, the main storyline will continue in the future. You do not need to play the Operation to continue that part of the story. Although the Op will give you a taste of the gods :).



Thanks Eric,


That's why I don't have 4X or Pearce(?) because it's PvP

A lot of us are Story, many don't do groups either. That should be remembered.

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Torian does not beg you to save him. He accepts his fate. Vette is the one who begs.

True dat.


I have 2 that have done that, both times sadly I let Vette bite it. First was because My Sith thought about what SV said about the Young Mandos changing the Mando Ways. My 2nd is a BH, so she will save her brother. From now on, (I have 2 more BH's) Vette survives save with my BH's. I hated let her go :(

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A story player myself, I agree that I got more attention in KOTFE/ET; however, that quality of that story content was abysmal and full of plot holes... story content that felt borderline insulting to me as a story player when compared to pre-KOTFE story. Ideally, BW should focus on all playerbases evenly so that we don't have them putting all their eggs in one basket again and alienating the rest of their players.




Absolutely - As I saw someone mention, Broonmark's return got more love than Malavai Quinn's. I suppose I should be grateful Quinn wasn't an Alliance Alert with that horrible KOTOR dialogue interface... I sincerely hope SW's and Quinn's (and Trooper and Dorne's) relationships are further expanded upon. Talk about a lot of hype from BW in regards to meaningfully returning these Companions just to patch in a wet noodle.


KotFE was literature compared to the vacuous plot of Iokath so far. I just can't make myself continue on more characters, even though the Iokath story is much shorter, because of the ridiculous path it takes. Suddenly we are forced to betray half of our alliance and side with Imperial or Republic, and having that choice force us to take one or other of the two companions. I would much rather take the Republic aligned companion, because I think the imperial one is a two-faced lying traitor. BUT, the Republic as a whole has been a nest of hypocritical politicians.

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I would much rather take the Republic aligned companion, because I think the imperial one is a two-faced lying traitor. BUT, the Republic as a whole has been a nest of hypocritical politicians.


Well, Elara only makes sense for Republic characters since she is an Imperial defector and would be executed as a traitor if the Empire ever got their hands on her again.

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Well, Elara only makes sense for Republic characters since she is an Imperial defector and would be executed as a traitor if the Empire ever got their hands on her again.


Well, if you're previously imperial, and choose Elara and the Pubs over Quinn and the Imps, you're probably not too worried about executing her sentence for treason, all things considered. Among other things, you're sorta treasonous now as well.

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I find myself agreeing with this post so hard. These are two big reasons I'm afraid to mess with Iokath at all yet.


I don't even mind playing Ops, but good luck finding a decent team to do the Dread Masters story arc anymore...what happens when the same occurs to Iokath a few months after the last boss is released? And there's no way to make an informed decision here. We're told to "be careful", but not what that entails.


I was very disappointed with oricon.. did the story up to the op... and hit a wall as i wont do the op. Being forced into gtrouping with some boneheads who want to rush through it and see how fast they can kill the boss? No thanks... NOT friendly for story-people. And Iokath... picked up the quest when picking up all the others... and now can't abandon the quest... Nope I'm not doing that op either... and the story there just dropped like a rock... no "to be continued" type of ending... just... nothing.


Was pretty unhappy about these two as far as story goes. I could write better story in my sleep. Who do they got writing now? it is a far drop from the original writing which brought me to love the game.KOTFE/KOTET were "MEH" kind of writing. You ever watch a movie or TV show that you enjoy and then find yourself rolling your eyes at some real stupid plot arc? Yeah I found myself doing that several times through there... And I think it had definite possibilities.... just very subpar writing for those of us who love good story.

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This is very annoying! Just like on Oricon, solo players get a story quest line that builds up to a finale that they can't play. I hope they at least give us a way around the operation to get to the conclusion like in Shadow of Revan.
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This is very annoying! Just like on Oricon, solo players get a story quest line that builds up to a finale that they can't play. I hope they at least give us a way around the operation to get to the conclusion like in Shadow of Revan.


The operation is a side quest. You don't have to do it to continue the story.

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Dunno if anyone said it but the story continues with a FP in the next update (Crisis on Umbara, august 22nd). Will most likely be something like the FPs leading to Shadow of Revan (and pretty sure it deals with the traitor storyline).


