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10 Good
  1. Title says it all. Want to hear from people who have spent money in the game and may again?
  2. As a solo player, one of the most annoying experiences in the game, for me, has been when I begin a fight with a mission's final boss and another player enters my fight uninvited and unwanted. It was bad enough before, but now players have an incentive to barge into someone else's fight. Please remove shared tagging.
  3. Same here. Playing as a Sith Sorcerer. I examined the pyramid, the monolith, then the big relic last. I don't remember if I touched it but I did "concentrate" on it twice. When I finished and tried to leave I was stuck in quicksand. I got out by going to my stronghold then clicking the button to re-enter "Digging Deeper". I arrived near the shuttle on Elom. Finding a bug this quickly in such a tiny amount of content is depressing.
  4. Given the current state of the in-game economy/inflation the 1 million credit limit on preferred players is really onerous. Prices for lots of items on the GTN are in the hundreds of millions. The credit cap should be raised to 100 million. There would still be many things "out of reach" but the items that could be bought when the cap was first raised to 1 million would again be available.
  5. I suggest that in the future things like Spirit of Vengeance be broken into two or three smaller FP rather than one stupidly long one. Once someone cleared the first ship they should have been taken to a portal where they could immediately jump into the next ship and continue or exit to comeback later. That way someone who wanted to play straight through could easily continue onto the next part and someone who wanted to play the story over a few days would have that option. SoV was so long that after awhile it stopped being fun and I just wanted it to be over.
  6. I didn't mind the difficulty (I played on 12/27/20) but I did mind the time it took to grind through it all. Why did this - patch/add-on/story -line snippett/mini-expansion/whatever it is - have to be one stupidly huge flashpoint? It should have be broken into two or three smaller flashpoints. After you clear each ship you should just get to a portal to enter the flashpoint for the next ship. That way if someone chose to play it straight through they could easily just keep jumping into the next FP but if someone wanted to play one part on day and the next part another day they would have that option. Some people don't have hours-long blocks of time and some people like to savor an experience. This FP was just way too long to have to play through in one sitting in my opinion. Unlike the flashpoints in SoR. I'm not looking forward to playing this one again with another character.
  7. Update: A year later nothing has changed. If you have this problem. Contact customer service and have them progress you character. They won't admit that there is a problem.
  8. Where will we go to participate in the event? Exactly (not just "it's a daily on Tatooine") where do we go and who or what do we speak to or interact with?
  9. On Ossus, after defeating Master Gnost-Dural you are suppose to talk to him. I start the conversation and decide to let him live. As Malgus and I are walking away the camera pans up, the screen goes to black and freezes up. I set my graphics to as low as I can (I think) but I still keep getting hung up. I've seen similar complaints on-line. Game runs fine everwhere else. Any solutions????
  10. On Ossus, after defeating Master Gnost-Dural you are suppose to talk to him. I start the conversation and decide to let him live. As Malgus and I are walking away the camera pans up, the screen goes to black and freezes up. I set my graphics to as low as I can (I think) but I still keep getting hung up. I've seen similar complaints on-line. Any solutions???? I've put in a bug report via the game just before my last failed attempt. slight change: Cust. Serv. bumped my character to just after the cut scene so I could continue. Thanks!! I was just about to try running the scene in "windowed" mode. Don't know if that would have helped.
  11. This is very annoying! Just like on Oricon, solo players get a story quest line that builds up to a finale that they can't play. I hope they at least give us a way around the operation to get to the conclusion like in Shadow of Revan.
  12. I agree, it's annoying that Lana is in her old outfit in all the cutscenes on Iokath.
  13. I have the same problem. any fix?????
  14. I agree completely. More interesting challenges and fewer trash mobs!
  15. There seems to be some movement in this direction already in KOTFE but could we have fewer trash mobs and more different / interesting challenges in the missions? It gets really tedious especially now that the companions are so strong. Even with my companions set to dps rather than heal the crowds of yard trash are just boring.
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