Also reading a bit in the thread I see a lot of hate about Oricon. IMO that (and the whole dread master arc) was the best content in this game ever. The whole arc was doable and understandable for solo players (section X and Oricon, along with anything else I forget), and it included logic MMO content with nice storyline and epic encounters (EC, SnV, TfB and both dread ops are linked nicely). It makes sense that you alone can't kill 6 of the strongest people in the Universe. Also, the story wasn't really "locked behind" an operation. The only thing you missed if you didn't do the dread ops is 1 very brief conversation.

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The operation is a side quest. You don't have to do it to continue the story.


Its still a stupid loose end, oh here is a new big baddy let's shoot him with our capital ships, what's that you will be back wait only if you do operations.


Proper story wraps itself up without leaving a stupid thread that is ops only.

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It would have been nice to have something more to it, it wasn't satisfying. My SW and her beloved companion Malavai didn't really get to have their moment, like other companions previously returned got to experience. It needed to be more substantial.
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Without getting into spoilers, the main storyline will continue in the future




Most disappointing news I've read about this game in a looooong time.


You guys do realise that the story line as it is now on Iokath is by far the "weakest link" the game content has, don't you?


It's vacuous, it's formulaic, and it isn't (no matter how much you try to fool us) Star Wars.


All The Best

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But will the story assume we did it? Like how in SoR, Macrobinoculars, etc, there were references to our characters having fought the Dread Masters? Because that still kinda brings the story down if so.

You are obviously burning to learn what dialog takes place in the op. Being a chum, I've written down the dialog word by word, just for you. Enjoy!





*clears throat*

*whispers to someone hiding behind a thick Iokath panel*

Man this is awkward. Are you quite sure I have to...

*gets prodded with stick*

Alright alright! Jeez!

*To the players*


*whispers to entity behind panel*

Please, don't make me do this, this is so not me! Don't force me to do this just because you have a weird robot fetish and you think that all adversaries have to be stereotypical black-and-white badguys! This is so not right!

*gets prodded with a stick much harder than before*


*To the players*


*goes down easily because he just can't take any more of this dialog*




Aivela & Esne



*one of them*

Clearly, these guys want to take what's ours! Whatever that is!

*other one*

Well they CAN'T HAVE WHATS OURS! (whatever that is!) KILL THEM! *hisses*

*both try to confuse the players with some disco lights but since it's not the 70s anymore (or yet?) they go down easily*



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I will leave these two here for some of you....


Star Wars: The Old Republic is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) based in the Star Wars universe.




Massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) are a combination of role-playing video games and massively multiplayer online games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual world.


For those that don't seem to understand the difference between a single player game and a multiplayer game...


Be glad SWTOR doesn't force you to complete Operations as part of quest chain to advance to the next step like some other very popular and successful games do.

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I will leave these two here for some of you....








For those that don't seem to understand the difference between a single player game and a multiplayer game...


Be glad SWTOR doesn't force you to complete Operations as part of quest chain to advance to the next step like some other very popular and successful games do.


I have no issues with multiplayer in this game, what I so object to is when they use it within the solo story, bioware say you can continue without the operations which is fine but for solo players iokath is unresolved, you have this God who appears at the end of the story who says he will be back (this is within the story) there is NO resolution to the solo story because of this.


Had the gods not been referenced to in story and used as a complete aside that would have been much better in terms of splitting the solo/multiplayer. Personally this is no better than oricon for that reason.

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Will the story continue with Quinn & Dorne? Because if not, they really got short shrift compared to the other returned love interests and their reunions were a huge disappointment to the people who were looking forward to them. These were not "meaningful" returns in the slightest.


Yeah, the Most terrible returns for any Companions so far, and it was done because some people forced on us others a stupid Sith Empire and Republic state of war again, which made no real since.

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Also reading a bit in the thread I see a lot of hate about Oricon. IMO that (and the whole dread master arc) was the best content in this game ever. The whole arc was doable and understandable for solo players (section X and Oricon, along with anything else I forget), and it included logic MMO content with nice storyline and epic encounters (EC, SnV, TfB and both dread ops are linked nicely). It makes sense that you alone can't kill 6 of the strongest people in the Universe. Also, the story wasn't really "locked behind" an operation. The only thing you missed if you didn't do the dread ops is 1 very brief conversation.


Except if you are trying to run Oricon now. Good luck finding a group to run the Dread Masters. And even if you do, it's not just one run, it's several runs. Its a raid. And since anyone running it not isn't interesting in taking new people who don't know the fights into the raid. Nor are they patient while you worry about the story.


Ending solo missions wish a raid sucks. WOW learned this. So did ESO. At the very least, put the story end inside a heroic mission or a FP that can be run in solo mode. Like SOR. In that case both groups - solo players, and raiders are happy.

Edited by cagthehack
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I will leave these two here for some of you....


For those that don't seem to understand the difference between a single player game and a multiplayer game...


Be glad SWTOR doesn't force you to complete Operations as part of quest chain to advance to the next step like some other very popular and successful games do.

Ah, new to SWtOR and BioWare are you? That would definitely be a valid point if we had gone onto a WoW forum and been like "hey, where's the single player story content, companions, choices, etc..?" SWtOR has always been at its core a single player BioWare RPG but instead of having one story, it had 8. That's always been the main draw and every major expansion has been centered around single player story content. This is how things have been for years, ever since the game came out. The multiplayer aspects have always been a tacked on, generic afterthought. Now you can dislike that but you can't feasibly be shocked when people who are still around liked the way the game had actually been and not how you wish it had been and dislike the sudden change in focus.


If the game forced me to do boring, useless things like operations I'd never have played it in the first place. If I wanted the typical dull, grindy, shallow, combat focused MMO there are plenty out there that actually focus on that and have since their inception.

Edited by Nefla
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I will leave these two here for some of you....








For those that don't seem to understand the difference between a single player game and a multiplayer game...


Be glad SWTOR doesn't force you to complete Operations as part of quest chain to advance to the next step like some other very popular and successful games do.


Ah someone else who thinks "interact" = "group up".


News Flash - it doesn't, it never has, it never will.


It is entirely possible to have an MMORPG and have everyone play solo all the time. In fact that is EXACTLY what the early MMORPGs did.


All The Best

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Ending solo missions wish a raid sucks. WOW learned this. So did ESO. At the very least, put the story end inside a heroic mission or a FP that can be run in solo mode. Like SOR. In that case both groups - solo players, and raiders are happy.


This. I love Oricon, and still go back there for dailies, but the way the story was handled really bites. The Oricon storyline for Empire Force-sensitives is really compelling - the Dread Masters want the Sith Warrior to become their sixth, and there are a bunch of really well done cut scenes about it...and then boom, there's an Op, so if you're a solo player with no desire to be in a large group, you are done. So you never get to find out what happens or how it's resolved, which is frustrating.


The compromise that was offered in Yavin - group or solo, to get to the same place - was far better.

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The operation is a side quest. You don't have to do it to continue the story.

Actually, you have to start the Operation if you do the story. It's not a sidequest. Finish the story, you auto-receive the mission to go talk to the Scions, and that leads into the Operation. That mission cannot be abandoned.


You are obviously burning to learn what dialog takes place in the op. Being a chum, I've written down the dialog word by word, just for you. Enjoy!

For what it's worth, I have done the Operation thusfar, but I still enjoyed your summary (especially the bit for the 2nd boss...when I did that part, I really ended up with a "wait, did I miss something?"-feeling).


Although that was less my original point as it was "I don't like it when the story treats it as if my character did something when my character didn't do that". People are quick to jump on the "but MMORPG means massively multiplayer" excuse for requiring team content, but they will quickly sidestep the issue when you point out that MMORPG also means "role-playing" and thus it's nice to have concessions for those of us who want to tell the whole story, even after the playerbase has mostly abandoned the content in question (among other things).


Not accusing you, specifically of that, mind, but it's annoying enough to see that it bears pointing out.

Edited by JLazarillo
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Story will continue with disappointment XD:rak_03::rak_03::rak_03::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04:

I'm already disappointed with what little has come out this year but I'm going to withhold my decision on whether to stay on not on how good/long the update next month is and how soon the next part is supposed to come out.

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Also, the story wasn't really "locked behind" an operation. The only thing you missed if you didn't do the dread ops is 1 very brief conversation.


It was definitely locked behind an operation. Two, in fact. The only thing you miss is, yeah... the ending. But who cares about the ending right? -_-

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It was definitely locked behind an operation. Two, in fact. The only thing you miss is, yeah... the ending. But who cares about the ending right? -_-


Now that I think about orion without being blinded by emotion, its not that it requires operations to finish but rather that bioware just dropped a solo arc into a operations chain. Bioware had been building up the dread masters through operations since makeb, most solo players would have bypassed the operations chain entirely without comment most of the time if not for the orion planet.

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